
Sunday, August 04, 2019

Government of Capati's & Khat's

From FMT:

‘Transition’ issue has emerged because PH is not performing

I accept that governing is more difficult that criticising. But for Lim Kit Siang, I also feel that he is not talking straight since PH came into power. Just a few days ago, he talked about the “deep state” disrupting the new Malaysia agenda. Now he is cautioning us not to be obsessed with the PM succession issue to the detriment of other more pressing issues that need fixing.
With due respect to him, I think he is not thinking straight. Malaysians are generally very concerned with the pressing issues confronting them. The PM succession issue came to their attention only when issues faced by them failed to get the attention or settlement from the new government.
If the new government has done well, I am sure many would be less anxious or interested in wanting to know the exact “PM transition” plan.
Right now, there are just too many U-turns, dilutions and even “nonsense” being introduced which rile up the people. Is the new government any different from the old, many have asked?
Please don’t use the same old argument that every race and religion in this country is threatened and therefore the government must tread carefully not to antagonise or marginalise anyone.
It is my opinion that orchestrated threats are used to slow down and even stifle reforms and I believe PH government is as guilty of this as BN.
I prefer Lim and the PH government not to talk of grandiose stuff such as unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity. Just explain to us the following is sufficient.
First, what is the rationale of introducing khat in vernacular schools or, in fact, in any schools at all? What new impetus can this policy bring to Malaysia? I thought only Umno, PAS and BN are good in doing stuff like this.
Second, what is the rationale of keeping a certain unwanted foreigner in our country? What would happen if Jho Low were to seek permanent residency in India and Malaysia wishes to request for his extradition. What do you think India will do?
Third, we talk hauntingly about rule of law and justice, but why are we so sure who is guilty and who is not of any misdemeanor before even full investigation is carried out?
Fourth, on Lynas, we did not elect the PH government because we want a situation “better than status quo”. That is baloney. We elected PH because we want PH to carry out what it promised us.
Fifth, on all the unsolved high-profile cases, we need to know when and how the authorities are going to resolve this. We are quite tired of having a probe to probe an earlier probe.
Sixth, let’s talk in more concrete terms; other than flying cars and charging some of the leaders under the previous administration with abuse of power and corruption, what new ideas and impetus has PH brought to the table, in education, economy, cost of living, and public service efficiency, etc.?
Seventh, what about tolls? How long more do we need to resolve this? Why have the solutions being proposed never included toll rate renegotiation with toll concessionaires?
To me, it is quite simple; when we hear and see no solutions to these issues, we are naturally more inclined to know when the PM transition is going to take place.
TK Chua is an FMT reader.
Kaytee notes:
TK Chua  has been spot on in saying "orchestrated threats are used to slow down and even stifle reforms and I believe PH government is as guilty of this as BN."              
Mahathir is deliberately dragging out the process of governing the nation as he wants more power for his Parti Pribumi so that with greater power and thus greater say, he can overrule everyone in his (already) planned "projects" like Car No 3 and god-knows-what-else-he-will-frighten-us-with, including most likely his use of Khazanah billions to make more pribumi cronies even richer richer richest


  1. Wakakakakakakaka

    Transition issue arise because more and more PH supporters do not trust TDM to handover the post after 2 years as interim PM as made known to all before GE 14.

    Transition issue arise because UMNO-PAS hopes to disrupt the PH Govt. from actual governance of the Nation.

    Transition issue arise because AA and his supporters in PKR became too big headed once tasted power and thought they could bypass even their own party leader DSAI.

    Transition issue arise because it was a well coordinated and paid effort by interested parties to see the downfall of the PH Govt. to save themselves from the Law or to ensure the good old days of riding on the gravy train and to continue their money making ventures thru the backdoor.

    Transition issue arises because the Deep State Players and supporters find themselves unable to operate as freely as during the previous BN regime and needs the PH Govt. to be in disarray, disorganised and hopefully fall from power.

    Can the writer see what are the real reasons about the blown up transition issue about rather than skirting around the bush?

    If DSAI and other PH leaders are in no hurry to press this transition issue, why are others so busybodies/Kay Poh Chee?

    What their real motives?

  2. TK Chua reminds me of the retired uncle who sits at the local kopitiam everyday complaining to his fellow mates. Never satisfied. Glass always half empty. Knows it all but Does nothing, except complain.

    If Toonsie remains as PM he will complain. If Anwar takes over he will also complain. If Azmin ever becomes PM he will still complain.

    The government he desires does not exist, anywhere on this earth, maybe in the next world. Be patient.

    Until then bear with the stiff shit TK, vote for the other candidate at the next GE ok? I bet you will still be complaining after that.

  3. mahathir is a astute politician, but he lack common sense how to run a country, he robbed enough for his family, so please take a rest n retire as promised.
