
Friday, May 03, 2019

Menteri Hal Ehwal Najib hardly keeps 'low profile'

MM Online - Kit Siang says kept ‘low profile’ for a year after being accused of pulling Pakatan’s strings (extracts)

Lim Kit Siang with MACC strategic communications director Rohaizad Yaakob (centre) and other opposition leaders at the MACC Office in Putrajaya, August 6, 2015. — Picture by Yusof Mat Isa

what a fCking hypocrite and traitor to Teoh Beng hock's family and his memory

and just one lousy year after his pathetic pompous speech vowing:

Beng Hock’s death would be “in vain” if firstly, his killers remain free and unpunished; and secondly, the MACC is not held responsible and liable for his death and instead allowed to “go to great lengths” to participate in a “cover-up” of the actual causes and circumstances of Beng Hock’s death at the TBH RCI, with MACC officers telling “lies after lies” at the RCI.

I call on Malaysians to stand for justice and to make a commitment that they will not rest until the “cover-up” of Teoh Beng Hock’s criminal and senseless murder is exposed and the killers, including MACC, are brought to justice. 

When pushing for a New Malaysia, Lim also outlined the need for a “new Sabah” via a proposed constitutional amendment to restore the promised rights and powers to Sabah and Sarawak in line with the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

Noting that the proposed law change did not happen due to a lack of two-thirds support in Parliament, Lim pitched for Sandakan voters to vote in PH candidate Vivian Wong in the by-election there next weekend to boost the number of PH MPs.

PH will have 139 MPs if Wong is voted in, with Lim saying that the coalition would then have to find nine more MPs to achieve two-thirds parliamentary majority to realise such proposed constitutional changes.

Acknowledging that PH has made mistakes over the past year and has room for improvement, Lim urged Sandakan voters to back the ruling coalition in the by-election which he described as a “first-year report card” for the PH government

Firstly, Lim Kit Siang has NOT, as he has claimed, kept a 'low profile' since the Pakatan Harapan victory in GE14. Nay, au contraire, he has been busy almost daily attacking Najib to such an extent he has earned the dubious reputation of being Mahathir's Menteri Hal Ehwal Najib (MenHen, wakakaka).

By nature and from what we have seen over the years, Lim KS has NOT been a quiet person as it's his proclivity to make mucho noise, only backing down when he smells (smelled) physical danger. And that has been why Mahathir has appointed him to badmouth Najib almost everyday.

There's nothing wrong with badmouthing an opponent by a Malaysian politician except:

(a) his opponent, namely, Najib, has already lost his position as PM so why spat at a 'fallen one' with continuous vitriolic vicious venom? We know Mahathir personally hates Najib, but why Lim KS? Unless he has been instructed by Mahathir to specifically do so.

(b) his erstwhile opponent, namely, Mahathir, who he lambasted for 30+ years has now been spared his constant diatribes, rants and ravings since he collaborated with an old dictator, indicating that for my once-hero, it's OK to lie down to sleep with a despicable dictator, and 

(c) he should NOT lay claims to 'keeping a low profile' ('low profile', my blardy balls), which means he's continuing to LIE.

When Lim KS was in opposition, he made it his principal aim to deny BN of its two-thirds majority in parliament, to prevent BN from amending the Constitution at its whims and fancies.

Our Constitution was the MOST amended in the world when Mahathir was PM from 1981 to 2003, mutilating and destroying our hallowed institutions like the Judiciary and Senate, yet today Lim KS sings a different tune, to acquire 2/3 majority for PH in his statement above, which I have reproduced for your convenient perusal as follows:

PH will have 139 MPs if Wong is voted in, with Lim saying that the coalition would then have to find nine more MPs to achieve two-thirds parliamentary majority to realise such proposed constitutional changes.

What a hypocrite. 

the smug hypocritical cat that has licked the luscious cream 


  1. tis hypo know whose ass to lick, from razaleigh to anwar to mahathir. tis hypo oso know when to keep silence, since everyone now know how dumb is his son.

    1. Who is he?

    2. bro,if one tell me lky n lks is a racist, a opportunist, a dictator i can sort of agree, to accuse them as communist is a bit childish.

    3. HY.. please scroll down to the bottom of the link, and read what is written in jawi which says:

      [ Gambar perarakan "kemenangan" di atas menunjukkan "penyapu untuk menyapu orang-orang Melayu".]

      Perhaps, it does sound like communist. No?

    4. maybe. but if both r really leftist incline, i would hv support them long time ago.

  2. In the first episode of the first season of SF anthology series "Metal Hurlant Chronicles", a King is dying and his successor is chosen by a duel between rivals to the throne.

    The twist at the end of the plot?

    The winner is beheaded and the dying King's head is transplanted to the body of the beheaded victor.

    Kepala masih UMNO. Only difference is UMNO's Cina bitch has changed.

  3. Communication skill is sorely lacking in most PH politicians.

    Am i alone in assuming or anyone else not see also that PH politicians have a real problem in conveying/delivering their intended messages to voters on so many issues?

    Does not PH politicians realize that there is a world of difference when politiking and conveying talks/messages between when in the opposition and when they are the ruling Govt.?

    When you can't communicate clearly to voters about what the candidate standing for under the Party as the ruling Govt. in power or convey the intentions of what the Govt actually plan for good governance of the country, then it is time to either go out and seek professional help from communications specialists if one does not realize one's weakness or dismiss the old guards surrounding them who are still advising you on outdated communication skills.

    Ever wonder why Ahjibkor is willing to spend millions to hire the best image consultants and communications specialists? The impact towards his popularity and the messages he has conveyed still resonates and are still reflected even after GE14 and past several by-elections and will take time for the effects to dissipate.

    "Squirreling away to keep a low profile after being accused of pulling Pakatan's strings?" Are all DAP politicians need to also squirrel away just because of unfoundered accusations?

    "PH will have 139 MPs if Wong is voted in, with Lim saying that the coalition would then have to find nine more MPs to achieve two-thirds parliamentary majority to realize such proposed constitutional changes?" Everyone knows our MPs whether PH or BN are all "dunggus" when it comes to voting in Parliament for most are voting based on party whipping rather than issues driven. Is that the only solution suggested to vote in more MPs of the same party?

    No wonder the old guards like TDM, DSAI, LKS etc all think it would take many decades to eventually realize New Malaysia with their outdated models of politiking when it could be done in half the time or even faster.

    Just retire and pass the batons to all the younger ones in PH who are more adept to move with the times instead of just relying on experience, old and outdated models to effect change.

    You'll be surprised by how many of the young ones when pushed in front can even outwit old foxes.

  4. After the rakyat rejected him as Prime Minister Jibby proclaims himself to be a King - King of Trolls. Creepy.

    Kit is ever so quiet, hardly said anything in 2 parliament sittings, only goyang kaki in his backbench watching his DAP protoges like Guanee and Gobind peel the opposition like Jibby and Ah Wee layer by layer like an onion. Datukship from Penang also don’t want, no need. is sweet. Allah is so kind and merciful.

    Kit Siang take a jibe at Najib's self-proclaimed 'King of Trolls' title

    Sunday, 20 Jan 2019

    PETALING JAYA: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has perhaps found his life's calling after priding himself as the 'King of Trolls' on social media, says DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang.

    Lim said Najib, who was campaigning in the Cameron Highlands by-election, had boasted of his accomplishments on social media, adding that Najib had even crowned himself the 'King of Trolls', claiming that he fights with facts and not with lies.

    However, Lim chided Najib's remarks saying that the former prime minister "does not tell ordinary lies, but only gargantuan ones.

  5. DAP has been given the chance to shine as leaders BUT have squirreled away this opportunity. In the process they have given the Chinese a rather bad name/reputation.

    As more Chinese wake up, DAP will be voted out of power...I guess Sandakan will see a BN win.

    1. Indians in Singapore already know the true nature of DAP from the original PAP. Part of their unwritten manifesto is "Orang India tak boleh jadi ketua". Ask Dhanabalan and Tharman.

      Actually, no need to look at Singapore even. In Penang, they will support Gerakan against UMNO to keep the CM post in Chinese hands.

      "Meritocracy" and "Malaysian Malaysia" are only preached to other races when they practice what Cinatoks themselves do when in power.

      Such is their pukimakness.

    2. U memang betul2 otakrosak!

      What's one of the high horse of the ketuanan freaks, under alifbata fart, that object to the appointment of Nons to the positions of top posts (cj, ag, military top brass, ksu etc etc)?

      That famed unwritten policy of "Orang bukan melayu tak boleh jadi ketua".

      Sound familiar?

      Kuman di seberang lautan tampak, gajah di pelupuk mata tiada tampak!!!

      Mfer, who's pukimakness again?

      Oooop… zombified ketuanan freak tak bolih pikir even for simple matter!
