
Saturday, May 04, 2019

Mahathir's slap was NOT ONLY for Muhyiddin

Malaysiakini - Dr M's 'slap' for Muhyiddin leads Umno VP to surmise Bersatu in crisis (extracts):

Dr Mahathir Mohamad's announcement that Mazlan Bujang has been appointed as the new Johor Bersatu chairperson has fuelled speculation of a rift between the party's chairperson and its president, Muhyiddin Yassin, according to an Umno leader.

Mohamed Khaled Nordin described the appointment as a “tremendous slap” for Muhyiddin, which affected both his pride and leadership. [...]

The post fell vacant following Osman Sapian stepping down as menteri besar after 11 months at the helm to be replaced by Dr Shahruddin Jamal, who was sworn in on April 14.

[...] ... Mazlan is seen as a candidate from a camp which is not on the same page with the current team leading the state administration. According to him, the current team is clearly aligned to Muhyiddin.

[...] Mazlan was dropped as an exco during a reshuffle last month, which was reportedly done on the request of Johor ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, despite Mahathir and the cabinet disagreeing.

Mazlan later described the new line-up as Muhyiddin's team.

This then led to claims that Muhyiddin had given the green light to the new menteri besar to revamp the exco.

dua2 pun asam muka 

Undeniably there has been a falling-out between Mahathir and Muhyiddin, mind you, not for the first time as one may believe the above case to be.

How much their emotional chasm is will depend on what we soon see.

Poor Muhyiddin has been 'played out' by Mahathir before, but alas for Moody, his 'retirement' seems near the end.

But on a far more serious matter, the Pribumi Party is already the weakest link in Pakatan, though it dreams of and drools over the absorption of UMNO frogs like vitamins and cod liver oil to fortify its inner strength vis-a-vis the other component members of the coalition. It cannot rely solely on the personality of the Old Man himself, well, at least forever. Besides, the Old Man wants a bit more 'latitude' to eff others around, wakakaka.

Thus a divided Johor Pribumi is not only an intra-party crisis which may even see the demise of this nascent wannabe-UMNO clone but also an enervating experience for the still-wannabe UMNO-ish Imperator.

Placing Mazlan Bujang as the new Chair of Johor Pribumi Party is not only a slap in the face for Muhyiddin but also showing a 'bird' to HM Sultan as Mazlan was removed from the Johor State exco allegedly on the royal behest.

Yes, the war continues between Mahathir and Johor royals, exacerbated now by Mahathir's open 'threat' to re-possess the Bukit Chagar land, wakakaka.

Interesting times, and even more lie ahead.


  1. M & M should step down, they are old old school. Let Saddiq, Rina, Flying car minister, Cambridge USA and Maszlee take over...ha ha ha....

  2. The Royal Dentist (defanger) is coming back on duty soon.

    1. Please don’t confuse ophthalmologist with orthodontist.

  3. Let's not forget Toonsie made TWO significant appointments last week, why focus on just one? - The reaction to the appointment of a new CJ has been unanimously positive. And a further point that many may have missed....she is from Kelantan, an opposition state ruled by PAS and with a Sultan not too friendly with our PM too. Syabas Toonsie....!

    Tengku Maimun becomes first woman CJ after Agong's assent

    Toffeesturn: Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat, may God be with you in your duties as the chief justice of Malaysia. May you be guided by the highest principles that this office demands, and that you carry out your duties without fear or favour. I wish you will set the standards by which other women of Malaysia will be accorded the highest respect in this our beloved country, and that you will lead the way for higher achievements for women in this country. Possibly, the office of the prime minister will be filled by a woman one day. We will pray for you not because you are a woman, but because you hold a heavy and ever so important office - the office of justice. We also pray that during and after your tenure, every Malaysian will feel confident that he or she will receive justice from our courts, regardless of race or creed. Recreate the Palace of Justice - not the edifice, but the office. God bless you, and congratulations.

    Ocean Master: This is a proud day for women of all colour and creed in Malaysia, as well as for all Malaysians. History has been made. It is not just because of the rise of the fairer gender, but because Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad was able to move this appointment through the Conference of Rulers. This appointment of a woman as chief justice has now set a new precedent, and paves the way for the eventual appointment of women chief ministers and prime ministers in the future.
    I wish Tengku Maimun all the best in her role. Malaysians who care for our beloved nation and its future are all behind you. God bless.

    Fairview: Indeed, this appointment has far wider significance than just for the judiciary. It sends a signal that the new Malaysia will not discriminate against its citizens based on gender, as dictated by conservative religious sentiments. It encourages women to pursue whatever career they choose, and not be bound by gender prejudices and religious dogmas. It’s a great day for our womankind.

    Starwars: Tengku Maimun is one woman who is steadfast and principled in carrying out her duties. Colour, race or religion is never a consideration. Even your political leaning, whether right or left, is never a consideration. Poor or rich, you get the same kind of treatment. That is the Tengku Maimun I know as a lawyer.

    Anonymous_1545691035: Tengku Maimun, please help to clean up our judiciary and make it shine again. Get rid of those ‘hakim kangkung’ and put in place righteous judges so that we can be proud of our judiciary system once again, like how it was in the 60s and 70s. No Fear Nor Favour: Congratulations Tengku Maimun, lead the path of righteousness and re-establish the integrity of the judiciary system. May your tenure as the chief justice be a glorious one. God be with you.

    Fair Play: Mahathir, this is indeed the way forward for our country.
    The appointment was made in accordance with the constitution on the advice of the prime minister by the Agong, after consultation with the Conference of Rulers. The nation now has a long-tenure CJ who will serve for the next six plus years.

    David Dass: This is a great moment for the judiciary and for the country. There are no limits to what women can achieve. It is good that the king and the Conference of Rulers gave their royal assent to the appointment of Tengku Maimun as chief justice of Malaysia. By all accounts, she is eminently qualified for the position.

    Rupert16: An excellent decision by the Pakatan Harapan government. It’s a good time to show the bigots and misogynists in our midst that women are as capable as the men, and should not be treated like dirt. Thanks be to Allah.

  4. i think what mahathir did is the correct thing.

  5. Does it not look like most of the PBBM Ministers, MPs, MBs, excos, warlords etc are all not capable enough, weak in leadership, continuously being bashed especially from UMNO and BN and even from PH politicians? Are they really so useless or made to look weak?

    Well, there's 1 PPBM MB who is not under the spotlight from Kedah bidding his time, who when the time comes to be elevated to replace Ceasar/Emperor will look like a Godsend/the best leader by their party members and perhaps even to the PH coalition members to be a potential PM in waiting.

    Wakakakakaka Hats off to the old man for he is truly the Master of all in politiking.

  6. [ Yes,the war continues between Mahathir and Johor royals, exacerbated now by Mahathir's open 'threat' to re-possess the Bukit Chagar land, ]

    HRH Sultan Johor said he will give away (gratis) the Bukit Chagar land for the RTS project. Daulat Tuanku.

    1. Wow! Like that pun bolih ke?

      What to give away (gratis) the Bukit Chagar land WHEN he doesn't own it in the first place? (Ada payah ke?)

      Lagi how dare he set condition for the use of the land when he doesn't own it in the first place?

      Ooop… sultan johor mah!

      Tapi mana his 'absolute power' as defined under the FedConst?

      Very thick skin & egoistic!

    2. CK.. a special pantun for you;

      Makan roti jangan berlari
      Kalaulah jatuh kita yang rugi
      Bersihkan hati sucikan diri
      Sambut Ramadhan sebentar lagi

      Balas dengan pantun juga eh CK.. jangan tak balas.

    3. Pendiam membisu seribu kata
      Bising dan becok mulut si murai
      Letih dan lesu mendengar cerita
      Berkelok – belok panjang berjurai

      I must admit I didn't pen this. But the underlying meaning shoots zombified ketuanan freak like u to pieces!

      Sleep on it while thinking about how to refund the seed money of the Nons to 'nurture' moron like u!

    4. BTW, I have distinctions in Bahasa M'sia in some of the official exams, many moons ago!

      I used to read Pendita Zaaba's writings in his original texts bcoz I didn't believe in the correctness of many of the English translations!

      But, I hardly use Bahasa nowadays & many of its modern anglicized morphologies disgusted me no end!

  7. Untuk penutup bicara kita :

    Tuan beristri elok nan rupanya
    Bermandi mahligai wajah nan jelita
    Ramadhan kini berada di ufuk mata
    Mari Bersama Tingkatkan Iman dan Taqwa

    Gud nite CK..
