
Monday, June 17, 2019

An intriguing 'tho not unprecedented story

From Reuters:

Malaysian switched at birth wants to switch religion

Sales executive Zulhaidi Omar (C), flanked by his natural parents, father Teo Ma Leong (L) and mother Lim Sai Hak, poses in Johor Bahru, February 2, 2007

Zulhaidi, 29, switched at birth in a hospital mix-up, wants to change his name after being reunited with his ethnic-Chinese biological family and become a Buddhist

REUTERS/New Straits Times Press

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - A Malaysian Muslim man switched at birth in a hospital mix-up wants to change his name after being reunited with his ethnic-Chinese biological family and become a Buddhist.

In multiracial Malaysia, ethnic Malays, who are mostly Muslim, form a majority of the population of roughly 26 million, while ethnic Chinese and ethnic Indians account for about 25 percent and 8 percent respectively.

Sales executive Zulhaidi Omar, 29, was raised in an ethnic Malay family, and discovered his true origins only after a Chinese woman at a supermarket where he worked noticed his features were similar to those of her father, newspapers said.

“The girl who was always looking at me was actually my elder sister who suspected that I was her brother because of my striking resemblance to our father,” the Star newspaper quoted Zulhaidi as telling reporters.

Three visits by the girl and her parents convinced him to take a DNA test that confirmed the ties, he added.

Zulhaidi, who unwittingly spent 20 years just a few miles from his real family, now lives with them in Batu Pahat in southern Johor state. But it took him six months before he began to call his parents “Mum” and “Dad”.

His natural father, Teo Ma Leong, 66, said he had always suspected the fifth of his six children was switched at birth, because the boy had a dark complexion, the Star said.

“A check with the hospital gave us no clues, so we brought him up as one of our own, although we knew our actual son was out there somewhere,” Teo added.

As a child, Zulhaidi said, he was teased about his Chinese-like features and never felt accepted by the family in which he was brought up, so he left them when he was 13.

“My Malay father had left us when I was three,” he said. “My mother remarried, but I could not get along with my stepfather, so I left.”

He waited on tables and worked at a car wash to put himself through school, eventually ending up with a diploma in business administration.

The other changeling, Tian Fa, 29, was brought up by the Teos, married a Chinese woman, and has no intention of seeking out his biological parents, the Star said.

Now Zulhaidi wants to renounce Islam and take a Chinese name.

Whether Muslims can convert to another faith is a tricky legal question in Malaysia, where Islam is the official religion, although freedom of worship is a constitutional right.


KT notes:

Though an old story (12 years ago) I just read in in FB and thought of sharing its interesting 'web of intrigues' with you.

Gobind Singh represented him in court when/where he sought to change his name and religion.

Last known 'changed' name was Eddie Teo, but his attempt to change his religion was objected to by many (Muslim) sides, although whether he succeeded in the end is not known.

And I wonder too whether the 'other' son, Tian Fa, the 'real Malay-born', was hunted down by the usual suspects to revert back to being a Melayu and Muslim, though from news reports he ignored the 'switch' as he's now happily married to a Chinese woman?

The moral of this story I wanted to share with you is, it's not what your blood, flesh and bones, meaning your ethnicity (and of particular interest in Malaysia, your religion) might have come from, but the correctness or mistakes of a mere mortal like a hospital staff (most probably a nurse) who determined whether you live the life of either a Malay or a Chinese. Some may say t'was the Almighty.

I wonder whether Zulhaidi Omar (now Eddie Teo) grew up as a Malay disliking or suspicious of the Chinese, and whether Tian Fa (his 'counterpart') grew up as a Chinese disliking or suspicious of Malays. Haven't their lives, loves, happiness, sorrows and thoughts been lessons for all of us Malaysians?

Maybe yes, it might only have been an Almighty who would play such a mischievous game of life, love, dislikes and emotional sufferings or/and happiness.


  1. Welcome to the Hotel California.
    You can check out, But you can never leave.

    1. but if one is as rich as mahathir son, he can stay at plaza, palm, emirates n only move back to california once a while to continue his acting.

    2. You can check out at any time , just that you can never leave.

  2. I wonder why he did not continue as a Malay and Moslem and enjoy all the priviledges/quotas accorded to Malays by The Constitution twisted and considered a Right by BN/UMNO/PAS with no time limit for the handicaps, just like most converted races of other faiths who played religion for their own self gain or to please some religious bigots plying their trade or deceived into some religion because of the wonderful stories of heaven or the fear of death driving one's thinking to take up some form of insurance.

    Also, I wonder, if one don't believe and don't practice the religion you are born into or brought up, who is to know by being a hypocrite outwardly to please those religious fanatics in society but inwardly despises the same God/Gods they believe in.

    You wonder who are the ones playing God/Gods as far as religion is concerned.

  3. Wakakakakaka…

    What a f*cked question!

    "I wonder whether Zulhaidi Omar (now Eddie Teo) grew up as a Malay disliking or suspicious of the Chinese, and whether Tian Fa (his 'counterpart') grew up as a Chinese disliking or suspicious of Malays."

    The ANSWER is the environment one grew up with!

    Bigoted racists r not born every day. They become what they r BCOZ of secondary nurturing & indoctrination.

    That's the real moral of this story. PERIOD!

    Read deeper into that story, one find that Zulhaidi Omar DIDN'T become a ketuanan freak/zombie shimmering with a Malay disliking or suspicious of the Chinese simply bcoz he left that hateful environment early & survived on his own.

    The other telltale sign IS what Nostradamus has noted in him NOT susceptible to

    "did not continue as a Malay and Moslem and enjoy all the priviledges/quotas accorded to Malays by The Constitution twisted and considered a Right by BN/UMNO/PAS with no time limit for the handicap"

    Perhaps, gene does play a part as Zulhaidi Omar/Eddie Teo's life isn't a bed of roses either! & yet he JUST ignores those temptations!

    1. Sieg Heil, mein (VAB) Fuhrer, wakakaka

    2. Wakakakaka…

      R u saluting yr master?

      Based on yr disillusioned hatred about me for bursting yr continuous farts, definitely not me.


  4. Cina, Cina, Cina, Cina, Cina memang Cina.

    Out of every one case like this there are hundreds of Chinese girls given up by Chinese parents to Malay families. And this is what you tonjolkan for moral lessons.

    Denial and outlandishly misplaced self-righteousness is at the heart of the Cina's self-image.

    1. given away is different from being brought to believe you're A or B
