Sunday, June 30, 2024

PSM activist: Gate erected overnight restricting farmers from land

PSM activist: Gate erected overnight restricting farmers from land

Published: Jun 30, 2024 3:22 PM

Some 100 farmers in Kanthan, in Perak’s Chemor district, have suddenly found access to their farmland restricted by a gated checkpoint.

PSM activist Chong Yee Shan told Malaysiakini that the Perak State Development Corporation (PKNP) has installed a gate to restrict access to the disputed land.

“Overnight, they put up a gate to prevent easy access to the land. Also, we can see large holes dug in the dirt road, making portions of it difficult to pass through.

“The farmers have now been told they can still enter the area but they must register at the checkpoint and access will only be from 7am to 5pm,” Chong told Malaysiakini.

She claimed over 100 farmers were affected by the latest action and that they were not given advanced notice that the checkpoint would be constructed today.

“The farmers are very worried because they can see bulldozers and backhoes near their plantations.

Large holes dug in the dirt roads

“In fact, this is a time for harvesting so it is an even greater concern,” she added.

Chong pointed out that the disputed area is within the parliamentary constituency of Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, yet attempts to engage him or his office have not been successful.

In October last year, the Ipoh High Court issued an interim order against the eviction of six Kanthan farmers. The ruling was concerning the farmers’ related ongoing judicial review.

PKNP on the other hand pointed to an Ipoh High Court ruling on Jan 4 this year that it had not breached the interim court order and dismissed the farmers’ bid for leave to commence contempt proceedings against the statutory body.
Kanthan farmers

The issue began when 1,800 acres (728ha) of vegetable farming land in Kanthan were alienated to PKNP from 2011 to2013.

Initially, a land lease was considered but eventually, PKNP decided to develop a major portion of the area as an industrial estate called Silver Valley Technological Park.

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