Friday, October 09, 2020

Never Ending Feud Between Anwar And Azmin


Never Ending Feud Between Anwar And Azmin

By Francis Paul Siah, The New Sarawak

Some two months ago, I was chatting with a minister on the never-ending politicking taking place in the country.

There were some statements I’ve made which he disagreed with and vice-versa. That’s all part of a healthy discourse.

However, on the subject of Datuk Seri Azmin Ali, we were on the same page. That is not surprising as it is not difficult to dissect Azmin’s character and personality or read his mind these days.

There are valid reasons as to why Azmin has been described by many as the most vilified politician in the country today. His role as a major player in the Sheraton putsch last February being a key one.

I hope the Senior Minister and Minister of International Trade and Industry or his acolytes will read this, even if they disagree or dislike my message.

If politicians only read what is complimentary to them (all must surely relish ego-boosting articles about them) and condemn what they disagree with, that is not a positive reflection about them at all. Intolerance is one clear indicator of poor leadership acumen.

When I said I think that Azmin is an expert in politicking to further his political ambition, my friend wholeheartedly agreed.

This was his response, “Azmin’s hobby is politicking. He indulges in it day in and day out, from morning till evening, from the beginning of the month till month-end and from the start of the year till it ends”.

In case Azmin doesn’t know, now he is aware of a cabinet colleague’s opinion of him. Understandably, he would resent this.

Not that I expect Azmin to pay heed to what others said or think about him. As a politician, he would probably brush it aside as a colleague sniping at him behind his back, probably jealous or envious of his seniority in the cabinet and his meteoric rise in politics.

But many of us were not wrong. Azmin’s penchant for politicking was in full public view again in recent days.

Clearly, he is after Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, yet again. We can feel Azmin’s intense dislike for his former boss, firing fiery salvos at Anwar these past two weeks.

It is widely believed that Azmin’s role in the Sheraton putsch was primarily to prevent Anwar from becoming prime minister. Why? He is said to be gunning for the top post himself.

On Sept 23 when Anwar dropped his bombshell, announcing that he has the numbers to form a new government, declaring in the process that Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s administration has effectively collapsed, Azmin wasted no time in calling Anwar an “incorrigible liar and political psychopath”.

Now, those were strong, demeaning words indeed!

Anwar wisely ignored the initial salvos from his former protégé.

But that was not enough for Azmin.

On Oct 2, Penggerak Komuniti Negara, a group believed to be allied with Azmin, lodged 46 police reports against the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) president.

The group claimed that Anwar had committed treason by claiming that he had the numbers to form a new government.

Nor Hizwan Ahmad, the group’s leader who is also Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) supreme council member Zuraida Kamaruddin’s aide had accused Anwar of committing keganasan (terror) against the nation’s security and economy.

He urged Anwar to not disturb Muhyiddin’s administration and wait for the voters to decide who should form the next government.

Isn’t that a case of a pot calling the kettle black? Hizwan has apparently forgotten that last February, the schemers and traitors did not bother to respect the 14th general election (GE14) mandate of the voters.

Of course, for someone like Hizman who is on the payroll of his political master, he would do or say anything as ordered.

But why didn’t Azmin or his staunch ally, Zuraida, lodge the police reports themselves if they feel strongly that Anwar had committed treason or terror?

Those are serious allegations and charges with severe repercussions if proven true.

However, we know that this is just politics and politicking.

This Azmin-Anwar rivalry will not end, perhaps until one has left the political scene or this world.

For now, we know who has the upper hand and who is the lesser of the two evils.

Certainly, it’s not the one whose hobby is politicking.


  1. I agree Azmin is the devil personified. He is a person with no morals or scruples. One day I hope he will answer for his semburit act.

    Notwithstanding that, I still feel Anwar will somehow be twarted in his attempt to be PM9. Watch out for Mahathir's hidden hands

    1. i beliece a lgbt is generally more open, diverse and inclusive.

    2. Another twisted fart meme-ed from that f*cked Formosa!

      U r doing a disservice for the lgbt communities.

    3. u mean lgbt is more like a emperor or communist, n authoritative? thats lgbt with ccp kharacteristics, only happen in ccp china la.

    4. There r lgbt all over the world, China included. Perhaps, within China they keep the relationship to themselves. No need to broadcast to the whole world due to traditional restrictions.

      Instead mfers, like u, would twist that self prohibition into fear of state persecution. Just to add smell to yr China bashing fart!

      The ONLY weird lgbt community currently existing on earth is those from the pilgrimage land of demoNcracy where those 台毒 kataks copied in total!

      So, CCP kharacteristics definition is solidly defined by u?

    5. this is what i wrote earlier, lgbt is lgenerally more open, diverse and inclusive, how is that a disservice? can u retort with something relevant?

    6. Mfer, do check yr 南魔萬England before u fart!

      Something relevant?

      Share yr foul gaseous from that fart filled well?

      Not in a million yrs!

    7. tak bolih balas tuduh cakap omputih, macam budak tadika

    8. 南魔萬England hits the top!

      HP6 Mandarin dares not to parade anymore.

      Now u want to meme-ed yr dangdut pals' colloquial farts?

      U r one real f*cked katak!
