
Monday, February 23, 2009

Against the order of nature?

Malaysiakini - Cops probe Soi Lek for alleged oral sex!

Poor Chua is being harassed again, as if the shame of having his private tryst secretly filmed and then maliciously circulated, was not bad enough.

Malaysiakini reported that “… Selangor Criminal Investigation Department chief Hasnan Hassan ….. said that the police are investigating the sex DVD under section 377(A) of the Penal Code."

And just what is section 377(A) of the Penal Code?

It’s that convenient political weapon which covers 'carnal intercourse against the order of nature'. Anwar Ibrahim has had it used against him too.

The penal code states that “a person who has sexual connection with another person by the introduction of the penis into the anus or mouth of the other person is said to committed carnal intercourse against the order of nature.”

One could get 20 years plus a whipping if found to be guilty of having a blow job.

Jeeez, where do these people come from – no, I mean those who conceived of such a penal code ;-) …..

And that phrase ‘Introduction of the penis …..’ – wakakaka, visualize “Hi, I’m Penis, and who are you, Assh*le?”

What an intercourse ;-) er … verbal intercourse of coz. ;-)

And another phrase 'against the order of nature' - wakakaka, hey you guys still living in 1900's lah.

Nowadays blow jobs and ‘what else’ between consenting adults are the norm and not against the order of nature - in fact it's bloody 'natural' wakakaka ...

... and I bet at least several hundred thousand other people besides Chua would have to be incarcerated or whipped for blow jobs.

Malaysiakini reported:
The sex scandal resurfaced on Feb 10 after a Kelana Jaya resident discovered in his mailbox an envelope containing a DVD and a letter.

The letter instructed the recipient to lodge a police report after watching the video.

Upon watching the DVD, the resident realised that the DVD was a pornographic video and proceeded to make the police report.

Good citizen eh? Yeah right!

If this is not staged as a harassment against Chua instigated by his rivals I don’t know what it is.

:-) Can't get over this choice of phrase: ‘Introduction of the penis …..’

"Hi Assh*le" - "Hi yourself you Pr*ck" wakakakakakakakakaka ;-)


  1. aiy0...

    this is crazy...

    wat is msia heading to?


  2. It's clear Ong Tee Keat and the MCA Mafia see Chua as a long-term threat and have the knives out for him.

    Ong of course is trying to deflect attention away from the PKZ scandal and fraud which involves past leaders and top honchos in MCA. Ong has still to table the audit report while waffling on and indulging in filthy oral discourses about future lessons and strategies, which in the current global crisis means another xxx billion $ cost to M'sian taxpayers.

    As for I Polis Raja, it's disgraceful how they are allowing themselves to be misused by BN parties.

    Chua should fight it to the end and bring down this corrupt MCA leadership who are proving to be more shameful than high street hookers & prostitutes!!

  3. wakaka, funny lah you :).

  4. He should completely withdraw from politic, not because of the oral sex but been caught of cheating his wife.

  5. This archaic law should be repealed.

    'carnal intercourse against the order of nature' - so far I see in this country, this law used mainly as a weapon to bludgeon political enemies.

    If a person has been intimidated into performing or receiving a sexual act through threat of violence or other forms of coercion, the culprit should be charged with sexual assault or rape.

    It it involves consenting adults, people can argue the whole day about the morality, but I don't see why it should be criminalised by the state.

  6. Hi donplaypuks

    Please lah do you have to equate everything to Ong Tee Keat and the MCA Mafia ?

    So you want a guy who's morally tainted to fight it to the end and bring down this corrupt MCA leadership ? What kind of reasoning is this ?
    Same reasoning , you should ask Eli Wong to fight and bring down the whole PKR leadership . I abstained from using superlatives .
    Looks like you have DOUBLE STANDARDS for everything .

    And for your reference to Mafia , you should know who is closer to the Malaysian Mafia before you open your mouth . FYI it was OTK who disclosed and reported to TDM that the Party was being infiltrated by Gangsters ie Jacky Chan of the Sio Sam Ong , brought in by Ong Ka Ting . Perhaps you should visit Batu Pahat and see for yourself and find out the records from the Johore police during the time when CSL was the exco there . Just a tip , Discos were thriving , nightclubs attracted Singaporeans . You GO and find out before you open your mouth and dontplaypuk*s.

  7. carnal intercourse against the order of nature' involving consenting adults should not be a crime as I believe many adults are enjoying it PROVIDED there's no complaint like forced fellatio being used by one party on to the other party . Also this should become an offence should there be a police report and ......those aspiring to hold high office , please don't be caught redhanded or with evidence . If you do please resign your post or office . You are a public property and as such you are now answerable to the public . However if you are a private citizen like most of us , nobody cares .

  8. Annu,

    Right you are!!!

    A neighbour.

  9. Oh..shit, I am having anal and oral sex every other day, does it mean that I will spend the rest of my days behind bars ?

  10. donplaypuks

    One more just to add I am told the woman in the DVD ( current )is not the same woman as in the previous DVD . Do you know what this means ?
    This means HE HAS BEEN SCREWING AROUND . Get that into you head . Yeah different woman , I've heard there will be more , but for now I do not wish to speculate .

    BBBJ Lover if you are a private citizen like most of us , nobody cares as long as your partner does not produce a DVD out of it .

  11. I think this is the first time an article is posted in KTemoc within two hrs of it becoming news . A super job by KT , even Malaysian Insider has not yet carried the news , maybe to give face to one of its contributors Chua Tee Yong who is CSL's son .

  12. Let me get this straight - blow jobs are illegal.
    But cunnilingus is not!


    Such a good time to be a woman in Malaysia.

  13. better build more prisons coz there aint enough space to accommodate all the BJs.
    still wonder why crime rates are ballooning? never seen a government as moronic as this one.

  14. How about Bijan and Aktantuyu for anal sex (according to PI Bala)?

  15. The police have more important things to do than investigate politicians for engaging in
    unforced oral sex.

    We must be a major source of amusement for our ASEAN neighbours.

    Phua Kai Lit

  16. Annu

    Please don't talk cock!

    Politicians around the globe should all have been strung by their goolies if we the elctorate really think that they are angels whom we look to for moral guidance. Think of Kennedy, Clinton, DSAI, Najib, the CJ, Rahim Thambychik, M2M etc, etc etc.

    And do you really think Elizabeth Wong is an immoral person becuase she had sex outside of marriage? If you do, you are probably still living in BC times!!

    It's obvious that there is a political conspiracy to take Chua Soi Lek out permanently. Yes, CSL's infidelity and bigamy is sad and unfair to his wife and family .

    But clearly it was enticement, entrapment and political conspiracy. How many married men and women out there are all that chaste in these modern times?

    As to oral sex and 'sex against the order of nature' this must be the biggest joke from I Polis Raja! Which century past are they still living in?

    YOu also seem to think that the MCA leadership is beyond criticism. But all the corruption of UMNO/BN and erosion of our basic rights over the last 50 yaers has taken place under their very noses and many in MCA also contributed to it.

    It's time for a clean sweep of the old UMNO/MCA/MIC regime since that at least offers hope anew!!

  17. donplaypuks

    Politicians around the globe should all have been strung by their goolies if we the elctorate really think that they are angels whom we look to for moral guidance. Think of Kennedy, Clinton, DSAI, Najib, the CJ, Rahim Thambychik, M2M etc, etc etc.

    Sorry but I have to quote you on the above , don't you think that Chua Soi Lek also falls into this category ? If a guy can cheat on his wife , don't you think he will cheat on us , the electorate ? What he wants id just power , or precisely he wants to be appointed a Minister ! Don't you think with his credentials he would be subjected to blackmail by UMNO at the expense of the Chinese and his electorate ? Come on pls sell that to the people in kingdom come .

    When did I say that Elizabeth Wong is an immoral person becuase she had sex outside of marriage?
    Please don't put words in my mouth , and pls this comment that I made "Same reasoning , you should ask Eli Wong to fight and bring down the whole PKR leadership "is far from what you wrote . Maybe you should go for English tutorial lessons .

  18. I dunno, but rumour has it that oral sex is very common these days.
    Women doing it to men, men doing it to women. Some people absolutely Enjoyyyyy it....kakakaka..

    If they start prosecuting people over this, the courts won't have time to do anything else.

    Mind you, this stupid law doesn't differentiate whether it was consenting...

  19. Abstract from Malaysian Insider : Chua Soi Lek planning to call for an extraordinary general meeting to remove party president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat.

    Oh my god!, this bugger have been contaminated by Anwar's style of toppling leaders with VOTE OF NO CONFIDENT just after those leaders were vote in. Ironically this type people also have the same habit ............Wakakakakakakak

  20. I support Chua Soi Lek.
    He's got style...earthy politician...REAL MAN ahh...

    How do you run an organisation with Number 1 deliberately sidelining Number 2 ?

    DAP is smiling all the way to the ballot box...

  21. Chaptokam,

    Chua Soi Lek has become a liability to MCA. All the hard works of those sincere MCA members will just disappear into thin air if this nuisance is not stop. Its is not that DAP or PKR is better, it is MCA self destruction. As a public I support drastic means to Kick him out ....since DAP people love him so much, let him joint them, can be Anwar's buddy as well as they share the same addiction.

  22. I hear Jimmy Chua also has interesting hobbies...

    Ong Tee Keat...aka Vampire Ong has no hobbies...

  23. Simple justice would say that you can't punish a guy twice for the same act.

    Chua Soh Chai has already been punished for his peccadilloes. He quit as Minister, MP, all party posts last year.

    He was REELECTED by people who wanted him back to serve. Unless the latest episode involves a new case, you can't punish him again and again.

    Then again, some of these MCA goons wouldn't understand the meaning of simple justice.

  24. Simple justice would say that you can't punish a guy twice for the same act as he has already been punished .
    Well just like to know , when was he punished the first time ? Was there any report made specifically against him ? There was no report made against him as far as I know unless some of you are in possession of a police report lodged against him . What I know is that there were reports lodged on the distribution of pornographic DVD featuring him as the main porno actor but NOT against him on his acting . These is entirely different ie distribution as against the person performing the act .

    When he quit as Minister, MP, and all party posts last year he did so on his OWN accord as he felt he had to step down , just like Eli . No one asked him to step down , NO ONE , Not Ong Tee Keat .

    He was re elected for Dep President , but that does not mean that the Party President has to appoint him a senator and therein a MINISTER , which is what he wanted and which is the PREROGATIVE of the President .Yes you can still serve and contribute to the Chinese community and to the party as the Deputy and not necessarily as a Minister .

    Yeah perhaps there are many wise people around here that these MCA goons wouldn't understand the meaning of simple justice. Ya we only attend standard six only .

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. anon of 1:16 PM, February 24, 2009 - have to delete your comments because they were salacious and racist at same time (using the 'N' word); also discriminatory, imbuing the average Malaysian with an inferiority complex (because of that 'N' word again), and too bodek-ish, by alluding to CSL's 'N' properties, unnecessarily making all of us jealous

    apalah lu, no more 'N' word again please!

  27. If Eli had chosen old uncle Chua as her bf, instead of that slimy Helmy, there would never had been any nude photos of her in cyberspace.

  28. Xiean

    I have been gagged this issue but this is my personal view . Yes I think it goes without saying that Chua Soi Lek has become a liability to MCA.
    On your comment that DAP people love him so much, let him joint them . I have been told that he wants to call an EGM as far back as late last year , matter of fact he has been criss crossing the country to get support for the EGM and he has an exit plan . His plan is if he fails to unseat Tee Keat , he will resign and join PKR . Thats his plan and I am very sure this information is very accurate . Whether PKR welcomes him with open arms or not , that is left to be seen , if they do they will have to contend with his type of politics , his liability , PKR insiders who might not be happy with him coming in and many other reasons .

    To give you a clear picture of why he was elected at the last party polls was primarily " Money Politics " .After the party elections it was found out that many people were bought , lots of money were transacted between him and certain divisional leaders . My guess is those supporting him are those who have benefited . This is not a speculation nor is it heresay . It has been confirmed and owned up by these leaders that they have received enormous sum of money from him before the party election . Tee Keat has the proof .
    I am sure many who support him will say where did the money come from ? There were many articles on money politics published in the MSM and here again it is not gossip or speculation . Money received were from cheques from companies involved in the tobacco business . I have downloaded all those articles for safekeeping and for future reference . Ya from tobacco companies , that was why when he took over as Health Minister , the Tak Nak campaign against smoking or say No To Smoking quietly faded away .
    I believe evidence has been collected , but he didn't know when to tone down . ..........
    That's all I can say and chaptokam will not comment on his DVD issue but OTHERS will .

  29. "His plan is if he fails to unseat Tee Keat , he will resign and join PKR."

    Chua Soh Chai can go play choo-choo train with An-al-war.

  30. Chaptokam,
    Be Careful what you write in blogs.

    I believe your real identity has exposed by others on the Internet before. Make sure your own house is clean...the political game in this country is very dangerous and nasty right now.
    If you are blocking the path of the wrong people, they will happily destroy you if you have any skeletons in the cupboard...even if you don't, skeletons can be created.

  31. This is an interesting article
    on the latest MCA developments:

    Phua Kai Lit

  32. Sexual intercourse against the order of nature? Alamak! If I were one Najib bin Rajak, I would be very worried. But this is Malaysia, isn't it? And isn't this bloke a very important member of the BN? Why should I be worried then? LMAO!

    "BBBJ Lover said...
    Oh..shit, I am having anal and oral sex every other day, does it mean that I will spend the rest of my days behind bars ?"
    You must ensure that BBBJ does not take photographs with an automatically-set (or remotely-set) camera, when both of you are performing acts which go against the course of nature. But if you are not an important Pakatan politician in Toyol-land, you are probably safe: the polis won't be interested in such dirty pictures. :)

    Annu said...
    I think this is the first time an article is posted in KTemoc within two hrs of it becoming news . A super job by KT
    Not really unusual. KTemoc gets really excited when it comes to anal sex: his problems with DSAI have their basis here. So his excitement over oral sex isn't surprising. :)

    Anonymous (Feb 24, 1:14 pm) said...
    If Eli had chosen old uncle Chua as her bf, instead of that slimy Helmy, there would never had been any nude photos of her in cyberspace.

    Please!! Uncle Chua is too dangerous, and ugly too, and besides, it's not Uncle Chua himself who takes the photos. It's the bunch of dedicated voyeurs who will give the photos to his enemies, for a lucrative fee, I'm sure. Ah! Such is the nature of Malaysian politics!

  33. I'll be the last person to say anything against Chua Soi Lek in this issue.

    Pornographic DVDs ? I've got plenty locked away in the cupboard.

    Carnal intercourse against the order of nature ? me and my missus have been enjoying it for the whole 15 years of our marriage - and before that....wakakakaka..

  34. Thank you my friend ,

    Be Careful what you write in blogs.
    Thats why I wrote "I have been gagged this issue "

    The rest ie To give you a clear picture of why he was elected at the last party polls was primarily " Money Politics " .After the party elections it was found out that many people were bought , lots of money were transacted between him and certain divisional leaders :
    This knowledge is no more unknown , matter of fact known to a lot of top level people .

    On the where did the money come from ? : From MSM , so again its common knowledge .
    That's why I wrote ;That's all I can say and chaptokam will not comment on his DVD issue but OTHERS will .
    I am aware that many people within MCA knows who I am , however I have not disclosed anything confidential nor have I slandered anyone but anyway I'll still be careful .

  35. Is this a diversion strategy? What about more important issue for eg, the PKFZ which is supposed to be disclosed by the MCA president, Ong Tee Keat?

    Get the priority right, MCA!!!

  36. Chaptokam,

    Thank you very much for your courageous, straight and open comments, with people like you, MCA definitely got hope. Next election take Penang and I will help you.....

  37. PKFZ was an UMNO money printing exercise, with MCA joining in for some side fun.

    Its indefensible, no matter how you look at it. That's why OTK is squirming, shifting , spinning all the way to the bank.

  38. Anonymous 6:15 PM

    Its indefensible, no matter how you look at it. That's why OTK is squirming, shifting , spinning all the way to the bank.

    OTK ? Did you get your facts right ?
    Or is it the previous minister who was asked to take leave for one month ? Aiyoo ......susah lah macam ini .
