
Thursday, November 21, 2019

PKR must sack Azmin, but how?

Star Online:

Azmin will continue to cause trouble until sacked, says PKR Youth secretary

Carthago delenda est

Cathage must be destroyed

- Cato the Censor (234–149 BC)

PETALING JAYA: PKR deputy president Datuk Seri Azmin Ali will continue to create issues until the party is forced to sack him, says PKR Youth secretary Ahmad Syukri Che Ab Razab.

Syukri said this was so that Azmin and his faction would be perceived as heroes who were sacked merely for telling the truth.

"In fact, they are back door instigators who always cause troubles," he said in a statement on Wednesday (Nov 20).

Syukri said Azmin was testing the patience of the PKR leadership, adding that he had breached various disciplinary codes.

He also noted that the secret meeting between several Barisan Nasional MPs at Azmin's house was nothing to worry about.

"This is one of Azmin's gimmicks to show that he is still relevant in today's politics," he said.

It was reported that Azmin met with 22 Umno MPs, including former Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, at his house in Putrajaya late on Monday night (Nov 18).

Syukri said these instigators** were the ones who previously were not comfortable with establishing Pakatan Harapan.

** PKR instigators

He also claimed that at the time this group was vocal in opposing Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as the Prime Minister candidate by the Pakatan leadership.

He said they claimed that Malaysia needed a younger leader.

younger than Mahathir, so he reckons he should have been Pakatan's PM


Syukri described the stark differences between them and PKR advisory council chairman Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.

He said Dr Wan Azizah was offered power after the last general election as the Istana Negara was more inclined to choose her as the Prime Minister, but she turned it down due to loyalty and in order to honour promises that were made.

Syukri said the recent shenanigans were due to a "back door" leader's huge desire to become prime minister, and who was trying to obtain Dr Mahathir's support.

"Due to (that desire), he praises Dr Mahathir whom, once upon a time, he had disagreed with. He also tries to demonstrate his strength when he shows that all the Umno MPs are under him," he said.

It's not easy for Anwar to sack Azmin because of the minimum 112 MPs Anwar needs to (a) be PM and (b) keep Pakatan as the ruling majority.

Precisely because of that, Azmin has again showed his and his Dwarfs' insubordination by not attending the PKR political bureau last night despite party advice and warnings, and that the party has just said no disciplinary action has been raised against Azmin, despite such overt mutinous defiance.

Needless to say and everyone who is sympathetic to Anwar is fuming at the rat's open contempt for both the party president and party rules. He and his Dwarfs keep on deliberately breaking them.

That has also been the reason why Mahathir doesn't give two hoots about doing just what he wants and as he wishes, knowing that if Anwar's PKR or the DAP twitches on the matter of him remaining as PM, he will either:

(a) pull his PRIBUMI out of Pakatan, with of course Azmin Ali & his Dwarfs following suit - yes, the treacherous PKR deputy president has to as he won't have a political life anymore in PKR, or

(b) advise the Agong to dissolve parliament.

Mahathir is astutely aware that both Anwar and DAP are reluctant to let go of majority rule, hence they won't dare challenge him unless and until Anwar has 112 MPs behind him.

Four days ago I posted Post-Tanjung Piai - What now, Mahathir & Anwar? in which I did a bit of simplistic number-crunching. I have tried to updated those numbers here to take into account Anwar won't have PRIBUMI and the Dwarfs behind him):

Assuming (100% when push comes to shove) Azmin frogs out of Pakatan with his godfather-uncle to the 'Malay Dignity Party' or elsewhere, but the non-Malays and even some Malay Dwarfs remain with Anwar, DSAI can count on:

(i) PKR's 50 MPs - say, 8 Dwarfs = 42

(ii) DAP's 42

(iii) hopefully Amanah's 11

(iv) also hopefully Apdal's Warisan's 9

(v) Madius Tangau's UPKO 1

That gives Anwar 105 which means he needs 7 more. 

I am not sure of the lie of the land in Sarawak but GPS is less friendly with Mahathir since it didn't get the 20% oil royalties it demanded. However I did suggest Anwar coopt some UMNO (not frogs in PRIBUMI) who are friendly to Anwar like Nazri Aziz (who coincidentally hates Mahathir).

Even Muhyiddin from PRIBUMI could be recruited together with his party faction as he and Anwar were OK.

While Anwar may have cohorts still in UMNO, he may find that enticing some to join him in a new Anwar Ibrahim government will be a lot more difficult than before, now that the Tanjung Piai disaster for Pakatan has emboldened UMNO-BN to believe it may have a chance on its own (plus PAS) to win majority rule again.

Mahathir & Lim KS were silent for 24 hours after Pakatan's humongous loss in Tg Piai 

PAS will be a close-door to Anwar because Hadi hates the DAP and also personally dislikes Anwar.

Thus Anwar's sole source for the extra 7 MPs will/must be from Sabah and Sarawak (GPS), and possibly Muhyiddin and macai's, bearing in mind I have already included Warisan and UPKO in the 105 MPs (he may even have less than 105 if these two parties won't join).

There is one more alternative, a drastic one which requires nerves of steel - withdraw support from Mahathir, cause the Pakatan government to dissolve and bring about a general election.

UMNO-PAS for sure will NOT support Mahathir, notwithstanding the kerbau-offload Hadi Awang has said about supporting the Old Man for the full term (just char koay teow-ing Mahathir and Anwar). Indeed, why would they when they may win the GE to be the government themselves rather than support a much-disliked Mahathir to continue as PM.

In fact this is the best option as Azmin will continue to bugger Anwar as long as the Chief Dwarf knows he can't be touched (except by Mahathir), thus Pakatan will continue on its unstable course.

It is also a good way to remove Mahathir and his useless Parti PRIBUMI as it's shown neither he nor his party enjoys Heartland support. PKR and Amanah can sapu PRIBUMI's seats.

There is always a risk - UMNO-BN-PAS may win, but then what is the point of retaining majority rule in a very unstable ideologically-incongruous coalition which will see Azmin Ali's continuing his shameless defiance and insubordination to the party president.

But I fear Lim KS, Lim GE and some DAP leaders may baulk at the very thought of going for broke in a new GE - they are enjoying their pitiful powers far too much by now, and "political power addicts" have difficulty giving up their bit of political kingdom. Podah.


  1. QUOTE
    ....Azmin will continue to bugger Anwar....

    now that would be some video.

    Tok Pa may be having second thoughts about joining Bersatu. He may flip yet again to Anwar. And there may be a few more from UMNO besides Nazri that may flip over to Anwar.

  2. KT's so contrived scenario this a novel too?

    Why assume Azmin will take a convenient 8 MPs out of PKR? So that their total remaining MPs will not fall below DAP's 42?

    And does this 8 include Xavier Jayakumar? If not will Jayakumar still be welcome in PKR after Azmin leaves? If not welcome then where will he go to? DAP would be a logical choice, otherwise he may be a lost independant and lose his ministerial position.

    I hope KT's novel becomes reality because it predicts DAP would at least be the equal top party in parliament. No wonder PAS leaders are throwing the kitchen sink, sampan and bullock cart at Guanee, demanding Toonsie sack him. They foresee the scenario unfolding....DAP becoming stronger and stronger by the day.

    After GE14 the Agong offered the post of PM to the top party PKR but Kak Wan generously declined and passed it to Toonsie instead. So under the same scenario if KT's scenario becomes reality the Agong should offer the PM post to either PKR (again) or DAP and if DAP ends up having the most seats and it will be entirely up to the generosity of Guanee to pass it to someone else....or be greedy and nominate their only Malay-Muslim MP from Raub to be PM....ha ha ha...

    So please don't quit Harapan, Tanjung Piai was the best possible result for DAP. Toonsie and Bersatu are put in their place. Sikit sikit lama lama dapat DPM...ha ha ha. Superman Hew is a racist because he said Malay screw Malays (his quote, not mine). So will Toonsie abandon Azmin?

    1. still dreaming and a very childish dream, namely:

      (a) you want DAP to be top dog, wakakaka - whether she is or not would still require either a Pribumi or PKR person to be PM, regardless of who has the most no of seats,

      (b) Jayakumar IS a PKR member - why tok-kok about where he will go or stay?

  3. Azmin is in a weak position, having burnt his bridges with the rest of PKR, and totally dependent on Mahathir's patronage for his survival.
    He really wants PKR to sack him, so that he can claim the role of a Heroic Martyr.

    Exactly why Anwar should NOT sack him , for now. Let him dig and deeper and smellier hole for himself.
