Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Mahathir Unforgiven


FMT) – PKR has urged is supporters “to swallow their anger” for Dr Mahathir Mohamad for the sake of winning Putrajaya.

The party’s vice-president, Prof Shaharuddin Badaruddin, and Youth chief Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said that the “reformasi” supporters should move on especially since Anwar Ibrahim Mahathir’s protege turned arch nemesis has come to terms with the former prime minister.

“I am sure there are those who cannot forgive (Mahathir) and you can’t force them to do so. It must happen naturally,” Shaharuddin said when met after attending a forum in Unisel, here, today.

He said it was understandable what the “reformasi” supporters felt but it was necessary for them to set their feelings aside if they wanted to beat the Barisan Nasional in the coming general election.

“There are things we need to prioritise and this means some of us will have to swallow our anger,” he said, stressing that cooperation was a must.

Shaharuddin and Nik Nazmi were commenting on the jeers some “reformasi” supporters directed at Mahathir when he turned up at a convention last week.

During the event, Mahathir had urged the crowd to put the past behind them, but a section of the crowd yelled back that they could not.

Shaharuddin urged the “reformasi” supporters to look at the bigger picture, which is to ensure straight fights with the ruling coalition, a strategy which Mahathir has said in the past would give the opposition a fighting chance to win Putrajaya.

Nik Nazmi, meanwhile, said that there was a need for everyone, including the “reformasi” movement, to join hands to defeat BN.

One of my principal critics (blog visitor) commented in my post about HRH Sultan Selangor pardoning a man on death sentence that:

There are crimes so heinous, and where the person has no remorse, that the appropriate penalty, after due process, is DEATH.

In other words, when a person has been guilty of terrible crimes, forgiveness for that person is out of the question a la 'To err is human, to forgive divine, to unforgive only appropriate' (in some horrendous cases).

In my mind and those of many others, the political destruction wrought by Mahathir in his 22-years reign would be considered as 'crimes' to the nation so horrendous (eg. destruction of the integrity of the Judiciary, Civil Service, Senate, and profligacy in the billions of ringgit, etc) that we cannot ever forgive him.

Though we are not demanding the death penalty for him (as that would be over the top) we cannot countenance his political resurrection with our support and alliance with him and his Pribumi.

And that's what PKR's Prof Shaharuddin Badaruddin and its Youth chief Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad are asking of us.

Why have they been so forgiving of Mahathir, once their bรชte noire, a man they scornfully called Mahafiraun?

I suspect they have been under instructions from Azmin Ali to do so as the Selangor MB has long since allied himself to Mahathir. I don't know what has been promised to him but then again, that's Azmin. Besides, Azmin was brought up by the Mahathir family.

If they want to forgive Mahathir, they might as well forgive everyone including Najib, Gobalakrishnan, Nallakaruppan, Chegubard, Jonson Chong, Loh Gwo Burne, Chandra Muzzafar, and that revolving-door bloke from Bota, Nasarudin Hashim, wakakaka.

By the by, Loh Gwo Burne and Gobala left PKR (2012?)with huffs and puffs because as PKR members they made the political mistake of offending Azmin Ali.

Loh wrote a personal letter to PKR party president Dr Wan Azizah to complain about what he believed to be dodgy party polling process (in a PKR intra-party deputy presidential race between Azmin Ali and Zaid Ibrahim), and worse than that, also criticizing Azmin Ali - see my post The Poison Within PKR.

Then carrying out the coup de grรขce but for himself (wakakaka) Loh further wrote a very public letter to Malaysiakini to lambaste Azmin Ali. In doing so he burned his final bridge with PKR.

Loh was a supporter of Zaid Ibrahim and probably must have been so nauseated by the injustice done to Zaid in PKR where he saw nothing would be dealt with (including his complaint to Dr Wan who as usual acted 'dunno').

His sheer frustration by a virtually moribund party president and the lifeless party machinery (lifeless when Azmin was the object of any complaints) compelled him to write such a very public letter as a last resort to condemn the party's deputy president. From that moment, Loh sealed his fatal fate as a member of PKR.


As for Gobalakrishnan, he made the accusation that the appointment of N Surendran as one of three newly appointed PKR VPs was illegal because Surendran at that time was allegedly not a registered member of the party.

My post is not about the issue of Surendran's membership, but rather the story of an 'anwarista (Gobala) scorned' wakakaka.

As the saying goes (paraphrased) ‘Hell hath no fury like an acolyte scorned’.

And the story is not just about (at that time, around 2012) poor marginalised Gobala, once chief bodek-er of Anwar Ibrahim, but about the nature of Anwar’s leadership (or lack of) in PKR and the paradox of his role in the Pakatan Rakyat coalition.

PKR party secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution (at that time) said he had directed his staff to check with the party’s membership listing and discovered that Surendran was a registered member with the Lembah Pantai division, naturally saying (wakakaka): Gobalakrishnan’s accusation is not true. Surendran is a party member.

Now, that might well have been so, but alas, Saifuddin Nasution had said as well as promised a lot of things, to Chegubard, Zaid Ibrahim and a few others including outsider Haris Ibrahim. But had any of his promises been fulfilled satisfactorily?

Take for example, the case (at that time) of Badrul Hisham Shaharin, better known as Chegubard, who too complained about irregularities in PKR party polling process.


According to Chegubard, Saifuddin promised in November (2012?) that investigation into Chegubard’s complaint had been initiated and the finding would be revealed in a couple of weeks’ time. Well over a month since Saifuddin’s deadline promise, Chegubard was still asking about the finding of that so-called investigation.

The party leadership appointed Chegubard to the position of party deputy secretary-general, perhaps believing that should mollify and quieten him down over his earlier complaints about the irregularities in the party polling process.

But Chegubard refused the appointment, insisting on first knowing what the finding of the so-called investigation was.

As Penangites would say, with some people, yes, you can cheet haw ch’ooi (keep the tiger’s mouth closed by filling it with goodies), but with others you just can’t!

Chegubard was not the only person in the party to complain. Leaving aside people like Zaid Ibrahim, Gobala, and Loh Gwo Burne, PKR member Jonson Chong wrote a personal letter to the party president Dr Wan Azizah about the questionable party polling process – see my earlier post  Dr Wan Azizah ignores Jonson Chong's plea?

Jonson Chong 

Renowned activist Haris Ibrahim praised Jonson for his constructive approach but alas, not so Dr Wan as she ignored him completely.

Why did a party president ignore a constructive proposal from a sensible, fair and balanced gentleman like Jonson Chong which would have put to rest all complaints if the polls had been conducted fairly, unless of course she knew it was far too embarrassing to her hubby and blue-eye boy Azmin to take up Jonson's proposal?

Anyway, Jonson was so disappointed with the arrogance of the Anwar-Azmin-Saifuddin coterie in its refusal to truly investigate into party members’ complaints about the dodgy party polls that he eventually left PKR (not that Anwar-Azmin care two hoots).

Three things we learnt from that nasty episode where Zaid was the victim of PKR's intra-party polls, which has been the real reason for his departure from that party (and not because he jumped or left out of boredom), namely:

  • Do not stand against Azmin Ali in PKR party polls, wakakaka
  • Do not write any complaint about the party to Wan Azizah
  • Do not rely on the party machinery to answer your complaint

Obviously the above advice applies to only those against the party inner core like Azmin and his cohorts, wakakaka.

Many left PKR with extreme bitterness and acrimony, so I would recommend to PKR who is now so keen to forgive Mahathir to first forgive those who had left abruptly - alas, the list of fed-up frustrated followers who left PKR is too long to name in detail here. 

except for Mahathir

who in his 22 years as PM wrought political destruction so horrendous (eg. destruction of the integrity of the Judiciary, Civil Service, Senate, and profligacy in the billions of ringgit, etc)

that we cannot ever forgive him
 as his mistakes, methods or/and manipulations would be considered as 'crimes' to the nation

Take our money but tell us not to interfere

MM Online via Malaysia-Today - extracts from Boo Su-Lyn's worry about Hadi's Bill dragging us back to the Dark Ages:

Boo Su-lyn speaking at anti-355 rally 

[Boo Su-Lyn] feels oppressed that “people have been killed during khalwat raids” where some officers of the enforcement squads were alleged to have “behaved like thugs” or “acting like Peeping Toms who only have sex on their minds”.


Indeed, I have to agree with her that it appears as if 'sex has always been on the minds' of some moral police as demonstrated by a Gombak JAIS officer and also the JAWI raid on the Zouk nightclub years ago - see BBC report here which in short (extracts) tells us that, among other nastiness:

... after the raid it emerged that dozens of young women were held for up to 10 hours without access to a toilet, long after male detainees had been released.

A number of women said religious officers ordered them to pose in their nightclub outfits while others were asked lewd questions about their genitalia.

Then Boo Su-Lyn vehemently objects to the idea that just “because Malaysia is supposedly an ‘Islamic’ country, all Malaysians, including non-Muslims, must follow Islamic laws”.

She might have been slightly mistaken in believing Malaysia is supposedly an ‘Islamic’ country when it was all based on the political say-so or politicised bullshit of Mahathir in 2001 and 2002.

Malaysia is definitely a secular nation but having the uniqueness of recognising Islam as its official religion (to respect the position of our Sultans as the head of Islam in each respective state and that of HM Agong in non-Sultanate states, and for official religious ceremonies).

I'm not making this up as the above have been told to us by our highest courts - more further down.

The proof of the pudding for the above assertion lies in the supremacy of our civil (secular) courts and our civil (secular) laws, and also the monstrous elephant in the room, that of the syariah courts being in a subordinate position to the superior civil courts.

Unlike the superior civil courts, the subordinate syariah courts' jurisdiction is LIMITED to Islamic MORAL affairs and Muslim family inheritance issues.

Uber and ultra-conservative Muslims don't want to know about it (or pretend not to) as the above mentioned elephant tramples on their power, pride and (in some cases) pretend-passion.

The syariah courts have zilch authority, and has NO say on criminal and constitutional matters, so how can Malaysia be an Islamic nation. Take it from me Mahathir in 2001 and 2002 was talking non-halal cock, wakakaka.

Even LKS mentioned Mahathir's bull in his 929 & 617 rants which eruditely said:

The position of the constitutional cornerstone that Malaysia is a secular and not a Islamic state was further reinforced in the negotiations for the formation of Malaysia in 1963, as Sabahans and Sarawakians were assured that Article 3 of the Constitution "does not imply that Malaysia is not a secular state." (Cobbold Commission Report).

The fundamental constitutional principle that Malaysia is a secular nation has been upheld by the highest court in the land in Che Omar bin Che Soh vs Public Prosecutor (1988).

Delivering the judgment of a five-man Federal Court panel, the then Lord President Tun Salleh Abas held that the Constitution and the legal system are “secular” and held that the meaning of the expression “Islam” or “Islamic religion” in Article 3 “means only such acts as relate to rituals and ceremonies”.

He said that “There can be no doubt that Islam is not just a mere collection of dogmas and rituals but it is a complete way of life covering all fields of human activities, may they be private or public, legal, political, economic, social, cultural, moral or judicial” but rejected the contention that the terms “Islam” or “Islamic religion” in Article 3 is “an all-embracing concept, as is normally understood, which consists not only the ritualistic aspect but also a comprehensive system of life, including its jurisprudence and moral standard” as this was not the meaning intended by the framers of the Constitution.

Salleh Abas’ judgment that Malaysia was a secular nation was in keeping with the interpretation of his predecessor, the late Tun Mohamed Suffian Hashim who in 1962 defined the scope of Islam in the constitution as being primarily for ceremonial purposes, such as the permission for prayers to be offered in the Islamic way on official public occasions such as the installation of the Yang di Pertuan Agong, his birthday, Merdeka Day and other occasions.

There you are, my dearest Su-Lyn. My particular problem right now is not about Malaysia being an Islamic nation but LKS forgetting what the 929 & 617 Declarations were and WHO had said them.

Cina mudah lupa?

Furthermore, the syariah courts are limited in the punishments which I suspect they would love to dole out kau kau to the maximum extent, which brings us to Act 355 (or in Bahasa, UUD355).

Hadi Awang's private member Bill seeks to propose amending Act 355 to enable syariah courts to whip the hell out of immoral Muslims (immoral as decided/judged by ulama) among other punishments.

Hadi Awang's Bill seek to allow syariah courts to increase flogging from 6 to 100 lashes for MORALITY (not criminal) issues, which will be far far more than what the civil courts can pass down on offenders of CRIMINAL laws.

I recommend that the proposer tries it out on himself to see how many lashes he can tahan, where upon I'll volunteer to be the person to whip him, wakakaka.

Then my dearest Boo Su-Lyn complained about the Islamist moral police raiding non-Muslim businesses, confiscating bibles and passing down Islamic dress code for members of the non-Muslim public visiting government offices and hospitals.

Those would be correctly called ketuanan ultra-ulama, not ketuanan Melayu.

We can only appeal to the grace of HRHs to keep tight reins on those attack hounds, and at the federal level, to debate the questionable RM1 Billion budget of JAKIM - even HRH Johor wants to know about this flabbergasting quantum of budget.

Oh yes, you mentioned something about our tax money - OK, more of that further down. 

Boo Su-Lyn then pointed out that our dear Islamic religious authorities have become 'more and more paranoid over halal issues' to the point of forcing 'our children to eat in toilets at school during Ramadan'.

why were there only sweet tangachees?
hah, the lil' ah-moi's must have been at vernacular schools

The 1st point ('more and more paranoid over halal issues') is cari pasal demi cari makan, wakakaka. Hope you like my phraseology, but it effectively says their paranoia might have been bullshit (a la demi cari makan).

The 2nd point ('our children to eat in toilets at school during Ramadan') is subjugation. Subjugation is defined by the dictionary as 'the action of bringing someone or something under domination or control'.

Nazis, Japanese military occupiers (in WWII), Ku Klux Klan, (former) White South African supremacists and the Israeli government of Binjamin Netanyahu all love to subjugate outsiders.

But having said all that, my dear Su-Lyn, much as I adore you, I think your accusations above have been misplaced, as the makan-in-toilet stupidity has more to do with fasting than halal-ness.

It was about not exposing observant Muslim students to temptation of food while fasting but conducted in a highly discriminatory insensitive way a la subjugation, probably because the person issuing that school rule was too Islamic-centric.

But when Muslims are NOT fasting as in 11 months of the year, JAKIM would then be far more concerned about the other issue of halal-ness, like birthday cakes in MacDonald eateries or 'dogs' in Auntie Annie or porcine DNA in chocolates, though mind you, not of blood and donated human organs.

I suspect that when those clowns run out of foodstuff to declare halal or non-halal, they will move on to the air we breathe.

Now, if some religious officers were NOT concerned about halal-ness in stuff such as having sex on their minds and even unto making a khalwat victim perform a jolly blowjob on them, that's their eventual problem with Allah swt.

My dearest Su-Lyn has felt so oppressed by the continuous but silly brouhaha over the halal vs haram so much so that she and her mateys “... feel too dirty for them [the religious officials], as if [the sweetie & mateys] very existence offends them”.

The MM Online article continued: It seems grossly unfair to Boo that she is being told to Balik Cina, treated like a second class citizen and warned not to interfere in Muslim matters when at the same time “they are interfering with our lives every single day”.

I love Tiongsun babes whether in Malaysia, China or anyway, wakakaka 

My dear, some religious people practise double standards lah, wakakaka, and believe me, 'some religious people' are not only Muslims. But those type of people (Muslims, Christians, Judeans, etc) are so blind they would never be able to see their own faults or double standards because they see the world through the prism of their respective religion.

Worse, they are usually hypocrites.

For example, non Muslims' tax money would presumably be deemed halal enough to form part of the financial budget for JAKIM, as would donations by non Muslims for the building of mosques like the Penang State Mosque.

Years back, when Jeff Ooi ruled supreme in the Malaysian blogosphere, he started a donation drive for a Muslim lil' girl who needed urgent financial support for a serious heart operation.

The response was overwhelming, leading the lil' girl's dad to say in surprise (words to the effect): "I did not expect non-Muslims to be so charitable and generous to my Muslim daughter".

Likewise with Penang's Malay fishermen in the aftermath of the Boxing Day tsunami when Penang Buddhists rushed to their kampongs to provide much needed help.

A fisherman was reported to have said (words to the effect): "The Chinese Buddhists are very generous and helpful, giving us aid without asking whether we are UMNO or PKR supporters".

Ms Boo has been much annoyed by the double standards of the religious authorities taking money from non-Muslim taxpayers, to fund their moral policing, when she felt that PAS ought to be funding the syariah courts since the political party wants to increase the court penalties.

Let us not conflate PAS with the syariah courts, though I accept that there would/could be brotherhood among the deplorables (to borrow Hilary Clinton's words, wakakaka).

Syariah courts in states are state responsibilities save for those in the FT and JAKIM which have to be funded by the federal government. So the PAS Kelantan government is responsible for funding syariah courts in that state, though I hope that state government won't chop down trees to do so.

Dearest Boo Su-Lyn has one final word, saying:

“Don’t tell us not to interfere but take our money!”

Monday, February 27, 2017

Rejoice for HRH Sultan Selangor commuted a death sentence

Star Online - Death row inmate spared the noose thanks to royal pardon (extracts):

Amnesty International Malaysia executive director Shamini Darshni with Sapenah Nawawi (mum of the pardoned bloke) 

PETALING JAYA: A man who was sentenced to death for drug trafficking in 2009 has received a second chance at life after Selangor Ruler Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah granted him a pardon.

Shahrul Izani Suparman, 33, and his family were told of the news a week ago at the Sungai Buloh prison.

Daulat Tuanku - Menjungjung tinggi Tuanku. Tuanku's grace and mercy have been most uplifting for Malaysians. Dirgahayu Tuanku.

HRH Sultan Selangor 

The man is only 33 and deserves a chance at rehabilitation. He was only 19 when arrested.

Ampuan Tuanku, we now appeal to HRH Yamtuan Besar (Yang Dipertuan Besar Negri Sembilan) for his merciful clemency and royal pardons for brothers Rames and Suthar Batumalai who are now waiting for their death sentences to be carried out. They have been held in prison for 11 years.

HRH Yang Dipertuan Besar Negri Sembilan 

We also call upon the Malaysian government to abolish the death sentence. Lives and Deaths must be the sole prerogative of Allah swt.

Old wine in new bottle - a known vintage

Malaysiakini - Mahathir shows up at Reformasi event, gets heckled:

The crowd at the Reformasi convention three days ago was surprised by Mahathir's unannounced appearance, considering the Refomasi movement was started by Anwar as a counter-attack against Mahathir following his sacking of Anwar in 1998.

Obviously the man who sacked Anwar was Mahathir, who then became Reformasi's principal bรชte noire (pet aversion or abomination), but three days ago he walked into the lion's den, totally thick skinned, in a desperate bid to solicit support.

By the by, just a snide (oopsy, I mean) side remark or rather a question: do you know who would normally be associated with the word 'solicit'? Wakakaka, and hint: 'solicitor' isn't the principal association.

Malaysiakini reported: During the opening speech Otai Reformis 1998 chairperson Saari Sungib, he said they would only accept Mahathir if he joins their campaign to free Anwar and if he apologises for what he had done during his reign as prime minister.

This received great applause from the crowd.

Saari later told Malaysiakini that they did not invite Mahathir to the event. 
He said Mahathir had made a request to attend the event through Khairuddin Abu Bakar, ...

Ok, so Mahathir 'solicited' his way into the convention, in order to 'solicit' support for his Pribumi in the coming GE-14.

Malaysiakini continued: Earlier in the convention, attended by many of the Reformasi movement supporters, a number of attendees had expressed anti-Mahathir sentiment in response to other speeches which mentioned Mahathir.

Recently I commented that once, while I might not have liked Mahathir, I did respect him. Alas, my respect for the former PM diminishes in direct proportion to his post-PM pompous power-craziness which two best or, rather, worst examples had been

(a) His unrelenting destruction and insults of AAB, even after the poor bloke had resigned.

Recall how in the aftermath of AAB's political destruction, PM Najib dared not appoint KJ who was UMNO Youth Head to any ministerial position whilst Mukhriz who was nobody in UMNO Youth at that time was made a deputy minister.

That UMNO political incongruity was unprecedented and double whammy, and known-by-everyone as a as-yet unsettled new PM's mollifying appeasement of a wrathful Kedah Kerala Kerbau on the warpath.

It was double whammy because the UMNO Youth Chief usually gets a ministerial position but in Khairy's case he did not (probably Najib at that time trying not to offend Mahathir who totally disliked/still dislikes Khairy), while additionally Mukhriz who was not an office holder in UMNO was made a deputy minister (probably Najib mollifying Mahathir), wakakaka.

(b) Mahathir's unbelievable statement (as far as I remember) that his two 'successors' (note the highlighted bold word is in the plural) were not to his satisfaction.

But his atrocious claim to having two 'successors' was a damning indictment of his preposterous pompous pathetic political phantasm of being the perpetual prime plenipotentiary for Malaysia.

In more simple terms, Mahathir was a former PM who had pretended to 'retire' but who had actually believed he was still in power (as the de facto PM) and thus could nominate each and every 'successor' who came/comes after him.

Regrettably he succeeded in this belief with AAB which might have encouraged his self-delusion but subsequently was knocked hard back into cold reality by a far more cunning or (if you like Najib, wakakaka) shrewd Najib.

What Najib is/was/has been, via facts, evidence (or a lack of), unsubstantiated allegations', or black propaganda, is entirely at the mercy of your personal opinion which no one should nor could change, but what is undeniable is that he is the head of his ruling coalition who has been nominated through their consensus (and not by Mahathir as the old man had believed) to be the PM of Malaysia.

And thus, undeniable is the FACT that Najib was NOT the successor of Mahathir but rather the successor of AAB.

But the point (yes, a media reported point) that Mahathir made of AAB and Najib being his 'two successors' draws our attention frighteningly to Mahathir's delusional, dangerous and detestable mindset.

The fact that now Mahathir has descended down so pathetically low (probably in self-despair but I have no pity nor respect for him at this stage) from his once arrogant high position, to 'solicit' support from his Reformasi enemies, the very people who call him Mahafiraun, Iblis, etc, has invariably and very sharply reminded me of his likely desperate wish to have a 'third successor'.

To that, I would swiftly reply, 'Thanks but NO thanks, we have had enough of you, not just for 22 years, which by its long tenure should be enough, but also from your self-interest-driven trail of destruction from 2003 until now'.

'3rd successor'?


dad and son 

Sadly along that post-PM path, he has somehow corrupted the political mindset of my once political idol. At this stage I thought I would share with you a script line often used by Korean TV dramas, paraphrased here, "LKS has grown politically too greedy." Wakakaka.

But it's fitting script line as LKS in his political career went from the simple aspiration of (first) the DAP governing Penang State - achieved, then nobly (b) denying BN the 2/3 majority in parliament - achieved, and now (c) dethroning BN-UMNO.

In his latest political ambition, he has even willingly allied himself with Mahathir, his once arch foe and the man who destroyed several of Malaysia's vaunted institutions (eg. Judiciary, Senate, Civil Service, Education, etc) and clouded the nation's secularity with his nonsensical (in LKS' own words) 929 & 617 Declarations.

Thus LKS' political ambition has succeedingly grown more and more grandiose, where 'grandiose' means 'affectedly grand or pompous', and where 'affectedly' in turn means 'assumed artificially', wakakaka.

Titanic Lim


But you know, even if the Pribumi-Pakatan coalition does win majority rule, the DAP won't be in government unless it is prepared to do what MCA and Gerakan are obsequiously doing or have been obsequiously doing in BN.

Read on to see what I mean.

At the Reformasi convention, Mahathir had the brazen cheek to tell the crowd to focus first on opposition unity in order to defeat his now-arch foe, and to only criticize him subsequently.

No sirree, we must keep a constant beady alert eye on Mahathir to ensure the Mummy (of a Mahafiraun) is not resurrected and does not ever return.

Because I suspect that if (assuming) Pribumi does win the coming election with the 'solicited' help of dumbo DAP, it'll be too late for anyone to touch him, even the DAP.

For by then (part of my suspicions), Pribumi, PKR and UMNO (minus Najib and gang) will be the new coalition of UMNO Baru Baru, having already expelled a recalcitrant DAP like a used condom, for the DAP is unlikely to ever tremblingly obey Mahafuraun,.

Mahathir had probably hoped for PAS to be in the team as Pribumi, PKR, PAS and his previously created UMNO Baru (by then minus Najib, wakakaka) all share a common ancestor in UMNO the 1st.

Their DNA specimens show, as frequently stated in Korean TV dramas a 99.9% relationship. Wakakaka.

we all have a 99.9% 'relationship' with sweet innocent naive kaytee


Yes, you may want to get rid of Najib, but what is the point if Mahathir and gang get into power because it'll be the same, with no change at all, or even worse.

Corruption we can deal or live with, but power-craziness ...?

Make sure Mahathir stays out forevermore, and then deal with Najib.