Thursday, October 08, 2020

Allahu Akbar, PAS masuk Sabah (melalui pintu belakang)


Sabah PAS secretary appointed as assemblyperson

PAS finally has a representative in the Sabah legislature after its state secretary Aliakbar Gulasan was appointed as an assemblyperson.

He was sworn in today together with at least three others, namely Umno's Suhaimi Nasir and Raimie Unggi, and Bersatu’s Jaffari Walliam

Former chief minister Yong Teck Lee and Bersatu's Amisah Yassin were also reportedly on the list to be appointed.

If appointed, Amisah would be the only woman to be appointed despite calls for greater women representation in the state assembly.

The Sabah state assembly has 73 elected representatives. The state constitution, however, allows the chief minister to appoint six more nominated assemblypersons - who have full voting powers.

In a tweet, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang thanked Sabah chief minister Hajiji Noor and Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin for appointing Aliakbar.

"PAS believes this inaugural appointment as opening a new chapter for Sabah PAS to have better ties with Sabah's multiracial multiethnic community," Hadi said.

Previously, Aliakbar had, during the PAS Muktamar last month, appealed to his central party leaders to watch their words so as not to offend East Malaysians.

He said while certain statements may be acceptable in some states in Peninsular Malaysia, the same cannot be said about Sabah and Sarawak.

"We in Sabah and Sarawak face a multiracial society. Certain language may be appropriate in Terengganu, Kelantan or Kedah but they are very inappropriate for Sabah and Sarawak.

"They could incite sentiment and cause conflict; we (Sabah PAS) have to face them. I would like to emphasise this," he said.

Aliakbar did not elaborate in what way PAS central leaders had offended East Malaysians, but PAS' religious scholar wing chief Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh had on Aug 26 claimed that the Bible was "distorted" while debating in the Dewan Rakyat, causing widespread ire among Christians.

Earlier this week, the Sabah Council of Churches had cited Zawawi's remarks in a letter they wrote to Sabah deputy chief minister Jeffrey Kitingan, in urging him to oppose a PAS appointment to the state legislature.

PBS - which is an ally in the Gabungan Rakyat Sabah state government - had also objected to appointing PAS to the state legislature, saying the latter did not merit consideration as they did not contest in the Sabah election.

Meanwhile of the other appointed representatives, Umno's Suhaimi had narrowly lost the Gum-Gum seat by 296 votes, while Raimie ranked third in the race for Kemabong.

Bersatu's Jaffari was previously an appointed assemblyperson from PKR who later defected and backed a bid to support Musa Aman as chief minister - which led to snap polls.

Amisah, meanwhile, is the Sabah Bersatu deputy women's chief.


  1. the strategy to win is pas not to contest? seem like backdoor pm know the game better.

  2. As usual PAS masuk pintu belakang......serves Sabahans right for voting for parties that fren fren with that evangelical party.

    Don't blame DAP or PKR yeah?

    UMNO and Bersatu already won many seats, why give them even more when "partner" like MCA contested 4, won none and got none?

    Poor MCA ignored and thrown into the dustbin, yet again...ha ha ha...Wee KHAT Siong have to beg even more...

  3. F**k Hadi!F**k PAS!F**k Muhyddin!

    Sabahans should not be beguiled by what the ular PAS will do in Sabah. Be on your guard and watch out for PAS long term plan and that is to Islamise Sabah just as they are trying to do on the peninsular.

  4. Excerpts from one wassup message circulating, posted by one "Thirunavukkarasu".....

    'Boycott GE 15 !

    Forget the chicken and egg. Which came first - the prostitute or the politician ?

    If you read the story of Adam and Eve, you will realize the world's first politician was the Serpent.

    He made a false promise to Eve...he didn't fulfill it

    He made the rakyat suffer

    He tried to worm his way out when caught

    So yes ! politicians definitely come first, not the prostitute. My wife who got roundly criticized recently for defending a group of retrenched stewardesses working in massage spas, jolted me with a pearl of wisdom.

    She said up to the 20th century, prostitutes spread diseases. In the 21st
    century, it's the politicians who spread diseases !

    If you are a politician or an Umno, PKR, PAS,DAP, Amanah, Warisan, Bersatu, or Whatever....if you are offended, wait, let me make it worse

    Politicians also possess lower morals than pimps. And I will explain why

    You see, elections are supposed to give a certain group of people the mandate to govern. Unfortunately, the people who represent the people no longer representing their people. They are not representing any party. They are not even representing themselves.

    They are representing money !

    Yes, that's what it has come to. So today, no one knows who's on whose side anymore. You see, an Umno member can be in BN. Another Umno member can be in PN. And another Umno member can be in PH

    So if you participate in the election and vote, you won't know what will be the result of that vote anymore. Because an Umno guy can suddenly break ranks with PN, join forces with PAS, Amanah and PKR, and then try to overthrow the govt just so that Zahid's credit card bill is forgotten!

    But that's what its come to now, isn't it ? We don't know which side our elected reps belong to anymore. Heck, even if we do away with the party system and elect Independents, we STILL don't know where their allegiances lie. Because there aren't any. It all depends on which guy offers more money to cross over. Or which Ministerial portfolio or GLC position is promised to him.

    Friends, the Sabah fiasco is just another example of how bloody pointless elections are. They are (1) a stupid way to waste money (2) a stupid way to waste time (3) a stupid way to spread disease.

    And besides, even if one side wins, it will be the slimmest of majorities. Until the next bunch of frogs hop over, claimed to topple the winners and the circus repeats itself.

    So friends, there you go. We don't need Ministers, Cabinets and Clowns pretending to command majorities. Cukup la. No need Atoks, Abahs, Abangs, Cik Nons, nenek kebayans and so on.

    I suggest we hand the country back to the Yang Dipertuan Agong, as caretaker head, and wait until laws are enacted to force our politicians are principled. Until then, boycott the Elections.'

    Hehehe...listen to a voice from the rakyat in the midst of Covid
