
Friday, May 01, 2020

Racist, Evil and Double Headed Hypocrite

Extracts from MM Online's Dr M: Stop trading with Myanmar over Rohingya abuse:

Image of joker above borrowed  from Magick River

On his blog, Dr Mahathir also called for a rejection of trade with Myanmar over its cruelty towards its Rohingya community.

“We should rightfully condemn Myanmar and Aung San Suu Kyi over their cruelty, and act by rejecting trade with them,” he wrote.

However, the Langkawi MP decried the recent move by the Royal Malaysian Navy to repel a boat ferrying about 200 Rohingya refugees as inhumane. [...]

Dr Mahathir also spoke about the hatred of the Malays towards the Rohingya though they were initially sympathetic.

“Last time, they hated the refugees from Vietnam. In the beginning, the Malays pitied the Rohingyas and the Rohingyas chose to come to Malaysia because of our sympathy.


KT notes: 

Mahathir has the brazen shameless cheek to say: "Last time the Malays hated the refugees from Vietnam?"

Guess why?

For the answer, please read my Sept 2019 post
Mahathir ordered Viet boat people be shot but now wants Rohingyas be saved in which I penned (ex

It infuriates, disgusts and nauseates me kaukau to hear this Hypocrite sprout 101% pure grade bullshit.

Mahathir should be the last man on Earth to speak on behalf of the Rohingyas.

Back in June 1979, Mahathir, then as DPM Malaysia, was reported as having sent back to sea about 500 Vietnamese boat people (refugees) who fled a new communist regime in South Vietnam and who landed on the eastern coast of peninsular Malaysia.

There were other reports which said as many as 2,500 refugees had been forced by an extremely hostile DPM to leave Malaysia's shores after having brave the perilous sea journey (of storms and pirates) in leaky boats across the South China Sea to Malaysia.

His notoriety became world-infamous when he declared Malaysia would tow all the Vietnamese boat people from the shores of peninsular Malaysia out to sea again.

New York Times reported:

Mahathir was also said to have asserted that orders would be given to shoot on sight any refugees trying to land on Malaysian shores. The remarks were attributed to the Deputy Prime Minister by reporters who interviewed him as he left a meeting of civil servants.


“But when the numbers are just too many, and there are some things which these refugees did which hurt the feelings of the Malays, then the sympathy turned into hate,” Dr Mahathir claimed.


kt notes (continue): To this Hypocrite, only the Malays have feelings - it seems no one else does, and that was how he had treated the Chinese Malaysians, Indian Malaysians and other non-Malay Malaysians.

Additionally, he provoked India on the Kashmiri issue, just to show Muslims in Malaysia he is an Islamic Warrior by siding Islamic Pakistan, when the Truth has been that he riled India just to gain brownie points for his own domestic political support - in other words, he jeopardised Malaysia's friendly relationship and trade with India for his own selfish benefits.

And now he wants to mess up Malaysia's relationship with Myanmar when the only way to resolve the Rohingya problem (for us Malaysians) is to continue having good relationship with Myanmar and her military leaders, and to persuade/convince them to retain the Rohingyas in Myanmar.

Indeed, as I had written:

Mahathir has eff-ed up several UN-sanctioned/approved refugees by extraditing them back to the hungry angry waiting arms of the police of their respective homelands - for more, see Shame on thick skin Mahathir (and thus Malaysia).

Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch, stated of his on-off behaviour in extraditing Praphan Pipithnamporn, an already UNHCR-recognised asylum seeker, back to Thailand to face (no escape from) the country's draconian lèse-majesté laws for peaceful anti-monarchy activity during the birthday memorial for the late King Rama IX:

Praphan Pipithnamporn 

“Malaysia’s flouting of international law has placed a Thai activist at grave risk of arbitrary detention and an unjust prosecution in Thailand. Malaysian authorities have an obligation to protect asylum seekers like Praphan from being forcibly returned to the risk of being persecuted for their peaceful political views.”

Remember also the Egyptians and Turks (Arif Komis and his family) extradited by Mahathir? And you know what Mahathir said on Arif Komis and his family?

Mahathir said Malaysia was not aware of any risks faced by Komis or his family on their return.

“I don’t know about torture in Turkey. Are we going to accuse Turkey of torture? Do you have proof?” Mahathir said.

“He has a passport of Turkey, so you go back to Turkey.”

And pray tell me what he said of sending Zakir Naik back to India to face charges on alleged money laundering?

When asked about Zakir Naik on 10 June, the eff-ing kerbau-ing Hypocrite was reported as saying:

"Zakir in general feels that he is not going to get a fair trial (in India)."

In bizarre contrast to Praphan Pipithnamporn and Arif Komis, he refused to extradite an Indian national, Zakir Naik, who is wanted by Indian authorities for alleged criminal activities, even to the extent of insulting India's legislation, courts and PM - officials of a friendly fellow Commonwealth nation.

No one can beat Mahathir in sheer hypocrisy, thick skin, bullshit, evil and wickedness.

And in Malaysiakini's 
Rohingya issue: Response to Thayaparan by Manjit Bhatia, I have extracted the following for your perusal:

Don’t forget 1979. Mahathir then was deputy prime minister. He’d advocated, and said as much, that the thousands of Vietnamese refugees who’d fled the Vietnam war, who’d the great misfortune of landing in Malaysia, would be forced back on their unseaworthy boats and dragged out to sea. This is the very callous, cowardly, person Malaysians think should be hailed an “international statesman”.

There was no such ill-treatment of Bosnian Muslim refugees escaping the collapse of the old Yugoslavia and the bloody war with Serbia. Or of Palestinians escaping Israel’s military occupation of the Palestinian West Bank and the Golan Heights in Syria. Bosnian refugees were welcomed with open arms, embraced as citizens overnight, and given immediate bumiputera rights.

The Palestinian were visited by a special Malaysia aid boat – aid that Malaysia would not remotely consider giving African states or the persecuted Tamils in Sri Lanka or the East Timorese at the hands of marauding Indonesian troops of the dictator General Suharto. Because they’re not Muslims.

Worse, as mentioned, the shameless hypocritical Racist is now proposing to eff us up with Myanmar as he did with India, and various other countries like Sing, China, Australia, USA, Britain, etc, all for his personal political agenda.


  1. Isn't there a heavy kau-kau dose of hypocrisy among critics of the Rohingyas, including Ah Mok ?

    Mahathir was rightly excoriated for his actions 40 years ago , pushing Vietnamese boats back to sea.

    When the Malaysian Navy pushed Rohingya boats back to sea just a couple of weeks ago, it was met with silence, no comment, even support in some cases.

    Hypocrisy !

    Perhaps it is only selectively worth making a fuss , for similar actions ?

    1. did RMN say it would shoot the refugees, as Mahathir did?

    2. There is no evidence any Vietnamese boat people were shot by Malaysian authorities. The rest is noise from Mahathir.
      As to actual actions. There is no difference between what Malaysia did 40 years ago (rightly condemned) and what Malaysia did 2 weeks ago ( silence , even praise).

      Hypocrite !

    3. you're splitting hairs to disguise an internationally known fact away from your political proclivity - whether any refugee was shot or not does not hide Mahathir's evil instruction - don't suck up to him so much

    4. Talk about brain death...

      The difference between whether any people were actually shot or NONE is considered splitting hairs ?

      I call that bull shit.

      The last time I checked, only real bullets actually kill, not words.

    5. wasn't your indirect defence of Maddy splitting hairs? Did I say shooting refugees was/is OK?

  2. Mahathir was not in the cabinet back then. His words were merely noise coming from his mouth. Why didn't the Vietnamese boat people (who were ethnic Chinese) steer their boats to Canton instead? They were merely troublemakers by sneering at their motherland.

    1. Mahathir was the DPM (to PM Hussein Onn) - New York Times reported:

      Mahathir was also said to have asserted that orders would be given to shoot on sight any refugees trying to land on Malaysian shores. The remarks were attributed to the Deputy Prime Minister by reporters who interviewed him as he left a meeting of civil servants.

      The Viet refugees were mainly from the South, the side that had the losing Americans and losing South Vietnamese Military. How the hell were they going to sail up north to China in their wooden boats? There were only two ways to get out of Vietnam - SW to Malaysia or E or SE to Philippines (Thai land was out as the Thai pirates were capturing, killing or selling them (the women) off as slaves

    2. This ketuanan freak is the best representative of its kind!

      Blurred, coupled with superiority complex cocooned by a fake faith.
