
Tuesday, August 06, 2019

BEST political statement 2019 (7)

Malaysiakini - Since Harapan accustomed to U-turns, DAP exco urges Maszlee to make another (extracts):

B Nantha Kumar | Published: Today 3:29 pm

V Ganabatirau

A Selangor state exco member launched a stinging salvo over the decision to make khat (Jawi calligraphy) compulsory in the Bahasa Malaysia syllabus for Standard Four students in vernacular schools.

Reminding Education Minister Maszlee Malik that he represents all Malaysians, V Ganabatirau rued that the Bersatu politician appeared to be more focused on insignificant matters such as the colour of school shoes and socks.

In a statement this afternoon, the DAP assemblyperson urged the minister to reverse the decision to introduce khat, arguing that the Pakatan Harapan government is no stranger to backpedalling on its decisions.

“I demand that the minister concern discuss this proposal with all stakeholders and make a U-turn on this policy for the (sake of) future generations.

“Afterall, making U-turns is not something new for the Harapan government,”
he added.

Wakakaka, V Ganabatirau has certainly struck the jackpot on 
the BEST political statement thus far for 2019 with the following statement:

“I demand that the minister concern discuss this proposal with all stakeholders and make a U-turn on this policy for the (sake of) future generations."

“Afterall, making U-turns is not something new for the Harapan government.”

Wakakaka again.


  1. Wakakakakaakka

    Everyone makes U-turns nowadays.

    Before GE 14, PAS-UMNO all hate TDM and now they support TDM as PM.

    Ahjibkor says he will resign if he loses GE14 but now still remain in power via his proxies in UMNO and BN.

    Hadi Bawang says PAS will be Kingmaker before GE 14 but ended up as Bootlicker.
    TDM U-turn on ICERD, Rome Statute after telling the whole world at the UN Assembly Malaysia will ratify it.

    In PH, so many U-turns but all mostly made by TDM and his party PPBM/Bersatu and which unfortunately dirtied PH promises on reforms and good governance.

    So, what's 1 more U-turn?

    Is V. Ganabatirau testing the waters to see whether PPBM/Bersatu is actually UMNO in disguise?


  2. another braggart, u dog r only allow to u turn when mahathir say so.
