
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Parti PRIBUMI a liability for Pakatan's Malaysia Baru


Addressing non-performers? Message for Kadir Jasin:

tolong pass message to Mahathir, wakakaka 

Last week, Bersatu PRIBUMI supreme council leader Kadir Jasin wrote that “the non-performers, laggards and ‘guntinglipat dalam’ (those who can cause harm) types must go” in response to the air safety rating downgrade by the US’ Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to our Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM). This puts us among countries such as Costa Rica, Curacao and Ghana.

Just hours later, Pakatan Harapan (PH), under a Bersatu PRIBUMI candidate had not only lost the Tg Piai by-election – but it was the single worst election loss for a sitting government in Malaysian history.

This is not the first time that Bersatu PRIBUMI has lost a by-election. They had also lost the marginal state seat of Semenyih to Barisan Nasional earlier this year. But no one in PH expected to be dealt a 15,000-majority loss in Tg Piai–a result so shocking that it took Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad over 24 hours to issue a public statement.

Those who were hoping for a sobering reaction from the old man, however, were certainly left disappointed. Not only did he not acknowledge his party’s second failure to retain a seat, he blamed his coalition instead. Certain leaders within his party have also gone full throttle in blaming everyone but themselves for this outright rejection by the voters of Tg Piai.

For example, Johor Bersatu PRIBUMI chief Mazlan Bujang placed responsibility for the loss at the feet of certain individuals within government – ignoring the fact that given he is the state leader, shouldn’t he have taken steps to make sure that his party toes the line.

Of course, we should expect as much from Mazlan – who is only his position because of the continued interference from those outside of Johor. Nor should we have ever expected much from a party that comprises of discarded Umno members and opportunists.

Just in these past few months we have seen the party position itself as a chauvinist party of the highest order. Ranging from the refusal to deport controversial Muslim preacher Zakir Naik back to India, the Malay Dignity Congress, the belligerence of its leaders and their backtracking on key manifesto promises such as the UEC have done nothing but fuel anger among non-Malays.

only 59 years, subject to HOLISTIC study

The actions of Bersatu PRIBUMI’s leadership were a central factor not only for the continued erosion of youth support, but the massive loss of support Chinese and Indian voters across the board in a previously competitive seat. Nor have these actions bolstered Malay support for the party.

According to one analyst, Malay support for PH did not transform, from 22.3% to 18.6%. Blame should be placed onto the leadership of PH whose subservience towards Dr Mahathir have done nothing but destroy public support for their government.

Despite this, Bersatu PRIBUMI is unashamed of using patronage politics, which while always been in the fabric of the Malaysian political scene, it is something that many Malaysians thought would have been swept away after May 9, 2018.

Core economic issues take a backseat to the jostling of power over the succession issue (that unsurprisingly comes from your party). All the while the government remains unable to mitigate the rising cost of living and weakening economy.

Where is the rise in the minimum wage? Where is the fairer PTPTN repayment scheme? Where are the social safety nets? What about the 1 million jobs promised for the youth?

Fulfilling and resolving these issues are what they should prioritise and what the people of not only Tg Piai but the entire nation expect from PH.

Kadir Jasin, it is time to speak truth to power – your party continues to be a liability for Malaysia Baru and it’s time to meet actions with words.


  1. the following is liability: lge, tk, kula, azmin, zuraida, maszlee, ss, salahuddin, mm.

    the main reason beside too old, almost all r stupid.

    1. All in all , DAP is a huge let down.
      "Arrogant" is Lim Guan Eng's other name.
      Teresa Kok is a big disappointment.
      Kulasegaran is badly mismanaging the Human Resources role.
