
Tuesday, August 07, 2018

BEST political statement 2018 (23)

MM Online - Hands off women’s dresses, rights group tells religious minister:

PETALING JAYA, Aug 7 ― Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) has opposed Putrajaya’s effort that control women’s clothings and restrict their freedom of expression today, saying that such policies are extremely sexist that based on stereotype of women are seductresses.

“The obsession to control what women wear has to stop now,” it said in a statement.

“If the government is really serious about eliminating gender discrimination, they should prohibit employers from dismissing or refusing to hire women based on their attire, instead of creating policies to dictate how women should dress,” it said in a statement today.

WAO was responding to Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Mujahid Yusof Rawa who announced yesterday that the government is working on a dress code for Muslim women in the private sector.

WAO said there is already many emphasis on women’s appearance in our society.

“The government should instead focus on more substantive issues such as ensuring that parents have access to affordable child care, increasing women’s labour force participation, and enacting a Sexual Harassment Act and a Gender Equality Act, which would protect against gender discrimination and accelerate gender equality,” it added.

Yesterday, Malaysiakini reported that the government will prepare a set of Shariah-compliant dress code guideline for the private sector, which is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Surely, WAO's statement, to wit:

“The obsession to control what women wear has to stop now”

has to be the BEST political statement for 2018 thus far.

(1) BEST political statement 2018.
(2) BEST political statement 2018 (2).
(3) BEST political statement 2018 (3).
(4) BEST political statement 2018 (4)
(5) BEST political statement 2018 (5)
(6) BEST political statement 2018 (6)
(7) BEST political statement 2018 (7)
(8) BEST political statement 2018 (8)
(9) BEST political statement 2018 (9)
(10) BEST political statement 2018 (10)
(11) BEST political statement 2018 (11)
(12) BEST political statement 2018 (12)
(13) BEST political statement 2018 (13)
(14) BEST political statement 2018 (14)
(15) BEST political statement 2018 (15).
(16) BEST political statement 2018 (16).
(17) BEST political statement 2018 (17).
(18) BEST political statement 2018 (18).
(19) BEST political statement 2018 (19).
(20) BEST political statement 2018 (20).
(21) BEST political statement 2018 (21).
(22) BEST political statement 2018 (22).

(1) WORST political statement 2018 (1)
(2) WORST political statement 2018 (2)



    Bijan in lockup...again.

    Ktemoc is really going to get extremely angry over this.
    Either going to turn him into a suicide bomber or commit suicide by jumping off the Sydney Harbour bridge.

  2. I suspect, just like Yes Minister's James Hacker, Mujahid has been Co-opted by the very Ministry he was brought in to revamp and reform.

    Priority on guideline for Women's dressing ? That doesn't sound like PAN's agenda at all.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Having a Minister for Religion is ridiculous. God wants a different kind of Minister.

  5. Totally agree if it is guidelines on women's dressing for Government employees but not for private sector employees.

    Include guidelines for men dressing also for Govt. employees and not be bias.

    Make sure they dress up like Malaysians and not like Europeans or Arabs wannabees or going to some religious places of worship.

  6. idiot minister, no diff with many from umno/bn.
