Sunday, May 19, 2024

RM1.2mil in diesel smuggled across border in Bukit Kayu Hitam daily


RM1.2mil in diesel

smuggled across border in

Bukit Kayu Hitam daily

FMT Reporters-

JPJ deputy director-general (planning and operation) Aedy Fadly Ramli says this came to light after an operation at the border checkpoint.

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JPJ deputy director-general (planning and operation) Aedy Fadly Ramli inspecting the fuel tank of a lorry that had been modified to smuggle diesel out of Bukit Kayu Hitam. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: An estimated RM1.2 million worth of subsidised diesel is being smuggled daily using foreign vehicles across the border in Bukit Kayu Hitam, Kedah.

Road transport department (JPJ) deputy director-general (planning and operation) Aedy Fadly Ramli said they detected this after confiscating 18 types of vehicles under Ops Tangki, held from Wednesday until today, Bernama reported.

He said the operation was carried out in the Kuala Muda and Kota Setar districts and at the customs, quarantine and security (ICQS) complex in Bukit Kayu Hitam.

Aedy Fadly said the total leakage of RM1.2 million was detected over the five days of the operation.

Diesel was smuggled out using vehicles like pick-up trucks and lorries that had been modified to fit an additional tank.

“During the operation, we discovered that most foreign vehicles had fuel tanks that had been modified to smuggle diesel into neighbouring countries.

“These smugglers make almost five trips a day, entering and exiting the country to carry out their illegal activities.

“This is only in Bukit Kayu Hitam, it does not include other places (along the Thai border),” he told reporters at the ICQS here today.

Aedy Fadly said since this amount was quite high, JPJ will step up its operation to identify such vehicles to prevent the country from suffering more losses.

He said other people using private vehicles bearing the registration numbers of neighbouring countries were also believed to be involved in the smuggling activities.

“Starting this week, we will hold nationwide operations.

“We have received instructions from the highest level of the transport ministry to carry out the operation to curb cases involving the smuggling of subsidised diesel,” he said.

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