Friday, June 21, 2024

The Difference Between Friend and Foe

Badlands Media

The Difference Between Friend and Foe

Trump Draws the Dividing Line

MAY 13, 2024

This feature is a follow-up to ‘Who Is the Real Enemy?’

Way back in 2018, Trump called out a country that has been painted for many decades as a friend of the United States and one of our biggest allies in the “war on terror.”

Trump began bashing this specific country on Twitter and in the media in order to draw a clear dividing line for the American people.

Trump drew a line in the sand between a friend and a foe.

Which country was it?

According to Newsweek:

In one of his first tweets of 2018, President Donald Trump turned up the heat against a country that has been increasingly under the watchful eye of the U.S. government: Pakistan.

"The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools," Trump tweeted on Monday. "They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No More!"

Trump wasn’t just criticizing Pakistan, he was also criticizing the two previous presidents for funneling $33 billion in taxpayers’ money to Pakistan and getting almost nothing in return. The “War on Terror” has cost the American people trillions of dollars and put our country into massive debt that will never be paid back. That debt burden is bankrupting our nation.

More from Newsweek:

The tweet came several days after the New York Times published an article suggesting the U.S. might scrap $255 million in aid for Pakistan because the country didn't do enough to confront terrorist networks operating within its borders. The story cited a recent case where the U.S. demanded access to a captured militant from the Taliban-linked Haqqani network and the Pakistani government refused.

Senior administration officials will decide over the coming weeks if they cut funding to the country.

What the whole world learned about Trump as president is that he is always “America first.” He values and protects the taxpayers’ money, and he refuses to let other countries continue to take advantage of the United States.

Trump has proven time and again, that when he threatens to cut off financial aid to a country, they better take him seriously. He always gives them a choice. He first lays down the dividing line and then lets them decide whether to be a friend or a foe. We are no longer going to fund our enemies.

According to NBC News:

The U.S. military said it has made a final decision to cancel $300 million in aid to Pakistan, accusing Islamabad of not doing enough to root out militants from its border region with Afghanistan.

The proposed cuts mark a new low in what were already deteriorating relations with the United States' longtime ally.

U.S. officials had previously held out the possibility that Pakistan could win back the funding if it showed that it was taking decisive actions to root out insurgents.

But a final decision was made "due to a lack of Pakistani decisive actions in support of the South Asia Strategy," Faulkner told Reuters.

He said the other $500 million in Coalition Support Funds was stripped by Congress from Pakistan earlier this year, to bring the total withheld to $800 million.
This is more “money flow disruption.”

Trump ended up cutting off the aid to Pakistan because they were a safe haven for the terrorists we were fighting in Afghanistan. They also refused to hand over a member of the Haqqani network that they were holding in custody.

Do you know who the Haqqani terrorists were, and who trained and funded them?

According to HuffPost:

The U.S.'s new public enemy No. 1 in Afghanistan is one of its own making.

Ten years into the occupation of Afghanistan, American officials describe the militia led by Jalaluddin Haqqani as the country's deadliest insurgent group, responsible for a slew of particularly bold attacks, including the day-long assault three weeks ago on the U.S. embassy in Kabul.

But Haqqani's rise to power can be traced directly back to the secret, multi-billion-dollar U.S. campaign to create a radicalized and well-equipped army of Islamic jihadists—known as the mujahideen—to lead a war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

The Haqqani network was a terrorist group that was trained and funded by the CIA to originally fight the Russians in Afghanistan. They were based in Pakistan, which was their “safe haven” and then they turned on the American military when we invaded Afghanistan.

More from HuffPost:

"We facilitated his rise -- we and the Saudis and Pakistani intelligence," said Steve Coll, author of "Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan and Bin Laden, From the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001."

Jalaluddin Haqqani was a CIA operative, and was funded and supported by three intelligence agencies. The CIA, along with the Saudi and Pakistani intelligence agencies, were fomenting all the terrorism in the Middle East in order to create a never ending war.

They are the true “Axis of Evil.”

More from HuffPost:

Peter Tomsen, a former ambassador to Afghanistan, told PBS Frontline in 2006 that the CIA "gave Haqqani the infrastructure" to build his network.

"It is certainly quite plausible to argue that the group is stronger today than it would have been without the assistance rendered back in the 1980s," said Paul R. Pillar, a former senior CIA analyst who now teaches at Georgetown University.

The history of the CIA creating the Haqqani terrorist network has been mostly ignored in the media. The “source” of terrorism in the Middle East has always been the CIA.

But why was the Haqqani network made enemy number one, in this new, never-ending war on terror?

Remember, fear is a motivating factor in convincing the American people to go to war.

More from HuffPost:

Haqqani is said to have introduced suicide bombing as a tactic in Afghanistan. But back then, Haqqani's radicalism and profoundly anti-Western views weren't a liability—they were an asset.

They “introduced” suicide bombings in the Middle East. How many suicide bombings has the world endured because of the “axis of evil” intelligence agencies? How many innocent people have been killed to keep the money spigot of war flowing?

If that wasn’t bad enough, you’ll never guess what the CIA was doing in Afghanistan BEFORE we ever went to war against the Taliban.

Do you want to know why there are so many “terrorists” in the Middle East, especially in Afghanistan, which was designated by the CIA as the new center for the war on terror?

According to the Washington Post:

As The Washington Post reported in 2002, the United States had spent millions of dollars beginning in the 1980s to produce and disseminate anti-Soviet textbooks for Afghan schoolchildren. The books encouraged a jihadist outlook, which was useful propaganda at the time for a Washington driven by the imperatives of the Cold War.

"The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core curriculum," The Post reported. "Even the Taliban used the American-produced books, though the radical movement scratched out human faces in keeping with its strict fundamentalist code."

The CIA created a school curriculum in Afghanistan to “encourage” terrorism. They were teaching kids a radical form of jihad in the hopes that they would become radicals.

More from the Washington Post:

Printed both in Pashto and Dari, Afghanistan's two major languages, books such as "The Alphabet for Jihad Literacy" were produced under the auspices of the U.S. Agency for International Development by the University of Nebraska at Omaha and smuggled into Afghanistan through networks built by the CIA and Pakistan's military intelligence agency, the ISI.
Do not miss this important piece of information.

These schoolbooks encouraging terrorism were produced by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

What is USAID?

According to Telesur:

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) was created by Pax Americana to provide a cover for CIA agents under the pretext of helping the 3rd World. U.S. Imperialism has to do some good or its potential targets would not open their doors to intelligence agents posing as do-gooders, so USAID was created.

USAID has been around for a long time. It’s a CIA front group that pretends to help poor people in war-torn countries, but it’s actually funneling taxpayers’ money into private organizations that are beyond the “Freedom Of Information Act”(FOIA). That is by design. There is no oversight over these private NGO’s. USAID funds these CIA groups all over the world.

Have you ever heard of Creative Associates International? (CAI)

According to the Mint Press News:

You have likely not heard of them, but Creative Associates International (CAI) is one of the largest and most powerful non-governmental organizations operating anywhere in the world.

A pillar of soft U.S. power, the group has been an architect in privatizing the Iraqi education system, designed messenger apps meant to overthrow the government of Cuba, served as a front group for the infamous Blackwater mercenary force (now rebranded as Academi), and liaised with Contra death squads in Nicaragua.

As such, it has functioned as “both an instrument of foreign policy and as a manifestation of a broader imperial project,” in the words of Professor Kenneth Saltman of the University of Illinois, Chicago.

Creative Associates International is a CIA instrument to push the foreign policy of the shadow government. Even though it is a private company, it uses taxpayers’ money to support our enemies and to oppress the people in third world countries.

More from the Mint Press News:

The company was founded in 1979 by M. Charito Kruvant, the scion of a wealthy landowning Bolivian family who fled the country after the progressive revolution there in 1952.

Today, it has grown into a massive, for-profit behemoth working in at least 85 countries with a full-time staff of around a thousand (and countless more contractors). And while it is technically a private institution, the vast majority of its funding comes directly from Washington.

Over the past 20 years, the government has given Creative Associates $1,998,138,515 in contracts, according to Tracey Eaton, a journalist who has studied the company’s activities in Cuba. Of this, USAID has supplied over $1.8 billion.

Almost all of the money for Creative Associates International comes from USAID, which is an umbrella arm of the CIA. It’s another scam where taxpayers’ money is being used to fund our enemies.

More from the Mint Press News:

In a roundabout way, former head of USAID Andrew Natsios (another member of CAI’s board) seemed to agree with Eaton.

When the Trump administration was considering cutting the foreign aid budget, Natsios argued vehemently against it.

“What you’re basically doing is eviscerating the most important tool of American influence in the developing world, which is our development program,” he said. “I don’t think they understand what the role of USAID is, what USAID’s mission directors are.

USAID’s mission directors are among the most influential foreigners in the country,” he added, apparently confirming that the organization’s focus is less helping others and more promoting Washington’s interests through American social and economic power.

Trump knew that USAID and all the NGO’s under its control were just another money spigot funding all our enemies. The only reason those USAID directors were considered powerful in these countries is because they have lots of taxpayers’ money to dole out to their cronies.

But cutting off the money streams to our enemy wasn’t the only thing Trump was doing in this war. He also did something that I don’t think he gets near enough credit for, and seems to be long forgotten.
It is something centered around Pakistan.

Just as Afghanistan was set up to be the focal point of the never ending war on terror, Pakistan was set up to be the “safe haven” for the terrorists and drug trafficking.

Pakistan has been painted by the shadow government and the controlled media as one of our biggest allies in the war on terror. Yet everyone knows that it trains and harbors terrorists while taking billions in taxpayers’ money from the United States every year.
Wasn’t that the reason George W. Bush took us to war in Afghanistan and then Iraq?

Wasn’t harboring terrorists the reason for war after 9/11?

Then why didn’t we go to war against Pakistan, since they were harboring some of the deadliest terrorist groups in the world?

There’s always been one reason that we treated Pakistan different than Afghanistan or Iraq.

What was it?

Pakistan is a nuclear power, and far more dangerous than Afghanistan and Iraq. It was argued that it was better to use “diplomacy” to make them an ally against worldwide terrorism than to confront them militarily.

It was a complete lie, which then allowed the shadow government to funnel billions of taxpayers’ dollars to Pakistan in order to fund those terrorists we were fighting, as well as to protect the CIA’s heroin trade.
But how did Pakistan get nuclear weapons in the first place?

We were told that they stole the plans and technology for nuclear weapons and now it prevented us from using our military against them.

The truth is, we were never going to go to war against Pakistan because they were an ally for the CIA/shadow government.

Let me ask the question again:

How did Pakistan get their nuclear weapons?

Have you ever heard the name Rich Barlow?

According to The Guardian:

Rich Barlow idles outside his silver trailer on a remote campsite in Montana - itinerant and unemployed, with only his hunting dogs and a borrowed computer for company. He dips into a pouch of American Spirit tobacco to roll another cigarette. It is hard to imagine that he was once a covert operative at the CIA, the recognized, much lauded expert in the trade in Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

He prepared briefs for Dick Cheney, when Cheney was at the Pentagon, for the upper echelons of the CIA and even for the Oval Office. But when he uncovered a political scandal—a conspiracy to enable a rogue nation to get the nuclear bomb—he found himself a marked man.

Rich Barlow was a seasoned covert operative for the CIA who was an expert in the trade of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons. He briefed not only Dick Cheney at the Pentagon, but also the top of the CIA and the White House.

But then he discovered a conspiracy to “allow” a country to develop a nuclear bomb. That information made him a marked man.

More from the Guardian:

In the late 80s, in the course of tracking down smugglers of WMD components, Barlow uncovered reams of material that related to Pakistan. It was known the Islamic Republic had been covertly striving to acquire nuclear weapons since India's explosion of a device in 1974, and the prospect terrified the west - especially given the instability of a nation that had had three military coups in less than 30 years.

Pakistan was at the heart of this conspiracy to obtain a nuclear weapon. But who was helping them?

More from the Guardian:

"Pakistan was the kind of place where technology could slip out of control," Barlow says.

He soon discovered, however, that senior officials in government were taking quite the opposite view: they were breaking US and international non-proliferation protocols to shelter Pakistan's ambitions and even sell it banned WMD technology.

In the closing years of the cold war, Pakistan was considered to have great strategic importance. It provided Washington with a springboard into neighbouring Afghanistan - a route for passing US weapons and cash to the mujahideen, who were battling to oust the Soviet army that had invaded in 1979.

Barlow says, "We had to buddy-up to regimes we didn't see eye-to-eye with, but I could not believe we would actually give Pakistan the bomb.

We “gave” Pakistan the nuclear bomb technology and helped them build their weapons. Our CIA/shadow government ignored the laws against nuclear proliferation while at the same time preaching to the American people the danger of countries obtaining these weapons.

Afghanistan was of strategic importance because it was being made the center of the war on terror, and Pakistan was also of strategic importance as a “safe haven” for those very terrorists in Afghanistan that we would eventually go to war against. All by design.
But it gets worse.

More from the Guardian:

Next he discovered that the Pentagon was preparing to sell Pakistan jet fighters that could be used to drop a nuclear bomb.

The shadow government gave them nuclear bombs and the means to use them. The CIA was the biggest offender of nuclear proliferation in the world.

Has the media ever told you that important information?

More from the Guardian:

Barlow was relentless in exposing what he saw as US complicity, and in the end he was sacked and smeared as disloyal, mad, a drunk and a philanderer. If he had been listened to, many believe Pakistan might never have got its nuclear bomb; south Asia might not have been pitched into three near-nuclear conflagrations; and the nuclear weapons programs of Iran, Libya and North Korea - which British and American intelligence now acknowledge were all secretly enabled by Pakistan - would never have got off the ground.

Rich Barlow is a patriot and a hero. He became a target of the shadow government and had his life destroyed because of what he knew.

He is one of many.
But remember this important fact.

Not everyone that works for the corrupt three-letter agencies are actually corrupt. There were patriots working for the CIA when this shadow government was being built by George H.W. Bush.
Rich Barlow was one of those patriots, and I think he deserves praise.

The CIA broke the law and gave Pakistan nuclear weapons to set them up to be the “safe haven” for terrorists and laundering drug money through the BCCI bank.

Nuclear weapons now defended both of those shadow government operations in Pakistan.

But let’s focus on another reason that the CIA provided nuclear weapons to Pakistan:

Pakistan was now in a position to share this nuclear technology with other nations. They shared with nations that were “banned” from obtaining this technology. This is how the CIA/shadow government got around the laws that prevented nuclear proliferation, especially rogue nations like North Korea, Iran and Libya. All three of those nations were considered “sponsors” of terrorism. That wasn’t a coincidence.

The shadow government would paint all three of those nations as our enemies and use the media to promote fear, so that we would be in a perpetual state of war. It was all by design in order to keep the taxpayers’ money spigot flowing.

The more enemies we have, the more we fear and the more we fear, the more money we’ll spend for war.

Trump knew this was the scam even before he saw what was in all the classified documents.

The threat of nuclear war caused by rogue dictators was a constant narrative pushed through the controlled media.

Trump moved quickly to put an end to it.


He used his “secret weapon.”

According to Foreign Policy:

Well before Pompeo was confirmed as CIA director in January 2017, there was every indication he would not approach the job as his predecessors had.

Pompeo made a name for himself in Congress as a leading purveyor of hard-line conservative ideology and even conspiracy theories. While his firebrand reputation would have given most presidents-elect pause, Pompeo’s incendiary rhetoric — especially his relentless, and not always factual, attacks on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the context of the Benghazi investigation — reportedly endeared him to Trump, who himself rose to prominence peddling a conspiracy theory.

Mike Pompeo was a “secret weapon” in an unconventional war against an imbedded insurgency that was controlled by a foreign cabal. Pompeo, with his history of taking on controversial issues as a member of the Intelligence Committee in Congress, was the perfect choice to be head of the CIA so that he could dig into all the “off the books” operations and hidden money streams.

Pompeo went after Hillary’s coverup of the Benghazi attack, and he also publicly criticized and fought against Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. Those were both CIA operations, and Congress was not provided all the information on either operation. This past history would make Pompeo’s confirmation as CIA director very difficult, if not impossible.

So how did Trump assure his confirmation?

I doubt most people remember the primaries back in 2016, especially the primary in Kansas. Pompeo not only very publicly endorsed Marco Rubio for president, he also bashed Donald Trump in that primary. I have no doubt that the plan was always to place Pompeo as CIA director to destroy the CIA from the inside, and the only way to do that, given his past history, was to create a very public spat with Trump in order to get him confirmed.

According to the New Yorker:

On March 5th, Trump and Senator Ted Cruz, of Texas, arrived in Wichita for the caucus. Rubio left his closing argument to Pompeo, who told the crowd at the Century II arena, “I’m going to speak to you from the heart about what I believe is the best path forward for America.”

An Army veteran who finished first in his class at West Point, Pompeo cited Trump’s boast that if he ordered a soldier to commit a war crime the soldier would “go do it.” As the audience booed, Pompeo warned that Trump—like Barack Obama—would be “an authoritarian President who ignored our Constitution.” American soldiers “don’t swear an allegiance to President Trump or any other President,” Pompeo declared. “They take an oath to defend our Constitution, as Kansans, as conservatives, as Republicans, as Americans. Marco Rubio will never demean our soldiers by saying that he will order them to do things that are inconsistent with our Constitution.”

Listening backstage, Trump demanded to know the identity of the congressman trashing him. A few minutes later, Pompeo concluded, “It’s time to turn down the lights on the circus.”

That was a pretty nasty attack on Trump. But did it damage Trump’s election chances, or help Rubio at all?

Of course not.

More from the New Yorker:

Pompeo’s stinging rebuke of Trump got barely a mention in the local press, and Rubio finished third in Kansas.

“We got smoked,” a former top Rubio campaign aide told me. Days later, Rubio’s campaign was over.

In May, Trump secured the delegates needed for the nomination, and Pompeo reluctantly joined the rest of Kansas’s congressional delegation in endorsing him.

That very public bashing of Trump was never meant for the local media in Kansas, or to help Rubio. It was a narrative targeted at the controlled national media to make Pompeo more palatable to the uni-party in Congress. Even after Trump secured the nomination, Pompeo continued to criticize him in the national media.

It was the perfect setup to attract media attention for their spat to help with his confirmation.

More from the New Yorker:

Still, Pompeo had told the Topeka Capital-Journal, in April, that Trump was “not a conservative believer,” and, a few weeks later, he said, on CNN, “A lot of his policies don’t comport with my vision for how I represent Kansas.”

The New Yorker claims that Pompeo had never met Trump up until this time. Do you believe that? I don’t. I think Mike Pompeo was handpicked for a specific role, and Trump needed to create distance in order to get him confirmed.

More from the New Yorker:

Like many Republicans who called Trump a “kook,” a “cancer,” and a threat to democracy before ultimately supporting him, Pompeo disagreed with much of Trump’s platform. He took issue in particular with Trump’s “America First” skepticism about the United States’ role in the world.

Yet, after Trump won the Presidency, Pompeo sought a post in his Administration and did not hesitate to serve as his C.I.A. director. In 2018, after Trump fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, by tweet, Pompeo happily replaced him as America’s top diplomat.
Trump got Pompeo confirmed as CIA director. Mission accomplished!

But let’s go back to the Foreign Policy article:

Last year, as Trump was grappling with how to approach his predecessor’s Iran nuclear deal, Pompeo’s constant boogeyman, CIA analysts reportedly continued to conclude that Tehran was abiding by the 2015 agreement. Pompeo didn’t betray that in his public remarks, however, nor did he stick to cut-and-dry assessments.

This is why Trump placed Pompeo as head of the CIA. Trump knew the CIA would lie to him about everything, including whether or not Iran was abiding by the Obama nuclear agreement to “slow down” development of nuclear weapons in exchange for taxpayers’ money. It was all a scam. Taxpayers’ money was literally paying for Iran’s development of the weapons, just like they had in North Korea when President Bill Clinton offered aid in his nuclear deal.

The CIA uses the same playbook over and over.

Did Clinton’s deal prevent North Korea from obtaining nuclear weapons? Of course not, and it was never meant to. It helped to speed up the process because now North Korea could use their cash to acquire the weapons technology while American taxpayers’ paid for food and supplies for the North Korean people. That is also why the cash component was so important in Obama’s Iran deal.

These countries can’t purchase the nuclear technology through the banking system because of sanctions, so cash is required. The CIA always prefers cash in these illegal operations.

More from Foreign Policy:

That may be why, contrary to previous CIA directors, Pompeo was a fixture at the White House, where he traveled most mornings, ostensibly to take part in Trump’s presidential daily briefing. The president often requested that he accompany him to his next meeting — regardless of the topic — according to one account.

Indeed, Trump came to see Pompeo as much more than an intelligence advisor; he became his policy Svengali and, in so doing, blurred the lines between intelligence and policy.

Pompeo was intimately involved in many important things. He was busy gathering intelligence for Trump on very specific topics, and the media didn’t like that he didn’t go along with the narrative from the previous administration.

More from Foreign Policy:

Even without the facts on his side, Pompeo was said to have argued in favor of trashing the accord and ramping up the pressure on Iran, an approach Trump by many accounts is preparing to take at the next opportunity in May.

What’s more, he played fast and loose with the facts, asserting publicly that the intelligence community had found that Russia’s interference had no effect on the electoral outcome.

Pompeo even entertained — and perhaps propagated — at least one fringe conspiracy theory, holding a private meeting at his Langley office last year with a leading purveyor of the theory that WikiLeaks obtained the Democratic National Committee emails through an insider leak, not a Russian hack — a theory embraced by Moscow.

Rather than counter the theory, Pompeo seems to have fueled it, ultimately reportedly referring the former official he met with to other senior intelligence officials.

Late last year, he unexpectedly announced the resumption of an effort to declassify files recovered from Osama bin Laden’s compound, an initiative the Director of National Intelligence had declared complete that January. The CIA ultimately released several hundred thousand more files.

Pompeo knew that Iran never complied with the Obama nuclear deal. He also knew the Russians didn’t affect the 2016 election, and they didn’t hack the DNC to expose Hillary’s illegal email server. He also declassified hundreds of thousands of documents on Osama bin Ladin that the intelligence community was trying to keep hidden from the American people.
But Pompeo was busy doing something much bigger, and it helped set up his new appointment as Secretary of State to replace Rex Tillerson.

Why was it so important for Mike Pompeo to be CIA director BEFORE he became Secretary of State?
Do you remember when we were on the brink of nuclear war with North Korea?

Kim Jong Un was threatening the United States with destruction and test firing missiles over Japan, while the media was constantly blaming Trump for trying to get us into World War III.

Trump was “purposely” feeding into the narrative that he was unhinged and seeking war. It was a distraction.

According to

US President Donald Trump took time out from his schedule in Vietnam on Sunday to respond to taunts from North Korea's Foreign Ministry, which called him an "old lunatic."

The ministry had been condemning Trump's visit to South Korea, accusing the US president of "reckless remarks" and warmongering on his trip to the peninsula.

Trump hit back by taking to his Twitter account.

Can you sense how much fun Trump is having with this narrative in the media?

“I try so hard to be his friend - and maybe someday that will happen!”

Was Trump making a prediction?

Trump was purposely drawing attention to this public dispute with North Korea.
But why?

Q asked an important question:

“Who really controls North Korea?”

Was Trump battling Kim Jong Un, or someone else?

The truth, is that the CIA controlled North Korea just like they controlled Pakistan. The CIA was behind all of the nuclear proliferation happening in rogue nations. That is why it was so important to place Mike Pompeo in charge of the CIA BEFORE he became Secretary of State.

What huge event happened while Pompeo was head of the CIA?

According to CNN:

North Korea’s nuclear test in September last year was so strong that it caused an on-site collapse at the test site, geologists in China claim.

The site that reportedly collapsed is just one part of the sprawling Punggye-ri complex, which is believed to include a series of tunnels, some of which burrow below other mountains.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said last week that he was ordering the test site to be shuttered, declaring that North Korea no longer needed to test nuclear weapons.

The CIA controlled nuclear facilities in North Korea were destroyed.

Q mentioned how important this event was.

There are no coincidences, my friends.

Pompeo’s mission at the CIA was finished, so Trump then made him Secretary of State.

According to Time:

A Senior White House official said that Trump wanted to have a new team in place before he began negotiations with North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un. He also wanted the new team for various trade negotiations.

In an official statement released by the White House, Trump praised Pompeo’s work with the CIA and expressed confidence in his ability yo take the reins at Foggy Bottom and push forward his policy priorities.

“I have gotten to know Mike very well over the past 14 months, and I am confident he is the right person for the job at this critical juncture. He will continue our program of restoring America’s standing in the world, strengthening our alliances, confronting our adversaries, and seeking the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”

Mike Pompeo was the “right person for the job at this critical juncture.”

How critical was this moment in time?

The CIA wasn’t going to just let Trump remove their control of North Korea.

What did they do?

According to VOX:

Panic ensued in Hawaii for about 40 minutes on Saturday, after a false emergency alert notice was issued: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL,” was apparently sent to thousands of people’s mobile phones, and an alert also appeared on television.

It was a false alarm — Hawaii’s Emergency Management Agency quickly tweeted that there was no missile threat to the state, although it took 38 minutes before a second emergency alert was sent saying that there was no danger.

The enemy was trying to trigger a war as a last desperate move in North Korea, and they didn’t care at all about scaring people in Hawaii or across America.

The CIA-controlled media was constantly promoting fear because their control of North Korea was being removed by Trump and Pompeo.

But this is a real war. They had one more desperate move to try and start a war with North Korea.

What was it?

Nuclear war is the biggest threat to the American people.

An unauthorized missile was launched near the Whidbey Island Naval station in Washington State, and I believe it was heading for North Korea. The launch was captured on camera, and the media claimed it was just a rescue helicopter spotlight and that the station had no missile launch capability.

They were right about having no capability because it was launched from a rogue submarine. That is why Q was emphasizing “The Hunt For Red October.”
Q told us the missile was shot down by F-16’s, then the hunt was on for this rogue CIA-controlled submarine and the people responsible.

From Q drop 2349 on October 5, 2018:

Note “The hunt for” was dropped.

That must mean they located the submarine.

Their playbook failed.

Kim Jong Un is no longer controlled by the CIA, and that led to this historic headline.

It was all planned way ahead of time ,and these events began as soon as Pompeo became Director of the CIA.

This is from Q drop 1449 from June 11, 2018:

A plan was being set in motion to remove the CIA threat of nuclear war with North Korea while Pompeo was director.

Enjoy the show.

The denuclearization of North Korea was complete.

We were watching a scripted movie.

This historic meeting between the two leaders that the media claimed were on the verge of war then led to this great moment in world history.

A new future. A future no longer threatened by nuclear proliferation and rogue states.

North Korea had now become a friend instead of a foe.

The truth is, the only real foe we face is a cabal of elite puppet masters. Trump has been cutting the strings of their puppets from day one.
Kim Jong Un was one of their biggest puppets.

But Q had hinted that all of this was happening in the background from the very beginning. All scripted and planned.

Here’s Q drop # 13 from way back in 2017:

Both South Korea and China played important roles in Trump’s plan to remove the nuclear threat in North Korea. Trump was setting up the plan in his first year as president.

Trump literally changed the course of history, and I don’t think he gets enough credit for it.

In my next article, I will introduce more important connections to Pakistan, and one of them may surprise a lot of people.

1 comment:

  1. Trumps attempts to deliberately downplay Covid risks probably caused hundreds of thousands of additional Covid deaths in USA alone.

    Yup, Trump literally changed the course of history, and I don’t think he gets enough opprobrium for it.
