Sunday, May 19, 2024

Helicopter carrying Iran’s president suffers ‘hard landing’



Helicopter carrying Iran’s president suffers ‘hard landing’: State TV

Iranian state media say search operations are under way after incident near Jolfa in Iran’s East Azerbaijan province.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi speaks during a television interview, in Tehran, Iran, on May 7 [Handout: Presidential Administration of Iran via Reuters]

A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has suffered a “hard landing”, state television reported, saying more details will follow soon as search operations are under way for the helicopter.

Iranian state media said the incident occurred on Sunday near Jolfa in Iran’s East Azerbaijan province.

end of list

A day earlier, Raisi was in neighbouring Azerbaijan to inaugurate a dam alongside President Ilham Aliyev.

State-linked media said three helicopters were in the convoy, and the two others made it back safely.

Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Ale-Hashem, the representative of the Iranian supreme leader to the province, are believed to have been in the same helicopter as Raisi.

Energy Minister Ali Akbar Mehrabian and Housing and Transportation Minister Mehrdad Bazrpash were in the other helicopters that made it back safely.

Iran's Ebrahim Raisi and Azerbaijan's President
Raisi (left) and Azerbaijan’s Aliyev visit the Qiz-Qalasi dam on the Azerbaijan-Iran border, May 19 [Iran’s Presidency/WANA/Handout via Reuters]

People who were with the president inside the helicopter managed to make an emergency call, according to the semiofficial Tasnim News Agency.

Tasnim reported that the call increased hopes that the incident can be concluded “without fatalities”.

Rescue teams dispatched

Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi told state television that various rescue teams were trying to reach the location of the incident, but it might take some time due to fog and bad weather conditions.

He confirmed that radio contact was made with the helicopter, but offered no further details, and suggested communication lines have been cut.

Government news website IRNA said the president’s helicopter is believed to have crashed in the Dizmar Protected Area, a forested and mountainous zone.

There is no confirmation on what type of helicopter was carrying the president and his team.

Iran operates a variety of helicopters, but decades of sanctions have made it difficult to purchase new aircraft or obtain parts.

Many of the military aircraft currently in service in Iran date back to before the country’s 1979 revolution.

Reporting from the Iranian capital, Tehran, on Sunday, Al Jazeera’s Resul Serdar said “the helicopters, the planes, that are used in Iran are quite outdated”.

“That’s why such accidents are quite frequent in Iran,” he explained.

Serdar added that it could take hours for the rescue teams to reach the site of the crash.




    When you say there is no evidence of foul play before there is any evidence at all you obviously know there is evidence of foul play.

    No evidence of 'foul play' at root of helicopter crash, says Sen. Schumer

    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., says intelligence authorities have informed him that there is "no evidence of foul play" in the helicopter crash.

    "It was very bad, foggy weather, northwest Iran where the copter crashed. So it looks like an accident, but it’s still being fully investigated," Schumer said. "There’s an ongoing effort to locate the helicopter. They still haven’t done that, and I’ll keep monitoring the situation as it unfolds.”

    Schumer made the remark at an unrelated news conference in Manhattan today, just as Iranian state media reported that crews believe they have found the site of the crash.

    1. wouldn't surprise me if Israel's hands/insistence was at the back of it

    2. No one wants a WWI-style conflagration. There are cooler heads now at certain key centres of power, despite the rhetoric. But, the opinion of the poster is noted as a precaution against the crazies bend on setting the whole barn on fire.


      I see many Americans celebrating Raisi’s death.

      Before you celebrate, consider the potential global implications.

      If this was NOT an accident, this could be an Archduke Ferdinand-type moment and the entire world would be in serious danger.

      Let’s hope it was just an accident.

    3. There are ways to sort things out, apart from using a sledgehammer to squash a gnat.

      We'll find out if there's a pile of powder kegs lying about, or just a one off.

      Any chance Madani's Admin were also given notice via awaken sleepers?


      ❗️Tsargrad: The assassination was “organized at the highest level.” An “excruciating death” is a signal to Russia and China. “They are killing everyone who supports Russia and China.” — sources

      It is reported that local authorities promptly sent 8 ambulances to the site of the alleged crash. Earlier, the IRIB TV channel reported that the situation is seriously complicated by weather conditions, which prevents rescuers from reaching the scene of the incident, said Tsargrad columnist Ilya Golovnev.

      According to the latest information, the location of the helicopter of Iranian President Raisi was found, rescuers are approaching the scene. This is reported by Press TV.

      Immediately after the incident, Israel was quick to deny its participation in the crash of the helicopter, on board which was Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and the head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry. Earlier in the Arab media, there was a version that the crash of the helicopter was an attempted assassination of Raisi, carried out as a result of sabotage by Israeli security services in collusion with Azerbaijan, with whose leader the Iranian leader had met not long before the crash.

      Azerbaijan is a latent ally of Israel. If it turns out that Raisi was killed, all this will end in a big Transcaucasian war,


    4. ~~~~~

      It has been finally confirmed that the President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, and the people onboard with him have been killed in a helicopter crash.

      Out of the three helicopters that were in flight, the one with the Iranian president was the only one that crashed.

      This news will drastically change the geopolitical landscape of the world as we know it.

      Who was on the helicopter?



      The President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi has been missing for 12 hours now with mixed news of his whereabouts.

      Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud will be
      treated for lung inflammation.

      What are the odds that two leaders of the Islamic world end up in bad situations?

    6. Wankee satellites, the best in the world, watch Iran day and night.
      If there had been a mid-air explosion, they would have seem it.

    7. leave it ALWAYS to the Shylocks & its Macai the wankees to fkc things up

  2. Israeli officials announced the names of the hard landed helicopter EVEN before the Iranian official newscast!

    Hope the Ayatollahs could hold their anger before initiating the sparks of the S3.

  3. How long will any SWZJAmerisol footsoldier holdout after the wipeout take place? Who will be the commanding officer to relieve them of their fighting duty? ;-)

  4. Just to has been warned that things will get dicey, scary, bewildering, before it gets better. Still don't know what exactly will happen, but some had already happened, is happening, and the worst to come uncertain but been speculated for quite awhile now. Everywhere will have some degree of uncertainty that some do suggest that the only certainty will be spiritual, although even that will be be no help. We will find out.

    One key date is Nov 5, 2024. Others include Summer of 2024, Sept, Oct 2024. Even up to 2025.

    Trump did boasted that when he is back in office, he end the Ukrainian madness in 24 hours. I believe Middle east and with China over Taiwan, South China Sea, and NK.

    There is still food shortage, seizure of money and bank account. Speaking of which, checkout this bit of odd viral item,

    ⚠️ALERT: UniSuper, an Australian pension fund that manages $135 billion worth of funds and has 647,000 members, had its entire account WIPED OUT at Google Cloud, including all its backups that were stored on the service.

    As the anons would say, stay frosty. How I wish to...all the best in keeping up with the news.

    Just like in SG, KKM is in the news today about covid cases and face diaper and what not. Pure pantomine to setup narrative for lockdown in the US election. Mind you, PPIM is pretty livid that DrZul of KKM planning to sign the WHO IHR despite many standing up against it, including Slovenia Fico, who took a bullet for that stance.

    Merdeka kah Malaysia?


      🛑 Conspiracy or theory? Fico was critical of the WHO/WEF monopoly and would not sign Slovakia up to 2 treaties at the upcoming #WorldHealthAssembly77. At the WHO, Iran (diplomatically) rejected 2022 amendments to the IHR 2005. Food for thought at very least…

    2. Will not let up on this toad.

      Big security around Tedros' visit to Killarney, but never underestimate the Irish protester. On a boat outside the Europe Hotel in Killarney, giving Tedros a piece of our mind on the upcoming WHO treaty which is a direct attack against Irish national sovereignty.
      These international treaties, which our government repeatedly uses as an excuse for its own inaction, are never properly vetted either by the Dáil or the European parliament. This process must be stopped if democracy in Europe is to survive. Tedros is a creature of globalism and of the Chinese communist party. He is not welcome in Ireland.

    3. Very easy to find official info and supporting documents, if rajin to search out verification data. For now, this suffice.


      Alert: Tedros Adhanom: WHO chief may face genocide charges

      Former Terrorist Dr Tedros who is not a medical doctor but is a former member of the Tigray Peoples liberation front-a highly violet terrorist organisation and on the proscribed list of banned terror organisations in the US is still under threat of genocide charges.

      The puppet who fronts Bill Gates and his dodgy ideologies through the WHO is also accused of corruption with the Chinese Communist Party and has been accused of sexual deviancy.

      So just why did they think this man should have access to our medical data?

      Well Bill Gates has a lot of money and the politicians in our respective countries just love Bill Gates money.

      An American economist nominated for the Nobel peace prize has called for the head of the World Health Organisation to be prosecuted for genocide over his alleged involvement in directing Ethiopia’s security forces.

      David Steinman accused Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, 55, who took over at the WHO three years ago, of being one of three officials in control of the Ethiopian security services from 2013 to 2015.

      Dr Tedros was the country’s health minister from 2005 to 2012 and its foreign minister until 2016, when his Tigray People’s Liberation Front party was the main member of the ruling coalition.

      Mr Steinman, an economist and campaigner nominated for the peace prize last year, lodged the complaint at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

      He claimed that Dr Tedros “was a crucial decision maker in relation to security service actions that included killing, arbitrarily detaining and torturing Ethiopians”.

      Dr Tedros has risen to international prominence as the leader of the UN’s health body during the coronavirus pandemic. He is the organisation’s first leader without medical qualifications.

      The complaint to prosecutors at the ICC comes after General Berhanu Jula, Ethiopia’s army chief of staff, called last month for the WHO leader to resign. He accused him of trying to procure weapons for the Tigray region, where the Ethiopian army is fighting local forces.

      In his complaint, Mr Steinman pointed to a 2016 US government report on human rights in Ethiopia that found the “civilian authorities at times did not maintain control over the security forces, and local police in rural areas and local militias sometimes acted independently”.

      Mr Steinman added that the US report cited “other documented crimes”. He accused Dr Tedros of being involved in the “intimidation of opposition candidates and supporters”, including “arbitrary arrest . . . and lengthy pre-trial detention”.

      The complaint also alleged that Dr Tedros oversaw the “killing, and causing serious bodily and mental harm to, members of the Amhara, Konso, Oromo and Somali tribes with intent to destroy those tribes in whole or in part”.

      Mr Steinman claimed that during the four years Dr Tedros “co-led” Ethiopia’s government, the regime “was marked by widespread or systematic crimes against humanity by subordinates”. His complaint can proceed only if it is adopted by prosecutors at The Hague court, which is independent of the UN. If they do, it would be the first prosecution of a senior UN figure.

      Mr Steinman, a former consultant to the US National Security Council, was a senior foreign adviser to Ethiopia’s democracy movement for 27 years until its victory in 2018 under Abiy Ahmed Ali, the current prime minister.

      Dr Tedros has denied the allegations and any wrongdoing. He issued a statement last month regarding the current situation in Tigray. “There have been reports suggesting I am taking sides in this situation,” he said. “This is not true and I want to say that I am on only one side and that is the side of peace.”…

    4. As a Christian, God is in control. As a human being, it is awesome and majestic.

      I will always glance around, up and down, with curiosity, my surrounding. Whether to see huge trails, criss-crossing the sky, morning, afternoon and even the night sky, or a squerill prancing about the branches, or a vehicle maybe coming fast from behind...

      As Suspicious 0bserver, the youtuber, would declared, no fear...


      What Just Happened On Our Earth!!! May 2024.

    5. ~~~~~

      I'm just gonna say it. Things are likely going to get rough over the next few months. There is desperation to stop Trump, start a large-scale war, roll out a new pandemic with another round of depopulationist kill shots, establish 15-minute city control zones, replace the natural food supply with lab-grown bug jerky and a host of other nefarious plans that lead to a comprehensive technocratic global dictatorship.

      The frustration on the part of the turd twisters is palpable. There is no hiding in the shadows anymore. Every single thing they try is quickly exposed and shouted down by truth tellers who come at them from a million angles.

      The globalists will fail. With all of their power they lack the one thing necessary to finsish the job. They do not have the power to shut us up.

      They will continue to lash out with what power they have left.

      Buckle up.

    6. ~~~~~…

      Exclusive Breaking News: A Top Secret meeting in Ireland by the Globalists has been infiltrated by Irish Patriots.

      A Top Secret meeting in Ireland by the Globalists has been infiltrated by Irish Patriots who are gathering there.

      Tedros and other senior globalists as well as Irish traitors in the Irish government are all reported to be taking part.

      This recording and interview has been kept back until today so the globalist collaborators don't know whats being planned.

      The Globalists just don't know that there are a lot of Irish Patriots there.

      Join me as I discuss this and a lot more with Irish Freedom Fighter Ivor Cummins.

      Are the globalists massing huge numbers of illegal migrants in our respective countries as part of an invading UN army to be used to enforce globalist policies and orders?

      Are Illegal migrants to be given uniforms and powers to subjugate people in the UK, Ireland, Canada, The United States, Australia and New Zealand as well as countries within Europe?

      The World Health Organisation is a font organisation for Bill Gates who funds it by 86%.

      "Puppeticians" are bought and paid for.

      "Ireland is a vassal state of Big Pharma"

      Northern Irish Police who pledge allegiance to the British King are now rumoured to be policing southern Irish people.

      Illegal migrants are being recruited by the Irish Government to control the native Irish people.

      The Irish lying main stream media in Ireland are completely complicit and controlled by the globalists.

      Globalists are the enemies of Humanity.

      Will the globalists use H5N1 to enforce another pandemic and lockdown?
      @FatEmperor @RealEddieHobbs #IrelandBelongsToTheIrish #GlobalResistance

  5. ~~~~~

    🚨🇮🇷🇺🇸 A United States Air Force C-17 landed in Baku, Azerbaijan for the first time in over a year.

    Very suspect timing after the crash of Iranian President Raisi’s helicopter which had just left Azerbaijan.

  6. ~~~~~

    This is crazy!. I have locals close to Iran saying they can NOT access weather data for the 19th. ALSO Accuweather has NO DATA for Iran for the 19th as well. What Is going on here??
    Thank you @AvionLukas

    🚨You won't BELIEVE This!🚨
    🤯It seems that Iran OR a Large portion of the Middle East has REMOVED the entire day of May 19th from weather charts!
    Is this to stop people from seeing the details about WHAT caused the Fog that locals said
    "came out of nowhere" ??
    This led to the helicopter crash of Irans’s president: Ibrahim Raisi
    👉Why are they hiding the Satellite data?
    👉Was this weather created?
    ALSO Attached is likely the Video of the Crash site itself!
    #iran #president #helicopter #fog

  7. In case you're interested to check things out for yourself. Yes, I did watch a video clip of Trump saying those words probably yesterday.

    Even if you don't fancy him, good to know what those who support him are saying.


    "You know there is a genius to what I'm doing. You do know that? I go from here to there, and it all comes back into a beautiful picture."

    Donald Trump isn't joking when he tells you there's a genius to what he's doing, and he's getting much more overt about it with recent Narrative Deployments.

    This quote in particular (from his recent NRA speech) struck me, as it recalls my deep dive on the power and, yes, the genius of the 'Trump Aside,' which I explored in 'The Master' series.

    Consider checking out this ongoing exploration of Donald Trump’s mastery of Narrative Warfare, his Narrative Fighting Style and his importance to the Sovereign Alliance in this Fifth-Generation War against the Globalist Deep State.

    We're in a War of Stories, and as it turns out, we have better writers.
