Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Poll: More see Malaysia on right track

MM Online:

Poll: More see Malaysia on right track, believe Pakatan would have done worse with Covid-19

According to an Emir Research poll, nearly two in five respondents said Malaysia was on the correct trajectory, up sharply from the end of 2019. — Picture by Firdaus Latif

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 3 ― Nearly two in five respondents of an Emir Research poll said the country was on the correct trajectory, up sharply from the end of 2019.

According to the research titled Pulse From the Ground: Emir Research Quarterly Poll for Third Quarter 2020 ― Part 1, this figure was now 38 per cent versus 26 per cent in the final quarter last year.

“When the country was under the Pakatan Harapan (PH) administration, we see that there is a six-percentage point drop in respondents who believe the county’s future direction is on the right track ― from 26 per cent (fourth quarter 2019) to 20 per cent (first quarter 2020).

“(Compared to the) third quarter 2020 poll when the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government was already in power for five months, 38 per cent of Malaysians who believe the country is moving on the right track,” Emir Research said in a statement.

The research house said participants of its focus group discussions (FGDs) in July consistently reiterated the belief that Malaysia would be worse off if PH were still in power.

“Many of the FGD participants expressed the feeling the country is in better and more capable hands than before.

“This relates to their appraisal of the current government actions especially in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences such as closing the country’s borders, distributing aid packages that include cash-assistance, deferred loan repayments, deducted rentals, etc.,” Emir Research said.

Fewer respondents also saw the country was on the wrong path now, with just 8 per cent holding this view versus 24 per cent in fourth quarter 2019 and 25 per cent in first quarter 2020 when PH was still the government.

On the economy, Emir Research found that despite the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting economic harm, 31 per cent of respondents in the current survey believed the economy was on strong footing.

“This compares with 26 per cent who said so in the fourth quarter 2019 poll, when there was no Covid-19, and a reduced 19 per cent who said so in first quarter 2020,” it said.

By ethnicity, Bumiputera in Sabah and Sarawak were the most likely to see the country as on the right track (47 per cent) followed by the Malays (42 per cent).

“Conversely, the non-Bumiputera seem to be pessimistic as the majority of them are unsure about the current and future conditions,” the research agency said.

As for rural-urban divide, Emir Research said urban respondents have grown significantly less optimistic than the first edition of the poll in the fourth quarter of 2019.

Since the start of 2020, rural respondents were more likely than their urban counterparts to express confidence in the economy.

“More rural folks (44 per cent) are optimistic that the country’s economy is on a strong footing compared with the urbanites (26 per cent).

“(This is) a significant 18 per cent difference,” Emir Research said.

Emir Research acknowledged that since the FGD was conducted in July and the survey in August, the poll does not take into account the current events such as the third wave of Covid-19 infections and political instability.

Emir Research is led by Datuk Rais Hussin, the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia supreme council member who was recently appointed as Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation chairman.


  1. Emir Research......? Lies, damn lies and statistics.


    1. On their website they proclaim to be "an independent think-tank focused on strategic policy recommendations based on rigorous research.
    EMIR’s empirical-based findings are unsparing in its data-driven objectivity and unbiased accuracy." But their President and CEO is Dr Rais Hussein, Supreme Council Member of Bersatu....so how can he be independent and unbiased when be bellows PN gomen's performance of which he is a key member....?

    2. Who can forget their "favourable" 1st Quarter Report.....the polling data was collected from Jan 15 to Feb 24, conveniently finishing one week before the Sheraton Shake where Dr Rais' faction committed treachery and treason. And the result was only published in June.....after the Agong had appointed Yiddin as PM and power had been somewhat consolidated by Bersatu

    3. Also if you look at their website there is no 2nd Quarter (April to June) report. What happened? The polling result was not favourable for PN-Bersatu? Ha ha ha...

    4. Fast forward to 3rd Quarter Report (July - Sept) this report came out he compares PN's performance to PH's performance. But wasn't he in the PH gomen?

    What utter crap.

  2. Any survey can be skewed to show any result you prefer...wakakaka.
    Just how you targert your sample.

    In this case, the Survey organisation is lead by Pribumi Macai Rais Husin.
    Non surprises it shows Pribumi extremely positively.

    Just like CCP 99% support among Chinese.

    1. When there r multiple sources of surveys, all done by hostile outsiders, then there must be an assembly of reliability truth within the survey results about the surveyed subject.

      CCP seldom does survey on his popularity amongst the Chinese populace.

      The foreign 'research' noc/media always did those popular surveys to ascertain the supports of the Chinese citizenry vis-a-vis CCP/China.

      The result - CCP has 90% supports among Chinese, astonishes the surveyors!

      But to those f*cked 台毒 katak & chronic China bashers, those resultd can only be heavily skewed?

      Adulterated by whom?

      CCP haters with truly blurred & petrified grey tissues!

  3. backdoor n illegitimate govt shield is always poll, thats y some keep toking pew research.

    1. Confidence : According to a recent World Values Survey, 96% of Chinese expressed confidence in their government (compared to 37% of Americans). Likewise, 83% of Chinese thought their country is run for everyone’s benefit rather than for a few big interest groups (36% of Americans thought the same).

      Optimism : According to the Pew Charitable Trusts’ interviews, “Nine in ten Chinese are happy with the direction of their country (87%), feel good about the current state of their economy (91%) and are optimistic about China’s economic future (87%)." 2010.

      Trust : According to the Edelman 2012 Trust Barometer, 80–90% of Chinese trust their government, the highest trust level of any national government.

      ( Surveys carried out by World Value Survey, Pew Charitable Trusts, Edelman Trust Barometer)

      And why should China be considered 'backdoor and illegitimate' ? Are you the UN ? [UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, which states "Recognizing that the representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of China are the only lawful representatives of China to the United Nations]


      "In the Joint Communiqué, the United States recognized the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China, acknowledging the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China."

      But of course we know power-hungry self-serving politicians like the Orange Buffoon whom you admired so much, will merrily disregard such communique, sells weapons to Taiwan...and achieved 3 objectives 'with one stone'...make billions for its military industrial complex, destabilize China, and make Tsai Ing-wen and her cronies super rich with their 20% cut deposited in Virgin Island, wa ka ka ka. Win-win-win !

    2. illegitimate state like ccp china n kim north korea always 90% above if not 99% in most poll n survey. is this a news?

      i dont refer only to usofa when it suit me. thats the diff btw u n me. usa is a bully n still a bully, just that the world need a bully to fight another bully.

      n i always pro kmt, however i am fine with tsai, she is level headed n ccp money cant buy.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      "illegitimate state like ccp china"

      Said katak fart! Right?

      "the world need a bully to fight another bully"

      Then, what's but problem?

      Bully uncle Sam got whacked by uncle Panda. & U feel no syiok!

      Pro kmt & fine with 蔡妹妹 is an oxymoron statement - showing yr confused & f*cked mindset!

      China has NO intention to renew ecfa - Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議). While Taiwan MAC maintains ecfa still in effect.

      Go remind yr 蔡妹妹, not to overspend the safety net accumulated by 马英九 vis ecfa to please her uncle Sam.

      Taiwan’s real GDP, import volume, trade
      surplus, terms of trade, and social wellbeing r closely tied to the implementation of ecfa.

      With the ending of ecfa, Formosa will have a huge economic hole of $149 billion trade relationship with China. This relationship has helped stabilize the f*cked economy of Formosa since 2010.

      By prepare for a Formosa of early kmt era lah.

    4. Anyone really believes a government , any government , truly gets a 90% trust level....
      I can sell you the Penang Bridge...really cheap...

    5. Read again old moneyed mfer!

      When have yr England comprehension become so fluid? Joining any dangdut happy hours lately?

      Haven't u heard anything about the best compliment is a revealed truth by yr diehard opponents?

      Mfer, where's the cheapo Penang bridge u r going to sell? Or it's just yr lousy Lego set!

  4. the main problem is, one is without chk n balance by the people, eg election every 4 years, thus the service of another bully is necessary.

    in msia i am partisan solely bec of those tuan. my mind is however always believe in moderation ie the middle way, ideologically n historically i am pro kmt, but emperor xi wake me up.

    twn can survive even when american opt ccp in the past, thus i think they can do equally good if not better when usa now revert.

    if ccp only approach n solution is war, i hv nothing much to say, this validate my view pertaining to ccp n xi.

    1. A whole load of katak fart!

      Check & balance by the people?

      For u, the yearly People's Congress is just a rubber stamp that must meme-ed on yr demoNcratic dogma! 犬养mfer, China IS a socialist state where yr f*cked demoNcratic dogma don't apply!

      Soon, when the new potus had been confirmed, then shout yr helluva cries to whatever god u believed about messy (manipulated via big money) election every 4 yrs. The fall begins!

      "in msia i am partisan solely bec of those tuan"



      Just say u believe in ketuanan bcoz of yr 'sponsored & promoted' don't-spook-the-melayu-sensitivities.

      Mfer, very pandai ler!

      "believe in moderation"!!!!

      In disguise of yr genuflecting doggie behaviour! Who r u going to cheat? The Formosa katak wouldn't even buy a silver of those shits.

      Taiwan can survive?

      W/O ecfa, there is no China helps. With the grace of yr uncle trump, the major export earning revenue from chip fabrication, again mainly bought by China semiconductor users, has dried up.

      Try selling them chips or fabricating chips for US, Jap, Korean or Scandinavia?

      Maybe for them auntie pommie's traditional (fish)&chip. But the margin …… Better thinking about reinventing the process of making pineapple tarts. It could be the ONLY saving grace.

      Moron trained hp6 dickhead voicing f*cked economic insights!

      China has ALL the rights to exercise the final unification solution with Taiwan. Peaceful negotiation has passed its shelf life long long time ago. The past China presidents were too sentimental about Taiwanese been Chinese. But now - NO MORE. President Xi has to finish this task before his term is covered.

      Who the fart r u to validate yr f*cked opinion - been a nonchinese! U have no voice in ANY sensible considerations. Except perhaps defined in yr meme-ed 台毒 fart!

    2. when xi wanna become lifetime chairman, no one dare say no. n we all know what emperor can do, once a while there always a mad one, usa limit a mad dog to 8 years while mao killed 30 mil or more when he become senile n nobody dare oppose.

      moderate dog is still much better than a mad dog.

      all china twn spore hk survive well, whats the common feature? so fuck off with what ccp can do.

      like i said, if ccp want a war, bring it on, dun tok, there r almost 1.5b chinese in the world, died 90% still remain more than 100 mil, not a issue.

      chinese or no every human being hv the responsibility to stop a mad dog cum warmonger.

    3. The 3 top china officialdoms r General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), and President of the People's Republic of China (PRC).

      Xi inherited the President of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 2013 with no set term. The presidency is a largely ceremonial office with limited power. However, since 1993, as a matter of convention, the presidency has been held simultaneously by the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, the top leader in the one party system. The presidency is officially regarded as an institution of the state rather than an administrative post; theoretically, the president serves at the pleasure of the National People's Congress, the legislature, and is not legally vested to take executive action on his own prerogative.

      Most Chinese top officials retire in 裸退 recently when reach retirement age. None stay & holding any more posts or influence official policies. Though many Chiba bashers would say otherwise!

      So what's yr fart?

      One ONLY needs a bad apple to spoil the whole Apple pie. Hitler, didn't need 10 yrs to f*ck up the whole of Europe. Trump only needs 4 yrs to sink the uncle Sam's mighty economy!

      Longer duration of power stay, in fact, expedites the downfall of the bad administrator. What what DO u know but fart!

      In Asia, jap, skorea, twn, spore, hk & mainly others survive well on the pull of the China growth engine. That's the common feature know nothing can't fathom yet still screaming it's lung out!

      犬养mfer, what has those 1.5B Chinese got to do with u? We will sacrifice, at all costs, just to claim what's rightfully ours! AND we have proved it time & time AGAIN.

      It's time that 犬养mfer, like u, to be put to the chopping block for continuously lying!

    4. A review of Chinese characteristics!


      犬养mfer, yr understanding of Chinese characteristics?

      By a memefed Formosa katak!

      Or the writer is just a Nat Salleh of zero substance.
