Monday, December 07, 2020

Israel is a Terrorist State, approved by the USA

MM Online:

Israeli’s extraterritorial aggressions and operations must end now

by Abdul Razak Ahmad and Amirun Hamman

DECEMBER 4 — The Israeli government and its national intelligence agency, Mossad, have been acting beyond self-defence and veering towards calculated and strategic terrorism for far too long.

The vile act of extrajudicial killings committed by the Israelis has spread beyond their borders without extraterritorial decree, infringing other nations’ sovereignty. The blatant disregard of international law and disrespect that the Israeli shows towards the international community is now a national security threat, and we urge the Malaysian government, civil societies, and the United Nation to take action.

The assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, an Iranian nuclear scientist on Iran sovereign soil late November this year was another case in a string of extra judicial and extraterritorial assassination committed by Israel that dates back to the mid 1900s which includes Mustafa Hafez (1956), Heinz Krug (1962), Kamal Nasser (1973), Yehia El-Mashad (1980), Massoud Ali Mohammadi (2010), Majid Shahriari (2011), and Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan (2012).

The Israeli has also violated Malaysia’s sovereignty with the assassination of Palestinian academic Fadi al-Batsh in Kuala Lumpur back in 2018. However, the attention given quickly faded away and they have yet to receive any consequences for any of their crimes.

For decades, the Israeli government has cried for support from the international community to protect them from act of terrorism and to maintain their national security, yet they are the ones threatening the national security of others.

As stated by Jason Loh Seong Wei in his article, there are law of extradition treaty and forums of the international courts such as International Court of Justice (ICJ) or the International Criminal Court (ICC), even the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to assist on international matters and yet, the Israelis decided to act rogue.

He also mentioned that this could set a bad precedent, both the violation of a nation’s sovereignty and extrajudicial killing be it on extra territorial basis or domestically, if no actions were to be taken against them.

It is also disheartening to see Malaysia’s deafening silence against the atrocities committed by the Israel regime. As much as we display our disgust towards the injustices committed against the people of Palestine, we must stand up and speak up against the appalling acts of extra judicial and extra territorial killings.

We second Suaram’s call on the Malaysian government and civil society to condemn Israeli’s act of international terrorism and call on the UN to punish the rogue state and its agents responsible for such unlawful acts of brazen murder. This must end now.


  1. israel terrorist target range is limit, the non israel terrorist target range seem no limit.

    1. Another one of those know-nothing fart to target u know who!

      Keep staying in that fart filled well, u will then be in tuned with yr meme-ed crowd of toads.

    2. pray tell yr view wrt terrorist?

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      Terrorist is terrorist! Nothing to do with Israelis or non Israelis!

      The only abdominal is those zombieic terrorists, killing not for the present but for that imaginative 72 houris!

      So, know what's yr target range?

      Go tell yr dangdut pals!

    4. i tend to be ambiguous on topic i know very little, if my antithesis of israil dun ring a bell, too bad.

    5. Then - DON'T fart!

      So simple!

    6. most can read btw the lines, some can only smell fart, i am trying to strike a balance among the intelligent one, n the not so intelligent one. not that simple.

    7. 犬养mfer can read between the lines even when it proudly claimed that it knew nothing about ambiguous topic!

      Probably too much katak fart inhaling.

      So where's the balance between the intelligent & not so intelligent katak fart?

      Ain't they r all foul gaseous?

      Mmmmm… talk about katak level of understanding about know nothing!

      Again, just foul gaseous leaks from that fart filled well.

      So simple!

    8. balance? i draw a line while u run in circle, like that where got balance.

    9. U drawn a line between yr f*cked antithesis fart!

      Mmmm… maybe that that ambiguous line u claimed to be able to read between ONLY u know what.

      BTW, who is that f*cked katak that started the syiok-sendiri circling?

      The more u farted about this subject the more u would fall from this 'balancing' act between know nothing & total bragging!

  2. The real enemy of Saudi Arabia is Iran, not Israel.

    As soon as King Salman retires, normalization will occur quickly, the Palestinian issue is only an excuse, an issue used by Muslims the world over to serve their own purpose. The Jews are to blame for everything, like perennial scapegoat DAP ....ha ha ha....All the Jews want is a small homeland the size of Perak.

    Like when Bosnians wanted homeland we supported them against the Serbs, like Uighurs want homeland we give their freedom fighters safe passage to escape from Bullyland, like when Rohingyas can't have homeland they run away, we accept them as refugees. Same same, Jews only want homeland.

  3. Palestinian terrorists carried out the extra judicial massacre of eleven Israeli athletes in Munich. You think Israel is going to sit idly by ?
    Iran's Supreme Leader calls Israel " a cancerous tumour which must be destroyed.'
    Iran is going full speed to build a nuclear bomb to do just that.

    Is Israel going to sit idly by ? No way !

  4. QUOTE
    Fadi al-Batsh killing: Israel dismisses involvement
    22 April 2018

    Israel's defence minister has dismissed suggestions that spy agency Mossad had assassinated a Palestinian lecturer who was shot dead in Malaysia on Saturday.

    Avigdor Lieberman said it was likely that Fadi al-Batsh, 35, was killed as part of an internal Palestinian dispute.

    Two men on a motorbike fired 10 shots, killing the Hamas member on a street in the capital, Kuala Lumpur.

    His family has accused Mossad of being behind the killing.

    Mr Lieberman told Israeli radio that the scientist was a rocket expert and "no saint".

    "He wasn't involved with improving the electricity grid or infrastructure and water. We have heard the announcements by the heads of the Hamas taking responsibility for the man, explaining he was involved with the production of rockets, with improving the rockets' accuracy," he is quoted as saying by Haaretz newspaper.

    Asked when he had heard about the killing, he said: "We heard about it in the news. There's a tradition at this point among terrorist organisations of blaming Israel for every settling of accounts.

    "A settling of scores among terrorist organisations, among terrorists, among various factions, is something that we see from time to time. I assume that's also what occurred in this case."

  5. Saudi Arabia is just as concerned as Israel about Iran's nuclear weapon development. It is not difficult to imagine the Saudis behind these assassinations, or secretly support others that do it.

    See MBS and Netanyahu already met recently, peace is surely coming. Together the Arab states and Israel will unite against the Persians.

    North Korea got Rocket Man, Iran got Rocket-tollah.....ha ha ha....

    Netanyahu holds secret meeting with Saudi crown prince
    Israeli PM flew to Saudi Arabia to meet Mohammed bin Salman and the US’s Mike Pompeo

    Oliver Holmes in Jerusalem
    Mon 23 Nov 2020

    Benjamin Netanyahu made an unannounced trip to Saudi Arabia over the weekend to meet the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, and the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, according to an Israeli cabinet member.

    The Sunday night visit would mark the first reported meeting between leaders of the long-time foes, one that Israel has been pushing for in its efforts for regional acceptance despite previously being considered a far-fetched ambition.

    Israel’s prime minister’s office did not respond to a request for comment. Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, denied the two had spoken. “No such meeting occurred,” he tweeted. “The only officials present were American and Saudi.”

    The message from several high-ranking officials in Israel suggested the opposite. If there was any agreement to keep the meeting secret, possibly to save Saudi Arabia’s leadership from facing anger from its pro-Palestinian population, it was soon broken.

    On Monday afternoon the education minister, Yoav Galant, a member of Netanyahu’s security cabinet and his Likud party, confirmed the face-to-face had taken place.

    “The very fact the meeting happened and was outed publicly, even if half officially right now, is a matter of great importance,” Galant told Israel’s Army Radio.

  6. The Zionist DNA is now infiltrating the sheep in the Christian evangelical party.

    1. The Palestinian DNA infiltrated the goats in the Muslim evangelical parties long time ago. Same same.
