
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Exigit Sinceras Devotionis Affectus - the MACC

Read the following headlines and by putting 2 and 2 together, you needn’t wonder why people don’t have any iota of respect for the new anti-corruption body, the MACC.

Malaysiakini - Karpal takes MACC chief to task

Malaysian Insider - Pakatan braces for BN assault in Selangor

Good olde Karpal Singh lambasted the MACC chief Ahmad Said Hamdan for issuing what he considered as a public prejudgment (the legal equivalent of an Israeli or Japanese-styled pre-emptive strike) against Selangor MB, Khalid Ibrahim.

Ahmad Said declared that “there was strong and good evidence" against Khalid Ibrahim in alleged wrongdoing in the maintenance of a luxury car (a Lexus which is Khalid's personal property, but which he uses for his offical duties as MB) and purchase of sacrificial cows (for donation to the people of federal constituency of Bandar Tun Razak, Khalid's federal seat).

Whether those allegations have any basis is a separate issue but regrettably Ahmad Said has prejudiced the allegations against Khalid in more than one way (not just the alleged corruption) as Khalid has also lodged a libel suit against Khir Toyo for slandering him.

Karpal said Ahmad Said has violated the rule of law with his premature-inclined big mouth and demanded the MACC chief publicly clarify the basis on which such public disclosure on the findings of a graft investigation were released, blooming way way before prosecution has even been instituted.

The Lion of Gelugor roared: "It’s a prejudgment that the MACC chief must explain immediately. Ahmad’s public statement would compromise and jeorpadise Abdul Khalid’s case."

If you recall, in my previous post Anwar Ibrahim - 'Make an uproar in the east, hide the west' Ahmad Said had chewed Anwar Ibrahim for making the same premature statements about an incomplete investigation into the alleged Kedah corruption case, stating: "The Kulim case is being investigated and is not completed and Anwar's statement will affect investigation" - see Malaysiakini 'Bribery in Kedah': MACC ticks off Anwar

He's obviously one of those cakap ta'serupa bikin devotees.

Then Karpal twisted the knife around a fair bit. He rebuked Ahmad Said “for lacking the necessary knowledge on the very law that governs the MACC, which arguably does not bestow any prosecution powers on the commission.”

Ahmad Said had stupidly stated that though the MACC has prosecution powers, he had forwarded the case to the AG’s chambers because the case against Khalid Ibrahim involved a VIP.

Like Nemesis unbound, Karpal roared that Section 58 of the new Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission Act clearly states that: "A prosecution for an offence under this Act shall not be instituted except by or with the consent of the Public Prosecutor".

In other words, the MACC chief has diddly squat powers to independently prosecute anyone. That could only be done subject to consent from the AG’s chambers.

Karpal punished Ahmad Said for his vainglorious boast: "It’s shocking the MACC chief did not know about Section 58. It exposes his incompetence."

Oh, what will the Pakatan do without our spiritual and legal guardian, Karpal Singh, Lion of Gelugor?

And Malaysiakini Vox Populi comments have this to say: New anti-corruption body yet another BN lap dog?

I call for this MACC to be dissolved. We certainly don’t want an Israeli-Japanese preemptive-styled auto de fé headed by an UMNO-appointed Tomás de Torquemada, more so when he has demonstrated he's incompetent.


  1. MACC reduced into " Malaysian Agency for Car and Cows " - Ahmad Said should resign...said LKS in his blog, follow by "Yesterday, I had called on the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to provide the leadership in the Barisan Nasional..............". Didn't he played a big part for calling VOTE OF NO CONFIDENT '' to topple the Prime Minister and why the hell now he asking AAB to provide leadership?.....clear cut hypocrite. AAB leaving the premiership was the work of PR by their greedy and impatient acts, now they regret of being foolish as they going to face a more formidable premiership.

    LKS statement definitely work up his clowns, but two guys in his blog say all and made LKS look like a complete novice. Its time for Karpal to take over DAP.....

  2. "they going to face a more formidable premiership".
    Bull Shit.
    What the country is going to face is even more immoral, dirty, corrupt premiership. Ahh, incompetent too.

    Yes, BN may gain temporary (like in months) advantage through such unsavoury Premiership, but ultimately its like getting First Class tickets on the Titanic.

  3. kt,

    good one and cant agree with you more.


    i love your comment. here KT is lambasting MACC and you talking about the fall of badawi. hey, whats the connect. i guess you still support this lap dog as the MACC chief. You can stay on as a BN supporter. PR is thankful that there is less of your type. Like Jeff Ooi said, beware of the trojan horses, no?

  4. Xie AN

    You commented very well. You can take over or assistant to Karpal. We need mates like you. If not you are a clown too.

  5. We had a chat on this over Saturday night drinks, and one of my mateys, a retired DPP just yawned at the issue.

    As he put it, Khalid Ibrahim should have realised the moment he took over the Selangor MB position, BN, ACA (MACC, whatever) & Company would be watching his every move with the most powerful telescope money can buy. If he misuses as much as 1 Ringgit of public related funds, they would jump on him like a ton of bricks.

    He should learn from Nik Aziz. The guy lives in a kampung house, his personal car is a beaten up rustbucket. UMNO has been trying to bring down PAS in Kelantan for decades , but they haven't been able to touch a hair on Nik Aziz.

    Everyone in the business knows ACA has a fast-track, slow-track or Twilight Zone for cases, depending on political requirements. There's no reason to expect MACC will be any different. Hell, its even the same fella in charge.

    As my cynical ex-DPP puts it - "That's how Malaysia is governed. If you don't like it, don't vote for the Bastards."

  6. Oh my Allah!

  7. Anon 11: 18AM,

    That Bull Shit will boomeranged and cover your face.......than tell how nice it taste and smell.

    Anon 11;55 AM and anon 12: 10 PM.

    Thank you for the compliments, but I smell rats here......Wakakakakakak

  8. Everybody has skeletons in their closet.
    I guess we have found the MACC Chairman's.
    And what a skeleton !

  9. Ahmad Said is showing early that he can be better than his predeccesor; champion BN whenever there is a slightest hint of PR's wrongdoing.

    Uncle Karpal is a brilliant lawyer. Should nail this Ahmad bugger "by the books".

    (Sigh) but nothing will be done to him; he will still come out unscathed. That's UMNO immunity for him. Lucky bugger.

  10. No point nailing or removing the present MACC Chief . Are you so sure the replacement would be better than him ? or Worse ? as they are appointed by the same people . Perhaps the new one might want to prove he is better , so watch out !!

    The best determent would be to watch what you are doing and not get caught.
    As I mentioned in my previous comment in an earlier article I posted :

    As what Observer said :
    As he the ex-DPP put it, Khalid Ibrahim should have realised the moment he took over the Selangor MB position, BN, ACA (MACC, whatever) & Company would be watching his every move with the most powerful telescope money can buy. If he misuses as much as 1 Ringgit of public related funds, they would jump on him like a ton of bricks.

    I think this reflects what I'm saying .

  11. XieAn , these two anonymous are the one and same fella from Timbaktu Phua Kai Lit .

  12. Chaptokam interrogates, thusly: "No point nailing or removing the present MACC Chief . Are you so sure the replacement would be better than him ? or Worse ?" Yes, you have to replace the whole lock, stock and barrel of the BN and its associates (Chaptokam included), not just one of its inept cronies.

    It's funny though: the MACC, and its unintelligent and self-contradictory kepala set KTemoc up on the garden path (his previous post), and KTemoc fell for such nonsense. There is also a cacophanous chorus of support from the likes of Chaptokam, XieAn and what not. Riotously funny, really!

    Anyways, KTemoc, am glad that you saw the light!

  13. Hi Annu,

    Tks.....I wouldn't stay anywhere near them, they smell full of shit event miles away.

  14. Hi Elifan,

    We are honor that you are able to see our capabilities that we are adroit to please people like you with our incantation and make you cheer up and laugh, amuse then confuse, sweat, freeze and shock to death........Wakakakakakakakak

  15. xiean,

    typical of ex-BN to PR and now back to BN supporter. everyone's shit except your type. what more can I say coz you are demi-god at least in status. God bless you.

    Hi Annu,

    you are great and can smell the one and the same. great nose but hope aint that long.

  16. MACC, in its indecent haste to bring about the downfall of the 5 Pakatan led States, has clearly shown its bias by commenting on the Selangor MB's case publicly before the AG decides if there is a case to answer!!

    After all, MACC has still not investigated Samy Velu & his dealings in the $ 50 million Telekoms Shares and $100 million Education Fund losses, allegations of $40 million misuse of MRCB funds by 2nd Fin Minister, allegations of falisfication of evidence of by the IGP & AG and a slew of other cases where the accused are UMNO/BN. Not to mention MCA and its role in the $4 billion lossses at PKZ.

    Yet it has proceeded post haste with this 'cows and car' abuse of power while conveniently ingnoring or moving at snail's pace in cases of massive frauds and financial mismanagement and long-known (50 years) corrup practices at the Immigration, Road Transport and Land & Mines Department etc, etc, etc.

    So, you are right. THis MACC must be dissolved and replaced witha awholly new set up and leader answerable directly to Parliament. Pak Lah's MACC is itself suspected of being corrupt!

  17. Anon 9:59PM

    "typical of ex-BN to PR and now back to BN supporter. everyone's shit except your type. what more can I say coz you are demi-god at least in status.

    Your recite fit Anwar and PKR people very well. The only different is that Anwar is not welcome to UMNO, they don't want him. To me not everyone' shit, but PR and those people talking with many masks. Anyway have the courage to unmasks and tell me what is wrong with voting for BN then PR then back to BN..........

  18. Here's my Monday morning , pessimistic view of the country's future. There's a possibility it will turn out this way, but it doesn't have to be so.

    The remainding PR state governments of Selangor and Kedah will collapse.
    Penang and Kelantan may hang on a while longer.
    Voters, frightened and cowed by the economic recession and saturation BN propaganda sheepishly return to the BN embrace.
    BN regains its 2/3 majority , and more.
    Najis and UMNO reigns supreme. Najis is young enough to be PM for another 20 years.....

    20 years later....our per capita GDP equals that of Indonesia...Vietnam has long overtaken us...C4 is the preferred method of settling political and personal disputes.

  19. KT,
    Aiya! early morning you see the same smart arsees commenting like they are Malaysiakini and their craps!
    Dont you get bored?They become defensive like they are bn supporters.They are so dammed right and others skewed.bah!this old buggers!

  20. What's wrong with making money from government contracts ?

    Greed is Good

  21. Anon 9:12 AM,

    Why instigate KT, is this all you have?.............

    At least some are willing to unmask, where is your courage?..........

  22. Hi Annu 6:58 pm

    I don't make anonymous comments.

    Only cowards use "Anonymous" and nicknames to attack other people in
    their comments on blogs.

    So, learn to be civil to people on the other side of the political fence. Learn to be a brave person worthy of respect from others too!

    Phua Kai Lit

    Phua Kai Lit

  23. Hi Phua Kai Lit

    Today you have my fullest support in your statement and fully agree with you 101% .

    Only cowards use "Anonymous" and nicknames to attack other people in
    their comments on blogs.

    Just to add , people using anonymous are faceless people and are just like the people coming out in the Seventh moon of the Chinese calender .Today Phua I respect you . Actually I wanted to comment on the numerous faceless people using anonymous to attack people like chaptokam and xiean . I thought you might be one and usually you sign off with your name but forgot , and I don't want to be seen like attacking you on this issue but your clarification that it is not you helps to clear a lot of perceptions .

    I hardly comment in this blog but shall be doing so from now on .

    You see I dislike faceless people .

  24. Hi Phua Kai Lit,

    I fully agree with on this issue, even we disagree on many issues,to me you are a gentleman......

  25. Hi faceless 9:59 PM

    Is that all the crap that you can say ? No point using that tactic to attack people in this blog .

    As Phua put it ;

    learn to be civil to people on the other side of the political fence. Learn to be a brave person worthy of respect from others too!

    Every coin has two sides , every nation as a political divide . Every human being has his opinion .

    If the likes of you ( that includes many here ) were to form the govt , I'm sure you'll be worse than BN , where everybody is either with you or Not with you (quote from G.W.Bush ) Not only that , I'm sure all those not with you will be locked up under ISA or put to death for treason . No chance to even put in a neutral comment in any blogs .

    Not only can I smell you but I can see thru you thru your faceless self or under anonymous .

  26. Elifan
    You are making a sweeping statement . obviously I cannot blame you as I believe you have not seen all the comments that I have posted here and in other blogs and I believe xiean is equally neutral calling a spade a spade.

    You have written :Yes, you have to replace the whole lock, stock and barrel of the BN and its associates (Chaptokam included), not just one of its inept cronies.

    Let me set the record right , while we might be in BN , we do NOT condone the things done by BN which we think is wrong .We have voiced out our objections within the party and outside the party thru press conferences and thru the blogs and of course thru comments posted in blogs .
    We don't follow the cult culture like you see in so many blogs where the moment you post a unfavourable comment , you are voted down to lowly rated comment or you are set upon by a pack of cultist wolves .
    In MCA as what some of you have labeled me MCA operative , we still have the ideological divide , as I believe it exists in every political party . We ( I was tagged a B Team in those days ) opposed the buy over / purcahse of Nanyang ,and China Press by Sinchew to the extent we nearly blew out the President LLS save by the comment by TDM that he gave the approval just one day before the EGM .

    I am telling you a long story just to refute your statement that all BN members are inept cronies.

    I wouldn't say this for the Cultist from the other parties . Read RPK's write up on Cult called Anwar .

    And lastly if not for us ( MCA members )and Xiean who voted for PR at the disgust of the arrogant UMNO and OKT , PR would not have won by such a big margin .

    I hope you can throw away your broom and stop making sweeping statements . It doesn't help everyone to progress .

  27. MCA.....

    I'll try to be fair. I know many decent people who are MCA grass-roots supporters. They work sincerely for the community and the vast majority don't get any "manna from heaven".

    MCA at Federal Level is something else. I think they have been hopelessly compromised by decades of powerless power. Sounds like a contradiction in terms ?
    The superficial veneer is that of power - MCA has a few full Ministers in the Cabinet, a few Deputy Ministers, and Excos in BN controlled states.
    Yes, its a contradiction - the reality is that MCA was and remains a subordinate of UMNO. A subordinate is someone who is expected to accept instructions and carry it out, including explaining and persuading his constituents that it is right and proper.

    I think the last UMNO leader who actually treated MCA as an equal partner, not subordinate, was Tunku Abdul Rahman, a lifetime ago.

    I'm not really a PR supporter. I want to see a change in the way Malaysia is governed. If BN get it right, I can support BN.

    We are being governed badly right now. Nothing substantive has been done to dismantle the Government-Crony complex. Nothing substantive has been done to fight the almost certain incoming economic recession.

    The Federal Government collects all personal income tax, sales tax, import duties and various other government revenue. Most of this is retained by the Federal Government, so the bulk of the responsibility to take action must be attributed to the Federal Government.

    In the 12 months since March 08, 2008, I have not seen any real evidence that BN has sincerely "got the message".

    Playing games like taking over the Perak government and trying by whatever means to put Khalid Ibrahim in jail doesn't count.

  28. Chaptokam:

    Thanks for your clarification. I am glad that you are not going the way of the Toyol, who will end disastrously pretty soon.



    PS: Anyway Chaptokam, the reason why we do not bother reading you in detail is that you write too much and you quote too much and too extensively from other sources. So if you'll keep your comments short, and not copy whole articles from elsewhere, more people (including myself) will read you.

  29. Elifan

    Its a pleasure to give you my clarification .



  30. Observer
    MCA ......

    You have a valid point here :
    a)many are decent people who are MCA grass-roots supporters. They work sincerely for the community and the vast majority don't get any "manna from heaven".

    There are also many in MCA who join MCA for the purpose of self prospects , meaning making use of MCA for self enhancement , seeking , power , money , Datukships for themselves . There are many of thesepeople around , I think you can see for yourselves who fall into this category . There are also those who overstay their welcome , people who has made headlines which is detrimental to themselves . I think you all should know who are these people .These people are in the process of calling for an EGM to put a vote of no confidence on the MCA President . We shall see .......

    Well Observer , we also want to see a change in the way Malaysia is governed and I hope BN can get get it right.Really too much politics lately and too much maneuver lately which is no good for the country economically .

    I agree with you that We are being governed badly right now. Nothing substantive has been done to dismantle the Government-Crony complex. Nothing substantive has been done to fight the almost certain incoming economic recession. In fact when Anwar was highlighting his 916 many of us here were against it , simply because we felt he should be concentrating on governing the five Pakatan states and letting the BN Federal govt concentrate on the economy . However that was not the case . Due to the katak mess causing political instability , the economy was left out while BN was trying to prevent their MPs from becoming kataks .

    On your comment regarding the 12 months since March 08, 2008, I have not seen any real evidence that BN has sincerely "got the message". I have this to say : they are waking up ! to the fact that they must change . This can be seen from the fact that the ex Defacto Justice Minister Zaid has openly criticize UMNO prior to him resigning . And the fact that many UMNO leaders recognize that they have to change but are unwilling to openly state that fact except Muhyddin . I guess it is because of the UMNO Party elections .

    Playing games like taking over the Perak government and trying by whatever means to put Khalid Ibrahim in jail are also due to this fact that its UMNO elections and the one who is currently no 2 trying to prove himself .

    For us in MCA we wait...........still plenty of time .......

  31. hello annu,

    who used the shit word first?
    and who call others coward?
    and you are alleging anon attacking you?

    I think I have never agree much with KT coz of his misgvings on Anwar but that is his perogrative and it hadnt stop me from visiting his blogs regularly and of course postings that are in disagreement of his views. But, I never call him shit for his views which are different from me. Now, you started the shit word and just because you are Annu, you cant take the same shit and called others coward. Btw, you can continue to call me coward or shit, whatever. But, I will remain anon just as you as annu. You can have high moral ground with your shitty remarks anywhere.
    Sorry, KT for using your space to argue over nothing really. I rest my case.
