
Sunday, September 09, 2018

BEST political statement 2018 (26)

Malaysiakini - Fear and loathing in Putrajaya redux by Commander (rtd) S Thayaparan (extracts):

While I am not someone who makes excuses for the Harapan administration when it comes to their reform agenda, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is correct when he says that there are officials in Putrajaya who are purposely stalling the administrative policies of the new regime. There are a couple of points worth considering.

The first is the lack of experience of some of the ministers appointed. Much has been said about the “Call me bro” youth and sports minister, the education minister who wants more responsibility - or is that prestige? - but has no real reform agenda when it comes to one of the more important portfolios of this country, ...

my idiotic supporters encourage me to be completely transparent about Malaysia's military defence capability and capacity  & I am doing so

BTW, have I told you how many of our jet fighters are serviceable? how many of our infantry battalions are combat ready? and how many of our naval warships are without ammo?

... the defence minister who likes to cook, and of course, the finance minister who can’t seem to get enough of exposing the scandals of the past administration and nodding to whatever the prime minister says.

hah? stop collecting donations for Tabung Harapan?

aiyoh, thank god (the Lord be praised) I still have my other job, exposing what's in the 'red files'

I must obey His Imperial Majesty lah
Daim can look after the GST, SST and Azmin the HSR, ECRL & Khanazah

I deem Aneh's statement "The finance minister who can’t seem to get enough of exposing the scandals of the past administration and nodding to whatever the prime minister says" as the BEST political statement 2018 thus far.

Aneh has succinctly captured Lim Guan Eng's limited (or restricted) and sad competency, more so when he is the first Chinese (so-called) Finance Minister of Malaysia in 44 years, since the late Tun Tan Siew Sin retired in April 1974.

probably the BEST FM of Malaya-Malaysia
(no fCking hanky-panky with him)

What a bloody shame Guan Eng, giving such an important and distinguished ministry, has self-restricted himself to such so-called finance ministerial functions, that of a budak kecil book-keeper and grubby propagandist for Mahathir.

(1) BEST political statement 2018.
(2) BEST political statement 2018 (2).
(3) BEST political statement 2018 (3).
(4) BEST political statement 2018 (4)
(5) BEST political statement 2018 (5)
(6) BEST political statement 2018 (6)
(7) BEST political statement 2018 (7)
(8) BEST political statement 2018 (8)
(9) BEST political statement 2018 (9)
(10) BEST political statement 2018 (10)
(11) BEST political statement 2018 (11)
(12) BEST political statement 2018 (12)
(13) BEST political statement 2018 (13)
(14) BEST political statement 2018 (14)
(15) BEST political statement 2018 (15).
(16) BEST political statement 2018 (16).
(17) BEST political statement 2018 (17).
(18) BEST political statement 2018 (18).
(19) BEST political statement 2018 (19).
(20) BEST political statement 2018 (20).
(21) BEST political statement 2018 (21).
(22) BEST political statement 2018 (22).
(23) BEST political statement 2018 (23).
(24) BEST political statement 2018 (24).
(25) BEST political statement 2018 (25).

(1) WORST political statement 2018 (1)
(2) WORST political statement 2018 (2)

do you guys know why Commander Thayaparan didn't mention my name (thank Allah swt)?

I keep very very very quiet all the time, not doing a thing, in fact not moving, not even breathing thus he and most people don't even know I exist

even the mosquitoes don't bite me because I am totally immobile


  1. The most important and serious takeaway from Commander Thayaparan's article ( as he emphasises himswlf) is that there is a Deep State in the Civil Service Administration which is still loyal to UMNO and determined to thwart Pakatan Harapan's agenda.

    Lim Guan Eng's strength as a Bookkeeper is actually an asset in the current national financial situation, not to be sneered at.
    The First act and foremost priority of the new Chief Financial Officer of a new Management team taking over a troubled company is to establish just how bad things are, and what unknown misconduct occurred under the previous management.

    Then only you can figure out improvement plans.

    THAT is precisely what Lim Guan Eng was doing in the 1st 100 days.

  2. What about cheebye motherfucker kaytee achievement?

    Disgraced maintenance crew or journalist....pick one

    1. told you before I am not your father because I did NOT fCk your mother

  3. This is the second time KT has taken Aneh's essay out of context ........ wakakakakaka

    1. out of context? Show me that Aneh did not write what I posted of Lim Guan Eng, to wit, that "The finance minister who can’t seem to get enough of exposing the scandals of the past administration and nodding to whatever the prime minister says"

    2. Taking out of context is where Cha Bor deliberately ignores the principal core conclusion of the author, instead hijacking the article by highlighting 2nd and 3rd order points in the article.

    3. isn't the topic of the post about a "statement" - did I blog on the entirety of the article?

      you have been the one deliberately twisting my post on what I consider to be BEST statement into something OUT OF CONTEXT

    4. Wakakakaka…

      断章取义 - misrepresenting the true meaning of an essay by pick & choose selected statements from the essay.

      Wordsmiths, worth their pen in gold, can easily turn an essay inside out by just quoting selected phrases from the essay & say as little as possible for their readers imaginations, blur &/or educated, tovrun wild!

      Same technique used by his mom sifu in spinning & twisting.

    5. Cheebye Motherfucker Kaytee exhibits Rumpelstillskin character in nature. But then what happen to rumpelstillskin at the end? Hahahahaha

      Again, I strongly suggest cheebye kaytee a disgraced journalist who is on the run from Malaysia journalist. Plus his refusal to show his credentials destroys whatever fucking credibility in whatever cheebye kaytee

      But then, we must hold cheebye kaytee that we can strip him and........hahahahaha

    6. told you before I am not your father because I did NOT fCk your mother

  4. "Fear and loathing in Putrajaya" among civil servants who still pay allegiance to the old BN regime.

    "Fear" because those civil servants who were corrupted or accomplices to corruption, abuse of powers etc do not know when the axe will fall on them,

    "Loathing' is because they just can't see any other Govt. except BN ruling over them.

    There is no other ways to handle these wayward civil servants once found out except to transfer them out to a temporary cold storage dept while disciplinary action is slowly being taken via the General Orders.

    PH Govt. needs to weed them out fast before the rest of the civil servants who were dedicated to their profession becomes discouraged and may even be influenced by such arrogant and traitorous civil servants.

    That basically is what the Aneh is talking about and not about performance of PH Ministers.

    1. So you are saying Aneh did NOT say anything about teh performance of PH ministers?

      So according to you, Aneh did NOT write the following:

      Much has been said about the “Call me bro” youth and sports minister, the education minister who wants more responsibility - or is that prestige? - but has no real reform agenda when it comes to one of the more important portfolios of this country, ...

      .. the defence minister who likes to cook, and of course, the finance minister who can’t seem to get enough of exposing the scandals of the past administration and nodding to whatever the prime minister says.

    2. Kaytee ah. Aneh is expressing his frustration as part of his article at the lack of disciplinary action to be taken against those wayward civil servants in those Ministries by using tongue-in-cheek statements against those PH leaders in charge of those Ministries.

      How come it looks so complicated to comprehend? Those simple folks who see things as black and white can understand easily.

      There is a part of the human brain which helps in simple reasoning, comprehension and computation.

      There's something wrong if an experienced writer/spinmaster/commenter/blogger cannot see thru it.

      Perhaps, a brain scan to check for blockages?


    3. looks like you are the spinmaster

    4. Whoah! Me think i can getting closer of have char siew.....where are all my kachiang
