
Friday, May 01, 2020

Trump setting up excuse for his coming loss in US presidential election


Don’t drag China into US election politics, says Beijing

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang reiterates that China was a victim of the epidemic

AP pic

BEIJING: China has no interest in interfering in the U.S. presidential election, it said on Thursday, after US President Donald Trump said he believed Beijing would try to make him lose his re-election bid in November.

“The US presidential election is an internal affair, we have no interest in interfering in it,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told reporters during a daily briefing.

“We hope the people of the US will not drag China into its election politics.”

In an interview for Reuters on Wednesday Trump said “China will do anything they can to have me lose this race”, adding that he believed Beijing wants his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, to win the election to ease the pressure Trump has placed on China over trade and other issues.

Trump also said during the interview he was looking at different options in terms of consequences for Beijing over the coronavirus pandemic.

He and other top officials have blamed China for Covid-19, the respiratory disease caused by the new coronavirus. It has infected more than 1 million Americans and has thrown the US economy into a deep recession.

“There are many things I can do,” Trump told Reuters. “We’re looking for what happened.”

Geng reiterated during Thursday’s briefing that China was a victim of the epidemic and not its accomplice, adding that attempts by “certain politicans” to shift the blame away from their poor handling of the outbreak to Beijing would only “expose the problems of the US itself”.

“The US should know this: the enemy is the virus, not China,” he said.


  1. This is the same guy who basically said the CCP virus came from California bats ?

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Just proved that u ONLY read trash!


    2. diff but more or less same shit.

      tis geng sucker play a defensive role, give all sort of grandma excuse y ccp did tis n tat, similar to our chinese characteristics sucker here wakaka.

      the other zhao sucker play a offensive role, twit twat here n there 5 army, mother of 2 a 0 patient n of course california bat. typical jerkx2 wakaka.

    3. Not only reading and swallowed whole the US BULLSHIT propaganda trash, but gone batty with implacable hatred towards China....very typical of most of the still-colonized mentality who gave unstinted admiration to their angmoh sai masters, hehehe.

  2. ccp drag usa into virus origin excuse,trump drag ccp china into his re-election, 2x5. we would know who become usa president in the next 1 year, but who knows whether is yunnan bat or california bat that spread wuhan virus to the world?

    1. Mfer, DON'T keep showing yr 台毒 farts lah!

      Coronavirus needs intermediary to transmit to human le!

      Ooop…… maybe transmit from some wild life concoction from that 台北华西街夜市 to those western minions & subsequently passed on to Wuhan.

    2. Bat lover still going batshit crazy....hehehe
