Friday, June 28, 2024

Israeli official admits 9/11 was an Israeli operation?


Thanks 'MF':



Well, well, well . . . Israeli official admits 9/11 was an Israeli operation?
Readers added context they thought people might want to know
There is no Israeli official mentioned or quoted in this conspiratorial video as the title suggests…
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Extracts from Wikipedia:

In September 2001, The New York Times and Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that four hours after the attack, the FBI arrested five Israelis who had been filming the smoking skyline from the roof of a white van in the parking lot of an apartment building, for "puzzling behavior". They were charged with illegally residing in the United States and working there without permits. The Israelis were said to have pulled into the parking lot after the destruction of the first tower and videotaped the remainder of the disaster with what was interpreted as cries of "joy and mockery".[71][72][73] Police found the van and a search revealed $4,700 in cash hidden, along with foreign passports and a boxcutter which aroused suspicions and led to the detention of the occupants. The men were held in detention for more than 2 months, during which time they were subjected to interrogation and polygraph tests, before being deported back to Israel; one of the men (Paul Kurzberg) refused to take the test for 10 weeks, and then failed it.[74]

The five men worked at the company Urban Moving Systems Inc, owned and operated by Dominik Suter. After the men were arrested the FBI searched their offices and questioned Suter, however Suter fled to Israel before he could be questioned further. Eventually, Suter's name appeared on the May 2002 FBI Suspect List, along with the Sep 11 hijackers and other suspected extremists.[75]

According to a former CIA chief of operations for counterterrorism Vince Cannistraro, there was speculation that Urban Moving Systems may have been a front for an intelligence operation investigating fund-raising networks channeling money to Hamas and Islamic Jihad. On March 15, 2002, The Forward claimed that the FBI had concluded that the van's driver, Paul Kurzberg, and his brother Sivan, were indeed Mossad operatives, who were in America "spying on local Arabs".[76] ABC news cited this report on June 21, 2002, adding that the FBI had concluded that the five Israelis had no foreknowledge of the attacks.[77]


  1. It was the work of a team of Malaysians.

  2. There is another story that circulates permanently, never ending, around the Internet that supposedly Not A Single Jew died in the World Trade Center on 9/11 even though 4,000 Jews allegedly work in the Twin Towers on a normal day.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      What's the casualty number of 911 & how many Jews should died vis-a-vis statistical analysis?

  3. Fun fact...and I found recently...Oct 7 is also day dedicated to the title of Our Lady of Rosary, a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the Catholic Church liturgical calender.

    Catholics who paid attention wonder if that was the way the devil through the human agent attack the heel of her offspring, as decree by God found in the Book of Genesis, chapter 3?

    On June 27, 2024, day dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the Blessed Virgin released a message through a Canadian priest. The alleged message assured the people of her help and that the devil power has weaken from prayers and conversion of people but war will still start, of all source, from France.

    That is the gist of it. As in any alleged heavenly message, discernment is needed. As for me, I will observe events as it develop. As for shelter and protection, I have nowhere to go and entrust to the will of God what is to happen.

    The video is 3 hours long. I only managed to follow up to the reading of the message in English, French and Spanish. Thereafter, was QnA between the priest and various Catholic influencers and media apostolate, as it is known in Catholic circle.

    The youtube format was a livestream of a zoom call.

    Share in the interest of awareness of possible development in human affair, which we also know from observing the discussion before us. Added in from another perspective.

