
Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Hamsap test urgently required for so-called parliamentarians

MM Online - Cabin crew’s outfit ‘revealing’? Then avert your eyes, minister says (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR, August 1 — Those who find the outfit of Malaysian flight attendants too revealing can just look away, Transport Minister Anthony Loke told Dewan Rakyat today.

The Seremban MP was responding to remarks by Tumpat MP Datuk Che Abdullah Mat Nawi from PAS, who said the uniforms of flight attendants of Malaysian airliners were too revealing as compared to the outfits of other international airlines.

“I don’t have a comment on this because whether it is revealing or not, then the eyes should stray away from looking at the stewardess.

“This is a subjective matter. Just don’t look at the stewardess,” said Loke.

Loke said airline companies are free to choose the uniform of their choice as long as it fulfills two criteria — the outfit is suitable to perform duties during emergency evacuations, and the decision is made by the companies to suit its corporate image.

Good on you, Minister. You correctly mentioned the most important points, that the uniform must facilitate the wearer in performing his or her cabin duties especially during mergencies.

FcK those prurient minds.

Last year, MM Online columnist Ernie Mahyuni proposed a ban on certain subjects from ever being brought up in the Dewan e.g. sitting members' menstrual cycles, Malaysia Book of Records and what our stewardesses are wearing.

It's as if she could foresee what Tumpat MP Che Abdullah Mat Nawi (PAS) would be asking in Parliament in 2018.

She said that someone (last year) was apparently calling for “shariah-compliant” uniforms for stewardesses.

Ernie reminded us that:

(1) there was no such thing as “shariah-compliant.” It is a made-up term that is nonsensical and theologically problematic.

(2) can hamsap-ness in general just be banned from the Dewan?

However, 'dirty-minded' or 'pervert' would be more correct. BTW, it's a Canto word so ask your Cantonese mates for more clarifications and examples, wakakaka.

She lamented (with appropriate editing (green highlight) by kaytee, wakakaka): Seriously-lah, if instead of work, you're fixated on what stewardesses are wearing when you're in parliament, you should be banned from airplanes. Forever.

Cabin crew are just that ― cabin crew. Poor souls who not only have to look presentable even when jetlagged and cooped up in a cramped metal bird, but have to babysit a whole plane of passengers. [...]

The nonsensical assumption that God punishes airlines who don't follow God's rules are ridiculous. Again, it's theologically problematic and unsound. Plenty of women who do not dress immodestly are raped ― as are senior citizens, children and the physically and mentally challenged.

That's enough proof that modest clothing does not deter or hinder rape. Let's not forget the high incidence of rape in Saudi where women aren't allowed to walk around uncovered in the first place.

Our politicians should be kept busy with other things instead of stewardess uniforms. If their eyes roam to improper locations, it's not the stewardesses who need to be censured.

On that note it's time society gets with the 21st century and properly educate men on the need to keep their eyes and hands to appropriate places. No touching, no looking, no unasked for wardrobe suggestions.

At this point, I think we should just come up with a hamsap test all elected reps must take before serving. Anyone who fails should not be allowed to serve, end of story.

Then maybe we'll have MPs who show up to talk about their jobs instead of air hostess' bodies.

Wakakaka, i

Some 10 years ago at an UMNO general assembly, one of UMNO aspirant-wannabes, Badruddin Amiruldin, then known as the tebuan keeper for his regular references to May 13 and warnings to non-Malays not to kacau a tebuan nest, would have failed the hamsap test badly, wakakaka.

Badruddin Amiruldin

At that (10 years ago) general assembly, Wanita Umno Kubang Kerian chief Zaleha Hussin presumably felt she needed to make some kind of impact at the gathering.

Poor dear, we all know it’s a competitive world in UMNO as the party’s pyramidal structure gets narrower and narrower as one approaches the top.

Though there were plenty of important pressing material for discussions at such forum, what with the nation still reeling from corruption, crimes and cronyism (all three ‘c’ could well be inter-related), and prices inflating like chapati's heated on pans, wakakaka, and young little girls murdered before they reached 10, Zaleha decided …….. now get this …….. to attack the uniform of AirAsia air stewardesses.

Malaysiakini reported that at the UMNO annual assembly Wanita delegate sees red over AirAsia uniform.

The women delegates to the annual general assembly of then mighty political juggernaut UMNO discussed "in depth, and with strong words" (wakakaka), the AirAsia uniform for female cabin crew as ‘embarrassing’ to women.

She gasped: “Legs, knees and thighs are exposed for all to see. This is an embarrassment to women. Something must be done.”

Sir Richard was "gorgeous", after losing a bet to Tony Fernandez, wakakaka  and nice legs too

She raised the matter during the debate on a motion on social issues and religion. And guess who was the Chairperson of the debate?

Yes, Badruddin Amiruldin. The exchange between those two mighty mickey mouse midgets went as follows:

Zaleha: The provocative uniform must be changed to something reflective of Eastern values and which complies with the values of Islam.

Badruddin: I think their skirts are too short.

Zaleha: Cloth can be bought.

Badruddin: I think they don’t have enough cloth.

I suppose one could admit the debate was 'profound' (wakakaka) ........ well, in UMNO's pathetic but pompous philosophy.

Zaleha: She [referring to her ‘embarrassed’ friend] said a flight attendant sat in front of her and she could see her legs, thighs and knees. She was so embarrassed!

Badruddin: Did she see the tunnel?

And the UMNO crowd roared with laughter and approval at that disgraceful puerile salacious remark by the Chairperson of an UMNO forum on social issues and religion.

Now you know why some UMNO blokes get away with such outrageous idiotic nonsense.

Around that time (10 years ago), UMNO MPs Mohd Said Yusof and Bung Mokhtar Radin harassed DAP MP Fong Po Kuan by uttering sexist remarks of the bocor kind in Parliament, which led me to post MP's menstruation mesmerised motherless monkeys.

Sadly, no lady MP from Barisan Nasional protested against their un-parliamentary intrusive pariah-ish comments on Fong Po Kuan's personal issue.

But when Fong, the lady directly insulted by those crude crass comments called for a motion under the Standing Order 26 (1P) to refer the two BN MPs to the Committee of Privileges, Speaker Ramli Ngah Talib (predictably) dismissed the motion.

she's bocor-ing? wow  

This was what renowned Malaysian philosopher Dodgee Dimsum (wakakaka) had to say about the DAP insensitivity for making mountains out of ‘puddles’ - read Apology - A letter to the minister.

As mentioned, menstruation is more commonly referred to as ‘monthly period’. It seems it’s governed by the lunar cycle, which may explain why it makes some UMNO MPs mad (lunatic, you know, from the word ‘lunar’) or alternatively, hamsap, wakakaka.


  1. i think the uniform is quite normal, the problem is with the stewardess. whatever they wear would make man hamsap, pas shd propose a law only those above 50 can become stewardess.

    1. Above 50 stewardess? Not a bad idea for haj and umrah flights to Mekah/Madinah.

      For other flights, apa salahnya itu skirts kasi panjang sikit la.. jangan kasi kita orang lelaki steam sangat la.. itu jer.

    2. Moron!

      For other flights, apa salahnya itu skirts kasi pendek sikit la.. kasi kita orang lelaki steam sikit la.. itu jer.

      U can have choice, so am I.

      I choose the flight with sexy looking stewardesses. U can choose a flight with above 50 stewardess!

      If u want to join my flight, then tied a knot with yr little brother before u board the plane - to control him lah!

      Simple. Betul kah?

  2. Najib also very hamsap you know. Cheebye motherfucker should write an article the origin of hamsap. I can help u

    1. Firstly, I swear I did NOT fCk your mum thus you cannot be my child

      Secondly, when you said you can help me write a post on origins of Hamsap, were you proposing to write about your hamsapness with Pauline? wakakaka

    2. First go google the origin of hamsap. You will be very surprised. Cheebye motherfucker kaytee

    3. aiyah I swear I did NOT fCk your mum thus you cannot be my child

  3. But, if PAS does not talk about sexy clothing, LGBT, khalwat, then those poor things will have nothing to talk about.

    1. Go ask john what about political adultery. Can?

  4. Actually it IS "menjolok mata" , but I have no objections...eakakakaka..

  5. If you observe carefully, those who are usually Hamsap or talk Hamsap or pretend to be Holy in critising others way of dressing, looks, female biological functions or bring up issues of female appearances are usually:

    1. (Men) - Generally are Perverts and Philanderers in disguise.

    2. (Women) - Generally Jealousy instincts because of their own inadequacies either in looks, age or restrictions in their own way of life.

    For these perverted groups Hamsap thinking, a few alternatives are offered which may solve the problem.

    1. Airlines to put on Eye blinds on them upon boarding.

    2. Stewards wear stewardess uniforms and Stewardess wear stewards uniform whenever they board a particular plane or airline.

    3. Check these perverts undergarments to ensure they are wearing one upon boarding and to ensure they are wearing tight and not loose undergarments to prevent them from having a hard-on.

    4. Airlines install special individual hanging curtains in their seats to prevent their eyes from straying.

    5. Leave them alone and No friendly chit chats or even looking in their eyes else they mistake it as flirtatious or against their beliefs.

    Anyone else wants to add for these special groups of perverted minds?

    1. Why goto that extend to please a bunch of boys!

      Yr proposal will raise the cost of the fares le.

      Simple answer - ask them to fly a halal plane to nowhere. Preferably to that 72 virgins dreamland.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. to make a credible point on a matter under hot debate, there's no necessity to abuse Malays-Mauslims with speculative-fantasized vulgarisms and insults - JJ has joined CK as the resident bigots; I hope you don't become like CK as a kiasu bullshitter

    4. Kiasu bullshitter - proofs???

      "abuse Malays-Muslims with speculative-fantasized vulgarisms and insults??"

      Bloody RD - I insult ketuanan freaks, zombies & blur-sotongs. I call a spade spade - zilch apologiasis!

      If these group of low-lifes happen to be majority melayu THEN the questions r WHY.

      I have given my logics about them, through & through. Dispute lah IF u disagreed!

      So, through yr own bigoted eyes, u r accusing me as criticise ALL melayu as such!

      Pandai sangat le, wordsmith!

      NOW, who's that kiasu bullshitter?

    5. Talam dua muka...always on the high horse of integrity, honesty, fairness, incorruptibility, bla bla bla. And what have we here...we get hundreds of articles bashing others blue black relentlessly without any remorse and have no qualms to continue on unperturbed without a single apology or acknowledgement when others had clearly pointed out so often he was barking at the wrong tree. So who is the bullshitter ? Who is the kiasu ? Such arrogance. Running down Judaism, Christianity at the drop of the hat...and not just in a paragraph or two, but run into tens of articles but cunning enough and hypocritical to steer clear of Islam. Certainly knows how to bodek kau kau, this double standard Ahney, hehe. And don't let me start again on his sickening sucking up to that Mega Thief.

      Learn to look into the mirror before you shoot crap everywhere.
