Friday, July 31, 2009

Ng Yen Yen's 700 year-old Chinese temple - who was the bumiputera?

Today the New Straits Times in its news article 700-year-old Gua Musang temple to become tourist site reported (extracts):

The oldest Chinese temple in the country, located in Kampung Pulai here, will be promoted as a new tourist destination through the Cuti-Cuti Malaysia campaign.

Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen said it was high time for the 700-year-old temple to be promoted to the world and thus lure more tourists to the place.

But … but … but … didn't Parameswara (or Iskandar Shah) only come to Malacca around 1400 CE to form the first Malay sultanate of Malacca, just a mere 600 years ago?

I wonder whether Ng Yen Yen has been hinting that the Chinese were the earlier ‘bumiputeras’, by at least 100 years before Parameswara and his descendants and followers set foot here in Malaya?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Yasmin Ahmad, I Lup Chew

This is the second time I have come across an article or letter in a newspaper that have moved me very much, so much so I want to share it with you.

The first was a letter written by Yeo Yang Poh of Petaling Jaya to Sin Chew titled
I dreamt of Beng Hock (translated from Mandarin).

This 2nd time, again in Sin Chew, and presumably translated from Mandarin too, is an article written by Zhang Su Li titled
Yasmin Ahmad, I Lup Chew*.

* a Malaysian light hearted play on a Chinese mispronunciation of “I love you” but in this case, with no diminished affection whatsoever, au contraire.

Read on and reminiscent with Zhang his affection for Yasmin Ahmad, for whom we (except known assh*les) have the greatest admiration, respect and love.


Sin Chew photo

The first time I set foot in Ogilvy & Mather, I was young and stupid. I sat meekly at the reception, waiting for the person who was going to interview me, and gaped open-mouthed at all the awards covering one wall, from floor to ceiling.

One person’s name dominated the wall. My heart fluttered at the thought that I was about to meet this person. And then it thumped hard against my chest at the thought that this person might be my prospective boss.

The roof was leaking. Or so I thought. I looked up at the ceiling and at the air-conditioner, but I couldn’t see where the drops of water were coming from. Another few drops landed on my head. Just then, through the corner of my eye, I noticed a shadow of someone creeping along the corridor. When I turned to look, she dropped onto the floor, rolled a couple of times, aimed a bright yellow plastic pistol at me and squirted a long stream of water.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” It was the loudest laugh I’d ever heard.

She came towards me and introduced herself politely. For a couple of minutes I was speechless and rather stunned. I mean, this person was my prospective boss. I remember she was talking to me, but I didn’t register exactly what she was saying. I was too busy staring at the green combat design men’s underwear that she was wearing over her jeans.

To laugh would’ve been rude, but to continue ignoring them was getting a little uncomfortable. She led me into her room and showed me some of her work. For the entire half hour, my attention wasn’t on what she was showing me. Instead, I was trying to decide how to react to the combat underwear that was still on her. And once in a while, I nodded stupidly at what she was saying.

By the time our ‘interview’ was over, I was completely in love with this strange and wonderful woman. So I took the job even though she said they weren’t actually hiring anybody at that point in time. And if I could accept that they weren’t going to pay me, she’d make it up by teaching me, and promised that we’d have a lot of fun.

For my first ever print ad, I wrote 100 headlines. I spent days and nights crafting them until I was sure she would scream out loud to everyone how brilliant I was. I skipped into her room and showed them to her. After nodding thoughtfully, she mumbled, “Hmmm... nice headlines. Very nice indeed...” My heart skipped a beat. There was a short pause.

“NOW GO CRAFT THEM!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” My heart broke into a thousand pieces. “Oh... ok,” I mumbled. As I stumbled out of her room in a daze, she said to me, “But I still lup chew.” I spent the next 18 years crafting.

When her body was taken out of the mosque, covered in a green cloth, I saw the outline of it. How small her feet were, I thought to myself. I could see the shape of her head, and her arms that were crossed over her chest, and I was absolutely certain that she would suddenly flip the cover over, point a water pistol at us and laugh. But nothing happened. She just lay there completely still, and silent. My heart broke into a thousand pieces.

She taught me integrity and love, to fill each day with fun, to see goodness in everything, and to find reasons, no matter how small, to celebrate life. She instilled the professional values that I still hold dearly and stubbornly. She taught me to craft my work over and over again. She gave my heart a good work-out, because she made it thump, flutter, sink, float, skip, break and mend itself.

Oh, how wonderful it would be if she would look over my shoulder right now and say, “Nice headline... NOW GO CRAFT IT! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

But this time, I’d reply that I really didn’t know how else to say it, except, Yasmin, I lup chew.


Vale Yasmin, requiscat in pace. Kami tahu sayang tong kim tee tnee teng!

Uthayakumar: Pakatan gave land to only Chinese but not Indians

Looks like Uthayakumar knows something or is doing something that we are still unaware of. I’m referring to his continuous attacks against DAP, from the Kg Buah Pala issue to now Perak.

A Sivanesan, vice-chairman of Perak DAP and the party's national labour bureau chief has been right royally pissed off with Uthayakumar for making allegations against him at the Kallumalai Kaliaman Temple in Chemor recently - see Malaysiakini DAP: Pakatan has done its bit for Indians.

The three Tamil dailies, probably owned by MIC, must have had a field day reporting Uthayakumar’s condemnations of the DAP leaders.

Sivanesan reminded Uthayakumar that the Perak PR government had in their brief 10-months rule approved 13 applications for Hindu temples and cemeteries for all non-Muslims, unlike the BN state government which had ruled for 50 years but done f*-all much for Perak Indians.

Siva was also pissed off with Uthayakumar for playing the racial game, when the latter stated that Pakatan only gave land to the Chinese and not to the Indians. That's lowdown racial nastiness - dei Uthayakumar, where did you learn that from? C'mon, tell lah!

Siva moaned in frustration: "He (Uthayakumar) should get his facts right and not mislead the public with his wild allegations. 8% of the population of the Chinese new villages in the state are Indians who number about 5,000. They (Indians) too enjoy the benefit of the land approval and land applications by Indians had not been rejected by Pakatan."

"We have also approved state land for five Tamil schools in the which are situated in Pangkor, Gunong Rapat , Ladang Changat Kinding, Lenggong and Grik."

Siva added that 13% of the state population comprises Indians and more jobs and study opportunities have been created for them when compared to BN's rule for the past 52 years, asserting that the Pakatan state government had made it compulsory for all civil service vacancies, study opportunities and state or federal scholarships for further studies to be advertised in all four languages including Tamil.

Like most of us, Siva has been puzzled by Uthayakumar’s sole targeting of DAP leaders like him and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng BUT not the BN leaders who had not done much for the welfare of the Indian community.

Siva reminded Uthayakumar: "The Kampung Buah Pala land issue in Penang was triggered by the BN in 2007 and Uthayakumar instead of criticising BN leaders is now targeting Guan Eng which is very unfair.”

Then he posed a question which I too would love for Utahyakumar to answer: "Is Hindraf meant only for Hindus or for all Indians who are also Christians and Muslims . Uthayakumar must clarify this."

Indeed I have a few more questions for Uthayakumar, namely:

(1) Are you Uthayakumar attacking DAP leaders for BN?

(2) If not, please explain why you Uthayakumar have been specially targeting DAP leaders, BUT not BN leaders?

(3) Have you forgotten that it was DAP who fought for you when you were behind barbed wire and bars?

(4) Is Hindraf a Hindu only NGO or political party (quite frankly I’ve lost track, given the bloody intrigues)?

(5) Have you Uthayakumar commented yet on the strange death in custody of Teoh Beng Hock? Or is that a Chinese problem?

(6) Are you Uthayakumar aware that a large block of your supporters have been non-Indians (yes, I use the ‘non’ word in an Indian context here for you)?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Batman - Malaysia Boleh

The Star Online Man hangs like a bat in khalwat raid reported:

Struck by fear and panic during a raid by religious department officials, a man wrapped himself in a sarong and hung like a bat from a toilet door to avoid detection, reported Harian Metro.

However, the 27-year-old man failed in his attempt to deceive officials and was nabbed for khalwat (close proximity), the report said.

Langkawi district religious department enforcer Aswad Kasa said a team raided the house in Kampung Nyior Cabang at about 3am on Sunday, after receiving a tip-off on immoral activities there.

He said the house looked empty on initial inspection, with the front door padlocked. When they knocked on the back door, a 25-year-old woman, clad only in a batik cloth, opened the door.

“The woman claimed she was staying alone in the house after separating from her husband. However, on inspection, we found a man in the toilet. He was hanging behind the door like a bat, fearing of being caught for khalwat,” he said, adding that the couple failed to prove that they were husband and wife.

Hmmm, as they say, 'necessity is the mother of invention'.

But I wonder whether Batman also did it 17 times like this bloke?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Political pasembur 2

Star Online Poll: Most citizens concerned over high crime rate reported:

According to the
Home Ministry’s website, as at 6 pm yesterday, 97% of 6,678 respondents to its poll said they did not feel safe due to the high crime rate.

More than half of the respondents formed this opinion because they or their family members were victims of crime while 36% of the respondents were influenced by news about crime.

… which is why the IGP must go. He’s utterly useless as a police chief.

Sin Chew Government targets to cut street crimes by 20%.

See my comments above on who should be sacked. Only then would we be able to talk about crime rate reduction.

Then the Star also reported
Death threats against MACC's lead investigator which tells us:

The lead investigator probing alleged abuse of constituency funds by Selangor assemblymen has been reassigned after receiving threats. Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission head Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan said: “As there was a threat on his life, we took him off the case and reassigned him elsewhere. We are doing this for his own security.”

Bullshit – stop posing the MACC as a victim. We all remember Teoh Beng Hock was killed while in their custody.

Star Online
Women file for divorce over hubbies’ unusual sex drive reported:

… he had sex with her 17 times on their wedding night. The wife did not suspect anything then as she thought he was merely performing his duty as a husband.

17 TIMES!!! Merely performing his duty as a husband???

… in another case, Perubatan Islam Mustajab specialist Nazri Md Isa said an 18-year-old woman had filed for fasakh after her husband asked her for sex more than 10 times a day.

More than 10 TIMES a day!!!

F* hell (sorry, pun not intended) those blokes have made me …….. develop an inferiority complex.

But fortunately my self-esteem was restored somewhat when Star also reported:

Religious leader Datuk Abu Hasan Din Al-Hafiz claimed that it was not impossible for a man to have sex many times in one night if he was “friendly with the devil”.

“It is not impossible for the devil to have carnal intercourse with the man’s wife.

“This happens because the devil can appear to look like the husband,” he said.

Phew (for me), and boo for their wives.

… and I am beginning to understand why the Indians, under MIC, have lagged so far behind when I read the Star’s
Security guard ‘slapped’ by ghosts at housing area.

Apparently S. Albert, a 32-year old Indian, a security guard in Port Dickson was said to have been slapped by ghosts.

Alamak, tambi, people are having multiple shags with the help of the devil, and you were slapped instead. You're a born loser, aren't you.

Bloody poor MIC leadership wakakaka.

Friday, July 24, 2009

MIC Youth purchasing land for Kg Buah Pala?

Malaysiakini Kg Buah Pala: Make offer to right party, MIC told

I am so happy that MIC Youth has taken up the cudgel for the poor villagers of Kampung Buah Pala. They might just swing it where DAP couldn’t – afterall they have great karmcheng with Koh Tsu Koon, the former (wakakaka) CM of Penang – BN buddies.

None other than towkay punya son Vellpaari and MIC Youth national coordinator, T Mohan (as reported by MIKINI) … visited the villagers last night and assured them that MIC would not let up on its efforts to buy the land for the villagers.

The village residents' association secretary J Stephen Draviam said the villagers gave the MIC entourage a rousing welcome to the village.

"We are happy that MIC leaders have come forward to support our cause and buy the land for us. We will work with anyone who wants to help us.

I say yay to MIC Youth.

But alas, they went to the wrong bloke, Penang CM Lim GE, to purchase the land.

Ng Wei Aik, the Penang DAP socialist youth secretary, suggests to MIC to go-starn sedikit and seek the current land owner Koperasi Pegawai Pegawai Kanan Kerajaan Pulau Pinang.

Good on Vellpaari – he might even aircon the entire village. Afterall he did that for his dog’s accommodation.

Deceitful disgraceful disinformation

According to Wikipedia:

Disinformation is false or inaccurate information that is spread deliberately. It is synonymous with and sometimes called Black propaganda. It may include the distribution of forged documents, manuscripts, and photographs, or spreading malicious rumors and fabricated intelligence. Disinformation should not be confused with misinformation, information that is unintentionally false. […]

In politics, disinformation is the deliberate attempt to deflect voter support of an opponent, disseminating false statements of innuendo based on the candidates vulnerabilities as revealed by opposition research. In both cases, it also includes the distortion of true information in such a way as to render it useless. […]

Unlike traditional propaganda and Big Lie techniques designed to engage emotional support, disinformation is designed to manipulate the audience at the rational level by either discrediting conflicting information or supporting false conclusions.

There’s a lot of that coming from the UMNO blog, including a so-called Big One. Some 'claimed' they were merely quoting another blog.

The Star Online has published one such case in Fresh twist in Teoh’s death case (Update)

The sinister aim of the disinformaion is to show that the DAP ADUNs in Selangor are corrupt and that Teoh Beng Hock could have been a victim of their corrupt practice.

According to the logic of the disinformation, Teoh must have been murdered for RM2,400 while a certain UMNO person is laughing away in his own RM24 million created ‘Bali Hai’, and I am not referring to the late Deros of Klang,also of UMNO.

The attempted metamorphosis of MACC

Some points in the mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock while in MACC’s custody need to be reviewed at this stage.

(1) Teoh was probably not a mere witness called in for evidence but rather detained to provide ‘evidence’ on the DAP’s alleged misuse of RM2,400. His unnecessary and illegal detention overnight, and MACC having possession of his phone, etc point to this probability.

(2) Teoh had probably been badly treated like Tan Boon Hwa, another so-called ‘witness’ who made police reports (was threatened by police into making a second one) about, and provided information on MACC’s interrogation techniques involving torture (standing still for 4 hours with water or food) and racist abuses (Cina bodoh) and psychological intimidation (threats against Tan's wife and family). Another witness, Dariff Din collaborated Tan’s report.

(3) MACC claimed they released Teoh at 3:45 am but he was seen by Tan Boon Hwa at 6 am still in the building. Commonsense tells us if Teoh had been released he would have scooted off home (his car was parked at the MACC building) or at least phoned home. He did neither, which points to the likelihood he was NOT released as claimed.

(4) Something terrified MACC at around 1:30 pm, when it was claimed that a janitor discovered Teoh’s body. Kim Quek wrote in Malaysiakini’s Teoh's death: Mysteries abound (extracts):

… Why was the outer timber door of the MACC office unprecedentedly closed for some half an hour at the time when some one discovered Teoh's body?

The Chinese section of Malaysiakini reported on July 17 that its reporter Rahmah Ghazali observed an inexplicable happening at the MACC office at the 14th floor, where the outer timber door was mysteriously shut between 1.15pm and 1.35pm, and re-opened shortly before 1.50pm on July 16.

Rahmah explained that she first arrived at the MACC's 14th floor office at 1.15 to attend a press conference to be given by assemblyman Lau Weng San. Seeing that no one was around, she went down to the 4th floor to wait at the reception hall.

When other reporters arrived at 1.30, she followed them to the 14th floor again, but was surprised to find the outer timber door of the MACC office closed; it was then about 1.35.

Thinking that the staff could have closed the door to go for lunch, she and other reporters went down for food. She then called Lau who expressed disbelief that the timber door was closed, as MACC was supposed to operate around the clock.

Knowing that Lau was already on the way, she decided to skip lunch and went back to 14th floor, and found the timber door re-opened this time; the time was about 1.50. Lau arrived at 2pm. After talking to reporters for about 20 minutes outside the MACC office, he went in to make a report. Of course, none of them knew that Teoh was already dead then.

1.30 was the time when some one discovered Teoh's body. Why did MACC take the unprecedented step to shut down the office briefly, closing the door between 1.15 and 1.35, and re-opening the door at shortly before 1.50?

What did the staff do behind that timber door at that crucial moment that they would not want outsiders to see? The mystery seems to deepen.

What had caused that ‘sealing’ of the building at that crucial time? Was it the discovery of Teoh’s body? Or was it an interrogation technique that had gone horribly wrong? At this juncture, around 1:30 pm, it should be noted that Tan Boon Hwa was then released.

Kim Quek also wrote:

What happened between 1.30pm and 5pm?

Though Teoh's body was discovered at 1.30, it was not until after 5pm that MACC disclosed the news to assemblymen Ean Yong and Ronnie Liu who had been waiting for over an hour in the MACC office insisting to meet Teoh. Why should MACC have hidden the news for so long unless there were compelling reasons which in all probability might not be guilt-free?

(5) There was initially an attempt to suggest/insinuate Teoh must have committed suicide, but who would believe a man who was to have married the next day would commit suicide, least of all his friend who was reminded by Teoh (on the day before he was hauled in by MACC) that he was to be the best man at Teoh’s wedding.

(6) The the insinuation shifted to Teoh’s assassination by the underworld, or Teoh’s suicide for fear of this ‘underworld’. The insinuators’ logic would have us believe that this was an ‘underworld’ which dabbled in sums of RM2,400 unlike another above-world which boldly, blatantly and brazenly displayed a trophy of RM24 million.

The police was also heard to announce they were looking into any ‘underworld’ connections with the death of Teoh. Ho-hum!

Questions they had asked of Teoh’s family included whether he was a smoker (went out of MACC building to smoke then jumped or fell over the safety wall? With our police, anything could be possible), and whether he had complained about work before he died, and tried to make a connection with his work and the possibility that he may taken his own life as a result (the old suicide hope again).

From all these, can anyone blame us for believing that Teoh was hard done by the MACC interrogators, and his death was not a result of suicide or any BS underworld involvement – though I wait breathlessly for the police finding on its investigation, which seemed thus far to be slanted towards a suicide (or even underworld assassination), which would then absolve MACC of any culpability.

Apart from alluding nonsensically to Teoh's suicide or/and a sinister 'underworld' connection with DAP, the authority’s aim thus far has been its use of its mainstream mouthpieces and its bloggers, to imbue MACC with the bangsa Teflon coating, and turn any criticisms of MACC into a racist attack on the Malays or Malay leadership.

The MACC is to be projected as a victim of non-Malay vicious assault on the Malays.

As I have stated in Carpe diem Najib I wait to see whether Najib will use the golden opportunity of a RCI into the tragedy of Teoh to completely shear off an evil baggage he has inherited.

Purge the system once and for all of lil Napoleons, Mat Rempits and Bocorites.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Distorters of truth

An article by Tay Tiam Yan (translated from Mandarin by Dominic Loh) in Sin Chew Daily on 23 July 2009


Let me start with a story:

Once upon a time, there was this scholar hired by a rich man to be his family teacher.

In order to retain his job, the scholar tried all means to please his boss.

One day, an idea suddenly struck the rich man's mind. He wanted to know the progress his child had made in study, so he came to the class and posed a couplet question: "Umbrella."

The child was cracking his head but could not come up with a right answer. Suddenly, he saw a crab crawling at the corner of the room and mutterd, "Crab."

The rich man was stunned. Standing on one side, the scholar bursted out, "Excellent!"

Perplexed, the rich man asked, "How on earth could an umbrella match with a crab?"

The scholar explained, "The umbrella stands upright, and the crab walks sideways. Aren't 'upright' and 'sideways' perfect match?"

The scholar was not really knowledgeable, but he excelled in making up stories and "turning things sideways."

This reminds me of how some of the Malay newspapers have interpreted the tragic death of Teoh Beng Hock in recent days.

The NSTP group managing editor Zainul Ariffin Mohammed Isa lashed out at the criticisms aimed at the MACC in Berita Harian.

He said, "The accusation against MACC by non-Malays is a blatant act of challenging a Malay institution."

As for the criticisms against MACC by Selangor menteri besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, he questioned, "Why as a Malay should Khalid question the capability of people his own race?"

Oh Lord! The death of a young man could be twisted this way into a racial thing! And a national organ could be depicted as an institution of one specific ethnic group!

I'm really puzzled how someone with this kind of brain and conscience could be offered such an important post.

Utusan Malaysia is not to be outdone as well. The newspaper objected to the forming of a royal commission to probe Teoh's death, saying it was unnecessary.

It cited an example. There was a Malay undergraduate falling to his death from the hostel, and no one said anything. But Teoh's incident has incited such widespread protest among the public simply because he was not a Malay.

Oh my God! How could anyone compare a student falling from the hostel with a young man under investigation falling from the building housing the MACC office?

Utusan senior editor Zaini Hassan (the same guy who accused Teresa Kok of banning the use of speakers at mosques, resulting in the latter's detention under ISA), meanwhile, said when Beng Hock was under investigation, and his notebook was being switched on, he appeared to be "grossly uneasy."

Good Heavens! Even such details could be observed by Encik Zaini. Was he standing by Beng Hock's side when the MACC people stormed in? Such an important clue and witness must be summoned by the police to facilitate the investigation!

Otherwise, he could be the person "making wild guesses whom the police will deal with under the appropriate law," as in the words of IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan.

Of course, Zaini's motive has been to smear the reputation of Teoh Beng Hock.

But then why should anyone make such malicious accusations against a dead person unable to open his mouth and defend?

Perhaps, that is the mentality of the scholar in the story, but ten thousand times more destructive!


Nazri Aziz ignores racism, & attacks calls of justice for Teoh BH

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Carpe diem Najib?

The Malaysian Insider - Royal Commission to probe MACC

PUTRAJAYA, July 22 — The Cabinet today took the only option available and agreed to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate the circumstances surrounding the suspicious death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock.

It also ordered the lead investigator of the graft probe against Selangor Pakatan Rakyat (PR) executive councilors reassigned, in what is an effective suspension of duties.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the commission would look into the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) investigation procedures and whether Teoh Beng Hock’s human rights were violated, giving in to the tremendous public outcry.

Speaking at a press conference here, Datuk Seri Najib Razak also said that an inquest to be presided over by a magistrate will begin next week to investigate Teoh’s death.

He also pledged that the outcome of the ongoing police probe would be announced to the public.

“I will inform Teoh’s family of the outcome of the investigations,” said Najib.

Najib Razak will be a hero if he becomes the first national leader to 'solve' a death in custody, ensure justice for the ordinary citizen is possible and purge the rot in the public system.

It's his call.

In everyone's life time, an opportunity may arise that, if seized, may make a sea change, even though this one for Najib has been as a result of a senseless tragedy. Be that as it may, I hope he takes it gratefully.

Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.
Seize the day and place no trust in tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nazri Aziz ignores racism, & attacks calls of justice for Teoh BH

When I read of the comments by Zainul Arifin, the group managing editor the NST Group, I was gob-smacked by his condemnation of critics of MACC, accusing them of attempting to undermine Malay institutions – see The Malaysian Insider’s Kit Siang wants Nazri to warn NST boss over racial overtones.

I was gob-smacked not so much by his racist comments but his assertion that MACC is a Malay institution.

If I remember, all public institutions are Malaysian in character rather than that of the Malays, or Chinese, or Indians or whichever ethnic group.

By so asserting that MACC or the Police Force are Malay institutions, Zainul Arifin hasn’t done these two organisatiosn any favour, au contraire.

A Malaysian citizen has died under strange circumstances while in the custody of MACC. Thus people, the so-called critics of MACC, want explanations from MACC why a man, called in the anti graft agency as a mere witness (a) was interrogated overnight, for as long as 10 hours, and (b) left the MACC building in a body bag after the interrogation.

Would this be racist on the part of the so-called critics? Was their demand to know some answers a ‘challenge to Malays leadership’, as alleged by Zainul?

I was going to ask how in the world did he, with such a mentality, get to become group managing editor of the NST group? But I might have already answered my own question.

Then, Zainul asked why Khalid Ibrahim, the MB of Selangor would question “those of his own race to act fairly” - Kenapa Menteri Besar Selangor, seorang Melayu, meragui kebolehan orang sebangsanya bertindak dengan tulus dan adil?

Those of his own race.

That most regrettable leitmotif of Zainul Arifin, the bane of our Malaysian society.

And the ridiculousness of the situation has been Nazri Aziz warning Pakatan to stop politicising Teoh Beng Hock’s death while keeping quiet about Zainul Arifin’s outrageous blatant racism.

And we wonder why MACC (and the Police) would dare do what they have done.

The story of the MACC's contrasting treatment of a RM2,400 case versus one of RM24 million (yes, millions), leading to a tragic and senseless end for a mere witness has driven Dr David KL Quek, president of the Malaysian Medical Association, to lament in Malaysiakini's SOS - Shocked, Outraged, Saddened (extracts):

It is sad that in the process of trying to enforce the 'law', a young man with so much potential has been so ruthlessly cut down, his life truncated so prematurely, that he had now left behind a bride and his orphan child to be!

This cynical loss of life, so senseless and so unnecessary, points to perhaps another growing culture of arrogance when another's life was dehumanised and cheaply disposed of ... Power of authority was all that mattered.

This is indeed not something isolated, it is now appearing to be a pattern of ingrained autocracy, unchallenged power among enforcement agencies such as the police and now the MACC, with no foreseeable oversight in place.

Custodial 'torture', unregulated investigation methods, custodial injuries and deaths, now appear to be commonplace, and are occurring with a regularity that showcase our enforcement agencies' callous disregard for human lives and their imperious unconcern for human rights.

When will our helpless, disempowered citizens get justice?

When indeed!

I dreamt of Beng Hock

Yeo Yang Poh of Petaling Jaya wrote a letter (presumably in Chinese - it has the typical Chinese style of dialogue) to which was published as I dreamt of Beng Hock.

It is one of the most moving articles I have read – I have reproduced it below for your perusal.


I dreamt of Teoh Beng Hock. He was looking at me, silently.

I whispered, "Was it an accident, suicide, manslaughter or murder?"

There was no response.

I asked, "Some say that you were free by half past three, but you chose to stay behind in order to rest. Is this true? Is it because your bed at home is not comfortable?"

Beng Hock said nothing.

I asked again, "It appears that you did not even notify anyone that you were free to go but opted to stay behind instead. Did you not know that all your loved ones and your friends were worried about you?"

Half turning, Beng Hock appeared to be moving away. "Please don't go!" I pleaded. He stayed.

"Are the things I hear true? Should I believe them?"

He remained silent.

"Say something, please?"

After a pause, Beng Hock finally spoke. Out of the blue he asked me, "The presents your kids got last Christmas, I am told that they were brought by Santa Claus who came down your chimney. Is that true?"

Before I could answer, Beng Hock spoke again, "You know, I had made arrangements to register my marriage the next day. I was looking forward to a good family life."

I stubbornly persisted, "I heard that you had your car with you that night. Why did you not drive home immediately? Isn't home the best place to rest?"

Beng Hock ignored me again.

"Do tell me! I am a lawyer. I will disclose the whole truth on your behalf!"

As soon as I said it, I realized how silly I sounded. Surely I cannot possibly tell the world, that the truth is such and such, and I know it because the deceased came to me in my dream and told me so!

In embarrassment I quickly added, "Please give me a hint, let me know where to start looking. I promise that I will do what I can to uncover the whole truth."

Instead of responding, Beng Hock suddenly asked me, "Is every single life precious? Why is it precious?"

"Of course every life is precious! To live is obviously about preserving life, treasuring life."

Beng Hock did not bother about my reply, and carried on, "Every life is precious because each of us has our own missions during our brief stay. Mine have just ended. Yours and those of millions of other Malaysians are continuing. One of your missions is to unearth the truth about my death, and then to act upon the uncovered truth."

Rather hastily I replied, "But what is the point when whatever we do can never bring you back?"

He looked at me for some time, before slowly speaking, "Do you not think there will be many others who would suffer the same fate in the future if nothing is done? Whom can they turn to for help? Whom will you turn to if you become the target? Remember this, he who bothers only about his own turf will be buried alone in it when the grass catches fire."

I had no reply to offer. I was overcome with shame.

Beng Hock turned and, with the blood on his finger, wrote a few lines on the white wall, before gradually disappearing,

I raised my glass of blood and asked Him above
If the world has not abandoned justice and love
Let women and men rise where I have fallen
And act to halt the spread of these corrupt pollens
Then my death will not be in vain!

At that moment I awoke, soaked in cold sweat, outraged and ashamed.


The letter is of course about an imaginary dream, but its poignancy touches and troubles me in a way I haven't felt for a long time.

A wee digression, for a real ghostly experience read my post Senjakala

Monday, July 20, 2009

Penang Gerakan Youth has full confidence in MACC

Malaysiakini’s CM's 'abuse' of funds: File a complaint Gerakan told reported:

Penang Public Accounts Committee (PAC) wants the state Gerakan youth to lodge an official complaint to enable the committee to probe the movement's allegation that Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng had misused public funds to stay in a luxury bungalow.

PAC chairperson Jagdeep Singh Deo also wants Gerakan youth to provide details and evidence to the PAC. Referring to a Gerakan youth report last week at the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) Penang office, Jagdeep said PAC shall investigate the allegation to protect public interest.

But Gerakan Youth said porrah.

MKINI reported: In an immediate response, state Gerakan youth chief Oh Tong Keong said the movement preferred MACC to probe the case because it had full confidence in the agency.

Yay, good news for MACC – in the midst of the current angry outraged seething public, MACC still enjoys the FULL confidence of Penang Gerakan Youth – break out the champagne.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Ignominy of MACC

The Malaysian Insider – Umno papers slam MACC critics in Teoh’s death

Yawnnnnnnnn - why am I not surprised by the headlines?

The news article reported: Umno-controlled newspapers, Berita Harian and Mingguan Malaysia, today slammed critics for demonising the country’s graft-busters over Teoh Beng Hock’s death, with one suggesting there is an agenda to weaken Malay-controlled institutions. […]

… Berita Harian suggested the agenda was to weaken Malay-controlled institutions in the article, “Kematian Teoh timbulkan pelbagai spekulasi politik”, written by the New Straits Times group managing editor Zainul Ariffin Isa.

Not the unexpected bangsa, agama dan negara clarion call to defend the MACC, which in reality is merely an UMNO asset.

He wrote: “It is not just the Chinese or supporters of the Pakatan Rakyat who know anger and seek justice.”

“Suspicions have been raised especially among the non-Malays that MACC, which like other departments have many Malay officers, selectively chose non-Malays to be investigated.”

Well, my dear sir, haven’t they, that is, 'selectively chose non-Malays to be investigated'?

Why are only seven Chinese (yes, only Chinese) ADUNs of Selangor (from DAP and PKR) targeted for investigation by the MACC on the alleged abuses of their allocation of state funds?

What about:

(1) The notorious Disney World foray and Bali palace?

(2) Former Selangor BN exco going into frenzied spending of RM500,000 in a mere two months?

(3) Reports of alleged corruption against the assemblypersons of Jelapang, Behrang and Chagat Jering in Perak?

(4) Etc etc.

In fact, why not investigate the Malay (say, PAS) or Indian Pakatan ADUNs in Selangor?

No? In suppose that would affect ‘Malay unity’ if MACC were to harass PAS; I suppose the 67% swing back by Indians to the BN would also be jeopardised.

If these questions sound racial, guess who has been the one providing ample aggravated @r$*hole grounds for it?

Additionally, from Malaysiakini’s reports in
Last man to see Teoh: MACC threatened me and The Malaysian Insider’s Another victim of MACC’s ‘racism’?, a Chinese and a Malay who were dragged in by MACC as ‘witnesses’ claimed racial insults were part of the MACC repertoire of interrogation techniques; torture was another, when a witness was made to stand still continuously for 4 hours. Is the MACC a modern day Kempetai?

However, the Malay witness related that he was spared further abuses when the MACC officer finally accepted him as a Malay.

The Malaysian Insider reported Dariff Din stating:

“They asked me if I was Chinese or Malay and I told them that I was Malaysian but they kept insisting on my race,” Dariff told reporters at the DAP Paramount service centre when relating details of his interrogation on July 15 by MACC officials.

He said they were mainly interested in his ethnicity rather than the case itself, adding the officer was curious because he looked Chinese but had a Malay name. He told them his father was Malay and mother was Chinese.

“Everything went smoothly after they learned that I was a Malay Muslim,” Dariff said, adding he was questioned about his background for another hour before they asked him how Lau’s office spent the state allocations.

Shades of BTN!

But we are left in no doubt that the MACC has failed abysmally in its official role as an anti-graft agency. It has by itself proven it is nothing more than an UMNO weapon to support the party’s political agenda.

Supposedly an anti corruption agency, the MACC has now gained through its disgraceful and unprofessional conduct, action and abuses the perverted notoriety of being (politically) corrupt itself.

It does not deserve standing as a public body anymore. Why should taxpayers fund an UMNO apparatus?

As for the Police, it has a record far more notorious than that of the MACC, thus we have no faith in the Police being able to conduct a professional, impartial and transparent investigation into the death of Teoh Beng Hock.

But having said that, will the Police examine the fact that MACC interrogated Teoh, a mere 'witness', for at least 12 hours into the wee hours, when even hardened criminals were not so persecuted?

Will it consider that Teoh was denied the presence of his lawyer when criminals would be, and he was alone in an interrogation where we now have, through at least 3 witness accounts, descriptions of the MACC’s racist, threatening and brutal techniques?

Will it consider that the doors of the Selangor MACC office operate on electronic access cards, which Teoh did not have? Will it thus consider what we have been wondering, how Teoh could have exited the confines of the building (at whichever floor) to jump or fall (or was pushed, either accidentally or deliberately)?

(but which, according to the logic of some UMNO blogs, DAP thugs must have possess those access cards - see paragraph after next on this)?

But the above questions are all academic because as I have said, we have no faith in the Police being able to conduct a professional, impartial and transparent investigation into the death of Teoh Beng Hock.

We might as well save public expenses in the investigation by adopting in full the views of some UMNO blogs which have aired the preposterous theory that Teoh was murdered by DAP 'underworld' thugs to silence him from exposing DAP ADUNs' crimes.

(yes, come to think of it, there were hundreds of DAP gangsters 'loitering' around the MACC building, armed with electronic access cards; why, they even 'nap' there!)

There are now only two functions left for MACC, namely:

(1) to account for its negligence and culpability in the unwarranted death of Teoh Beng Hock who was dragooned into its charge, and

(2) to be disbanded in ignominy as a shameful case of Lil’ Napoleons in a public body becoming Brown Shirt sturmtroopers for a political party.

For those responsible for Teoh's death, the following is for you:

But God doth call to the Home of Peace: He doth guide whom He pleaseth to a way that is straight.

To those who do right is a goodly (reward)- Yea, more (than in measure)! No darkness nor shame shall cover their faces! they are companions of the garden; they will abide therein (for aye)!

But those who have earned evil will have a reward of like evil: ignominy will cover their (faces): No defender will they have from (the wrath of) God: Their faces will be covered, as it were, with pieces from the depth of the darkness of night: they are companions of the Fire: they will abide therein (for aye)!
- Surah 10 – Yunus Jonah: 25 - 27


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mysterious death of Teoh Hock Beng - Chua Jui Meng's view

Malaysiakini - What compelled me to ditch BN?

Above was a speech by Chua Jui Meng explaining his decision to resign from the MCA to join PKR. Apart from the fact that he was marginalised by MCA President Ong TK in one of those periodic MCA power struggles, extracts of his speech may explain why Teoh Hock Beng had perished during a session of interrogation* with MACC.

* Much as MACC would like us to believe the unbelievable, that the late Teoh was released at 3:45 am (on the day after he was hauled in by the so-called anti-corruption agency) but continued inexplicably to loiter around the MACC building and even took a nap in the HQ’s pantry, I believe Teoh had remained under MACC custody right until the time he was killed in a fall from the 14th floor of MACC HQ - see my previous post Mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock - Lil' Napoleons factor

I have underlined parts of Chua Jui Meng’s speech (extracts only) for your attention:

Today we see this nascent two-party system under threat, the unrelenting harassment by the Umno-led government to divide and destroy the two-party system, the hard-earned gains of last year's general election.

We see the abuse of power in the use of the federal institutions to harass, persecute and prosecute the leaders of the opposition, institutions that were supposed to protect the rights of the citizens of Malaysia.

The tragic death of 30-year-old Teo Beng Hock is the consequence of one such institution going overboard in its action. The seizure of power in Perak, the wooing of PAS by Umno to form a unity government based on race and religion, the farcical persecution and prosecution of Anwar Ibrahim once again for sodomy despite the reports of two hospitals - one from Hospital Kuala Lumpur - to the contrary, all these are indicative of a pattern of attempts to topple this precious two-party system.

It seeks to remove the people's new-found choice to choose between two political fronts. If this conspiracy succeeds Umno will continue to be the dominant political party going back to its old ways unfettered.

There’s some truth in what Chua said, but it’s more than just the two party system that UMNO fears.

UMNO knows the BN has been on a downhill slide since 08 March 2008 and as a party itself, it’ll more likely be kaput in 2013, relegated to a minority in the opposition, unless it does ‘something’.

For UMNO its current political objective has become one of pure survival.

Instead of reforming - and we know it can’t because it’s like a hungry monster that will feed voraciously on itself if unfed from its 50-year old gravy train, becoming a neglected red-eye toyol that eats its own master - it sees and propounds ‘Malay unity’ as its optimum strategy to remain in power in 2013.

UMNO has realised it can’t depend on the MCA to deliver the Chinese votes (and Gerakan was dead in the water), but of course not admitting it has been the actual cause of MCA’s political castration.

So it has decided its survival depends not only on Sabah, Najib’s ‘safe deposit box’, but the heartland.

And if anyone stands in its way to reclaiming/consolidating its hold on the heartland, like members of PAS and the Malay component of PKR, then these people have to be convinced to return to ‘the fold’, and where necessary, ‘seduced’ as required.

In this ethno-religious-centric strategy, UMNO has succeeded extremely well.

Take Bukit Gantang - despite the popularity and clean record of Mohamad Nizar, the federal by-election in Bukit Gantang saw a swing of the heartland back to UMNO. UMNO garnered 54% of the heartland’s votes.

And the increased swing of Chinese voters to PAS confirmed UMNO’s assessment of MCA’s impuissance.

The openly expressed proclivity of PAS’ Terengganu camp (ulama faction), even unto unprecedented open defiance of its spiritual leader, and the Manek Urai by-election outcome, would have convinced UMNO that its strategy to exploit the clarion call of ‘Malay unity’ has been right all along.

And ‘Malay unity’, like all nationalistic fervour, is best advertised by a wee thrashing of a ‘common enemy’ … which may perhaps explain why Rais Yatim had mulled openly (deliberately?) about resurrecting the long-dead case of Chinese rapper Namawee for prosecution.

Rais Yatim has also overruled the Health Minister in insisting on the term ‘swine fever’ instead of A(H1N1). Hey, ‘swine’ is miles ahead of A(H1N1) as a reminder of the unclean ‘enemy’.

But we need more please.

Well, in the old days, the CT (Communist terrorists) or more precisely the mainly Chinese communists, served that role. There was a CT behind every Malaysian bush when UMNO needed one.

Coincidentally today, Chin Peng in his 80+ years continues to be of some use to the cause of UMNO. No doubt UMNO would have whispered a quiet thanks to him. Karm-siah, Ah Pek!

But really, we need an enemy more substantial than one 80-year old man, a young university rapper or a virus.

The DAP and PKR Chinese ADUNs and MPs would do just fine.

And what did Chua Jui Meng said?

… the wooing of PAS by Umno to form a unity government based on race and religion …

… We see the abuse of power in the use of the federal institutions to harass, persecute and prosecute the leaders of the opposition

* Apart from the persecution of Anwar Ibrahim (well, because he is Anwar Ibrahim), police had deliberately disrupted a recent DAP dinner, while only Pakatan Chinese (only Chinese) members of Selangor DUN have been aggressively targeted for investigation of so-called financial impropriety by a suddenly awoken MACC.

Prior to this, the MACC had been in antipodal stupor, ignoring the disgustingly blatant frenzied spending of RM500,000 by each BN ADUN in a mere 2 months.

The MACC were also like the three wise monkeys in the matters of questionable spending by a BN leader on a Disney foray and his opulent Bali palace. Even Dr Mahathir was moved to comment adversely on the financial outlay for the Bali palace.

Now you see why the final extract of Chua Jui Meng’s speech stated: The tragic death of 30-year-old Teo Beng Hock is the consequence of one such institution going overboard in its action.

Demi bangsa, agama dan negara!

Mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock - a voice from beyond

The next day I was to wed my love
She would have taken up my name
But some said the Immortals above
Like Fate, would play a cruel game

I was called in as a so-called witness
To come up with required evidence
'They' gave me dozen hours of stress
To support their pre-determinations

Oh, didn't I mention my wedding
When friends'd celebrate with me?
Alas, that did not come to being
Why so? Ask that Am-ay cee cee

'They' said I was one who’d loiter
And nap to soothe my sleepy eye
So as to feel fresh to reconnoitre
For a nice spot to takeoff and fly

In 7 months I was to have a baby
How proud I’d be as a new father
Waiting, thanks to Am-ay cee cee,
On the other side of the Styx river

‘They’ now add insults to injury
Claiming I had Triad association
A red herring to deflect query
Of my death and their connection

Just their leitmotif, it's not new
Unbridled power, their slogan
Unaccountability is their cue
Don’t believe me? Ask Kugan

Did you see the tears of my father
And also those of my bride to be
They both seek a simple answer
From a very silent Am-ay cee cee

Friday, July 17, 2009

Mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock - Lil' Napoleons factor

The day news broke out that Teoh Beng Hock died, a sweetie and I discussed what could have possibly happened.

I suspected, and said so, that the MACC interrogation and the ‘associated SOP* techniques’ (already made renown by our police) had gone horribly horribly wrong.

* standard operating procedures

I provided a scenario of what could have happened.

Today, a friend persuaded me to read RPK’s piece on the likely scenario in The writing was already on the wall so long ago. I was amazed at our similar visualization of the likely tragic happenings leading to Teoh’s death.

Looks like our world famous lil’ Napoleons must have done it again, going beyond the ‘call of duty’ but as usual, lacking basic commonsense to know the limits of what they could safely do.

It sure as f* didn’t help when they knew they won’t ever be held accountable – read on to the end to see what I mean.

Then this afternoon, Malaysiakini’s Last man to see Teoh: MACC threatened me reported on another person hauled in MACC for an Abu Ghraib-ish session.

MIKINI stated: Kajang municipal councillor Tan Boon Hwa, who was grilled by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission on Wednesday, today shed some light on the corruption watchdog's questionable interrogation techniques.

Based on Tan’s account, those MACC officers were probably worse than the police – their interrogation techniques include humiliation, threats (against the so-called witness and his loved ones), physical punishment (making Tan stand for 4 hours – what f* right did they have in this regard?), and racist taunts (Cina bodoh!).

Tan was taken on the same day as Teoh, and was only released the following at 1:30 pm, around the time when Teoh’s body was mysteriously discovered.

Given the similar circumstances I have doubts that Teoh was released earlier at 3:45 am, as claimed by MACC. Indeed I would not be at all surprised if Teoh was only “released”* around the same time …

* interpret this any old way you like

… which has been why the MACC “story” sounded implausible. Why would anyone just released from the nasty claws of MACC still loiter around hell’s hole!

Or, why would anyone take a nap before committing suicide?

I wouldn't bet against the "interrogation" continuing in the daylight morning, as Tan had experienced, right past noon.

But we are unlikely to ever get the true story – recall the police's notorious record of infamy over numerous cases of deaths in custody, where Tan Sri Siti Norma Yaakob, the former Chief Judge of Malaya, saw fit to express her deep concerns that out of 80 deaths in police custody occurring between January 2000 and December 2004, only 6 inquests, less than 10% of the deaths, were ever held.

She demanded to know why police saw it fit to decide that inquests were unnecessary in 22 cases of such deaths.

In fact, the Criminal Procedure Code specifically makes it mandatory to have inquests into deaths under police custody, yet the IGP had ignored his police force's arrogant, unaccountable nd repetitive violations of the Criminal Procedure Code.

And unbelievably, this IGP continues to enjoy the “confidence” of his political masters (or political servants) - see my post
Pagar makan padi - deaths in police custody.

We heard of Khairy Jamaluddin calling for a Royal Commission, but ….. only to clear the name of MACC.

We hear of the DPM rejecting a Royal Commission because he has decided the police force will conduct a thorough and transparent investigation, where nobody will cover up the truth ….. yeah, just like those other deaths in custody!

It's all about the so-called good name and credibility of MACC!

Has any of these people thought of a Malaysian citizen, poor Teoh Beng Hock, who died in such unbelievable unmitigated unforgiveable circumstances in the custody of MACC, and right at its building?

For anyone to believe that Teoh fell off the 14th floor accidentally or had committed suicide would be worse than those who actually believed someone was doing you a favour by physically and brutally beating the furious sh*t out of you in order to drive out Syaitan.

Maybe pigs can fly too!

The aim of the UMNO government now seems to be about protecting MACC rather than finding out the truth of Teoh’s death.

And this was what I had earlier meant by: It didn’t help when those lil’ Napoleons knew they won’t ever be held accountable.

Mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock - MACC explanations implausible?

A good man went to the MACC (to assist them in their investigations) and came out a corpse. How can we expect MACC or the police to protect the common man?

- Charles Santiago (MP for Klang)

According to MACC investigation division director Shukri Abdull, Teoh Beng Hock was called in only as a witness ... but a witness interrogated by MACC in its 14th floor office from 6 pm till nearly 4 am, for 10 hours? What kind of witness interview was this?

A witness denied the company of his lawyer - why?

Teoh Beng Hock was to marry today - would he have jumped? Would he have loitered in the MACC building? He had his car there!

The Malaysian Insider reported the Selangor CPO Khalid Abu Bakar stating: ..... tonight the authorities had classified the death of Teoh Beng Hock as sudden death and do not see any evidence of foul play so far.

Of course, Malaysians know that it's quite normal that 30-year old men jump to their death on their wedding day.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock - cause?

Malaysiakini Minister: Don't blame MACC!

Extracts from above news report:

MCA also called for an independent inquiry in order to quell unwarranted rumours and safeguard the credibility of MACC.

Party spokesperson Gan Ting Siew said the police should launch a thorough investigation into the case to determine if there was any foul play.

Are we living in Ga-ga-Land, or do we still believe in the fairy godmother?

Two blooming questions:

(1) Since when did MACC have any 'credibility'?

(2) Does anyone really expect the police to do a good job?

The mysterious death of Teoh Beng Hock - for utter evil lives among us

Teoh Beng Hock, the political secretary to DAP (Selangor) exco Ean Yong Hian Wah perished today in a most MYSTERIOUS manner.

He was taken to the MACC headquarters for questioning in relation to a probe concerning several Pakatan assemblypersons, coincidentally(?) all Chinese Malaysians (both DAP and PKR Selangor ADUNs), ... about their so-called abuse of constituency development funds.

Contrast this to the MACC non-action thus far (it has done f*-all) about the former State (BN) exco each spending RM500,000 in a mere two months. Nor has it moved a millimetre towards investigating the multi-million ringgit Disney foray and the RM24 Bali mansion.

Teoh was hauled in yesterday evening, held by MACC overnight for interrogation, but his lawyer was not permitted to accompany him.

MACC claimed he was released at 3.45 am today but ..... now get this and see whether you can ever believe such an implausible tale ...

... did not go home, and according to a Malaysiakini report in Exco's aide plunges to death from MACC HQ, was claimed by MACC investigation division director Shukri Abdull to be loitering in the building.

Loitering in the MACC building?

Now, why would someone apparently just released (and we only have the words of MACC on this) after so many hours of interrogation still 'loiter' around the place? Who the f* would want to loiter in the Devil's lair?

The Malaysian Insider reported:
His lawyer M Manoharan, who accompanied Teo to the MACC office yesterday, said the deceased looked normal and showed no signs of being under stress.

"He was happy and looked composed. I had advised him how to handle the interrogation as I was not allowed in during questioning,” he said.

Manoharan, who is the Kota Alam Shah assemblyperson, last saw Teo at around 7 pm yesterday.

Ean Yong said it was highly unlikely Teoh took his own life since he was due to register his marriage tomorrow.

"Furthermore, there was no reason for him to linger (after the interrogation) because his car was here."

So ... He was to have registered his marriage tomorrow, and his car was there ...
... wouldn't you think he (like anyone in his situation, a mere 30-year old man) would have made a beeline for the vehicle to get home to his partner?

Let me ask again: Who the f* would want to loiter in the Devil's lair?

One can smell bullsh*t a zillion miles away about his release, his unbelievable loitering in MACC HQ after being held for nearly 10 to 12 hours there (without his lawyer).

Now the bullsh*t gets bullsh*tter. The MKINI report said:

MACC investigation division director Shukri Abdull told reporters that Teo was released at 3.45am but the deceased did not go home and was seen loitering in the building. According to him, Teo had wanted to rest for a while at the pantry. He was seen still sleeping there at 6am.

So, first, Teoh loitered in the building;

... then, from somewhere in the building, in the midst of his loitering, Teoh (must have told him or how would he have known) wanted to rest for a while at the pantry.

WTF? Teoh loitered or rest at the pantry?
Let me answered my own question with Malaysiakini's headlines, which is Exco's aide plunges to death from MACC HQ.

The event (plunges to death) and location (MACC HQ) are undeniable facts (no escaping that), BUT ...

... the question now must be: what caused him to fall? YES, what?

And all of us, includng the PM, knows that the single common denominator with such unexplained MYSTERIOUS deaths has been their occurrence in the custody of authorities (police and now MACC).

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Extending IGP's contract will be a crime!

Manek Urai? Everyone's waiting for the offical result.

But a far more important issue needs to be aired, namely the likelihood of an extension for the current IGP, whose contract runs out in September.

Please read the following and tell me whether you support his extension?

Tan Sri Siti Norma Yaakob, the Chief Judge of Malaya, has expressed her deep concerns that 80 deaths in police custody occurred between January 2000 and December 2004 – that’s an average of 20 people dying per annum while in police custody, or almost a frightening 2 per month for 4 continuous years - but only 6 inquests, less than 10% of the deaths, were even held. […]

She demanded to know why police had seen it fit to decide that inquests were unnecessary in 22 cases of such deaths. ... In fact, the Criminal Procedure Code specifically makes it mandatory to have inquests into deaths under police custody.

Yet the IGP has not addressed this unacceptable omission, a violation of the Criminal Procedure Code. The IGP must be held responsible and accountable for his failure.

Want to read more? Then see my post Pagar makan padi - deaths in police custody

Also see a few of previous posts I have posted about the IGP at the bottom, and you wonder why tha bloke should even be allowed to continue as IGP, let alone get an extension to his tenure which unfortunately for us and in all probability he will get.

Under his IGP-ship, crime rates have soared as never before in our nation’s history, yet why doesn’t the government, including the previous one under AAB, let him retire if not sack him, and get fresh blood in?

Is he that indispensable (even to UMNO)?

As we have already assessed, from rocketing crime stats and the continuing deaths in police custody, that professionally he certainly hasn’t been and is unlikely to be.

Or, more likely, has he got the PM, the current as well as the previous ones, by the balls?

A few selected posts on IGP:
(1) KTemoc's No 1 priority - Fight crime!
(2) AAB - keep your eyes on Police
(3) What's AAB up to, extending Musa Hassan's service?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Uthayakumar - correct person to represent Tamils?

When Hindraf started he was basically sincere, earnest … well maybe a bit dramatic but non offensively dedicated.

Today when he deals with people, from whom he supposedly requires help, he certainly has ‘a way with words’.

Last week he gave Lim Guan Eng, CM of Penang, a week to resolve the Kampung Buah Pala’s land crisis, .…. or else, it would seem.

A whole week? Mighty big of him!

Well, that week has passed, as acknowledged by him. Malaysiakini’s
High Chaparral: Hindraf to 'turn the screws' reported:

Expressing disappointment that the state government failed to fulfil any of his three demands outlined last week, Hindraf leader P Uthayakumar said the movement would now turn the screws to compel the Penang government to protect the villagers' interests.

Wakakaka – 1 week, then 1 more week, then another, and then 1 extra week?

Dei Puratchi Thalaivar, don’t make threats unless you can back it up.

Incidentally, the article was written by Malaysiakini's Athi Shankar (Veeranggan) wakakaka! And why do I wakakaka? Please see also my post
Malaysiakini journalist anti-Lim Guan Eng? ;-)

But as I mentioned above, Uthayakumar has 'a way with words' in dealing with people like Lim Guan Eng, a man he wants help from.

So what words has he used since last week? [see Malaysiakini’s High Chaparral: Hindraf to 'turn the screws']:

Uthayakumar spelled out three actions that the state government must take within a week … [...]

His demands were: [...]

Nice going, threatening Lim that way. I am sure those words would make him sound like a hero, but whether it helps the villagers' cause or convinces Lim to listen to him would be another question.

In my earlier post
Deliberate racial tones in Kg Buah Pala polemics? I asked: Who is Uthayakumar to use such threatening language? And with such crude aggression, acrimony and arrogance, do you believe this man really wants the best deal for the villagers, or one who wants to stir up a conflict?

Then Uthayakumar said in Malaysiakini’s High Chaparral: Hindraf to 'turn the screws' that Hindraf was not racist.

I agree that Hindraf is not racist, but guess who in Hindraf has made Hindraf appear as a seemingly racist organisation? ….. making outrageous comments like Lim valued ‘pigs over Indians’!

Also The Malaysian Insider's article Najib washes federal hands of Buah Pala case wrote [extracts]:

But a number of Hindu Rights Action Front (Hindraf) activists have seized on the residents’ predicament, and turned the dispute into a racial issue. […]

No quick resolution to the controversy is now in sight, with certain Hindraf leaders ratcheting up the rhetoric against the Penang government with plans to use the issue as a cause cรฉlรจbre to revive the group’s own flagging fortunes. […]

But since the involvement of Hindraf, the controversy has taken on emotional and racial overtones.

Yes, who wants to be a Tamil hero of MGR-ish dimension?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Catholics outraged by violation of sacred communion with God

My matey Lucia Lai has asked me to highlight a very very naughty affair [blush, not that type] where two blokes went to spy on Catholic religious services and even abuse the Christians' sacred communion with their God.

Well, you know I would do anything for Lucia, so here's the article she wants me to post:

8th July 2009

Muslim Men Spying in Catholic Churches

We are deeply concerned that two Muslim men acting on false information that the Catholic Church was converting Muslims into Christians had recently entered a Catholic Church service for the purpose of gathering information as to whether this was occurring. They were also investigating whether the word 'Allah' was being used in church services. These men participated in the church service and even took part in the rituals that are strictly for Catholics and in doing so violated the sanctity of what Catholics hold very sacred. These men later wrote about their experience in an article entitled "Tinjaun Al Islam Dalam Gereja:Mencari Kesahihan Remaja Murtad" which was published in the May 2009 issue or the Al Islam magazine.

The men had consumed the 'communion' which is a white wafer which is blessed by the Priest in a Catholic ritual that dates back 2000 years. Via this ritual the 'white wafer' is supernaturally transformed into what Catholics believe to be Jesus Christ and when consumed allows Catholics to experience life after death. The 'communion' is held with great reverence and cannot in any way be mishandled or with a lack of respect. Even Catholics are not allowed to take home the 'communion' but are instructed to consume it immediately during the service. Catholics go through an elaborate process of preparing themselves to receive this 'communion' worthily and those who have not done so are advised to refrain from receiving it.

As such we are outraged that these Muslim men consumed it only to spit it out later, have it photographed and have its image published in the Al-Islam magazine. The total disrespect shown to what Catholics hold in closest to their hearts and believe to be most Holy strikes deep into our hearts and invokes much anger. While we are resolved not to allow anger to guide our actions and instead pray that these ignorant will be forgiven by the Allah, we want to know what has become of this most holy 'communion' and demand its immediate return to the church authorities.

We are further outraged that these Muslim men have violated our sense of privacy to freely worship. Would these men tolerate non-Muslims entering the mosque and violating the sanctity and holiness of their worship? We believe that all places of worship and the form of worship practiced in these places must be respected with the greatest sensitivity and reverence be they the church, mosque, temple or gurdwaras. Entering these premises with the intention to spy and worse to violate the sanctity of the worship only serves to incite anger and hatred that could lead to potentially dangerous consequences that would tear this country apart.

As such, as concerned Catholics, we have made a police report at the Patani Road Police station on 8th July 2009 and thereafter held a press conference at the same place. We requested that the police investigate this matter with great urgency and bring to books those responsible for acting to incite hate and resentment among the Catholic Community. We also call on the police to investigate both the Al-Islam magazine and the writers of the article.

Joachim Francis Xavier & K. Sudhagaran Stanley

Tel: 016 4100264/ 016 4455678

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Science & Maths no more in English

"The [Chinese education] boat has left the harbour and sailed too far to turn back now.”
Helen Ang in 'Di mana bumi ku pijak'

Malaysiakini Dr M turns up the heat with online poll - thank goodness the article was not penned by Athi Shankar Veeranggan wakakaka.

Dr M is pissed off with Najib’s retreat from the teaching of Maths and Science in English. One never f*'s around with any of his pet projects, whether this be the teaching of Maths & Science in English or the crooked Bridge to Kiasu Island.

For context on why some Chinese parents prefer vernacular education for their children, please read my last year’s post
A central pillar of Chinese culture ...

... to see how in the 50’s and 60’s Chinese parents actually abandoned vernacular for English education for their children, ...

... but made an 180-degree turnaround to return to Chinese medium when a succession of UMNO Education Ministers began to opportunistically kick the Malaysian education system about like the political football it then was, ...

... and apparently still is today.

I then wrote:
Frankly I personally do not believe one can learn English effectively through Science and Maths where the vocabulary or linguistic expression used would be limited to technical terms – perhaps those suspicious of the government’s intention have assessed likewise.

Apart from English language lessons per se, the best subjects requiring wide linguistic expressions and extensive employment of vocabulary would be history, literature, morals, social sciences, economics, and even religious studies - but certainly not Maths and Science.

Anyway, the language per se is not so important as the system. Look at the Japanese or German education systems in their native languages as examples of excellence.

But the problem with Malaysian system is that it’s very seldom fully prepared ... the national doctrine of 'gaya mahu, kalah ta'apa' campur with a kiasu attitude prevails, ...

... and it’s worse when the ugly hands of nationalism or politics further dirty the issue.

Whatever language we want to promote, be it English, Malay, Chinese, Tamil, Arabic, French, Swahili, Japanese or Hebrew, etc, we must have the system prepared, namely, teachers skilled to teach fluently in the preferred language, a well laid out curriculum, reading materials in the language, other training aids, support services etc.

Or, to borrow Dr Mahathir’s immortal words, it’ll at best be nothing more than a half-past six system.