
Monday, June 17, 2019

BEST political statement 2019 (3)

Malaysia - 'Azmin preferred Pakatan Rakyat to Harapan, didn't back Dr M at first' (selected extracts):

Rais Hassan
Pribumi Supreme Council member & Party strategist 

Seemingly peeved at Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman's strong defence of the beleaguered Mohamed Azmin Ali, Rais Hussin has taken a swipe at the latter's contributions to Pakatan Harapan.

Rais, who sits on Bersatu's supreme council, took exception to some of the claims made in his party colleague's opinion piece entitled 'Azmin Ali, the politician I know.'

"This is a new narrative." he tweeted over the weekend. [...]

[kt note: Rais Hassan was virtually saying Syed Saddiq BS-ed in the latter's glowing praise of Azmin Ali, wakakaka]

Rais said ....., however, that the "truth must be told as it is. Please."

He also retweeted former minister Zaid Ibrahim, who said that he was "tired of listening to hypocrites expressing horror about 'gutter politics'."

"Firstly there is no gutter politics, only gutter politicians. Second, is the video real or fake? That’s all I want to know," Zaid's tweet read.

Zaid Ibrahim
(used & 'discarded' by DAP) 

I deem Zaid Ibrahim's tweet (as follows below) as the BEST political statement 2019 thus far: 

"[I am] ... tired of listening to hypocrites expressing horror about 'gutter politics'." 

"Firstly there is no gutter politics, only gutter politicians. Second, is the video real or fake? That’s all I want to know."

This is the 2nd time this year Zaid has won my post-awarded title, wakakaka.

Best political statement (2019) series:

(1) BEST political statement 2019 (1)

(2) BEST political statement 2019 (2).


  1. Therein lies the rub. Politics is mud wrestling. Zaid wants to wrestle but doesn’t want to get dirty. He must learn to cope with the mud, even enjoy rolling in it like other DAP long timers who are now enjoying the fruits of their mud wrestling, ministerial position etc. That was why Zaid was not given a seat to contest in GE14.

  2. Wakakakakaka…

    Zaid Ibrahim: (used & 'discarded' by DAP)

    Or is it the other way round?

  3. Aiyoh, what a dumb PPBM party strategist not to know that it may be AA's future son-in-law trying to get 100% blessings later to marry AA's daughter if all goes well.

    Give him a chance lah. Politics is secondary when one is love bitten.

    Was TDM's granddaughter jilted?
