Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Pakistani journalist not a cop, wife says over deportation

Pakistani journalist not a cop, wife says over deportation

Syed Fawad Ali Shah, who was in exile in Malaysia for more than 10 years, has been missing since Aug 23, 2022.

PETALING JAYA: The wife of Pakistani journalist Syed Fawad Ali Shah, who was deported in August, has denied that her husband is a former police officer.

Syeda said her husband was never a policeman.

“He is a journalist. You can see many of his articles on the internet,” she told FMT.

Syeda was responding to the claim made by home minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail when confirming that Malaysia had obliged Pakistan’s request to have Fawad deported “sometime in the third week of August”.

Fawad, the minister claimed, was a former policeman with disciplinary issues back home.

Syeda questioned how the Malaysian authorities could ignore the fact that Fawad was in exile in Kuala Lumpur with a United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) card when sending him back to Pakistan where he may face persecution.

She said the deportation has put Fawad’s life in danger.

“When we asked the Pakistan High Commission here, they said they were not involved. After looking for him in Pakistan and in Malaysia, I can’t find him. What do I do now?”

Syeda had come to Kuala Lumpur to look for Fawad after attempts to contact him failed. A housemate lodged a missing person’s report in August.

Fawad, who was in exile in Malaysia for more than 10 years, has been missing since Aug 23 last year.

The 41-year-old had sought asylum in Malaysia, claiming he was being persecuted in Pakistan over articles published in several English dailies there related to alleged government corruption.


kt comments: Only one foreign fugitive has been allowed to stay back in Malaysia, what more, even had tea with the then-PM, wakakaka.

Others from, eg; Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc and now Pakistan have been mercilessly sent back to their horrendous fate awaiting them - heartless decisions of original Bersatu PM, perpetuated by his successors.

1 comment:

  1. The Mahiaddin government has a lot to answer to the UN since the Pakistani journalist held a UN refugee card.

    And to think, it was done so secretly.

    And yes only the great Zakir Naik is allowed sanctuary despite the requests of India for his extradiction. And this too despite the racist preacher commenting negatively about the Chinese and Indian Malaysian citizens.
