
Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Wan Azizan must resign as Minister for Women, Family & Community Development

MM Online - Insufficient evidence for Kelantan child bride case? Here’s four, say women’s groups:

A coalition of women’s groups insisted today that there are already sufficient public evidence to prosecute the 41-year-old Kelantanese man who married an 11-year-old girl, following Putrajaya’s call for deliberation.

PETALING JAYA, Aug 1 — A coalition of women’s groups insisted today that there are already sufficient public evidence to prosecute the 41-year-old Kelantanese man who married an 11-year-old girl, following Putrajaya’s call for deliberation.

Highlighting a lack of political will to take action against the man and protect the child bride, the Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) provided today four of such evidences.

“The Kelantanese man himself has publicly confessed that he had planned to marry the girl since she was seven years old. This clearly points to child sexual grooming which is an offence under the Sexual Offences Against Children Act (SOAC) 2017,” it said in a statement.

“The ‘marriage’ does not fulfil the Kelantanese Islamic Family Law Enactment 2002 Section 23 which, as required by Shariah Law. The second wife of the man has publicly shared that the man has not been able to provide for their family, and has unfairly favoured his third ‘wife’ over his previous wives.”

Moreover, JAG pointed that the marriage certificate produced by the Thai authorities have been found to be fake and the child marriages violate the Convention on the Elimination of All Form of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

“Swift action must be taken to ensure that further manipulation does not happen to validate the marriage,” it said.

JAG also urged authorities to act on the police reports already made by the second wife.

“JAG demands that due to the severity of the allegations, the 11-year-old girl must be immediately separated from the man as he poses a physical and emotional threat to her. Regardless of her nationality, we must act in the child’s best interest in all steps of this case,” it said.

The JAG is a coalition 13 women’s rights organisations in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, and Sarawak. The statement today was endorsed by eight of its members.

Yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail said the case is currently being reviewed by the Attorney General Chambers (AGC) to ensure a “water-tight case” to be a precedent, as it is a complex one involving different parties.

cowardly, irresponsible and couldn't care less about the 11 year-old girl 

Separately, MCA vice-president Datin Chew Mei Fun also pointed today out that there was enough evidence to prosecute the groom, including his own public self-confession of lusting for the girl since she was 7-years old among others.

“He was fined by the Gua Musang Lower Shariah Court for solemnising a marriage and polygamy without obtaining the court’s permission,’’ said Chew, citing further that under the Penal Code, consent by a child is not the same as consent by an adult.

Chew also pointed out that the husband did not dispute a report by the New York Times that he has “brought the child to a hill retreat for a holiday” which suggests he has cohabitated with the minor.

“How many adult males bring an 11-year-old girl alone to the hillside for a holiday when they are not related by blood at all?’’ she said.

Chew added that Dr Wan Azizah’s supposed reluctance to take action against the man could risk angering the public more.

“These hesitance to pursue the case cause unease among outraged Malaysians as to why public and child interests are not safeguarded but instead left susceptible to further child grooming and inappropriate bodily touches by perverts,’’ she said.

she must resign from the Women's Ministry for failing her job to protect lil' girls from paedophile predators
she's a useless minister 


  1. did the man break any law? if he did, y no action from police? i still dun understand what tis have to do with the woman's ministry.

    1. Yes, law broken.. sudah kena fine dah sudah dibayar.

      OK la DPM, please raise the age to 18 and move on. In addition, no more fine but jail sentence of at least one year.

    2. What a fart-ish logic (小民的智慧!!)- did the man break any law!

      Laws can be natural or man-made.

      Natural laws r solidly deterministic & unchangeable - just like many laws of science. Going against them is SIMPLY liken to trying the impossibles just to prove one's plain underdeveloped foolishness!

      Man-made laws r emotive based - usually confined within the limited understandings of the scheme of things imposed by cultures/locations/stage of mental evolution. They r changeable as human evolves in stages.

      That paedophile MIGHT not have broken any man-made laws in bolihland bcoz bolihland is been arm-twisted to accept peadophilia based on a zombieic teaching.

      He will be punished kau2 in other nations that DONT condone pedophilia!

      Why the bloody difference in such case?

      The simple answer is many of these countries agree that paedophilia is against the natural laws of a girl-child's physiological maturity & development.

      Sexual intercourses with a girl-child at such an early age is a cruel, inhumane act that's extremely traumatic to the child while the man is just simply fulfilling his devilish predatorial sexual urge of selfishness.

      While in bolihland, the archaic zombieic teaching has found new followers & been aggressively promoted to be the supreme laws, even superseding the unchanged laws of nature! This happens bcoz, most of the zombieic followers r STILL stuck under the lowest level of humanity.

      Other cultures have progressed based on new understandings learnt from all mental/physical fields. The zombies DONT! They r inward looking, like to be led - especially doctrines that catered to their level of humanistic development.

      So, that peadophile has broken ALL laws, natural &/or man-made!

      No action from the police, SIMPLY bcoz these enforcers (kak wan, too) r living in a twilight zone of unable to determine the proper legalistic actions. Their urge to uphold the natural laws is been sidetracked by their zombieic indoctrinations (a man-made fart).


  2. I think three other Ministers are responsible, not just Kak Wan.

    Minister in charge of Law, Minister in charge of Religion and Home Affairs Minister. And to a wider extent all the MPs from Kelantan, where the girl is from. After so many days Parliament 14 in session the most important issue they have brought up is stewardess' uniforms, instead of young girls getting legally raped in their home state.

  3. Wan Azizah is the DPM and also a woman.Yet,she let this disgusting forty one year old horn dog raped an eleven year old girl and no action is taken?And Wan Azizah got no guts to send this raper to the vet to be neutered and also eleven strokes of the rotan?What more of an investigation needs to be investigate?A rape is a rape.Period.

  4. Where are also the loud noises from JAKIM, Islamic NGOs, State Muftis and Religious enforcemant authorities in protecting this child who is a Moslem?

    Where are their priorities?

    Are they all also condoning Paedophilia because of religion?

    If this child dies or go Bonkers in her life due to this Paedophile having his animalistic lusts day and night on her, where is the Humanity in all these so call protectors of religion?

  5. The conundrum the authorities are faced with is for years marriages conducted by a Kadhi in Southern Thailand have been defacto recognised by local authorities.
    When they return , they have to pay a fine for unauthorised marriage not conducted on Malaysian soil, but after that is is basically a Halal marriage. There are thousands of such Muslim Husbands and Wives with such status, especially in the Northern states, but people in KL and Klang Valley go through that route as well.

    Islamic authorities are loath to simply not recognise the marriage.

    However, this case involves a minor, but it still has to be settled through law.
    I support Kak Wan when she says this has to be done properly via Rule of Law, but please, speed it up.

  6. Methinks KT Pedo man doth protest too much.

  7. Laws of Malaysia - Malaysia Child Act 2001.

    Meaning of child in need of protection and rehabilitation

    Section 38. a child is in need of protection and rehabilitation if the child— (a) is being induced to perform any sexual act, or is in any physical or social environment which may lead to the performance of such act;

    Kak Wan's Ministry already has the power to act accordingly, but the question is , they need to be doubly sure all the legal requirements are in place.
