
Friday, May 03, 2019

Lim Guan Eng: "Wa tolong lu, lu tolong wa"

From FMT:

Guan Eng may have done a Najib in Sandakan speech, says Bersih

FMT Reporters

Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng on the campaign trail in Sandakan. (Bernama pic)

Wa tolong lu, lu tolong wa  

PETALING JAYA: Bersih 2.0 has taken Lim Guan Eng to task for suggesting that he would approve a parking project in Sandakan if DAP’s Vivian Wong wins the upcoming by-election there.

The election reforms coalition said remarks by the finance minister were no different from a speech by former prime minister Najib Razak which was condemned by the opposition at the time.

“If the media reports are accurate, then it is reminiscent of former PM Najib Razak’s infamous speech in 2010 in the Sibu and Hulu Selangor by-elections, where he said, ‘You help me, I help you’, urging the crowd to vote for the BN candidate if they want him to give allocations for a new bridge in Sibu and a new school on Hulu Selangor.

“He was widely condemned by the then-opposition for bribing the voters,” Bersih said in a statement.

Lim reportedly said if Wong wins the by-election, she could remind him to include a parking project in the next budget, referring to traffic problems at the Duchess of Kent Hospital.

Bersih said the statement would have been harmless if Lim were not the finance minister.

“But Lim is the finance minister and it is within his power to grant that extra allocation if there is a genuine need, and indeed it is his duty to do so regardless of which party the candidate or MP is from,” it said, adding that Lim must explain the remarks.

“We would urge him to give his assurance that he will help resolve the car park issue even if Wong doesn’t get elected because he is the finance minister for all Malaysians regardless of political affiliation.”

Bersih also questioned the Election Commission for removing a billboard put up by PBS panning Lim’s remark on the car park project. It said the billboard’s contents did not violate the Election Offences Act 1954.

“While the billboard may be offensive to some, we cannot see any election offence committed that would require the EC enforcement team’s immediate action.”


  1. Najib remained very popular for a long time after those incidents....I suppose Lim Guan Eng thinks it won't do any harm.

    It was the increasingly indefensible 1MDB kleptocracy which played a major role in bringing Najib down. Guanee will probably remain OK as long as he doesn't pull off stunts like that.

  2. a dumb education minister plus a dumb finance minister. omg.

    1. Will a one-liner monkey doing any better?

      Lucky for us, this monkey is ONLY good at farting. Worst still if it ever gets elected (any party wants it?) he WOULD do no better than that ego bursted kua!

      Thanks almighty!

    2. HY.. survey on the worst minister after 6 months: First is Minister of Education; Second is Minister of Finance; Third is Minister of Youth & Sports.

    3. in feb survey tis dumb already climb to the top. i supposed he is in the midst to replace his advisor from tp to ck, tp not that good in giving excuse, ck a better one.

    4. Wakakakakaka…

      Honestly u guys REALLY believed in a touch&go survey of a social media like

      Instead, u SHOULD keep watch over what mamak has said about all these localised professional&unprofessional surveys, either conducted by paid fly-by-nite lalangs or hp6 outfits to seek free exposure!

      Mamak has rightfully pouring scorns over them w/o ANY reservations & he is usually right!

      Lge is doing fine with tp as an advisor. Every moves r possible future checkmates that pet-cat mourners r unable to read.

      I have better thing to do & to champion outside bolihland. In fact, I'm considering moving back to China to help fighting for a turbulent 5G race!

      Eat yr heart out, sour losers!

    5. yes go back n learn from the chinese diff btw capitalism n socialism. no more land own by production team n collective work task is one of reason y 500 millions people lifted out of poverty. one work for himself n gain what he struggles for is a capitalistic approach u know, or u dun know?

    6. Still can get over yr regurgitation of yr fault understandings between capitalism n socialism.

      Still get stuck at the stage of labelled idealism indigestion!

      "no more land own by production team n collective work task is one of reason y 500 millions people lifted out of poverty."



      Why M'sia can't uplift the poors & destroyed from poverty over 40+ yrs of never-ending story?

      M'sia has land own by production team n collective work task meh?

      What China has achieved is what u CAN'T fathom about the principle of feeling the river stones to cross river.

      That's the ONLY way to eliminate human pitfalls, nurtured by humanistic greed's.

    7. Wow....sokong la 100% CK if you're moving to China to help fight 'for a turbulent 5G race'. Bet you'd have read this latest write in SCMP :

    8. msia extreme poverty is much less compare to china, perhaps one of reason is we dun have production team n eating from the same big pot. learn the history of conflict btw deng n chen yun, n how the conservative kill off the reform of hu n zhao in the name of revival of capitalism.

      n u can continue yr sm with jj, tell him 5g is a product created out of socialism wakaka.

    9. F*ck like u always have excuses!

      So what about India - the world biggest democratic & capitalistic country? Any more if yr farts applied there. How about Indonesia?

      Throw u a curved ball - Cuba. Poor but extreme well humanistic coverage for her citizen. Or u r going to believe what yr uncle Sam telling u?

      Ooop… indeed the advance of 5G in China is indirectly the product created out of socialism!

      But how does f*ck like u CAN understand!

      A simple teaser - 5G is using mmwavelength for transmission. It also means more transmission towers for adequate coverage. A non-coherent capitalistic (more correctly the dominant greed induced humanistic nature) will cry father-mother about transmission radiation effect w/o even knowing what's the effect of mmwave on human physiology.

      Enough! Pigmy like u can stay back in yr tempurung playing with technological advances mined by people like me.

      Stay ignorance - u will be manipulated w/o even knowing!

    10. india is a democratic, economy is more towards socialism than capitalistic, they used to operate on a very close economy, tight control on foreign investment, thing start to change when they do the same, adopt a more capitalistic approach. i dun know if they label it socialism with india characteristic or not.

      u know y shanghai n zhejiang was slow to open up as compare to other coastal sez? bec chen yun said this two districts people r the most capitalistic in china, if market reform start there, china would see the revival of capitalism much faster.

      when i criticise ccp, its mostly on political reform towards democracy, i have no complaint on whatever economy system that work, i dun understand y people like u insist its a socialist economy when all the facts show otherwise.

      as for 5g, i know nothing abt it so u r right to call me ignorant.

    11. Mfer,

      "india is a democratic, economy is more towards socialism than capitalistic, they used to operate on a very close econom"

      IS that yr understandings or more likely yr excuse to cover yr limited understanding of India sopo?

      What happen to yr die2 distinction of label as in Chinese socialism MUST be separated from marketing economy, thus is a form of 'deviated' capitalism!

      "thing start to change when they do the same, adopt a more capitalistic approach"

      How many millions has India uplifts her poors & destitutes over her changing (yr words!) economic transformation over the yrs?

      The coastal sez have to be the guinea pigs FIRST BCOZ they r the readily river stones lying underneath the river.

      What chen yun said about shanghai n zhejiang remained as his personal opinion that's NEVER been reflected officially!

      What Deng had said were recorded & reflected as the official policies.

      So WHO do u want to take as govt guild lines?

      Follow the farts of those Formosa fools, RIGHT?

      Socialist or capitalist economy? That's bcoz u ONLY want to regurgitate what u had read & liked W/O digesting the core essences!

      For the last time, socialism ke, capitalism ke, they r labels used to describe the conflicting humanistic greeds towards economic developments. They r the two sides of the same coin!

      U r not ONLY ignorant about technologies, u r also ignorant about sopo-econ theories!

      The saddest part is u NEVER digest what u have read (understood??). U like simple distinctions to segregate yr likes & dislikes, especially wrt Chinese socialism & Yankee capitalism!

      Too bad!!!

    12. its semantics, bodoh. n go to all the tourist site, its mainly either chinese or indian. india reduce extreme poverty from 450m to 50m in 10 years time. u bodoh tak tahu baca or google kah?

      capitalism is abt market, socialism is abt planning. what coin r u talking abt? lu memang dickhead with chinese characteristic.

    13. Now u termed yr fart as semantic!

      Once AGAIN, do u honestly know the usage of semantic in yr f*cked context?

      If u do, then WHY the fart is this Yankee jargon of "capitalism is abt market, socialism is abt planning"!

      U should just say pure labelling (yr favourite past time 扣帽子!) mah.

      Obviously in yr confused mind, socialism has no marketing elements. Neither is capitalism with planning!

      Yr sopo teacher must have regretting letting u pass. Perhaps u have been squatting at the jamban for too long, to avoid yr foul smelling he has to pass u to get rip of yr present!

      "india reduce extreme poverty from 450m to 50m in 10 years time."

      Wow…… how come NO any medias worth their salt r splashing this piece of news allover? It's a record better than the Chinese's achievement over 40yrs!

      Simple mah! Just go over to India/China & take a look see THEN the propagandas r out le.

      Ooop…… maybe, it's the semantic in the definition of extreme poverty……

      Tsk… tsk… sigh…… not even a Yankee sponsored media will buy this fart!

    14. semantic here mean yr deng yeh yeh to pacify the conservative, he twist capatalism and market economy into socialism with chinese characteristic, n he assigned product economy a new term "commodity economy" just like how korean stole duanwu festival from chinese.

      there r diff btw poverty n extreme poverty if u read properly, the good news is u can continue to brag how great is china with their socialism with chinese characteristic.

    15. Mfer, yr semantic here is to use two labels to describe what u like & dislike!

      For u, there is NO gray areas allow - two parallel lines (socialism & capitalism) shall never meet bcoz in yr f*cked mind they SHOULDN'T share common active ingredients even though they have their origin the the humanistic greed!

      Hence yr f*cked interpretation of "capitalism is abt market, socialism is abt planning"!


      ""commodity economy" just like how korean stole duanwu festival from chinese"

      Do u know keyu Jin? (Quick Google her name for her CV)

      The Koreans would like very much to claim her as their own! Too bad, she is 道道地地的中国人.

      Go & read her takes on commodity economy & compare her insights with yr Formosa farts.

      BTW, yr disgusting theme of "there r diff btw poverty n extreme poverty" IS a gem as defined in semantic word play!

      Think about it, if u can't sleep.

  3. I think Ah Mok earlier already condemned Bersih as useless.

    1. no longer under a Pakatan MP

    2. Correction.... Bersih was NEVER under a Pakatan MP.

    3. Maria Chin resigned as BERSIH chairman before contesting in GE14, now under Thomas Fann.

      Maria Chin to resign as Bersih chairman

      Monday, 5 Mar 2018

      PETALING JAYA: Maria Chin Abdullah will resign as Chairman of Bersih 2.0 and contest in the coming general elections.

      Maria said that she is offering herself as a candidate as an independent to Pakatan Harapan.

      “I have decided to resign from Bersih 2.0 as the Chair and to take on a new challenge in the political arena,” read a message inviting the media to a press conference regarding the matter that has been scheduled for Tuesday (March 6).

    4. She wasn't a pakatan mp when heading bersih!

    5. Ah Mok, please Stop the Bull S.

      For the record Maria Chin Abdullah resigned from Bersih, and ran as an Independent Candidate in GE14.

      Pakatan Harapan did not contest in the Petalinh Jaya seat.

    6. she was right at the start biased against BN, not a correct attitude for a BERSIH chair.

      Then she EVEN changed BERSIH's charter to include anti-corruption, straying firther away from being solely focused on election procedural/conduct probity

    7. So... when Bersih attacks the Pakatan Government, Ah Mok plasters it on his blog.

      When Bersih criticised the then BN Government for serious electoral malpractice, it is considered Bias against BN.

      What a Bullshitter and Big Dedak Makaner.

    8. 1) condemned Bersih as useless.

      2) under a Pakatan MP, Maria Chin Abdullah

      Now, u twist & fart about her manner of leading Bersih!

      What's yr ORIGINAL fart again?

      Do yr sifu teach u such lousy answering tactic when been rightly disputed?

      Tsk… tsk… for the want of a fart!

    9. as per your usual prejudice against this blogger, I recommend you look at the recent (last 7 to 8 years) history of my blogging, back to Bersih 1.0 onwards, before you open your dedak-driven biased mouth

    10. I think Ah Mok started out genuinely supporting Bersih and even DAP.
      Along the way, some 6 years ago, massive amounts of 1MDB Dedak became widely and easily available.
      Many sold their body for lucre, and began singing a different tune.

    11. wakakaka, still bullshitting to your very last second while admitting your earlier biased bull

    12. Ah Mok owes Maria Chin Abdullah a Big apology for 2 lies that he made to earn his Dedak

      a) That she headed Bersih as a Pakatan Harapan MP
      b) That she is a Pakatan Harapan MP.

      Both are lies.

      The blogger is a Bullshitting, Dedak- swirling liar ....

    13. evn in BERSIH her heart was already in Pakatan, and she stood as a candidate in GE14 as a PH candidate. In contrast, look at Ambiga - true to her BERSIH non-aligned self

  4. Why must politicians continue the old style of politiking whereby voters in a particular constituency are promised goodies/development only during by-elections or GE time? It is actually an insult to voters to make them look like immoral voters voting a representative just because of the adhoc goodies/development dished out.

    Why no one actually do a poll survey and questions voters whether such ad hoc goodies/announcements really swayed the voters into voting the ones dishing out goodies/development projects or their party?

    I won't be surprised with the poll answer from most voters whether rural or urban that announcement of this or that goodies/development just before any elections ain't going to change the way they vote.

    This thinking of dishing out adhoc goodies/development just before elections are actually blackmails usually the work of their own party supporters backed by business interest to make some moolah in a quick manner thru projects promised but camouflaged to be as if requested by the voters of the constituency.

    The previous BN parties supporters before has even elevated this blackmail "fast quick get rich scheme" to become cash/RM/land titles/house titles.

    Can you imagine politicians are stupid enough to even run the risk of disqualification of their candidates by the EC just to pander to all these blackmailing attempts by their own supporters to announce adhoc goodies/developmens projects?

  5. QUOTE
    Lim reportedly said if Wong wins the by-election, she could remind him to include a parking project in the next budget, referring to traffic problems at the Duchess of Kent Hospital.

    Hamisu....Isn’t this part of the annual budgeting process?

    Every year elected members of parliament submit to the Finance Minister a list of projects needed by his/her constituency. The Finance Minister aggregates and budgets accordingly, subject to priority and availability of funds. There is no guarantee his/her project will be approved. The project will just get the attention of the Finance Minister. That is the job of an MP. If Wong is not elected she cannot submit this list as an elected representative.

    So which part of the above is corruption?

    Now watch this Jibby video from the Sibu 2010 by-election ceramah....he said @2.34 second “if you deliver me Robert Lau on Sunday, on Monday I prepare the 5 million check...”

    This 5 million is not a request for the consideration of the Finance Minister for next year’s budget, this 5 million is to be handed out 24 hours after BN wins the by-election.

    1. Yup, both are political talk, BUT it is ridiculous to equate what Lim Guan Eng said to Najib's speeches.

      Some people are so obsessed with Hentam Lim Guan Eng and the PH government, they have completely lost the ability differentiate and assess actual facts.

  6. Just as I explained everyone owes Guanee an apology.

    Have you listened to Guan Eng's original speech, Sabah DAP asks Bersih
    May 3rd, 2019

    SANDAKAN POLLS | Sabah DAP secretary Chan Foong Hin is disappointed at Bersih for claiming that Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng's speech in Sandakan is no different from Najib Abdul Razak's speeches in the past.

    He questioned whether Bersih has seen the original speech by Lim before issuing its statement.

    “The original speech is in Chinese, so I would also advise Bersih to get a proper Chinese translator who is able to do a proper translation carrying the right meaning,” said Chan.

    “Bersih should not buy into the lies spread by the opposition. They should be more cautious in issuing statements like this as it may badly damage the DAP’s reputation as though DAP is using the same tactics that BN had used previously.”

    It drew parallels between Lim’s statement and the previous controversial election promises by the former prime minister.

    “If the media reports are accurate, then it is reminiscent of Najib’s infamous speech in 2010 in the Sibu and Hulu Selangor by-elections, where he said, ‘You help me, I help you’, urging the crowd to vote for the BN candidate if they want him to give allocations for a new bridge in Sibu and a new school in Hulu Selangor.

    “He was widely condemned by the then opposition for bribing the voters,” Bersih said in a statement today.

    In a rebuttal, Chan said that if Bersih had listened to the original speech, it would have realised that Lim had merely made reference to the problem of insufficient parking lots in the Duchess of Kent Hospital.

    Lim then spoke about the duty Wong has to take upon herself if she is elected as Sandakan MP.

    Lim previously pledged to address the lack of parking lots only if Wong was elected as Sandakan MP as she would be able to “remind” him to include the project in the next budget.

    “Lim then said that if Wong was elected (as Sandakan MP), then she (as MP) could raise the matter to him (as minister). If she is not elected, then she would not be able to do so (as MP). That’s it, no more, no less,” said Chan.

    Chan also made a comparison to Najib’s speech as recorded during the Sibu by-election in 2010, when Najib said, “Do we have a deal or not? We do! You want the RM5 million, I want Robert Lau to win. If Robert Lau becomes the MP, I’ll ask the cheque to be prepared.”

    “It is clear that there is a huge difference between Najib’s speech and Lim’s speech. Lim never made any offer to build the parking lot, and Lim also did not threaten to not build the parking lot,” Chan said.

    He added that an uncut and unedited recording of the entire ceramah on May 2 is available online on Wong’s Facebook page and that the public could watch again the entire speech and judge for themselves whether Lim did a ‘you help me, I help you’ speech like Najib did in the Sibu by-election in 2010.

    1. can u asked a dap chinese translator to elaborate whats he mean by "如果没有中选就没有办法啦" n tell us y a non mb can not propose to a fm? u people interpret najib talk strictly while intepret lge talk liberally.

      lge is not the first time so ask that chin dickhead stop talking kok.

    2. In order to do proper Chinese verbal translation, one has to look at the full text!

      Contextual connotation is the inherent ingredient of the logographic language like Chinese.

      In written language, a logogram or logograph is a written character that represents a word or phrase. Chinese characters (including Japanese kanji) are logograms; some Egyptian hieroglyphs and some graphemes in cuneiform script are also logograms.

      The use of logograms in writing is called logography, and a writing system that is based on logograms is called a logographic system.

      This very dissimilar to alphabets and syllabaries concepts.

      Go read Chomsky, mfer to enlighten itself lah!

      Thus TS description of lge's talk is correct.

      Whereas, due to yr pet cat mourning sickness u die2 ONLY want to 断章取义 - picking what u indent to mean & emphasize them!

      Very cheapskate lah.

    3. dun tok kok. me n u can read chinese. tell me what context issue r u talking about. i asked the same question again, y not elected then cant propose or fm cant do anything? answer that simple question, dun twist.

    4. I read & agree with TS's take. U didn't!

      So who's correct?

      U have asked for a chinese translator, fine.

      I just add the NECESSARY precondition of how to properly doing the translation.

      Chinese words/phrases r multi-tones ,& meanings. Don't u know that?

      Don't just continuing yr 断章取义 fart if u REALLY understand the speech!

      Who's twisting for a 5 sec relax of his pet cat mourning sickness?

    5. u haven't answer my question, if u cant, can we drop tis topic?

    6. I said 断章取义!

      Don't understand it's meaning?

      Then, yr level of Mandarin MUST be equivalent to those 北大外语 graduates!

    7. u sound like a politician.

    8. Showing u a mirror mah!

    9. n u need a magic one, or else u cant see a cunning sophist.

    10. Wakakakakaka…

      Cunning sophist!

      Ye, in the mould of a pet cat mourner.

      Read here:

      Socrates differed from the Sophists because he believed in looking for the absolute truth in an objective fashion, while the Sophists believed that people should make decisions based on what they felt was "true" inside of themselves.

      See the mfering truth in u now?

      Call that a Freudian slip lah!
