
Friday, February 27, 2009

Keberanian PDRM?

Tahukah ai takut apa?

Tindakan polis menyoal YDP (speaker) DUN Perak Sivakumar. Ya!

Bolehkah/Berhakkah polis soal seorang YDP DUN tentang hal DUN?

Hmmmi, beranilah mereka, polis diraja Malaysia.

Berani menyoal YDP DUN.

Hah, berani karena menunjuk ketidakhormatan kuasa YDP DUN dalan hal DUN and ketidakpedulian Rukunnegara ke-tiga, yaitu Keluhuran Perlembagaan.

Biadap kan? Ketidakhormatan perlembagaan negeri mereka.

Baca juga:

Cerita Squatgate - Proudly Beneath Sang Saka Biru

Cerita Police - Naked Squatting then, Groping Buttocks now! dan Siapa Raja!

Juga Men in blue bashed youth till he was blue black and bloodied

Tetapi malang, polis ta’mampu pula dengan yang kes2 berikut:

Remembering Preeshena Varshiny


Remembering Nurin Jazlin Jazimin

kenapa pula ai berani blog dengan BM?

oleh karena baru saja ai dah minum jus tapai wakakakakakkaakakaka hic wakakakakakakakakakaaa

woot, caution to the angin liao ;-)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

UMNO Youths mobbed wheelchair-bound Karpal Singh

Malaysiakini - 'Singh is King' mobbed, MP claims assault

A wheelchair-bound Karpal Singh was surrounded and mobbed by 30 UMNO Youth members at the lobby of Parliament House.

While the Hang Tuah-ish perwiras harassed a man who is, in modern impolite words, a physical cripple who needs a wheelchair to get around, police and security personnel stood by idly, refusing to intervene - see Malaysiakini 'Cops, security did not help me'.

Karpal had to ring his DAP colleague sweetie Fong Po Kuan, who arrived with a 'rescue team' to save the DAP chairperson. Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng was bashed in the face and body.

An outraged Lim Kit Siang demanded that Umno Youth leader Hishammuddin Hussein and PM AAB apologise over the incident.

Uncle Lim sai: "This has never happened before ... it is the most outrageous and shameful episode in the history of Parliament."

Karpal called upon Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia in chambers later, and urged the latter to pass a resolution under the Houses of Parliament Privileges and Powers Act 1952 to issue a warrant of arrests against the Umno Youth supporters.

I heard Pandikar couldn't be reached for comments. Elegant silence? wakakakakaka.

Uncle Lim said it was also a clear violation of the Houses of Parliament Privileges and Powers Act 1952 and that those UMNO Youth "... should have been arrested on the spot for violating the act ... something has become very ugly in Malaysian politics."

Those gutless Wonders! And one of them could be a future PM.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

All that is Silver does not glitter

His Royal Highness is upset and worried as of late the intrusion of someone’s privacy and private rights was being used to destroy one’s dignity and reputation. It is a sad thing as one’s life and private rights were being made public and subject to public scrutiny by publicising in the mass media.

To Yang Berhormat Elizabeth Wong, His Royal Highness felt sad and sympathised with her as to the unfortunate event she had suffered and hoped that Yang Berhormat Elizabeth Wong will remain calm and be patient in continuing with her life henceforth.

- Dato’ Haji Mohamad Munir bin Bani, Dato’ Lela Bakti Private Secretary to His Royal Highness

The above was also published in Malaysiakini Nude photos: Sultan throws ball back into MB's court.

Well said, Tuanku!

As one who is rather lukewarm to royalty, I have slowly come to admire more and more HRH Sultan Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, ruler of Selangor.

While Malaysian eyes, ears and admiration had initially focussed hopefully on the royalty in the Silver State as ‘silver bullets’, it has been the Selangor Sultan who, though less pontificating and less pompous (thank goodness & menjunjong kasih Tuanku for small mercies), have stolen the affection of the ordinary rakyat.

I admit I wasn’t too impressed by HRH's admission that he was the initiator of the issue of ‘social contract’ aired during the last Rulers Conference, but I have noted that HRH has been very careful not to lend any impression he was politically biased nor had he demonstrated any political preference.

He had carefully talked with the ADUNs of the Pakatan after the March 08 election to ascertain their loose alliance has sufficient cohesion to form a stable State government, without interfering with the choice of MB, showing he was a ruler only concerned about the good governance of his State.

Perhaps one could argue that he was ‘reported’ as not keen on having Teresa Kok as the deputy MB of Selangor, but that could well be the work of the royal courtiers, most being mainly pro-UMNO or UMNO people.

My mate Dean Johns whose latest article Royalty and loyalty appeared in his Malaysiakini column today, is like me, not all that ardent about many royal members.

Notwithstanding our shared tepid feelings towards the monarchy, Dean has shown some admiration for King Bumiphol of Thailand, but rightly not for the Crown Prince whose conduct had been said could well match those of a certain Malaysian Sultan (the one who didn’t like a caddy or a hockey coach).

Many years ago, King Bumiphol in a shocking, virtually earth-shattering move for Thais, did the unprecedented and conferred on his daughter* the title of Crown Princess.

* I believe the second one – the first was originally disowned when she married a farang (Mat Salleh)

His message to the Crown prince wasn’t subtle at all – HM was virtually saying publicly that the throne was not guaranteed for the Crown Prince nor would it be automatically through the male line.

Strangely, even after the Perak constitutional imbroglio, Dean still has some good words for the Perak Sultan, stating that HRH is ‘… among the more worthy and distinguished members of Malaysian royalty …’.

Distinguished certainly …

… but let’s examine the words of NH Chan which he wrote for Malaysiakini in Sultan has no powers to ask Nizar to quit.

As Malaysiakini reminded those who are not familiar with his name, NH CHAN is former Court of Appeal judge famous for his ‘All is not well in the House of Denmark’ comment regarding judicial corruption. He was then referring to High Court’s commercial division which was located in Wisma Denmark, Kuala Lumpur. The quote is based on Shakespeare’s ‘Something is rotten in the state of Denmark’.

I won’t go into the entirety of the legal mauling Chan gave HRH, but read this one extract:

As a former Lord President, who was then the highest judge in the country, the sultan should know that it is improper to see an interested party alone without the other side being present before announcing his decision.

It was only after the ruler had seen Najib that he summoned Nizar to inform him that he had decided not to dissolve the legislative assembly.

That was his undoing. It was a fatal error. This is not a case of natural justice where both sides have a right to be heard. There was no hearing. […]

Every judge, unless he is a bad judge, knows that the right thing to do is to apply the oft-repeated saying of Lord Chief Justice Hewart in R v. Sussex Justices, ex parte McCarthy: “It is not merely of some importance, but is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done”.

I encourage you to read NH Chan’s erudite analysis of the sorry saga.

But the part that caught my eye and confirmed my long-held suspicion about the Perak Sultan was Chan’s comment on HRH sacking of Nizar:

It is a personal discretion of the ruler to act on the appointment of a menteri besar. Since the ruler has the power to appoint another person as menteri besar in place of Mohd Nizar based on his judgement, there is, therefore, no need to order him to resign at all.

This is no more than a pretended show of power when, in fact, there is no such power.

A pretend show of power!
… exactly what I wrote in Bismarck: The king reigns but does not govern on 09 November 2008, where I said [relevant extracts only]:

I felt then the blog Malaysia-Today had promoted the royals beyond their constitutional role.

I have no doubt that those promotions of the royalty as potential political saviours had encouraged the royalty to begin exerting their powers, and in many incidents, in clumsy unconstitutional manner.

Their post election interferences by some Sultans were prime examples which regrettably many supported in glee, revelling in the embarrassment of an UMNO PM without realizing the more constitutionally-dangerous significance of those royal manoeuvres. I hate to use cliché but those silly sycophantic supporters couldn’t see the bigger picture.

Then I wrote about the humiliation of Nizar [relevant extracts]:

Another lamentable example had been the Perak Sultan's undermining of Perak MB Nizar’s authority by rescinding the latter’s sacking of the State religious director.

Publicly chopping the MB’s authority off at the knees, in a show of unnecessary but raw royal power play, the Prince (acting on behalf of the Sultan) justified his action on the fact that the Sultan as the religious head of the State had the royal prerogative on State religious matter.

That's true but unfortunately the sacking didn’t have anything to do with any religious issues or policies but rather a case of a civil servant demonstrating sheer insubordination to the MB by refusing to implement the State government’s directive.

But regardless of whether it was a case of insubordination by a civil servant or a MB committing a faux pas with a State religious issue, was there really such a need for HRH to publicly humiliate the new MB and undermine his authority as the State’s CEO? Surely a quiet royal word to Nizar and the MB would have been right royally apologetic (even if he wasn’t incorrect).

It was that pretend show of power!

And guess what happened after MB Nizar succumbed to such traditional Malay royal psy-war and reinstated an insubordinate State civil servant?

The Prince Regent in a subsequent speech (3 months later in late July) attempted to change (by stealth) his justification for his royal interference from that of religious matters to administrative fairness.

… only after Karpal Singh had blasted the Perak Sultan for interfering in the MB's administrative management.

I had warned time and time again that the royalty had been the problem rather than the solution …

And my apt advice to HRH Perak:

While the Sultans have a place under the Malaysian Constitution, they should be careful not to step down from their royal pedestal onto the grubby world of politics where they then draw justified criticisms unto their political (and not royal) persons.

But HRH the Sultan of Selangor has shown impeccable conduct as a constitutional monarchy.

There’s a Chinese saying, ‘bah chew mai knua sneo hnui’ meaning ‘don’t set your sights too far’ (when looking for something desirable).

It applies particularly to those politically conscious in KL and Selangor who had looked towards the Silver State for the ‘silver bullets’.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sex and (or in?) Malaysian politics

I think people should be free to engage in any sexual practices they choose; they should draw the line at goats though - Elton John

Malaysiakini - Oral sex: Easy to allege, hard to prove!

Sex, sex, sex!

Our politics and politicians (some anyway) loves to indulge in issues of sex, or if unlucky wakakaka, just hurl accusations, innuendos and snide remarks about others and their sexual escapades.

UMNO takes the cake for the lower end stuff such as the bocor-ites, the ‘you-like-it-hard-or-soft’, the tunnel between the AirAsia stewardess’ thighs, the waitress at a club, etc. One former MB even murdered someone who bonked his sister.

Then of course there's the famous or infamous accusations against Najib but till to date, there's not a shred of evidence - all reckless smears and Statutory Declarations, the latter of which tap danced around with "I was reliably informed ..." or "He told me he was told by him who was told by her that, yes she told him, she like it in the behind ...".

KJ had his moments as well ...

MCA – hmmm, CSL realizes he has a perpetual life-long baggage. I am not sure how he’ll shrug it off, but the Malaysiakini news article (see above) may be of some comfort to him.

Contrary to what I read yesterday, I have just been informed that UMNO actually don’t like him, which could possibly explain why the police saw fit to haul in for an interview on an already long-dead subject. I doubt his rival would have the direct pull to 'persuade' the police to take an interest in a matter of oral sex.

MIC – well, once there was once a rising star and his blue tapes (I heard a poor sweetie committed suicide - kesian), and I also heard another story ... but ... ;-)

PKR – well, … the suspicions are always there. I believe Tan Sri Ramon Navartanam once mentioned about such habits being practised in a certain boarding school.

Independent – Ibrahim Ali did say men like to play, but only with sub-50 women.


Two ascetic monk-ish moralistic tight ass parties.

I heard MAS and AirAsia planes need a longer take-off run when DAP members are on board.


… because it has been rumoured they are heavier due to their (un-discharged) sperm-laden balls. Maybe some DAP people are still virgins? Wakakaka.

Laugh, DAP, that’s meant to be a compliment.

On the other hand, no, that’s not true (the virgin part), not since Hee Yit Foong shafted them. Wakakakakakkakaaa.

Hey, any DAP member laughing? C'mon, I am a DAP supporter so don't be mad - it's good to laugh at yourself - all together now, wakakakakaka!

One DAP supporter said in Facebook that those who aren’t involved with oral sex, please keep their mouths shut wakakakakakakakaka ... which may explain why Hafiz Yatim wrote in Malaysiakini Oral sex: Easy to allege, hard to prove especially if you keep mum! ;-)

If it wasn't for pick-pockets and frisking at airports I'd have no sex life at all - Rodney Dangerfield

Monday, February 23, 2009

Against the order of nature?

Malaysiakini - Cops probe Soi Lek for alleged oral sex!

Poor Chua is being harassed again, as if the shame of having his private tryst secretly filmed and then maliciously circulated, was not bad enough.

Malaysiakini reported that “… Selangor Criminal Investigation Department chief Hasnan Hassan ….. said that the police are investigating the sex DVD under section 377(A) of the Penal Code."

And just what is section 377(A) of the Penal Code?

It’s that convenient political weapon which covers 'carnal intercourse against the order of nature'. Anwar Ibrahim has had it used against him too.

The penal code states that “a person who has sexual connection with another person by the introduction of the penis into the anus or mouth of the other person is said to committed carnal intercourse against the order of nature.”

One could get 20 years plus a whipping if found to be guilty of having a blow job.

Jeeez, where do these people come from – no, I mean those who conceived of such a penal code ;-) …..

And that phrase ‘Introduction of the penis …..’ – wakakaka, visualize “Hi, I’m Penis, and who are you, Assh*le?”

What an intercourse ;-) er … verbal intercourse of coz. ;-)

And another phrase 'against the order of nature' - wakakaka, hey you guys still living in 1900's lah.

Nowadays blow jobs and ‘what else’ between consenting adults are the norm and not against the order of nature - in fact it's bloody 'natural' wakakaka ...

... and I bet at least several hundred thousand other people besides Chua would have to be incarcerated or whipped for blow jobs.

Malaysiakini reported:
The sex scandal resurfaced on Feb 10 after a Kelana Jaya resident discovered in his mailbox an envelope containing a DVD and a letter.

The letter instructed the recipient to lodge a police report after watching the video.

Upon watching the DVD, the resident realised that the DVD was a pornographic video and proceeded to make the police report.

Good citizen eh? Yeah right!

If this is not staged as a harassment against Chua instigated by his rivals I don’t know what it is.

:-) Can't get over this choice of phrase: ‘Introduction of the penis …..’

"Hi Assh*le" - "Hi yourself you Pr*ck" wakakakakakakakakaka ;-)

The Moon jumped over the Cow

Malaysiakini - PAS seeks 'tell all' meeting with Khalid!

PAS Selangor has shown PKR, and Khalid Ibrahim in particular, that as an ally it’s less supportive than the DAP which has much earlier declared its 100% backing for the besieged Selangor MB.

Malaysiakini reported "In a 'less than full support' statement, Selangor PAS said Khalid should reveal the decisions that he expects to make in dealing with the allegations."

This is the same State PAS which had held covert pan-Malay talks with UMNO, and which incidentally Fairus, the Deputy CM of Penang, wanted in for the PKR as well.

And I believe it’s the PAS that PKR has been on tender hooks and behaving badly (conduct of gross disloyalty) regarding the contemptible attempt to smear the good name of Elizabeth Wong.

Anyway, thanks to MACC or the UMNO version of the Inquisition as I had alluded to in my post Exigit Sinceras Devotionis Affectus - the MACC, Chief Inquisitor Ahmad Said Hamdan @ Tomás de Torquemada, declared prejudgementally (most unbecoming of a MACC chief) that "there was strong and good evidence" against Khalid Ibrahim ...

... in alleged wrongdoing in the maintenance of a luxury car (a Lexus which is Khalid's personal property, but which he uses for his offical duties as MB) and purchase of sacrificial cows.

‘Sacrificial’ cows? This implies worshipping. Mana ada?

They were disembelihkan and parceled out as free daging sapi to the rakyat of Bandar Tun Razak.

Let’s examine the first allegation – maintenance of Khalid’s personal Lexus.

As the MB of Selangor Khalid has use of an official car, but he elects to use his own Lexus. I assume he is not charging the State for that.

So this bloke is using his own car for State duties.

Think of the wear and tear of his Lexus and the added/imposed road risk, all without cost to the State.

Shouldn’t he at least be allowed to charge the maintenance expenses to the State … provided of course the maintenance expenses can be proven they were directly related to his official functions … stuff like petrol, oil, water … and in the longer run, even tyres.

The counter argument is of course weaker but nonetheless could be mounted … like why couldn’t he like everyone and use the State car – nak syiok sendiri saja, so bloody well pay for your own petrol.

And, if he merely assigned all his petrol bills to the State, including those he used for his personal trips, then it becomes tricky.

Additionally, what else had been changed for maintenance?

But on the balance of it all, I would argue that based on what I have touched on above, Khalid should be entitled to claim maintenance expenses from the State.

In fact Malaysiakini reported in 'MB didn't order cows and it's his Lexus' that his lawyer Sankara Nair stated: "The Lexus is his own personal car which he was using even before he became the menteri besar, while the maintenance expenses for official purposes were all approved by the state."

There appears to be clear cut accountability, so I think it’ll be difficult for the bullsh*t MACC to have a solid case against Khalid. But then again, people have been charged for less.

On the cerita kerbau I think Khalid may have a problem. No doubt Sankara said that Khalid didn’t order the 46 kerbau to be donated as free beef during the Hari Raya Korban festival last December, but alas, the people who benefitted from Selangor State’s largesse were from his federal constituency of Bandar Tun Razak, in another State (not Selangor).

There appears to be a very strong case of ‘conflict of interest’, much in the same way as it would be seen, if Selangor State or one of the Selangor State controlled enterprises donated the same equivalent to the federal constituency of Seputeh during Chinese New Year, even without the knowledge or agreement of Teresa Kok, ADUN for Kinrara.

As my visitor Observer and many others have stated, it’s wishful thinking to hope UMNO won’t be keeping a beady eye on the PR, hoping to yell: “Aha … KNN ... gotcha!”

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Exigit Sinceras Devotionis Affectus - the MACC

Read the following headlines and by putting 2 and 2 together, you needn’t wonder why people don’t have any iota of respect for the new anti-corruption body, the MACC.

Malaysiakini - Karpal takes MACC chief to task

Malaysian Insider - Pakatan braces for BN assault in Selangor

Good olde Karpal Singh lambasted the MACC chief Ahmad Said Hamdan for issuing what he considered as a public prejudgment (the legal equivalent of an Israeli or Japanese-styled pre-emptive strike) against Selangor MB, Khalid Ibrahim.

Ahmad Said declared that “there was strong and good evidence" against Khalid Ibrahim in alleged wrongdoing in the maintenance of a luxury car (a Lexus which is Khalid's personal property, but which he uses for his offical duties as MB) and purchase of sacrificial cows (for donation to the people of federal constituency of Bandar Tun Razak, Khalid's federal seat).

Whether those allegations have any basis is a separate issue but regrettably Ahmad Said has prejudiced the allegations against Khalid in more than one way (not just the alleged corruption) as Khalid has also lodged a libel suit against Khir Toyo for slandering him.

Karpal said Ahmad Said has violated the rule of law with his premature-inclined big mouth and demanded the MACC chief publicly clarify the basis on which such public disclosure on the findings of a graft investigation were released, blooming way way before prosecution has even been instituted.

The Lion of Gelugor roared: "It’s a prejudgment that the MACC chief must explain immediately. Ahmad’s public statement would compromise and jeorpadise Abdul Khalid’s case."

If you recall, in my previous post Anwar Ibrahim - 'Make an uproar in the east, hide the west' Ahmad Said had chewed Anwar Ibrahim for making the same premature statements about an incomplete investigation into the alleged Kedah corruption case, stating: "The Kulim case is being investigated and is not completed and Anwar's statement will affect investigation" - see Malaysiakini 'Bribery in Kedah': MACC ticks off Anwar

He's obviously one of those cakap ta'serupa bikin devotees.

Then Karpal twisted the knife around a fair bit. He rebuked Ahmad Said “for lacking the necessary knowledge on the very law that governs the MACC, which arguably does not bestow any prosecution powers on the commission.”

Ahmad Said had stupidly stated that though the MACC has prosecution powers, he had forwarded the case to the AG’s chambers because the case against Khalid Ibrahim involved a VIP.

Like Nemesis unbound, Karpal roared that Section 58 of the new Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission Act clearly states that: "A prosecution for an offence under this Act shall not be instituted except by or with the consent of the Public Prosecutor".

In other words, the MACC chief has diddly squat powers to independently prosecute anyone. That could only be done subject to consent from the AG’s chambers.

Karpal punished Ahmad Said for his vainglorious boast: "It’s shocking the MACC chief did not know about Section 58. It exposes his incompetence."

Oh, what will the Pakatan do without our spiritual and legal guardian, Karpal Singh, Lion of Gelugor?

And Malaysiakini Vox Populi comments have this to say: New anti-corruption body yet another BN lap dog?

I call for this MACC to be dissolved. We certainly don’t want an Israeli-Japanese preemptive-styled auto de fé headed by an UMNO-appointed Tomás de Torquemada, more so when he has demonstrated he's incompetent.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Anwar Ibrahim - 'Make an uproar in the east, hide the west'

Malaysiakini - Anwar warns against moral hazard!

Anwar? You all know me ;-)

It’s so hard to take Anwar seriously. Whenever he pontificated, either piously or pompously, I always look for something underlying his usual grandstanding oration.

Of course I still recall his claims of assassination when he scooted off to the Turkish Embassy, and claiming as well that the ambassador had either invited or advised him to do so. Subsequently the Turkish ambassador denied that.

Oh, don't forget the flak jacket too wakakaka.

And the real issue?

Saiful Bukhari Azlan!

Then, coming to KeADILan, a party set up with one sole purpose, to fight for Anwar’s release from prison …

… KeADILan grew into PKR with basically still the same nonsensical not-about-reforms reformasi.

After playing coy and resisting expectations for him to join PKR formally for years*, we see his wife suddenly resigning as federal representative of Permatang Pauh to enable Anwar to stand in the by-election, as a PKR candidate wakakaka.

* I've always held the belief he wants to return to UMNO, which has been why I reckon he didn't want to formally join PKR

And the real issue?

He thought his arrest for alleged sodomy was then imminent!

Now, we hear the 916 man claimed in Parliament, as reported by Malaysiakini, that he had adduced evidence of corruption and chicanery by the Umno-dominated Barisan Nasional, which led to the Perak coup d’etat.

... as if we need evidence to know that!

He also talked about corruption in Kedah, accusing the BN of attempting what had been done in Perak.

This is the best part in the Malaysiakini news article 'Bribery in Kedah': MACC ticks off Anwar: Anwar said the BN’s shenanigans in Perak and Kedah, led by the prime minister-designate Najib Razak, were done without the ‘slightest trace of shame’.

Wakakakakkakakaka – was there the slightest trace of shame in his froggie 916? Was there the slightest trace of shame in his Taiwan forays?

But leave that - Why has he modified Sun Tze’s 'Make an uproar in the east, strike in the west' into 'Make an uproar in the east, hide the west'?

And the real issue?

Elizabeth Wong!

As I blogged in Elizabeth Wong's 'Et Tu PKR'?:

Instead of looking after Eli during her most vulnerable period, the [PKR] top brass have been looking over their shoulders, more concerned about the impact of this issue on the heartland’s support (which they prefer than the current urban support they enjoy), and also fearing that their PAS partner with their conservative tight ass morality, may be repulsed into UMNO’s arms.

These senior party members (you know who) want Eli to preferably disappear from the face of the earth, but if not, then to resign and, to put it cruelly, bugger off.

Forget about her loyalty, service, and dedication to the party. She has now become a liability to PKR. […]

Oh, the pressure she had been subjected to, the betrayal, the lack of support – can you understand why she broke down into tears?

But wait, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

The Malaysian Insider reported in
Eli could remain assemblyman, but exit exco because those spineless Wonders now realized how blooming popular Eli is, and are shit scared of the no-no move of accepting Eli’s resignation.

Eli’s supporters and those very sympatheic to her cause may be so pissed off that they will desert the PKR banner.

Malaysiakini reported in Anwar reveals 'evidence' of bribe attempts that when the press asked him “… why he had to wait until today [19 Feb 09] to make the revelation, he replied: “We had to wait for the ACA to conclude their investigations”.

“During the last parliamentary session, I did not have enough information about it. That is why I had to wait until it is complete. This is the earliest I could reveal to you now.”

But today Malaysiakini reported in 'Bribery in Kedah': MACC ticks off Anwar that MACC chief commissioner Ahmad Said Hamdan was mad with Anwar for revealing issues on an incomplete investigation, stating: "The Kulim case is being investigated and is not completed and Anwar's statement will affect investigation."

Now, let’s re-pose the question that the press asked of him yesterday: “Why did you have to wait until today [19 Feb 09] to make the revelation.”

And the real issue?

Eli’s supporters must be marshaled back to the fold, and the best way to do that is to have an easily identifiable foe, the evil UMNO (mind you, not that UMNO doesn’t merit the title sometimes).

Distraction and re-attraction.

It’s not as if we don’t know Malaysian politics is full of corrupt practice, with possibly the only 2 parties that would stay clean being PAS and DAP.

But yes, the real issue has been PKR’s pathetic and disloyal treatment of Eli Wong, asking her to resign.

We could sense this a thousand kilometers away from the stench of fear emanating from an equivocating Khalid Ibrahim, and an unhelpful, unsympathetic Azmin Ali with his moralizing statement, obviously distancing the PKR from her, whilst ironically UMNO’s acting Law Minister Nazri and even KJ were supportive.

Added to this has been the fact that the most likely culprit behind Eli’s distress, shame and premature retirement from frontline politics is a PKR man. He’s equally gutless as well, disappearing into another country.

All in all, it has been a monumental disaster for PKR.

But the gutless deserves to be gutted!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Perak in driverless auto-cruise

Last year in September (after 916 wakakaka) I blasted Dr Abdul Aziz Bari, a professor of law and, I suspect an anwarista, in my Don't misuse the King!

Oh, I would recommend to Hannah Yeoh she reads my post as well wakakaka.

In that post I provided a piece of advice for the good professor. I said: ... don’t try to be too clever and open the royal Pandora box.

Well, guess what happened recently in the royal Pandoerak box?

I have stop reading Dr Bari’s articles after that post-916 brouhaha-for-nothing, but I bet he must have sung a different tune when the Sultan of Perak recently dismissed Nizar and the PR government wakakaka.

Hmmm, I am having too many wakakaka’s in this post but I have to blame Dr Bari for the hilarity of the post-916 ... wakakaka - sorry, will try to be serious ;-).

So … in a lovely Ruy Lopez: Marshal counter-attack, Perak DUN speaker V Sivakumar has cornered the Sultan-appointed MB and a few of the UMNO ADUNs, and effectively/legally swung the balance of power back to the PR wakakaka (sorry) ;-).

I hate to use another chess term but alas, I have to say it: Sivakumar has brilliantly brought about a stalemate.

Wiki describes ‘stalemate as:

… a situation in chess where the player whose turn it is to move is not in check but has no legal moves.

One of the rules of chess is that stalemate ends the game, with the result a draw. Often during the endgame, stalemate is a resource that enables the player with the inferior position to draw the game.

The only possible continuation of the game in Perak has to be a new game (no wakakaka this time but wink wink nudge nudge).

But PM Abdullah Badawi has now cried ‘mama’ or rather, ‘Tuanku Tuanku’ because he stated, as reported by Malaysiakini, They've disrespected sultan's decision.

My dear PM, please remember it's the rakyat who decides on the choice of government, not the Sultan.

See what I mean by the title of my post last year Don't misuse the King! which I now extend to AAB.

BN in particular UMNO is deliberately playing on the feelings of the Perak heartland that the PR (alamak, so many Chinese and Indian ADUNs lah) is treasonous to HRH.

A sweetie told me last night that she wouldn’t be surprised if UMNO federal government resorts to its favourite weapon, the ISA, to remove Sivakumar and a few of those troublesome Perak PR ADUNs.

Already, as Malaysiakini reported in Police, MACC reports against speaker: ... several pro-Umno non-governmental organisations will file reports with the police and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) against Perak speaker V Sivakumar.

But in the midst of this stalemate, where the civil government in Perak will eventually collapse, how should we save the situation?

Perhaps by:

(a) Using the ISA to remove the PR ADUNs?

(b) Declaring a state of emergency for the State of Perak and rule it through a NOC?

… or …

(c) The commonsense solution to such a terrible state of political affair in Perak: ... Return to the Perak people for their decision on who should be governing the State?

And while BN-UMNO and PR both bicker and make political chess moves against each other, and law professors gift us with their different opinions on the legality of Sivakumar's forced stalemate wakakaka, the governing of the State is left in auto-cruise ...

... but for how long would this auto-cruise be tenable?

There is one man who can end this stalemate.

Unfortunately he remains in majestic silence when he should be saying something.

God save the …….. people of Perak!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Eli Wong - our sunflower, our sunshine, our sweetheart

photo from

Carry with you or wear a sunflower, the symbol of Elizabeth Wong's courage

Support our Eli Wong

Malaysiakini photo

Eli's supporters with her symbol, the sunflower
Warning to PKR and Khir Toyo
Don't you dare f* around with the ADUN seat of our Eli

Elizabeth Wong's 'Et Tu PKR'?

Malaysiakini columnist, Dr Bridget Welsh wrote The political rape of Elizabeth Wong, a sorry tale of how women in politics have male prejudice stacked against them.

She raised the victimisation of Elizabeth Wong as a prime example of double standard hypocrisy, with contrived moralising by crooks against an adult female bachelor who should have been free to do what she wants within the privacy of her home (provided no criminal acts were committed).

My good matey Susan Loone was more blunt, dropping the adjective and terming the unjust bias against Eli as the Rape of Elizabeth Wong.

I had considered that ‘rape’ word too but I was a bit more careful, fearing I might possibly add on to Eli’s distress.

And talking about Susan, she also confirmed what I had posted in Elizabeth Wong - betrayed and betrayed again!.

In Susan’s latest post I weep over Eli Wong’s resignation she wrote:

This blog mourns for Elizabeth Wong, the Bukit Lanjan state assembly woman who has been pressured to resign because of nude pictures of her being publicly distributed.

The person(s) who did the act of taking her pictures without a consent and distributing it continues to enjoy impunity.

I know it was the party she represented - PKR - who asked her to resign. And that to me, may be a strategic but a most disheartening thing to do.

It gives credence to gutter politics, to sleaze and evil politicking, within and without the party.

As a woman and friend of Eli Wong, I weep over what has happen to her. It will take me some time to recover for sure.

Yes Susan my dear friend, we are devastated as well, including my matey Dean Johns who penned in his usual Malaysiakini column Elizabeth Wong resigns - right or wrong? these sad words: And a sign that, as painfully stripped of her confidence as she must be feeling right now, Wong would be wrong to resign.

Blast PKR for its gutlessness, for being worried about the rumoured ethno-religious mix surrounding the issue of Eli’s victimisation.

Instead of looking after Eli during her most vulnerable period, their top brass have been looking over their shoulders, more concerned about the impact of this issue on the heartland’s support (which they prefer than the current urban support they enjoy), and also fearing that their PAS partner with their conservative tight ass morality, may be repulsed into UMNO’s arms.

These senior party members (you know who) want Eli to preferably disappear from the face of the earth, but if not, then to resign and, to put it cruelly, bugger off.

Forget about her loyalty, service, and dedication to the party. She has now become a liability to PKR.

Scat Eli, except they again lack the guts to say it – instead, ‘persuading’ her to tender her resignation, when earlier she had already stated resolutely she was not going to cave in to such contemptible smearing.

Oh, the pressure she had been subjected to, the betrayal, the lack of support – can you understand why she broke down into tears?

But wait, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

The Malaysian Insider reported in Eli could remain assemblyman, but exit exco because those spineless Wonders now realized how blooming popular Eli is, and are shit scared of the no-no move of accepting Eli’s resignation.

Eli’s supporters and those very sympatheic to her cause may be so pissed off that they will desert the PKR banner.

But Khalid Ibrahim seems still keen to see her go, stating: … Wong was a victim but her willingness to resign from all posts is a selfless decision on her part to protect PKR because she is well aware that BN will continue to exploit the issue to damage the party.

And of course he would seek the advice of the Sultan of Selangor before making any decision. Mr Wannabe-Teflon!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Elizabeth Wong - betrayed and betrayed again!

As I had voiced my fears in UMNO's Nazri supports Elizabeth Wong, PKR's Khalid Ibrahim equivocates I believe that’s about to come to fruition, namely my fears that PKR is gradually disowning Elizabeth Wong (Eli to her mates), who is its ADUN for Bukit Lanjang and an Exco of Selangor State.

I had written what Malaysiakini reported of Khalid Ibrahim’s initial lack of support for Eli):

Selangor Mentri Besar Khalid Ibrahim, asked if Wong would be asked for her resignation, said the state government would look into all aspects of the incident before making a decision on the matter.

“Let the police report go through (it) and then we will have our own discussion on the issue,” said Khalid.

We are open to all possibilities but given the situation it is best to give the victim the right of hearing and we have to listen to her explanation.”

Man man lai at its most gutless equivocating.
Thus I had feared he was preparing to cast Eli away like a used tissue. Though he subsequently voiced his support for Eli (which he should have in the first place) I wasn’t all that convinced.

Today, alas, I read with greatness sadness Malaysiakini article Nude photos: Wong offers to quit.
Eli had bravely but with tears tendered her resignation as both Exco and ADUN for Bukit Lanjang to the MB.

Malaysiakini photo

In another accompanying Malaysiakini piece 'I've done nothing wrong' Eli stated her innocence from any immoral or criminal acts but announced: “I have decided to make a stand, in the interest of the party and its struggle for the people.”

I have also received a letter from PKR Sungei Petani, which after lambasting Khir Toyo and Ali Rastam has this to say (extracts):

Dear Elizabeth,

We, the member of PKR nationwide will always support and stand firm behind you in facing this incident !

Besides, I would like to urge the leaders of PKR especially central leadership to support our YB Elizabeth and persuade her not to quit.

As reported by Merdeka Review, the force of[sic] calling her to quit is actually PKR party leaders after last night's meeting.

As we know this is the conspiracy of BN, it has nothing to do with Eli's moral. Therefore I would call for all PKR party leaders to stand firm behind Elizabeth and support her to continue her responsibility to serve the people !

Dear PKR Leaders, it is time for your to show your support to someone who had sacrificed a lot for the party and the people of Malaysia !

“… the force calling her to quit is actually PKR party leaders after last night's meeting.”

"... and then we will have our own discussion on the issue,” said Khalid"

Why would a person with the inner strength and fighting spirit of Eli who has proclaimed her innocence resign, ... if she was not under pressure from her own PKR people?

Pertinent notes:

(i) She has not committed any crimes,

(ii) She is single,

(iii) Not a Muslim (so khalwat is not an issue),

(iv) Didn't steal anyone's husband,

(v) events photographed were in the privacy of her home,

(vi) I will deal with the unmitigated bullsh*t of her alleged immorality later in another post

So why should she resign?

Today Khalid Ibrahim ran, it would seem, to hide behind the yellow sarong as reported by Malaysiakini in MB to seek 'royal guidance' on exco's status.

And a hitherto silent Anwar Ibrahim has finally emerged to comment on the issue, but adopted Khalid Ibrahim’s half-hearted support of Eli – see Malaysiakini Anwar: We'll decide after she returns from leave.

What is there to decide any further when a victim of a sleazy operation, your party member and a most loyal one, needs your immediate support? Her going on leave is a totally separate matter which shouldn't affect your immediate and unequivocal support of Eli Wong - She badly needs that right now - but I guess that's just too much to ask.

Suffice to say right now, I had enough of the PKR half-hearted wimp-ish man man lai evasive answers.

Eli was betrayed by someone she trusted who took the photos. But I am more disgusted by those who would betray Eli Wong during her most vulnerable time of need.

Monday, February 16, 2009

UMNO's Nazri supports Elizabeth Wong, PKR's Khalid Ibrahim equivocates

UPDATE - 17 Feb early morning

Since I posted this, Khalid Ibrahim has finally voiced more committed support for Eli.

Hmmm, better late than never I suppose, but I have to say, in contrast to Nazri Abdul Aziz' correct statement against the contemptible photos and his nice word of encouragement for Eli, I have been deeply disappointed with Khalid's (political) over-caution about rallying to Eli's defence when basic decency had demanded his prompt, unreserved and 'loyal' support.


Malaysiakini - Nude photos: Exco lodges police report.

As you would gather from my post
I support Elizabeth Wong; I deplore Khir Toyo's cynical politics I have been as outraged by Khir Toyo’s failure to condemn that despicable act as I had been by the contemptible circulation of photos involving the private moments of an individual.

Instead Khir Toyo has shamefully attempted to exploit Eli’s current vulnerability. I truly despise such guttersnipe politicking.

But I have been pleasantly surprised by two BN leaders who came out as decent human beings to condemn the outrageous acts.

Malaysiakini reported in
'Gross invasion of her privacy' the following:

Nazri Abdul Aziz, Minister in Prime Minister's Department

I sympathise with the executive councillor, this thing should have not happened as she the people's representative and she had been performing her duties.

Therefore, to foil what she has done for the community in this manner is not good. But I hope her spirits (remain strong) and she will not bother about what has happened.

Bravo Nazri, well said. Today you sir have earned my respect for your statement of support, as to be expected of any decent person, more so from a parliamentarian. Thank you Datuk!

Chew Mei Fun, Wanita MCA chief

Wanita MCA empathises with Wong... We are outraged by such shameful acts of using women as sexual objects - it is an outright invasion of the privacy of women as well as exploitation of women for political use.

Well said, Mei Fun, I owe you a kiss.

But alas, read the following tap dancing equivocating statement by Elizabeth Wong’s own PKR boss, as reported by Malaysiakini:

Selangor Mentri Besar Khalid Ibrahim, asked if Wong would be asked for her resignation, said the state government would look into all aspects of the incident before making a decision on the matter.

“Let the police report go through (it) and then we will have our own discussion on the issue,” said Khalid.

We are open to all possibilities but given the situation it is best to give the victim the right of hearing and we have to listen to her explanation.”

Dei Khalid Ibrahim, listen carefully - a good leader always stands by his troops when any one of them is in strife (and who hasn’t committed any wrong). It’s time you have a bit of backbone and come out bravely to support her. If she is the victim as you said, then WTF are you equivocating about?

She must and should be protected and supported.

And WTF do you mean by “We are open to all possibilities ..."

Are you opening the door for her possible dismissal from the Exco?

If you are, as I suspect as much through your shifty equivocating, then you are a ball-less spineless gutless no-leader.

For f* sake, just look at what Nazri Abdul Aziz of UMNO had said, in stark contrast to your beating around the bush and preparing the grounds for Eli's dismissal (or forced resignation).

May I remind you again that Nazri is UMNO, you are PKR and Eli is PKR!

Gawd, gasp, omigosh (Eli's lovely expressions), what a f*up party PKR is!

I support Elizabeth Wong; I deplore Khir Toyo's cynical politics

Malaysiakini - Nude photos: Exco lodges police report.

A headline guaranteed to titillate the puerile, but alas, the photos are those of one of the finest and most competent women I have had the honour to know. Thus I am almightily pissed off.

Elizabeth Wong or Eli as she is popularly called, is also the ADUN (assemblyperson) for Bukit Lanjang, and an executive councillor (exco) for Selangor State.

Who took her photo when she was asleep, who betrayed her trust – all these are irrelevant. The shameful grubby act has been the unconscionable circulation of those very private photos which had caught her unknowingly in her moment of utmost privacy, when she was fast asleep.

Is there no depth to such lowdown act of unmitigated shameful intrusion into someone’s private life and at her most sacred moments, during her sleep?

Malaysiakini photo

Malaysiakini also published another article aptly titled Wong: I was a victim, which she has been.

kaytee stands by her and deplores those unknown parties who have resorted to such underhanded unspeakable unmitigated sleazy methods to smear her reputation.

I say again, kaytee has the utmost confidence in Eli Wong as an assemblyperson, a wonderful lady and a brave advocate of human rights.

This should be a time when such a despicable act should merit bipartisan wrath, but regrettably Khir Toyo, former MB of Selangor, failed miserably to rise to the occasion to condemn the loathsome, contemptible and reprehensible attempt to tarnish Eli's standing.

Instead he sought to exploit the sordid beastly affair by demanding Eli Wong resign – see Malaysiakini She must quit, says Khir Toyo.

Khir Toyo told Malaysiakini: "This is a moral issue. Previously, (former health minister and MCA deputy president) Dr Chua Soi Lek had also resigned over a similar incident."

How the f* did Khir Toyo come up with the assessment that the case of Eli Wong’s being photographed while she was asleep is similar to the case of the DVD capturing Chua Soi Lek having sex with a woman who was not his wife?

The only similarity was that both cases were gross invasion of privacy …

… but Chua Soi Lek’s flagrante delicto had tossed a personal moral issue between him and his wife, as well as between him and his constituency. Other than those parties, it should be nobody’s business. It was Chua's personal problem to deal with, and so he had. But that was his decision based on his own perception of the gravity of the issue.

I do not see Eli Wong's case being similar to Chua's, thus the call for her to resign is nonsense and driven by equally shameful politicking. It's lamentable that Khir Toyo couldn't rise to the occasion when basic decency should have prevailed.

To summarize, I deplore the gross invasion of Eli’s privacy, and I regret deeply the inability of Khir Toyo to rise to bipartisan decency to condemn such an shameful slimy sleazy intrusion into Eli’s innermost sanctum, her private life.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

DAP should stop defending Anwar Ibrahim

I have admired and still do Hannah Yeoh of the DAP. She’s a great representative for the people of Subang Jaya, and I wish her well.

Thus it grieves, in fact distresses me greatly to disagree with her on her views on Anwar Ibrahim’s 916 as measured against the BN’s coup d’état in Perak, which she had posted on her blog, and which saw her article clung on to by the Anwar Ibrahim’s blog like a drowning man would the proverbial straw, and …

… which is now published in Malaysiakini as Pakatan makes no apologies for Sept 16.

Hannah had attempted to dismiss the perceived parallel between Anwar’s 916 braggadocio and the BN’s coup d’état in Perak, and the embarrassing aftermath which saw delirious jeers of padam padan* muka
hurled against the Pakatan Rakyat.

* someone who loves me has corrected my poor Bahasa wakakaka

Now what was it that she wrote, which saw Anwar Ibrahim’s webmaster seize on it like a glass of cool water by a man dying of thirst?

… and which undoubtedly would have infuriated Karpal Singh because of the sad spin she attempted to weave in defence of Anwar’s promotion of political defectors (frogs) - an unethical means towards achieving majority rule.

Hannah wrote:
“Those who argue that the political crisis in Perak now is a taste of Pakatan Rakyat’s own medicine – a reference to Sept 16 – fail to see the key differences between the two.”

“When Anwar claimed to have the numbers to form the federal government, he wrote to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, requesting him to convene an emergency sitting of Parliament. This was rejected by the prime minister.”

“The next constitutional option was to press for the dissolution of Parliament to make way for fresh elections. This too was not entertained.”

“Anwar exhausted every constitutional means available to him. If Pakatan were to act unconstitutionally and lure defections, then we will be having a new government today. So, you can’t say that Najib’s coup in Perak and the Pakatan plan – Sept 16 – were one and the same.”

The following 2 points have been why I disagree with Hannah:

(1) Frogs! I am revolted by the very thought of a politician countenancing and tolerating frogs, let alone one bragging about and exulting in gaining the support of political defectors, in his obsession to seize ruling power.

If he has any sense of democratic values, principles and ethics, he should respect the ballot box, the choice and voice of the rakyat!

In this I deplore also what the BN had done in Perak, and regret what HRH had permitted to happen. But no less than these, I have been and still am repulsed by Anwar Ibrahim’s notorious preoccupation since 08 March 2008, that of enticing, encouraging, and egging political defections so they may hand him the key to the PM's office.

I can’t say much about those two Perak PKR defectors as that could have been a consequence of (the lack of) leadership by abysmal example, compounded by their pending corruption changes. I won’t waste a single more word on that revolving door UMNO-PKR-UMNO Nasarudin Hashim.

But I am certainly disgusted with what Hee Yit Foong had done. Though she claimed she had problems with her Perak DAP leadership which had driven her to be a political independent, she failed most abjectly to demonstrate that so-claimed independence and more importantly, she failed to represent the wishes of her constituency.

Instead she showed in no uncertain terms, through press conference and photographs in the immediate aftermath of the coup d’état, that she had already sold her political soul to the BN. In betraying her constituency, she joined the ranks of Jin Bihui (金璧輝) as the most hated female Chinese traitor (in Hee's case, in Malaysia).

What an ignoble finale (for surely 2008 would prove to be her last political election) to her 20 years as a DAP member.

(2) Evidence. It’s all well and good for Hannah to quote to us Anwar’s amazing constitutional procedures but in her one-sided articulation, she failed to explain why AAB had refused to convene an emergency sitting of Parliament or to dissolve Parliament to make way for fresh elections.

Now, why the hell would AAB bother to do that when the BN had won the 2008 general election with (at that time) 140 seats to the Pakatan Rakyat’s 82, a sizeable majority of 58 MPs? Which political leader in a democracy would be so foolish as to do such a crazy thing?

AAB might have been considered by PKR followers as of low intellect but it was obvious he was not that gullible as to take Anwar Ibrahim at his words, which I have alway held to be less than credible. Rather, those people who believe in Anwar's 916 bluff have been light years far more gullible than AAB, the man they had sneered condescendingly upon.

Cutting through the usual smoke and mirrors of Anwar’s bombastic boastful braggadocio, where was the evidence that he had the numbers? Did Mr Man Man Lai present in a press conference the 31 BN MPs who had defected over to his PKR, or take them along to see AAB?

He couldn’t even show or name one, zilch! Can anyone?

All Anwar could offer were pathetic useless excuses.

He had basically hoped for AAB to sign him a political blank cheque. Is this the PKR’s way to parliamentary majority? Through a game of poker bluff?

But regardless of the outcome of his bombastic but bombed 916 attempt, Anwar had openly promoted frogs as a means towards a federal coup d’état, so how could Hannah state 916 was different to the BN’s Perak coup d’état - perhaps save on one point, that Anwar Ibrahim failed miserably while the man he had sneered upon as wishy washy and henpecked, Mr Zigzag, had succeeded.

What Hannah wrote in defence of Anwar Ibrahim’s 916 was probably what had riled Karpal Singh. Karpal is not the spiritual guardian of the DAP for nothing. He has been consistently ethical in his politics, where he has always been against political defections. Such a man is not easily seduced into embracing unethical practice to gain greater political power.

Well, much as I love Hannah as a wonderful DAP representative, she has certainly riled me as well, so let me, someone who voted DAP in the last general election, give Hannah a piece of advice.

Much as the Perak disaster for Pakatan Rakyat had embarrassed the DAP because of its joining someone in wallowing in the froggie cesspool and getting sucked in by its fetid foul and filthy slime, DAP leaders and supporters must take that painful setback on their chin, fight back legally as necessary, but stop making excuses – let it be a lesson learnt, that when DAP joins PKR in vacating the moral high ground, it loses not only its right to criticise but more worrying, its political relevance as a superior political option to the BN.

It’s not worth defending a person like Anwar Ibrahim. Don’t let him drag the Pakatan, particularly the DAP, down to his level.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Anwar Ibrahim is dispensable!

Malaysiakini - Nizar vs Zambry legal battle begins!

Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin, MB of Perak!

It’s amazing that this man has come to be respected, admired and adored by many Malaysians of all shades, hue, creed, religious affiliation and background.

Who would have thought an ADUN from the smallest of the winning Pakatan Rakyat coalition in Perak, picked by the Sultan (or his Regent at that time) to be the Perak MB could rise to such prominence in less than a year?

If the royal house of Perak is to be ever thanked at all, thank the Regent for his choice. Fate has a funny way of gifting many Malaysians with the leadership of Nizar Jamaluddin.

Malaysian Insider photo

OK, he is not perfect and I bet he would be the first to admit to that, and I know I can easily criticize him for a number of issues, but in general Nizar has shown his mettle, sincerity, fairness, humour, cool, and inner strength, and of course a kind style of leadership.

Would you believe he’s from PAS? wakakakakakakaka.

Pak Haji Hadi Awang should observe and learn how this man has won the hearts of most non-Muslims for his moderate Islamic conduct.

There is an unfortunate, incorrect and defeatist attitude among some Pakatan people, most of all PKR member, that Anwar Ibrahim is indispensable. Gasp, gawd, omigosh, I wonder how this pack of wonders will cope should Anwar accidentally fall under a truck?

No one is ever indispensable nor do we want to see occur in Malaysia the dynastic style of leadership so rife in the Indian sub-continent, where names like Gandhi, Bhutto, Bandaraike and Ziaur more or less guarantee political ascendancy.

While Anwar Ibrahim has been blessed with the gift of a silver tongue and quick wits, I among many others reckon that he lacks the sincerity, selfless dedication and (consistency of) standards to lead or fight for Malaysians.

Thus far, he has been mainly about grandstanding bull and divisive rabble rousing polemics.

But most of all, Anwar Ibrahim is always fighting (only) for Anwar Ibrahim.

He lacks the long term durability and credibility as a good sincere and effective leader, as seen through his own actions and failure to stick to even his own words ... not forgetting his heavy baggage as a former UMNO ketuanan Melayu proponent.

And don't forget he didn't leave UMNO on his accord but was forcefully chucked out screaming and scratching. How could I ever believe in such a person's overnight metamorphosis into a political reformer, and yes, it's more likely I am the Shahanshah of Persia - wakakaka, but on a serious note, I recall his 'Cina, balik Tiongsun' and 'Indian temple bells will stop ringing', etc.

A stark example of his hypocrisy, just immediately after the March 08 general elections and indeed till the recent Perak debacle, has been his shameless boastful espousal of political defectors in his bid to seize federal power, when (until then) his political platform had all along been about political reforms.

Reforms? What f* reforms? It's sheer unmitigated blasphemy!

In his euphoric arrogance he threw caution and discretion to the wind, doing the exact opposite of his pompous pseudo-pious political preaching.

As reported by Malaysiakini -
Karpal to Anwar: Step down as Pakatan head the Lion of Gelugor Karpal lamented "I am somewhat confounded how Anwar could have openly espoused and encouraged crossovers after the people gave a resounding mandate to the Pakatan on March 8 last year."

"In the public interest, and in particular in the interest of the Pakatan, Anwar has a lot to answer for creating the woes of the Pakatan now."

‘Nuff about Anwar, other than to say that as a leader, he is in fact not desirable, not ideal and thus not indispensible.

But realpolitics, particularly in this nation requires not just a Malaysian but a Malay and a Muslim to be its PM.

I propose that we think outside the box, laterally and innovatively.

What about Nizar Jamaluddin?

A PAS candidate adored, admired and respected by many Malaysians.

Nizar as the leader of the Pakatan Rakyat!

Nizar for Bukit Gantang!

Nizar for PM!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Somewhere in Puducherry

Voice: Dei dei aneh, aneh …

Aru: WTF …?

Voice: Aneh, it’s me, Bala ...

Aru: Bala? Dei tambi, I thought you were in Kolkata?

Bala: Aneh, Puducherry, Kolkata, Ravula-palem, we can move around lah coz we have safe houses, that’s why the three cities are called P-K-R … heeheehee.

Aru: I see I see … so what’s happening here?

Bala: Just relat onleee … until you-know-who becomes PM lah

Aru: Hmmm, may be a long wait

Bala: I heard you also made a SD ;-)

Aru: Yes, yes, you know what SD stands for?

Bala: Huh? Something new I ought to know? Alamak, I’ve been out of circulation lah.

Aru: Slander, Deny

Bala: Deny what?

Aru: Deny you know first hand what you have slandered … like I was told, I was informed, I was … yadda yadda ;-)

Bala: heeheeeheeee, that’s the way … dei, I read in Malaysiakini about your old constituency’s by-election, where one resident remarked that even if a candidate from your party wins the by-election, no one could say for certain whether he or she would not defect to the other party one day

Aru: Well, I have to admit we have a froggie culture lah hahaha, leadership by example ;-)

Bala: You mean ribbit ribbit ribbit

Aru: hahahahahahaha, it should be ribbit reform ribbit reform ribbit deform ribbit

Bala: Kee kee keee, dei Aneh, how about looking up some tangachee’s here

Aru: Errr …

Bala: C’mon lah, especially you … in for a paisa, in for a rupee

Aru: Boleh, boleh

Bala: That’s the spirit, the Boleh spirit
of the Brotherhood of the 'Kidnapped' keekeekeekeeeee

Aru: Hahahahahahaha ... back by ringgit lah ...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Good judgment comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment
- Will Rogers
Have they regretted what they did or didn’t do?

Hee Yit Foong – wasted 20 years of membership with DAP, and for what? Unwanted by MCA and Gerakan, despised by DAP!

V Arumugum – all lost because of an undivorced wife.

Dr Syed Husin – most admired socialist to a sad apologist for someone unworthy?

HRH – most respected royalty to most ……..?

AAB – landslide win to landslide problems.

Chua Soi Lek – (censored)

Koh TK – inheritor of a once-proud party, founder of a piffling party

Kayveas – also inheritor of a once-proud party, founder of a nothing party

Anwar Ibrahim – on the threshold of the No 1 political office – brings to mind an African saying: “Never tease the crocodile till you’ve cross the river” – now forced from senior management down to Sales department - wakakaka

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nizar for Parliament? & various snippets

Malaysian Insider - Guan Eng: We’ve always opposed hopping which reported:

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said the party had never ceased asking for an ‘anti-hopping’ law — even when Pakatan Rakyat (PR) de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced the supposed crossover of Barisan Nasional (BN) members of parliaments on Sept 16 last year.

“This is the DAP policy...I have tried to be like a brother’s keeper but sometimes, we cannot be the keeper all the time.

‘… brother’s keeper …' eh? Genesis 4:9 – go on, Cain, do the political needful wakakaka!

But good on you Guan Eng, I was beginning to despair of you and your dad.

Malaysiakini - Perak crisis: Down a dark alley by Dzulkefly Ahmad (head of PAS research centre and the MP for Kuala Selangor). He wrote (relevant extracts):

All hopes were naturally pinned on Sultan Azlan Shah’s decision, but revisiting his judgment makes one really wonder what has gone wrong with this great legal mind.

Not willing to fulfill Nizar’s request, the sultan has contradicted the position he preached in 2004, in a book called ‘Constitutional Monarchy, Rule of Law and Good Governance’.

He wrote: ‘Under normal circumstances, it is taken for granted that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong would not withhold his consent to a request for dissolution of parliament. His role is purely formal.’

He also noted that no sultan or Agong had withheld consent to dissolve a legislative body, except in Kelantan in 1977.

Quite sadly, the sultan was adamant about what he wanted - for Nizar to step down immediately and a few hours later, to back the appointment of the new menteri besar.

That was immensely regrettable that sultan could no longer grasp the heartbeat of the majority of his people who had voted in the Pakatan-led government 11 months ago. Many have alluded that his discretionary power has played into the hands of the other power-that-be.

Going against the rule of law places the state in the act of forming an illegal government. The sultan must undo the crisis, judiciously and beyond partisan interests. Otherwise he runs the risk of living with an illegitimate MB and an illegal state government advising him.

Not only that, Dzul, he is now a ruler afraid to meet his rakyat.

Malaysiakini - Karpal refuses to apologise still, protests mounting

Does a lion heed a pack of jackals?

Malaysian Insider - Nik Aziz: Don’t be the candidate, Nizar.

Why not, Pak Haji?

Nizar could well be the new leader of Pakatan Rakyat and a future PM!

(BTW Pak Haji, puhleeeze lah, Arumugum is NOT a man ‘with principle’, but ‘with 2 wives’ – wakakaka)