
Friday, November 22, 2019

Kereta dibuat di China, Menteri dibuat di Parti Pribumi


Raja Kerbau yang Ta'Malu 

The 'flying car' is a shameful fiasco

by Wong Kah Woh

MP SPEAKS | Let me state my disclaimer first. I am writing this not in my capacity as the Vice Chairman for PAC, but in the capacity as the MP for Ipoh Timor.

As I am bound by the Standing Order of not divulging the evidence taken in the PAC, my views below are solely based on news reports, and the Parliament Hansard that has recorded what the Minister of Entrepreneur Development Redzuan Mohd Yusof has said openly and officially.

For the record, the Parliament Hansard on March 28, July 2, Oct 17 and Oct 31 of this year. 

Wong Kah Woh - MP Ipoh Timor 

The Civil Aviation Authority Malaysia (CAAM) has given a no-go to the demonstration flight which was originally scheduled today.

What I can conclude from the whole fiasco, from the first announcement by the Minister early this year, until the no-go notice by CAAM, is only one word: Shameful.

If you want me to add another word, I can: Shameful.

Our Minister has on many occasions said that not a single cent of the taxpayer's money is being used, and this is a private initiative.

It is not a government project.

He has said in Parliament that it is the Ministry’s duty to assist entrepreneurs in (realising) their innovative ideas. I fully agreed that is the duty of the Ministry.

We cannot kill off good ideas.

In fact, the idea is good. The technology is already quite common out there in other nations. Good for our own entrepreneurs to explore into it. But it becomes a huge problem when it comes to MED.

In the past one year, our Minister has appeared to take the flying car as his baby.

Chinese saying: Using China's kahchnooi's skin as his own face skin 

He keeps talking and keeps promoting it in a wrong way without realising that it also irritates the people who voted for us.

The best part is - at the early stage, a lot of people were asking me why our third national car project is going (to be a) flying car.

The perception is that the Government is doing this as a national project, which in fact is not. Everyone is confused.

Since it is not a national project, don’t talk like it is one This could be one of the many private initiatives that the Government and ministries receive every day.

I have asked a few of my lawyer friends before. On the road, we have the Road Transport Act. For civil aviation, we have the Civil Aviation Act.

If at all the flying car is to fly, do we have laws regulating the same? The answer is in the negative.

The Minister has also said it only take one hour from Kuala Lumpur to Penang by the flying car. Taking a Fokker plane will take one hour now, does it mean that a drone can fly at the speed of the Fokker? The people are not stupid.

And now, CAAM has given a no-go. Clearly, it is not ready, we are not ready. Why is the Minister talking every day as if everything is ready?

The opposition is making a joke out of it whenever the issue is brought up in Parliament.

I am not worried about the joke, I am worried about the people out there and how they see us as a Government because of this project which has nothing to do with us in fact?


  1. DAP MP Wong Kah Woh and DAP Transport Minister Anthony Loke have both put this Flying Minister from Bersatu in his place over this silly drone. Guanee has not released any funds for this project either. Any use of government funds was done without his approval, it was probably redirected from somewhere else.

    Please give DAP some credit standing up to Bersatu.

    There is no way CAAM will license a flying drone with human passengers. If there are any safety incidents CAAM will be downgraded to Category 5 by the US FAA. Malaysia Airlines and Air Asia will be up in arms as any further downgrade will affect their business.

    No insurance company will insure these vehicles or their passengers.

  2. Why nobody in PH highlight the need for flying license and insurance before? A minister cannot differentiate between a car and a drone? He is as stupid as his smile

    1. Nobody in PH to highlight the necessary 'bureaucratic' requirements?

      1) within the governing authority, the death woods, the hp6, the blurs & the kissing lots have been well trained in jaga nasi beriuk sendiri.

      2) within the component members, some r truly blurred, some just don't care & many just waiting for the useless f*ck to continue his monkey show.

    2. Then those patriots don't blame people like me who has option to migrate to other countries, why not come back & serve the country.

    3. Mfer, coming back to serve the country so that the ketuanan freaks & zombies alike CAN continue their field days of doing 败家事?

      If the majority of the blur-sotongs, who r the constitutionalised decision makers, DONT want to help themselves, WHY must these patriots, usually the minority scapegoats, trying to right the WRONGS of the nation in the continuing chants of melayu alifbata?

      Mfer, u have option to migrate & yet stay put BCOZ u don't want to give up yr tongkat freeloadings in ketuananized bolihland mah!
