
Monday, August 05, 2019

Lynas' disposal method akin to killing rape-victims

From MM Online:

Anti-Lynas MP likens dumping rare earth waste in mines to killing rape victim


Anti-Lynas demonstrators rally in front of Parliament compound in Kuala Lumpur April 10, 2019

Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 4 — Australian miner Lynas’ proposal to use abandoned mines in Malaysia to store its radioactive rare earth waste is like dealing the killing blow to rape victim, Bentong MP Wong Tack said today.

The environmental activist elected on the back of popular support for his anti-Lynas campaign said disposing rare earth waste in the mines would do irreparable damage to nearby land already made infertile by the mines.

Wong ridiculed the assertion made by Lynas Malaysia’s managing director Datuk Mashal Ahmad that building a permanent disposal facility on an abandoned mine would rehabilitate it, calling it audacious.

“Lynas is now suggesting disused mines to dump their wastes.

“Dumping radioactive waste in abandoned mines is akin to killing a rape victim. Instead of healing the piece of land, we are destroying it forever,” he said in a statement.

Wong also fired at his fellow Pakatan Harapan colleagues in government, accusing them of betraying the people’s trust by reneging on its electoral promise to shut down Lynas in Malaysia.
He said Lynas continues to pile up toxic waste by the day, and that the Cabinet decision to let the Australian firm operate even after it violated its contract repatriate its waste out of the country.

Wong called the move “beyond logic”.

“It is confirmed that Lynas will renege on its own legally binding commitment to ship their waste out of Malaysia.

“And yet the Cabinet has decided, beyond all logic, to allow Lynas another six months to generate more radioactive wastes on our soil,” the DAP lawmaker said.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said on August 1 that the Australian mining firm has been directed to construct a permanent disposal facility (PDF) to treat its water leach purification (WLP) residue.

WLP is created from rare-earths processing at the Lynas refinery in Gebeng, Pahang.

Lynas Corp previously insisted that it won’t be able to export 450,000 tonnes of the WLP residue, a by-product of their refinery operations, by September and offered to build the PDF as a compromise.

I feel sorry for 3 people and 1 community in this sorry sordid sleazy affair.

Yes, I feel sorry for Wong Tack, Fuziah Salleh and Yeo Bee Yin who all have to cop it sweet because of Mahathir's dictatorial over-riding of a Minister Yeo's decision to fulfil a manifesto promise so as to protect the people's health.

Mahathir doesn't give a shit because he is being his usual self in demonstrating a cold-hearted, callous & cruel attitude towards health concerns for Malaysians. He just must have his way even if he has to destroy everything to achieve that (his way). And he has done it before.

The community I feel sorry for would be the Malaysian workers at the Lynas plant in Gebeng, the nearby kampongs there, and the general community in Kuantan and Pahang.

And Wong Tack has been spot on in alluding to Lynas disposing rare earth waste in the mines as the equivalent of inflicting irreparable damage to nearby land already made infertile by the mines.

He cried out, “Dumping radioactive waste in abandoned mines is akin to killing a rape victim. Instead of healing the piece of land, we are destroying it forever.”

Mahathir has a eff-ing lot to answer for ALL his crimes to Malaysians including (and not forgetting) the poor affected Malaysians in Bukit Merah and Papan.

Although Mahathir's Japanese mate's plant has gone since, alas, its toxic legacy persists. Yes, the plant has been abandoned, but the locals saw a rise in leukaemia, birth defects, infant deaths, congenital diseases, miscarriages and lead poisoning in the following years. Hope Mahathir suffers as the residents there have suffered from his callous attitude.

Then we couldn't do much about Mahathir's approval of Asia Rare Earth (ARE), but shouldn't their (Bukit Merah and Papan's) ill fate serve as a warning to Malaysia to stop the Lynas rare-earth plant in Pahang from continuing?

Papan residents strolling past a row of pre-war shop houses that are now mainly abandoned because of Mahathir's 'Minus Touch'  

In 1985, the residents of Bukit Merah obtained an injunction to stop ARE from operating until it met safety standards. But it wasn't until 1992 when ARE closed down the factory operations as a result of increasing public pressure that threatened to launch a global boycott on Mitsubishi products. Yes, it was Mitsubishi which closed the mine, not Mahathir.

And the Pribumi moronic kipas-menteri Redzuan, yes, he might appear stupid, insensitive and callous to support Lynas, no doubt due to his high sense of bodek-ness, but he certainly knows the attitude of Mahathir who, as we have known him for years before, cared sh*t for workers, labourers and the common rakyat.

The consequences of Lynas will besmirch his name long after his eventual death, just as the consequences of ARE has, although few remember Mahathir's cruel decision and attitude towards Bukit Merah's and Papan's cancer-afflicted mainly Chinese Malaysian residents.


(1) Mahathir - Once bitten by A.R.E, Twice NOT shy with Lynas.

(2) Lynas - political showdown?.

(3) Wong Tack copped it sweet 'coz of Mahathir's capati-ing.


  1. Abandoned tin mines can be rehabilitated; a prime example is Sunway Lagoon in PJ. It is now a thriving community with universities, shopping centres, residences, offices, hospitals, hotels and a water theme park. The land was abandoned for many years after the mining activity stopped but all was not lost. It took the ingenuity and hard work (Jeffrey Cheah I believe, Sunway Group) that transformed it. There are other examples scattered all round the country, in Perak, Selangor, KL etc.

    However, once you dump Lynas waste into the abandoned mines, the area is lost forever.

    The ball is now in the Pahang BN government’s court. They have to live with the consequences of Jibby’s decision to build the factory.

    DAP can hold their heads high (Fuziah too). They never compromised their position but they were obviously outvoted in cabinet (6/28).

    1. NOW, yes, NOW, it's a Pakatan govt of which the DAP is a part - work on that, mate and stop using Najib's folly Iwhich has been why his party has been voted out) as an excuse to continue an unwanted business which only Mahathir and bodek-ite Redzuan (kipas menteri) want

    2. Yes, let's focus on NOW.

      The rakyat also voted Toonsie back into power in GE14, they have forgiven him for all his past follies, it's a Harapan government NOW, why do you keep harping on past UMNO/BN events (from Toonsie 1.0) which the rakyat (except a sore few) want to put behind them?

      By the way Jibby's folly in the Lynas decision is a NOW event. Not the distant past. The plant is still running and poisoning the environment and Jibby is still singing its praises NOW.

    3. Jibby was voted out because the rakyat did not approve of his follies; Toonsie was voted in because the rakyat has forgiven him for his (1.0) follies. Work on that.

    4. and mahathir is perpetuating najib's follies - same as committing those follies himself. secondly, effects of mahathir's past follies (ARE in Bkt merah) - people there suffer from leukemia, cancer, deformed births of their children - not past follies but still ongoing follies of mahathir's evil callous decision to have ARE in Bkt merah

  2. What is the actual level of radioactivity in the Lynas wastes ?
    What is the level of background radiation in Kuantan ?

    Connecting Lynas Kuantan to A.R.E Papan is politics, not science.
    The Mount Weld , WA ore has nothing to do with the Monazite in Papan.
    A dog has 4 legs, a goat has 4 legs, therefore a dog is a goat ?

    1. explain why Oz has refused to accept return of residue from ore mined in Oz?

    2. Australia is taking a legalistic position , which it has every right to do so under international law.

      What Australia exported was raw ore, fair and square, imported willingly and legally by Malaysia, under the Najib Adminstration.

      What Malaysia has is waste, after extracting valuable matter and processing.

      There is no obligation whatsoever under international law for Australia to accept the waste, and Malaysia has no right to force Australia to take it back.

      Legally, It is irrelevant whether the waste is extremely hazardous or completely harmless.

    3. you're answering in tangential way - you said (in short) "What is the level of background radiation in Kuantan? Connecting Lynas Kuantan to A.R.E Papan is politics, not science" which implies Kuantan is not as bad as Gebeng.

      well, I asked you in turn, "explain why Oz has refused to accept return of residue from ore mined in Oz?"

    4. I have answered according to International Law.
      You have not, and I suspect, are incapable of answering truthfully my question "What is the actual level of radioactivity in the Lynas wastes ?"

      How many Bequerels ?

    5. I am not a scientist on radioactivity but Oz won't accept the residue back which proves it's too dangerous, and thus too dangerous to keep in Malaysia - don't try to drop technicalities to cover up your avoidance of my question (in response to your assertion that, by implicitness of your technical bullshit, it's not radioactive enough

    6. You throw around terms like "Radioactive Waste" like you know a lot about the subject, then you Bullshit about not a scientist on radioactivity.
      Oz won't accept back waste ..
      Full stop.. to defend its rights under international law.

  3. In the early days of the rare earth extractions/minings in China, little considerations were given to the impacts on environment & health of the surrounding local residents.

    Profit for the mining companies, jobs for the locals & 'good' economic result for the local councils.

    When the damages to the environment WERE made known to the public & the central govt, heavy handed crackdowns were implemented almost overnight. Factories were forced to close/amalgamate. Thousands of jobs were lost. The local economy almost collapsed as rare earth mining was the prime industry that supported/drove the surrounding financial ecosystem.

    It takes a strong minded 'authoritarian' govt to RIGHT this environment rape!

    The short-sighted moneyed local council officers were all punished by demotion/sacking. MANY local residents suffered heavily due to incomes lost & incurable diseases due to radioactive side effects.

    That were despite the fact that the central govt put in many efforts to subsidize the local incomes & free medical cares! 15yrs down the road, these health effects r still been felt though the environment has been slowly recovered.

    Sound familiar?

    Kuantan is just repeating the beginning of that same stories! With a bumi employment & don't care for anything further down the road attitude to add.

    Moreover, there is also a sinister plot (by AELB??)to hide the actual effect of the harmful thorium radionuclide that is present in the lynas Mt weld ore. That natural ore has low radioactive thorium concentration but the niobium extraction process works in a similar way to concentrate the thorium radionuclide.

    Similar to ARE's extraction of yttrium, a rare earth metal from a mineral called monazite - a form of tin mining tailing. Monazite can contain several different earth metals, including small amounts of radioactive elements such as thorium and uranium. By its natural state, it's harmful radioactive effect is minimum. But ARE proves that the yttrium extraction has unavoidably resulted in the high thorium/uranium concentration over time!

    It's a very scaled down version of how uranium ore is been mined & concentrated into weapon grade radionuclide uranium, U-235 in a more vigorous & industrialized process.

    Mamak is been caught between a rock and a hard place!

    Mamak has no stomach for the massive lost of bumi employments in a town where the traditional timber industries have almost died out & the new 'green' industries r not coming in fast to provide employments.

    The lost of foreign confidences & future investments r just bulls lah!

    If the govt can think hard & work diligently, just like the Chinese, then there will not be shortage of green & new foreign investments coming in. Short term ains will be an initial syndrome for a better long term future.

    In fact, Lynas's LAMP has worked in a strange way to discourage other industries to move to kuantan due to the future roi projections!

    Difficult to stop LAMP now, while DOESN'T know how to deal with the accumulating employment/environment/sopo headaches. These morons opt for the easy way out. Temporary solve the problem to cater for the main factor (bumi employment). Radioactive diseases r so far down the road, better still most of them won't be around to face the cries of those blur-sotongs in suffering!

  4. Wakakakakakakaka


    The Samurai bonds are more important than the environment and health and safety of Malaysians living in the vicinity of Lynas.

    Blame Ahjibkor for forcing the PH Govt. to take the Banzai bonds to pay Govt. servants salaries and subsidies to continue the gravy train which are now intractable problems for the Minister of Finance due to political considerations.

    What a mess Ahjibkor made and now being a hypocrite as if he care for the health and safety of Malaysians when he was the one who approved the setting up of the Lynas plant.


    1. wakakaka also to your type of mentality:

      when it's najib, blame him for not considering the people's health and safety (which BTW Lim GE said the Lynas production plant may explode like a nuclear plant, wakakaka again)

      otoh, when It's mahathir, he knows that there will be greater benefits than silly health concerns

  5. Do you know that the mobile phone you are holding is radioactive ?
    Yes , it is safe to use it because it is not radioactive enough. It is, in fact only very mildly radioactive.

    If you use a watch with an analogue face, it probably glows in the dark, so you can see the time in darkness. It is in fact mildly radioactive, but it is safe to use, because it is not radioactive enough.

    Nobody who is jumping up and down about Lynas seems to be able to answer truthfully How radioactive is the waste ?

    1. And analogy to ponder!

      monazite - a form of tin mining tailing. Monazite can contain several different earth metals, including small amounts of radioactive elements such as thorium and uranium. By its natural state, its harmful radioactive effect is minimum.

      Papan has a lot of monazite due to the tin mining legacy. Before ARE, rare/terminal radioactive related diseases were quite unknown around Papan. Meaning, in natural state, the radionuclides r within normal safety limit.

      When ARE started operation & accumulated refined monazite waste, the thorium/uranium radionuclides were been concentrated through the extraction processes, though involuntary. Slowly the level breached the critical safety limit due to the huge amount of concentrated waste. Radioactive related diseases started to incubate in the local residents over a period of ≤5yrs!l. In time, the killing syndromes appeared!

      In nuclear science, there r still many unknowns BUT tons of inconclusive postulations, especially wrt human health!

      Thus, mobile phone is mildly radioactive. But if u keep sleeping closely to it, especially near yr head, the chance of u getting a brain tumor increases many folds depending on person!

      Think about it!!!
