
Wednesday, August 01, 2018

BEST political statement 2018 (21)

FMT - It’s not complicated, Latheefa tells Wan Azizah on child marriage:

FMT - PETALING JAYA: PKR’s Latheefa Koya has again taken to task the party’s president and Deputy Prime Minister Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail over the marriage of a 41-year-old man to a 11-year-old girl in Kelantan, saying all facts of the case were clear and established for the government to take action against child marriage.

Latheefa, who heads rights group Lawyers for Liberty (LFL), said the facts of the case were not in dispute.

“The 41-year-old suspect has already admitted to lusting after this child since she was seven years old, has tried to contract a marriage with her and, most sickeningly, cohabited with the child.

Why is Wan Azizah giving the excuse of ‘hearsay’ when the facts are well established and admitted to, even by the perpetrator?

“In any event, the issue of ‘hearsay’ does not arise at all because the investigators have had plenty of time to record statements from all concerned, including the perpetrator,” she said in a hard hitting statement against Wan Azizah, the second such statement from her accusing the women, family and community development minister of not taking a firm stand on the issue.

Wan Azizah told the Dewan Rakyat yesterday that a thorough investigation was being carried out into the matter.

She added that the issue had been discussed with the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) which said more evidence was required.

However, Latheefa said there was no complexity in the case as stated by Wan Azizah.

“The simple question for the purpose of prosecution is whether an act of sexual grooming took place upon this child.

openly admitted he lusted after a 7-year old girl 

“The facts above amount to the serious offence of sexual grooming under the Sexual Offences Act 2017.

“There is no reasonable excuse for failing to enforce the provisions of the Sexual Offences Act to the fullest extent in this shocking and obvious case.”
Adding that the case had become international news, Latheefa said Wan Azizah must not “dither and prevaricate in Parliament and leave Malaysia in the lurch”.

“It is also not an acceptable answer for Wan Azizah to simply pass the buck to the AG. She herself as the minister in charge must explain the reasons why no prosecution has been brought, as the AG is not in Parliament to do so.”

The marriage of rubber tapper Che Abdul Karim Che Abdul Hamid to Masaryu Mat Rashid had stirred a national controversy, with the girl’s parents giving their blessing to the union despite condemnation by human rights groups.

Karim said he would go ahead to formalise the marriage by applying for a marriage certificate after five years, when his “bride” turns 16, the minimum legal age for a female to marry under Malaysian Islamic laws

Trust Latheefa to sock it straight to Princess Iron Fan who has been acting cowardly in her dual role as DPM and Minister for Women, Family and Community Development.

"Dither" is the precise word to describe Wan Azizah's tap-dancing around the issue. It means "to act indecisively". And I suspect, also cowardly.

Also, Latheefa has been spot on in accusing Wan Azizah of "passing the buck to the AG". She is thus NOT fit to be the DPM and Minister for Women.

And 'ere any Muslim contends that the marriage is of Islamic provenance, may I remind them Latheefa Koya is a Muslim.

And if we were to go by the Malaysian sanctity (virtual apotheosizing of) of Zakir Naik, then Latheefa, being of Indian origin (in fact born in Kerala), is of holier Islamic pedigree to local Muslims and definitely that of Wan Azizah or the cradle-snatcher Che Abdul Karim Che Abdul Hamid.

I deem Latheefa's statement below as the BEST political statement thus far for 2019:

"Wan Azizah must not “dither and prevaricate in Parliament and leave Malaysia in the lurch”.

Wan Azizah should resign from at least the Women's Minister in shame and surrender that post to Latheefa or Hannah Yeoh.

(1) BEST political statement 2018.
(2) BEST political statement 2018 (2).
(3) BEST political statement 2018 (3).
(4) BEST political statement 2018 (4)
(5) BEST political statement 2018 (5)
(6) BEST political statement 2018 (6)
(7) BEST political statement 2018 (7)
(8) BEST political statement 2018 (8)
(9) BEST political statement 2018 (9)
(10) BEST political statement 2018 (10)
(11) BEST political statement 2018 (11)
(12) BEST political statement 2018 (12)
(13) BEST political statement 2018 (13)
(14) BEST political statement 2018 (14)
(15) BEST political statement 2018 (15).
(16) BEST political statement 2018 (16).
(17) BEST political statement 2018 (17).
(18) BEST political statement 2018 (18).
(19) BEST political statement 2018 (19).
(20) BEST political statement 2018 (20).

(1) WORST political statement 2018 (1)
(2) WORST political statement 2018 (2)


  1. This is a case of Paedophile where a man wants to cucuk his big size organ into the tiny hole of a 11 year old girl by whatever reasons of civil or religious laws which permit him to do so without punishment and live his animal lust everyday.

    Who shall we prioritize in the delay in charging him? The rights of the Paedophile or the underage child?

    Get the Paedophile fast. Every day delay is one more day of him satisfying his animal lust.

    Alternatively, negotiate with the Paedophile whether he would prefer another matured women to satisfy his lust whilst everyone waits for decisive actions.

  2. Negotiate?

    U r out of yr bloody mind!

    He should be castrated first, then sent to a guillotine to finish his miserable zombie life!

    Capital punishment opponents, like kt, would like to put him in confinement, preferably next to his house.

  3. Lathifa's attacks on Kak Wan are in the context of Azmin Ali campaigning.

    She better know what she is doing. Otherwise she her remaining options would either be UMNO or PPBM.
    Or maybe DAP wakaaaakakaa

    PAS hates her guts.

    1. The fight has gone deadly earnest now. A 69-pages on PDF has gone viral titled " Here is the proof that Azmin is the Toyol of Selangor'...spilling so-called bank information sheet, showing a long series of fund transactions, debit memo, account statements and individual bank search worldwide.

    2. The thing about allegations of impropriety against Azmin is...they are believable, though they may or may not be true or partly true....wakakakaka...

      There is an aura of a slick and slippery operator around Azmin...
      but performance wise, he's fine. One of the best Selangor Mentri Besars, and he left with his head up high.
      So many of his predecessor were forced to leave ignominiously.

  4. so whether action or no depend on minister? tis is how rule of law work?
