
Thursday, July 19, 2018

Pakatan's further bull on GST

One month ago I posted Minister: Removal of GST made vegetables 50% cheaper in which I penned:

petai now 50% with zero-rated GST, wakakaka

damn syiok with budu which is now GST zero-rated

Amazing. I didn't realise that vegetables were previously GST-ed at 50%, surely one of the HIGHEST GST rate in the world.

But now thanks to the removal of the GST, the vegetables are 50% cheaper.

What an amazing revelation by Minister YB Salahuddin Ayub right on Hari Raya Day, praise be to Allah swt.

Today Malaysiakini publishes BN says 'forgives' minister's erroneous remark on foodstuff price (extracts):

BN forgives Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Salahuddin Ayub who wrongly claimed a 30 to 50 percent drop in foodstuff price was partly due to the zero-rated goods and services tax (GST), BN chairperson and opposition leader Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said today.

"We forgive those who are still excited in their new seat for making mistakes," he said during the debate on the royal decree at the Dewan Rakyat today.

"However, if they still make mistakes after a 100 days in power, we will act accordingly. But for now, we will forgive (him)," he said.

He was responding to Wee Ka Siong (BN-Ayer Hitam) who asked how the Amanah minister drew the conclusion that the price of foodstuff, particularly fruits and vegetables, went down by 30 to 50 percent after the implementation of the zero-rated GST.

"The government never imposed GST on (these foodstuffs) so how was it that there was a price drop with the zero-rated GST?"What is the logic for the minister to make such presumption?" asked the MCA deputy president.

Earlier, when touching on Salahuddin's statement, Zahid slammed the government for resorting to what he said were lies instead of focussing on providing better service to the people.

"A rational government should not behave like this. What the rakyat wants is change, including a price drop in goods. However, only the price of tomatoes dropped," he said.

Annuar Musa (BN-Ketereh) said he disagreed with Zahid's statement on tomatoes.

"Sorry, I do not agree with you. You said only the price of tomatoes goes down but the stock price plummets too, the ringgit is plunging, the price of rubber and palm oil has also dropped," he said



  1. Wakakaka....Ktemoc does not pay a single sen of Malaysian Taxes
    - Income Tax, GST, SST , Bull-T, whatever...

  2. Malaysians will also give Zahid Hamidi 100 days in Opposition to get up to speed on national issues instead of passing the buck.

    Zahid Hamidi (Same Same No Idea, Opposition Leader by default because nobody else was stupid enough to take it) "lost at sea" in Dewan Rakyat, asks Najib for help to ask an intelligent question on HSR.....

    Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali joked in the Dewan Rakyat today that former Umno president Najib Abdul Razak would make a better opposition leader than his successor Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. "I think Pekan (Najib) is more qualified to be the opposition leader," he said during the question-and-answer session. Azmin made the remark after Zahid allowed the Pekan MP Najib to ask an additional question on his behalf, a rare occurrence in the Dewan Rakyat...

  3. Wakakakaka……

    Be very careful when u r commenting on seasonal food items! & weather dependent too!

    The keyword HERE is seasonal & weather dependent. If u don't under their meaning, Google lah.

    Zero-rated GST or not, their prices r alsa determined by demands & supply.

    eg the kangkong that jibby so famous for can vary in price from less than a ringgit/500gm to more than RM1.5/500gm depends on season & weather!

    If these components works together, then a 30 to 50 percent drop in foodstuff price was partly due to the zero-rated goods and services tax (GST) COULD be a possibility, give a take some politikus's bull!

    Guess a well paid wordsmith has no time & necessity to go to wet market le. Ooop, my bad - Oz doesn't have wet market. Neither do they sell kangkong.

    Ooop, there is also that myth of gst extempte items u so gangho-ly emphasized - as if from source to market via magical snapping of fingets. Thus zero auxillary inputs!

    1. now you are talking about seasonal price, weather and other kok-tok - previously it was all about gst - what hypocrites you are

      who told you australia don't sell kangkong? we have beautiful kangkong which I goreng with belacan and chilli, and sometimes accompanying my prawn mee soup

      your "then a 30 to 50 percent drop in foodstuff price was partly due to the zero-rated goods and services tax (GST) COULD be a possibility, give a take some politikus's bull!" is so bullshit when everyone knows fresh veg was not gst-ed and neither was kembong and kerang

    2. Obviously u know NUT about supply & demands + weather effect on seasonal foodstuff pricing.

      No wonder u r only good as a wordsmith in Oz lah!

      Seems like rd is very contagious in yr blog!

      Bolih baca betul2 ke?

      BTW that beautiful kangkong u have had in Oz must cost a bomb & definitely not fresh!

      But again, wet market in Oz! Probably a market with a wet floor caused by leaking pipe. Wakakakakaka……

      With the Oz pricing+gst, it's much better to get hippo to airfreight them to u - fresh lagi authentic M'sia kangkong!

  4. did the minister said the veg is gsted? no, so don't put words in his mouth, if others wants people to think veggies are gsted, thats their perogative
    the fact remains many items have gone down in price, its a knock-on effect if you like and I admit it could be due to other factors that made it possible
    chabo you can come back to champion your gst when our purchasing power is on par with oz or sing, I'll support you for sure

    1. as reported by FMT - Fresh produce prices have dropped significantly after Goods and Services Tax was zero-rated on June 1, said Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Salahuddin Ayub.

    2. must impose entrance tax of one million aussie dollar on this cheebye kaytee....whatever its, we must gasak this cheebye to mampus.....seize his house....evdn his ancestral graveyard if possible

    3. the overall effect of zero rating gst caused both listed and non listed items to revise slightly downward, that is my take on what the minister meant

  5. Compare the 2 statements:

    1. "Removal of GST made foodstuff/vegetables 30-50% cheaper."

    2. "With GST, prices of foodstuff/vegetables will be cheaper."

    Now why suddenly BN so gracious and forgiving in disguise?

    Is it because they finally realise, GST really had a big impact on all food/vegetables irrespective of whether they are GSTed or non-GSTed?

    And it's because they forgot about the ancillary costs associated with food/vegetables prices like transport, labour, rental, utilities etc which are GSTed?

    When all the Rakyat knows why GST causes prices to rise whether GSTed or non-GSTed, it would be foolish to continue playing the game by idiotic politicians and cybertroopers to justify their horrid and unknowledgeable way of implementing GST by the previous regime, wouldn't it?

    You really believe unreformed BN politicians to be gracious?

    Don't count on it.

    They just wouldn't want to admit their past mistakes and idiocies. The egoistic chip on their shoulders is just too high to let go.

    1. You mean only politicians.....what about this chao cheebye kaytee? No way we should let him get away man
