Friday, March 06, 2020

The 'kerbau' of Azmin Ali's macai

MM Online:

Azmin's adviser Khalid Jaafar claims DAP a disloyal ally and Pakatan's weak link


Khalid labelled DAP as Pakatan's 'Achilles heel'. ― Picture by Yusof Mat Isa 

KUALA LUMPUR, March 6 — PKR leader Khalid Jaafar has accused DAP of being disloyal and blamed the party for the turmoil within Pakatan Harapan, even as detractors blame the coalition’s short rule on Datuk Seri Azmin Ali’s defection.

Khalid, a close confidant of the former PKR deputy president, said in a column on Sinar Harian published today that PH’s predominantly Chinese component member is the bloc’s “Achilles heel” because some of its leaders have been openly critical of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Khalid also claimed that DAP secretly detests the coalition’s dominant Malay leadership and had schemed to erase PAS’ influence in Pakatan Rakyat, the bloc that predates PH, and rule through proxy.

“It is quite clear that the DAP is PH’s Achilles heel,” he wrote.

“They know their secretary-general can never become prime minister so they positioned themselves as the kingmaker and place someone like Tony Pua as the grey eminence — the man who dictates the nation’s financial and economic direction from behind the curtains.”

Pua, MP for Damansara, is the political secretary of the most recent finance minister, Lim Guan Eng, and was seen as the brain behind many of MoF’s policies.

Khalid also suggested the DAP has a hold on PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who was pitted against Azmin because the latter had purportedly worked to curb the DAP’s “monopoly” on Chinese support by promoting PKR’s own lineup of Chinese leadership.

This eventually sowed the seed of animosity between Anwar and Azmin, he alleged.

“Anwar will always defend DAP and call its critics racists,” Khalid wrote.

“In fact during negotiations for seats he put DAP first above his own party. DAP did not want any Chinese leaders in PKR to emerge as challengers to DAP’s dominance among the Chinese communities.

“Remember what happened to Datuk Seri Chua Jui Meng? This was among the reason that started the friction between Azmin and Anwar.”

Chua, a former federal minister, quit MCA to join PKR in 2009. The former Bakri MP’s defection prompted pundits to tout him as a promising prospect for the party.

But Chua somehow faded from the political scene following his defeat at the 13th general election.

In today’s column, Khalid alleged that DAP and PKR had forced Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s resignation by pressuring him to outline a timeframe to resign.

Azmin has claimed that the pressure prompted his faction to switch allegiance in a supposed attempt to block a plot to unseat Dr Mahathir. But the former PKR number two eventually threw his support behind Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who was appointed as Dr Mahathir’s successor amid controversy.

All of you, dear readers of mine, know that I had long (around 2016) lost my affection for the DAP, specifically against Lim Kit Siang who I deem as a mischievous mafulat-ish Machiavellian traitor to the cause of the "original" DAP for consorting obscenely with his once arch-enemy Mahathir, yes, all for a chance to gain power through majority rule.

However, I have to say this bloke Khalid Jaafar, so-called adviser to Azmin Ali, has been tokking kok re above.

For a start, this clown has been badmouthing Anwar for a long while (since July 2019 or maybe even earlier), citing the allegation that Anwar was shagging a 'China Doll' sex worker, and even describing biadab-ishly in an analogy that Anwar in a game of snakes and ladders, just at the last point before the end of the game, was swallowed by a 'snake'.

Khalid said (Facebook post): “So he falls back to the starting line. Age has caught up, the journey back (to the top) is far. It is best for Anwar to retire from politics”.

And what did he say about Mahathir at 95?

All the acts of mischievous insubordination to the PKR Party President were done way way long before the recent treacherous events by the Dwarfs, and we do know that Azmin, a very ambitious man, has been quietly undermining Anwar for a long long while (since or before the Kajang Satay days) and cosy-ing up to Uncle Maddy (besides his PAS and UMNO mateys).

Now Azmin's macai Khalid wants to exonerate the GREATEST TRAITOR in Malaysian politics by shifting the blame over to the DAP side of the court. It's a favourite tactic of ultras like him who see bashing DAP would be favourably accepted as bashing the 'detestable' Chinese and abracadabra, Azmin becomes 'innocent' and pure as a virgin (I have to check the latter with Haziq, wakakaka).

But 'tis the season not only for frogs but also blaming, only to convince their respective supporters of their still-intact political hymen.

still a virgin? 

We also are aware that Azmin Ali and henchman Tian Chua, whilst during Pakatan's opposition days, had been knifing DAP in its back, in seat allocations especially in Sarawak. Azmin resented DAP's greater popularity and constituency strength which he knew came mainly from Chinese support; hence he and Tian Chua plotted to have their own 'Chinese' to combat DAP's popularity (a la Azumu, wakakaka).

As for Khalid's allegations that Tony Pua has been the 'brains' behind many of MoF's policies, I have to admit he might have something there as Lim GE is quite 'ordinary' wakakaka and reliant on Tony Pua, who BTW didn't succeed in his earlier career in the dot-com business in Singapore.

Malaysians came to know of his spat with MCA's Eric See-To when the latter sought a debate with him in October 2017, but Tony Pua, then a MP and Selangor Head of DAP, said he won't talk to a 'nobody'.

FMT reported: Pua was reported to have called See-To as such after the latter said yesterday that he was willing to debate PKR’s Rafizi Ramli on the economy, but only on condition that Pua first agreed to debate him separately on the Penang undersea tunnel project.

Pua was reported to have retorted: "You are not a minister, deputy minister, MP or state assemblyman. So, you are a nobody in politics."

According to See-To, he and Pua had known each other since 2002 thereabouts, when they both ran their respective IT companies in Singapore and did business with each other and worked on joint projects.

See-To narrated, “Since he listed his company amidst the dot-com rush in 2001, Tony Pua’s Cybervillage had straight six years of continued losses from 2002 to 2007, until Tony Pua left the company and joined DAP."

“When his company got into some cash-flow issues in 2005 or 2006, before he went into politics, he called me for a loan for (sic) RM100k, and within hours, it was this ‘nobody’ who gave it to him which he then gave me this IOU letter.”

Apart from his nasty arrogant social contempt and also his ‘mudah lupa-ness’ towards Eric See-To who was once his good business matey who willingly loaned RM100k to him when his business had some cash flow problem, Tony Pua himself wasn't so shit-hot in economic affairs as some might have believed. Having failed in his venture in Singapore, he packed his bags, left for Selangor and joined DAP to bless the party with 'his technical expertise on financial matters', wakakaka.

In 2018 when Pakatan Harapan became the ruling coalition, he further blessed MoF by becoming Finance Minister Lim GE's political secretary.

Arrogant in his mannerism, he wasn't well liked even by DAP people. He lost the Selangor DAP Chairman's position to Gobind Singh Deo in 2018. Gobind obtained 393 votes while Pua had only 292, and didn’t even make it into the committee, wakakaka.

The Coverage reported in:

The reason for Tony Pua’s ouster has been his loss of popularity or standing within the state of Selangor after a few years where the DAP members witnessed his aloof inner-coterie style of management.

The reason for Tony Pua’s ouster has been his loss of popularity or standing within the state of Selangor after a few years where the DAP members witnessed his aloof inner-coterie style of management.

The Chinese Press has already warned of Tony Pua’s ‘detachment’ from the DAP state grassroots – yes, ‘grassroots’ that one of my blog’s visitors sneered at as less-academically qualified rivals of (presumably) Tony Pua.

He said those ‘rivals’ couldn’t compete on academic methodologies due to their (lack of) qualifications (presumably of low class ‘hawker’ type or/and CinaBeng type).

And while both groups from clique (not clichés as he incorrectly put it), the 自鸣清高 (from online google dic: “self-sounding”) technocrats of Tony Pua’s group have no time to play party politics whilst the other rival group, who arose from the party’s rank & file have the upper political hand by their party politicking.

In that, my visitor also unwittingly admitted Tony Pua had been a Tokong Brigade parachutist, wakakaka.

OK, back to Tony Pua's Grab kerbau, wakakaka - The New Malaysian Times reported that Tony Pua was admonished by Transport Minister Anthony Loke in a transportation issue, as follows:

It has now been confirmed that Damansara MP Tony Pua has no authority in speaking on behalf of the Pakatan Harapan government.

This follows the admonishment from Transport Minister Anthony Loke over Pua’s recent comment that the government was seeking to work with ride-hailing service Grab, to be a provider of last mile services for MRT commuters, in place of feeder buses.

Loke said the statement by Pua, who is the special officer to Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng, was not reflective of the government’s decision, The Star reported.

According to Loke, the Transport Ministry has no plans to scrap the feeder bus services.

The New Malaysian Times continued unfavourably for Tony Pua. It asked:

Is Tony Pua overstepping his boundary as aide to minister?

The response from Loke also has other implications following Pua’s statement last week that Putrajaya was in talks with Grab to provide complementary transport services to commuters.

Was he overstepping his boundary as an aide to Lim, and publicly at that, much like how special aides to ministers under the Barisan Nasional administration had been known to push their weight around?

At the “Malaysia: A new dawn” conference in Kuala Lumpur on October 9, Pua had questioned the need to provide feeder buses if the government can instead work with Grab.

“They can actually arrive and give door-to-door delivery from the MRT to commuters’ homes at a reasonable price, and at a cost that will be cheaper than the government supplying feeder buses,” he had reportedly said.

It stands to reason that Grab would greatly benefit financially from such an arrangement.

Promise of cheaper goods with SST also by Tony Pua

This is now the second case of Pua putting his foot in his mouth that has come to light since the second session of the new parliament convened on Monday.

On the first day, a shouting match ensued between Lim and Barisan Nasional lawmakers, after Umno’s Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob (Bera), criticised the implementation of the Sales and Services Tax (SST) as not helping to reduce prices “as promised”.

Lim countered asking for proof of where he had made such a promise.

However, videos and reports of Pua making such claim have been widely shared on social media since, proving the finance ministry had presented such an outcome as likely to take place following the implementation of the SST.Pua’s role as the DAP national publicity secretary may have allowed him to provide statements on a whim and without regard to the outcome of such comments previously when in the opposition but he should realise the implications now as a member of the ruling coalition.

One wonders if he could be one of the lawmakers whom Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir was referring to last August, when he said there were some PH leaders who still have an opposition mindset.

Wakakaka, maybe I've to concede one point (on Tony Pua) to Khalid Jaafar after all.

Related: un-Chinese Tony Pua.


  1. lge is stupid, not ordinary, one of mahathir biggest mistake is to appoint a stupid to be fm.

  2. Tony Pua's idea of enlisting Grab for Last Mile Connectivity with the MRT was actually an excellent idea.

    There is good research to show one of the most important reasons why MRT ridership in KL/Klang Valley is disappointing is that many people have difficulty getting to/from their homes to the nearest train station.

    Unfortunately, Anthony Loke after becoming Transport Minister became a prisoner of the Taxi lobby, and promoted policies to suppress Grab and other e-hailing services.
    The alternative of traditional taxis most of the public find unpleasant and costly.

    1. This is exactly right. Ktemoc should give credit where credit is due, but his hatred of Tony Pua had taken over his senses, resorting to this sort of smearing poor Pua based on some gossipy cakap ayam by that sneaky-faced muka char siew pau Eric See-To who actually was the ghostwriter for many a long winded 'economic' write ups based on pure fake 'facts' during the height of Jibby's power then when Cash is King...bukan main lagi this See-To fella churning out copious alternative facts 'economic' reports all splurged out in Malaysia-Today and other Umno-friendly blogs, all in support of how much 1MDB had elevated the country's economic well, where did this tipu guy disappeared to ? Sekarang, bayang pun tak nampak. His beady eyes and that pinched mouth still sent distaste coursing down many of those who found his baloney 'economic' analysis so incredulous but was lapped up by those Malay readers and lackey choir of Rpuki.

    2. 'Hate' is such a strong emotion which I am NOT inclined towards - admittedly I have hated but in my entire life only one man, someone (a Chinese) who destroyed my blooming career because of his jealousy and extraordinary skills in character-assassination.

      'Dislike' of the arrogant "who erroneously thinks he is smart" Tony Pua would be more like it, wakakaka

  3. I think Jimmy CJM has left politics due to a higher calling, he probably will say he has now found his true calling. Wakakakaka .........
