
Friday, May 01, 2020

Pakatan Harapan - once bitten, asking for that again


Harapan willing to welcome you back, says Salahuddin to Johor Bersatu

In the midst of escalating tensions among Johor Perikatan Nasional leaders, Amanah deputy president Salahuddin Ayub has told Johor Bersatu that Pakatan Harapan is willing to welcome them back.

Employing poetic language, Salahuddin (above) said that the path of truth and dignity was not too far behind Bersatu which abandoned its Harapan allies to strike up a new partnership with PAS and Umno in the PN government.

He reminded them that it was Harapan who had won the mandate from the people at the last general election.

"Our Harapan leadership is ready to welcome you all back into its big family," he said in a statement last night.

Salahuddin was reacting to the ongoing feud between Umno and Bersatu in Johor, which is fueled by dissatisfaction over political appointments in government agencies.

Johor Bersatu has been complaining that political appointments, including to state GLCs, were not done in an equitable manner and accused Umno of sidelining it.

A high-ranking Johor Umno source warned that these tensions could lead to snap polls
in the southern state

I've no doubt Salahuddin Ayub speaks for Amanah when he said to Parti PRIBUMI, at least those in Johor, "Our Harapan leadership is ready to welcome you all back into its big family", because I have read a couple of Khalid Samad's excuses for the treacherous Old Man, yes, but with much disgust.

As a very small upstart party which splintered from PAS, it's undeniably understandable Amanah loves to be back in ruling power, though thus far Khalid Samad and Salahuddin have been the only two who spoke up coo-ingly to the deserter Parti PRIBUMI. Mat Sabu continues to be his cool calm blasé self, wakakaka. But still ........

have no doubt too that KHAT eSS (and Chye-Chye & inner coterie who will follow Papa kuai-kuai) is another who loves to have that treacherous wicked Old Man back, notwithstanding the latter's deceitful dirty duplicitous and double-crossing demonstration of his endless set of schemes.

In fact KHAT eSS should have resigned by now if he had kept his promised to do so if the Old Renegade did not hand over the PM position held by PH to Anwar Ibrahim, but alas, KHAT is KHAT, a two-faced slimy slug (recall him backing out of a debate with tail behind his rear legs, a debate he had proposed in the first place).

Finally, I can only conclude Salahuddin in speaking on behalf of PH, implies that the PH is keen on having a venomous vicious vile snake back in their embrace, even if they were torn between lust for power and fearful disgust of Mahathir and his Parti PRIBUMI.

Probably the only one leery of a 95-year old evil black-hearted man is Anwar Ibrahim (and family), but he might have been subjected to immense coalition pressure to regroup again with a re-bouncing Parti PRIBUMI in order to regain ruling power.

But fear, disgust and wariness be danged, power is what most of the Harapan leaders desire, nay, lust for. Thus we hear Salahuddin shamelessly coo-ing seductively and pleadingly to Atuk and party to 'come home'.

But what about the most treacherous one of all, Azmin Ali and his Dwarfs, Menteri Telly Tubby inclusive? They are now part of Parti PRIBUMI. Can Anwar, even under pressure from his Harapan colleagues, countenance the Sembu---nyi-ing bum boy?


  1. Wakakakaka...

    Haven't you ever heard of To Forgive is Divine ?
    And I'm supposed to be the nasty one.

  2. I need to correct KT again; he is always blinded by hatred for LKS.

    LKS challenged Mohamad Hassan to a bet. It was NOT accepted by Mohamad, the coward. And even if Mohamad had won the bet (which he didn't), it isn't GE15 yet, so what is KT kerbau-ing about?

    Below is LKS's VERBATIM challenge.

    If Mahathir does not pass the Prime Minister’s post to Anwar and instead dissolve Parliament to call for early 15th General Elections, I will retire from politics and will not contest in the 15th General Election.

    If Mahathir keeps to his word and passes the Prime Minister’s post to Anwar, then Mohamad will withdraw from politics and will not contest in the 15th General Election.

    Let us give Mohamad two days to decide whether to accept this wager with me.
