
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sex and (or in?) Malaysian politics

I think people should be free to engage in any sexual practices they choose; they should draw the line at goats though - Elton John

Malaysiakini - Oral sex: Easy to allege, hard to prove!

Sex, sex, sex!

Our politics and politicians (some anyway) loves to indulge in issues of sex, or if unlucky wakakaka, just hurl accusations, innuendos and snide remarks about others and their sexual escapades.

UMNO takes the cake for the lower end stuff such as the bocor-ites, the ‘you-like-it-hard-or-soft’, the tunnel between the AirAsia stewardess’ thighs, the waitress at a club, etc. One former MB even murdered someone who bonked his sister.

Then of course there's the famous or infamous accusations against Najib but till to date, there's not a shred of evidence - all reckless smears and Statutory Declarations, the latter of which tap danced around with "I was reliably informed ..." or "He told me he was told by him who was told by her that, yes she told him, she like it in the behind ...".

KJ had his moments as well ...

MCA – hmmm, CSL realizes he has a perpetual life-long baggage. I am not sure how he’ll shrug it off, but the Malaysiakini news article (see above) may be of some comfort to him.

Contrary to what I read yesterday, I have just been informed that UMNO actually don’t like him, which could possibly explain why the police saw fit to haul in for an interview on an already long-dead subject. I doubt his rival would have the direct pull to 'persuade' the police to take an interest in a matter of oral sex.

MIC – well, once there was once a rising star and his blue tapes (I heard a poor sweetie committed suicide - kesian), and I also heard another story ... but ... ;-)

PKR – well, … the suspicions are always there. I believe Tan Sri Ramon Navartanam once mentioned about such habits being practised in a certain boarding school.

Independent – Ibrahim Ali did say men like to play, but only with sub-50 women.


Two ascetic monk-ish moralistic tight ass parties.

I heard MAS and AirAsia planes need a longer take-off run when DAP members are on board.


… because it has been rumoured they are heavier due to their (un-discharged) sperm-laden balls. Maybe some DAP people are still virgins? Wakakaka.

Laugh, DAP, that’s meant to be a compliment.

On the other hand, no, that’s not true (the virgin part), not since Hee Yit Foong shafted them. Wakakakakakkakaaa.

Hey, any DAP member laughing? C'mon, I am a DAP supporter so don't be mad - it's good to laugh at yourself - all together now, wakakakakaka!

One DAP supporter said in Facebook that those who aren’t involved with oral sex, please keep their mouths shut wakakakakakakakaka ... which may explain why Hafiz Yatim wrote in Malaysiakini Oral sex: Easy to allege, hard to prove especially if you keep mum! ;-)

If it wasn't for pick-pockets and frisking at airports I'd have no sex life at all - Rodney Dangerfield


  1. KTemoc - you're a smart guy but how can you say 'there's the famous or infamous accusations against Najib but till to date, there's not a shred of evidence'. Surely you've been following the court cases ... it didn't occur to you that the court seemed to be stopping at anything that might lead to the man? Maybe you're not that smart after all ... mmmph

  2. where's the evidence then, of the court stopping whatever?

    thus far, it's just allegations and accusations, but no one, not even RPK wants to say straightforward stuff like "XYZ told me", or "ABC saw the screwing" - no one, not RPK, Bala, whoever.

    I need straightforward stuff, not bullsh*t innuendos, mud smearing, poo flinging.

  3. this is the best joke I have heard so far this year , KT , you are simply marvellous , I'm am laughing till I fell out of my chair will reading this . :

    I heard MAS and AirAsia planes need a longer take-off run when DAP members are on board.


    … because it has been rumoured they are heavier due to their (un-discharged) sperm-laden balls. Maybe some DAP people are still virgins?

    On the other hand, no, that’s not true (the virgin part), not since Hee Yit Foong shafted them.


  4. In years to come the 20th & 21st century will become famous for the universal proliferation of fine oral traditions, of a kind quite different from Indian, Chinese and Greek legends.

    As for Elton John and drawing the line at goats, why, I have it from very reliable sources (with SD and batteries included) that in some dry circles the camel is an absolute oasis!! wakakaka!!

  5. Kaytee,
    BWAWAWAAH even my pee-pee is hurting.
    So syok sendirilah you.
    and Chap To Come, how can you certify the DAP virgins.
    Were they SIRIM tested.
    See you guys tomorrow.

  6. When Dr. Mahathir was Prime Minister of Malaysia

    One lousy day in the middle of the economic crisis, PM Mahathir was feeling extremely frustrated and wondering how a neighboring country can be doing better than Malaysia. One of his aides said, I heard that the leaders consult Feng Shui masters to ensure prosperity for the country. Dr Mahathir thought if that was the case, Malaysia Bomoh also can, and went to seek the top bomoh's advice in the country.

    After reviewing the case, the bomoh told Dr M that there were 2 things that he must do:

    Bomoh: Step 1. You must blame the crisis on SOROS for everything.

    Dr M: But Why?

    Bomoh: Because SOROS stands for 'Speculate On Ringgit Or Stocks'. You must blame him, and look at ways to control the ringgit and stock market..

    Bomoh: Step 2 - You must get rid of ANWAR.

    Dr M: What! why him?

    Bomoh: Because ANWAR stands for 'A Nation Without Any Ringgit'.

    Dr M: But how? This is most difficult to do, he is popular with the people.

    Bomoh: Aiyoh, you bodoh lah! Look at your name, MAHATHIR.

    > > Make Anwar Homosexual And Then Highlight It Repeatedly

    This one lagi best. The latest according to the trend.

    Subject: M.A.H.A.T.H.I.R

    This is a new acronymn... stands for:

    >> Must > Always > Hantum > Abdullah > Till > He > Is > Removed

  7. Back to serious business...

    During Bill Clinton Impeachment proceedings House Speaker Bob Livingston resign after his own marital infidelity came to light. He then encouraged Clinton to do the same, but Clinton ask Livingston to reconsider resigning.

    As a result, "moral character" and "honesty" weighed heavily during 2000 presidential election. According analysis Gore lost due to Clinton conduct. In the wake of the Clinton scandals, independents warmed Bush's to promise to 'restore honor and dignity to the White House.

    Politicians with exposed marital infidelity must stay out of office, even in US, they will not accept such behavior.

  8. Gore lost due to cheating at the polls in Florida, whose governor then was Jeb Bush, Dubya's brother.

  9. idzan ismail

    how can you certify the DAP virgins.

    Will appointed Ali Baba as the keeper of the virgins . Ali Baba will have to say "open sesame" .When the slim tunnel /cave opens , he will then say ah ha my gold and treasure is still there , intact .

  10. KT,

    Why Jed Bush was not charge, it is just an allegation.....

  11. Xie Ann

    That's cute.
    To me Anwar stands for:
    Anarchy Now, World Ace Rebel.
    And some Americans say of Obama:
    One Big Ass Mistake, America.
    To me Obama is:
    Oh Brother, Anerica My Ass.

  12. kt,
    Why the big issue on sex?Why are some so morally right?
    Just go to the Spas, massage parlours in this country and my you will be surprise to see those big wigs undercover.
    Go to the border towns and Bangkok and you see Malaysians there.For tours and sight seeing? You kidding?some people are like pots blaming the kettle black!
    Hey ! who dont love sex!

  13. Anon 9:52 Am,

    The issue is about sex and politician, since you bring sex and general people. What will be your reaction if you discover that your spouse sleep with other people?..........

  14. At a personal level, I have really prudish, old-fashioned values. My two daughters - one is a young adult and the other almost one - think I belong in the 19th Century.

    But, outside my own family, I don't believe in imposing my values on others. Some things are no-no, of course. Rape, sexual harassment, various forms of sexual violence, paedophilia are all punishable by law, and so they should be. My objection to adult prostitution and pornography are more related to the criminal activity and organised crime which it tends to spawn.

    A married person who has sex outside of marriage is going to damage his family. But that's his problem, not mine, and not society's.

    My objection to unmarried people having multiple partners is more for public health reasons.

  15. Three by-elections at a time...maybe four.

    The great judge in the sky is giving Bolehland a strong signal...I just can't read the message.

  16. Just like Elizabeth Wong screwed herself by being stupid enough to have a Malay/Muslim boyfriend, CSL screwed himself by going to the same hotel for his sexual adventures. What pity can one have for both of them. Dirty politics KT? When was politics ever clean? Don't tell me Eli Wong and CSL does not know this.
    Eyes wide open KT.

  17. vinnan

    your choice of words, eg 'screwed' is hardly suitable for this discussion, because of its unfortunate and concidental meaning in the 2 cases of human relationships you brought up, though I know what you actually mean - 'messed up' would be a more neutral and better choice of words.

    But that Eli Wong had a relationship with a Malay/Muslim, or an Indian/Hindu or a Martian shouldn't be the basis for your conclusion. Some people may accuse you of making a racist comment.

    Additionally Eli as a single woman had a perfectly socially-acceptable, and perhaps even meaningful relationship then with a single man (before the BF became married), and shouldn't be compared to CSL, whose relationship was extra-marital.

  18. Thanks KTemoc - but I can't resist emphasising in no uncertain terms that Vinnan's observation is damnably racist:

    vinnan said...
    Just like Elizabeth Wong screwed herself by being stupid enough to have a Malay/Muslim boyfriend...

    This is bigoted and certainly uncalled for! Can I say then that CSL is stupid for screwing a Chinese woman? You see (so the argument might go), it would have been different if he screwed a tangachi or an ang moh chah boh... Such non-Chinese females, a further argument might go, would not have received the "protection" (pictures included) of the grand-papa organisation, MCA, and so can be deemed "safe" for sex. Do you see the ramifications of linking "stupidity" with the race of one's bf, gf or sexual partner?

    No one is "stupid" for having a Malay bf. By the same token, a Chinese boy is not "stupid" just because he has a Malay gf. Some things in life just happen. So let them be.

  19. To KT and Elifan said,

    Screwed is a poor choice. Right you are Kt.
    But to deny the big impact of racist reality in our politics is naive at best.
    1. Is Malaysia a racist society? Yes it is.

    2. Is it stupid for a woman Chinese POLITICIAN to have an affair with a Malay chap knowing full well the racist nature of Malaysian society.
    Yes, it is.

    3. Is it stupid for a prominent Malaysian minister to keep going to the same hotel to get his kicks with his girlfriend.
    Yes, it is.

    As politicians they cannot claim they are not aware of how dirty politics is. As much as a lawyer cannot claim to be ignorant of the law. It becomes your being to fight the dirty political game.
    A day may come when we can see the Eli Wong affair as non-racist but today is not the day. A day may also come when we see the CSL affair as a private affair but today is also not the day. Stupidity comes in many forms, the Eli Wong and CSL affairs are just one among many through which a politician can commit political suicide in Malaysia.

  20. Vinnan

    Malaysia is still a very racist country - yes agreed

    stupid for a woman Chinese POLITICIAN to have an affair with a Malay chap - One way in to become Abdullah , NO way out - plain stupidity unless its true love .

    Is it stupid for a prominent EX - Malaysian minister to keep going to the same hotel to get his kicks with his girlfriend. Plain stupidity to be using that for a love nest , over exposure in a small town . Plain DUMB

    The PKR MP which made him famous with his Cina balek China - racist

    The PKR Supremo of Katakcrazy which made him talk of the country
    with his famous quotation - Cina balek Tiong San - racist

    The Bkt Bendera Mamak UMNO warlord who labeled Chinese as Pendatang - racist

    Ya you are right Malaysia is still a damned racist country .

  21. Vinnan.

    You are extremely right......
