Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Breaking : Pashtuns Declare Independence From Pakistan

OutSyed The Box

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Breaking : Pashtuns Declare Independence From Pakistan

The situation in the Pushtun areas of Pakistan and also Balochistan is getting more critical. Over the past few days there have been a series of almost non-stop attacks by the Tarikat Taliban Pakistan (Tehreeke Taliban Pakistan - TTP) or Pashtuns and the Balochistan rebel groups against Pakistani soldiers and policemen (called the Punjabi Army by the Baloch). About 10 servicemen were killed in the past week alone.

The Pakistani government announced that they would fight back against the "terror attacks" including attacking into Afghanistan where the Afghan Taliban (Pashtuns) are providing refuge and support for the Pakistani Pashtuns.

Folks this is tribal warfare.

Anyway the Afghanistan deputy prime minister replied with a Tweet that if any Pakistani troops set foot inside Afghanistan then they would suffer the same embarrassment which Pakistan suffered in 1971 when they were defeated in Bangladesh's War of Independence.

The Afghan deputy prime minister shared this famous photo below from 1971 which shows Pakistan signing the instrument of surrender in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Taliban leader and deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Yasir mocked Pakistan by sharing a photo on Twitter of Islamabad surrendering to India after the 1971 war that led to the formation of Bangladesh.

Then over the weekend the Tareqat Taliban Pakistan or TTP announced that they have set up a parrallel government to administer the Pashtun areas inside Pakistan.

"TTP divided areas in its control into two zones – North (includes Peshawar, Malakand, Mardan, and Gilgit-Baltistan) and South (includes Dera Ismail Khan, Bannu, and Kohat).

In an interview with the Dawn News TV programme Live with Adil Shahzeb, Pakistan's Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah revealed that there were around 7,000 to 10,000 TTP fighters in the region and 25,000 members of their families accompanied them."

Here is a quick news video (from Indian media - which are playing up the issue) with more details on the TTP's 'declaration of independence'.

I have said many times before that Pakistan will break up, the ayatollahs in Iran will be overthrown, Turkey will go sideways and the Middle East will continue to burn. There are no indications otherwise.

It looks like Pakistan is tipping over.

Any rebel group or secessionist group can declare independence, set up a parrallel government etc but the question is can they function as a parrallel government? Can they step into the shoes of the Pakistani government in their tribal areas of Peshawar, Malakand, Mardan, Gilgit-Baltistan, Dera Ismail Khan, Bannu, and Kohat?

I think they can because there is not much government presence in these Pashtun tribal areas in the first place. These are the neglected tribal areas which have pretty much evolved on their own.

Pakistan has been doomed for a long time. I dont think the breakup of Pakistan is reversible. In 1971 Bengali East Pakistan broke away - after suffering discrimination and atrocities by the Punjabi Army of Pakistan. Another tribal split.

Now the same thing is happening again.

This time the 13 million Pushtuns who control Afghanistan are prepared to help over 50 million Pushtuns living across the border in Pakistan. There are FOUR TIMES more Pushtuns living in Pakistan than in Afghanistan.

(There are about 10 million Baloch people living in Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. The largest number, about 7 million are found in Pakistan).

Then on August 15, 2021 the Americans left Afghanistan in a hurry - leaving behind US$7 Billion worth of weapons and military equipment for the Taliban to play with. Here is a list of American weapons left behind in Afghanistan :

Coming soon to a village in Pukhtunhwa

Pakistan has also moved firmly into the China orbit - America's Number 1 imaginary enemy. The new boogeyman is China. Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda are dead. So the Americans dont mind if Pakistan goes to hell. It will weaken China's presence in the area.

(But in 1971 despite America being the strongest ally of Pakistan, it did not stop Pakistan's bungle in Bangladesh. These folks are their own worst enemies. There is no need to blame the Americans or anyone else).

Here is a grim video from Khyber Pukhtunhwa (the Pushtun area of Pakistan) which shows young boys selling / delivering cooking gas in large plastic bags !! This is insane.

The reason being the cooking gas tanks have become too expensive and people cannot afford to pay for them. So the plastic bags are a dangerous alternative.


  1. Unfortunately the Indian sub continent is an area that seems to be a cesspool of abject poverty.

    From what we read, corruption is endemic on the Indian sub continent.

    I don't see how much things can improve and if Pakistan were to implode, it would not be any surprise. The danger is who will control the Pakistani nuclear arsenal?

  2. Pakistan is facing the predicament it finds itself in today largely because of the treacherous role it played for the last 20 years supporting Taliban terrorism.in Afghanistan as well as various Islamist militants against India.

    The terrorists killed or captured committing the Mumbai atrocity were trained , funded and supported by Pakistan.
    If Pakistan ends up breaking up , it will be because the pet turned around to swallow the master.

    No tears worth shedding
