
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Somewhere in Puducherry

Voice: Dei dei aneh, aneh …

Aru: WTF …?

Voice: Aneh, it’s me, Bala ...

Aru: Bala? Dei tambi, I thought you were in Kolkata?

Bala: Aneh, Puducherry, Kolkata, Ravula-palem, we can move around lah coz we have safe houses, that’s why the three cities are called P-K-R … heeheehee.

Aru: I see I see … so what’s happening here?

Bala: Just relat onleee … until you-know-who becomes PM lah

Aru: Hmmm, may be a long wait

Bala: I heard you also made a SD ;-)

Aru: Yes, yes, you know what SD stands for?

Bala: Huh? Something new I ought to know? Alamak, I’ve been out of circulation lah.

Aru: Slander, Deny

Bala: Deny what?

Aru: Deny you know first hand what you have slandered … like I was told, I was informed, I was … yadda yadda ;-)

Bala: heeheeeheeee, that’s the way … dei, I read in Malaysiakini about your old constituency’s by-election, where one resident remarked that even if a candidate from your party wins the by-election, no one could say for certain whether he or she would not defect to the other party one day

Aru: Well, I have to admit we have a froggie culture lah hahaha, leadership by example ;-)

Bala: You mean ribbit ribbit ribbit

Aru: hahahahahahaha, it should be ribbit reform ribbit reform ribbit deform ribbit

Bala: Kee kee keee, dei Aneh, how about looking up some tangachee’s here

Aru: Errr …

Bala: C’mon lah, especially you … in for a paisa, in for a rupee

Aru: Boleh, boleh

Bala: That’s the spirit, the Boleh spirit
of the Brotherhood of the 'Kidnapped' keekeekeekeeeee

Aru: Hahahahahahaha ... back by ringgit lah ...


  1. What a nice conversation between two "disappeared blokes" Good imagination and good script .

  2. KT

    Just saw your name mentioned in this article by Antares of magickriver blogspot .

    Thursday, 12 February 2009 15:46

    In the aftermath of Najib's underhanded overthrow of the Pakatan state government in Perak, many debates have been raging as to whether Karpal Singh was justified in demanding that Anwar Ibrahim step down as leader of the Pakatan Rakyat.

    Anwar has hordes of vociferous detractors, all of whom claim to know things about Anwar the public doesn't - and yet they obstinately refuse to divulge what terrible secrets they're privy to that would instant disqualify Anwar Ibrahim as our next Prime Minister, if the information were made public.

    Well, unless Chandra Muzaffar, Anas Zubedy, KTemoc, Ghani Ismail and other "anti-Anwaristas" come up with irrefutable evidence that Anwar Ibrahim has ordered out-of-favor mistresses to be cruelly murdered, or has billions stashed away in the Bank of Israel under Paul Wolfovitz's name, or is in truth a Singaporean covert operative assigned to oversee the systematic dismantling of Ketuanan Melayu and the NEP... I'm going to stick with Anwar as our first and most obvious option for PM for the following reasons:

    1) He has the most experience in government (not just in politics); and while some might say that being the Sorcerer's Apprentice for 16 years is reason enough to disqualify anyone, I'd say his overt rebellion against the Evil Sorcerer has redeemed him in my eyes;

    2) Anyone who has read the Tao Te Ching, The Bible, Bhagavad Gita, Rabindranath Tagore, Kahlil Gibran, the Complete Works of Shakespeare (5 times from cover to cover, I hear) and who can articulate a coherent thought on his feet is worth negotiating with;

    3) Anwar has been consistent in voicing his concern for humble folk since his student days, except for a few years when he was rising up the ranks of Umno and he consciously groomed himself to become a self-confident global statesman by joining a riding club (at least he avoided golf, which would have revealed an utter lack of originality :-);

  3. Hi chaptokam,

    That guy is deaf and blind.

  4. XieAn said...

    "Hi chaptokam,

    That guy is deaf and blind."

    Or just being pragmatic?

  5. Selangor scrambling to quash rumours of defections

    By Neville Spykerman

    SHAH ALAM, Feb 12 — After losing Perak to cross-overs, Pakatan Rakyat is scrambling to quash rumours of defections in Selangor as their Port Klang assemblyman Badrul Hisham Abdullah battled that perception and allegations of being arrested for khalwat (close proximity)

    However, the PKR assemblyman, who is known to be elusive even to his constituents, strongly denied all the allegations of khalwat and jumping to Barisan Nasional.

    “The rumours are not true. I am fully committed to PKR and continuing my work as an assemblyman.” said Badrul Hisham, who is considering legal action against the media who falsely reported that he was defecting.

    He disclosed that he had met with the PKR leadership to explain his stand and promised to improve his weaknesses in the country’s richest and most industrialised state.

    Meanwhile Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim is scheduled to meet all Pakatan Rakyat MPs and assemblymen for a dialogue at his official residence in Shah Alam tonight amid swirling rumours of defections. He is expected to get everyone to commit to the electoral pact comprising PKR, DAP and Pas.

    While Badrul Hisham has confirmed his attendance, Kapar MP S. Manikavasagam told The Malaysian Insider that he would be staying away, ratcheting up the dispute he has with Selangor Pakatan Rakyat and his disappointment with Khalid.

    “I am staying away for personal reasons which is mainly my disappointment with the state leadership,” he said but confirmed he had no intention of leaving PKR to turn independent as he had threatened at the end of 2008.

    “I know people will talk and continue to speculate on my allegiances but my dispute is only with state leadership and not with the party,” Manikavasagam said.

    Party insiders told The Malaysian Insider that the federal lawmaker felt slighted over what he viewed as the state leadership’s discrimination against him.

    At the crux of the matter is funding.

    Kapar is the largest constituency in the country yet Manikavasagam has not received direct funding from either the state or the Barisan Nasional federal government.

    Only Pakatan Rakyat state assemblymen are entitled to funds for small projects from the state while only Barisan Nasional MPs receive allocations from the federal government.

    He is also sore at the state’s leaderships for dragging their feet on outstanding issues affecting his constituency.

    The move to snub tonight’s meeting will further strain Manikavasagam’s relationship with the state’s leadership but it will have no impact

    on the electoral pact’s hold over Selangor.

    With 36 seats to Barisan Nasional’s 20 in the state assembly, the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government is stable at least for now.

  6. Pragmatic?............definitely not. Anwar have to many indisputable shorting coming to ignore.

    I leave it to KT to refute that guy.

  7. On the contrary, I think Antares is a very wise person.

    BN still acting like the voters owe it a favour. The voters don't...

  8. Wise?..............also definitely not, he can't see Anwar's very damaging motive, he is just one of Anwar's blind loyalist.

    Say what you like, investor are leaving Penang............

  9. Aru's looking for more tangachees? His first and second wives still not enough?

  10. which Aru were you referring to??? ;-)

  11. Anwar no golfer? He was there to 'merasmikan' Penang Golf Resort way back in 96' when he single putted from 4m. Maybe a lucky shot?

  12. Are there more than one Aru ??? KT ??

    Anwar no golfer? Maybe a lucky shot? No ? Enlarged lubang , hole ! which hole ? Front or back ?

  13. You folks may not realise it, but the biggest fall out of investment in Malaysia is occuring in BN-run Johore , not Penang, which you are obviously harping on for partisan reasons.

    Far more jobs have been lost in Johore than in Penang in the last 3 months.
    Go check Labour deparment statistics - its all there.

  14. Fair to All

    Want to know why ? Its Johore ? Nothing to do with who's running the state govt . Even China had thousands of factories closed down and millions out of work .
    As for Johore it has to do with Singapore . A lot of factories were relocated to Johore from Singapore . At the current situation Singapore is in its no wonder why Singaporean factories in Johore are affected and workers retrenched while those in Singapore are running at half rate or 3 or 4 working days per week .

  15. Fair to All

    Want to know why ? Its Johore ? Nothing to do with who's running the state govt . Even China had thousands of factories closed down and millions out of work .
    As for Johore it has to do with Singapore . A lot of factories were relocated to Johore from Singapore . At the current situation Singapore is in its no wonder why Singaporean factories in Johore are affected and workers retrenched while those in Singapore are running at half rate or 3 or 4 working days per week .
