
Wednesday, July 18, 2018


MM Online - Hindraf's Waytha Moorthy to be made Minister after senate swearing in tomorrow:

KUALA LUMPUR, July 16 — Indian rights group Hindraf leader P.Waytha Moorthy will be made a full Minister tomorrow hours after he is sworn in as a senator for a second time tomorrow, Malay Mail understands.

Several sources confirmed to Malay Mail that Waytha Moorthy will be in charge of a ministry which will handle minority rights in the country.

Pakatan Harapan had previously promised to address minority rights and had released a slew of promises targeted at minorities, including Indians, in their election manifesto

Bloke claims Hindraf reputation, but of all Hindraf leaders he was the only to escape imprisonment by scooting off to Mother England to seek refuge there. The rest including his brother Uthayakumar had to makan nasi kari kosong for a couple of years.

He was also a deputy minister in Najib's Administration.

But who is more deserving and likely to be sincerely looking after Indian Malaysian affairs?


  1. I thoroughly distrust Auta Waytha, but there is a tide in the affairs of men, and Waytha played his cards right.
    There are no Indian-majority seats in Malaysia, but there are over a dozen Parliamentary seats where Indians are a sizable part of the electorate, and a significant factor in the results.
    Hindraf actively campaigned in all those seats, and lets face it, among the B10 ( lowest 10% underclass ) of Indians , Hindraf still has a reach that DAP or PKR lacks.
    Mahathir needed to give him "something" tangible in return.

    Dr. Jeya is an excellent guy, but PSM is essentially an Opposition party right now. It won't fly to bring him into the Cabinet.

    RSN Rayer ...really no better than Waytha. Loudmouth.

    The guy in the 2nd photo ...wakakakka...Only Ktemoc likes him...

  2. I think HINDRAF Whythamoorty was rewarded by TDM via a pact made before GE14 whereby he has to prove his worth by supporting PH and not being nominated as a PH election candidate.

    Hindraf manage to get the Indians to vote for PH as proven in some constituencies where MIC, PPP, PSM lost. It shows Hindraf really represents the Indian community in mostly rural constituencies.

    And MIC, PPP, PSM lost is to HINDRAF gain.

    Alls well and Ends well.

    1. Cucuk here, cucuk there...that's Ktemoc's repertoire, much ado about nothing.

    2. That's how De Dak operatives workout.


    Who says DAP betrayed Teoh Beng Hock ?

    If UMNO-Bijan were still in power today, the Teoh Beng Hock case would remain steadfastly closed.

    1. KT is tongue tied WHILE digging a hole to hide his un-Chinese bull lah!

  4. I think M Jeyakumar deserves the Senatorship and Minister post.

  5. The knives are out for Waytha as we speak. “Minority” in Malaysian context means anyone who is not Malay, Sunni Muslim, straight and able bodied. So start by getting the Sharia court to recognise the Federal Court ruling on unilateral child conversion to Islam. Then get equal rights for LGBT people enshrined in law.

  6. You jealous you didnt get more dedak or minister post motherfucker cheebye kaytee.

    Whatabout you cheebye? Bloggers like clare rewcastle brown and tukar tiub go through the process kenna tortured by najib. They show their face, ic, identity and credentials

    You have done nothing and contributed nothing....why you should be allowed to get away....

    Time to chop the head of motherfucker kaytee

    1. I say again, I am not the fCk-er of your mother

    2. It is ok lah.. perhaps Aneh can help us to convince India to continue buying our palm oil, since China is not buying our musang king, sarang burung and palm oil. No?

    3. Wakakakaka…

      Samy Vellu COULDN'T do his magic. What make u thing this pommie wannabe and can?

      Repatriation of that fake imam mahadi wannabe CAN do more lah!


      Yes… yes… yes…

    4. What pommie wannabe....fuck la....german fables also dont know. Kaytee never dares to show face becauae pnce he does, people will know kaytee cheebye dirty secrets

  7. Daim Zainuddin has arrived in Beijing and met with China's Prime Minister Le Keqiang. This is preparatory work, laying the foundation for a Malaysian delegation to be led by TDM and LGE to China next month.

    I'm sure DZ asked PM Li about that USD2 Trillion worth of goods that Najib said China promised to import from Malaysia over 5 years, as a condition for the massive ECRL project.

    "No such thing" replied PM Li. "We don't import that much even from the US or EU. What are you selling us......South China Sea? That sea belongs to us anyway".

    Much will be uncovered on the financial dealings of the China projects. Stay tuned, LGE is just itchin' to "Tell the Truth".

    1. Bijan was always a BullShiter, but Ktemoc always believed him...

    2. Why hor? 18 years face, no ic....cheebye kaytee no lanpa la

    3. Hahaha...Pokjib selling South China Sea to China ! But this USD 2 Trillion con tok kok by Chief Thief will not a single line of coverage by Ktemoc wakakkaka. He knows too well which side of his bread is being dedak-ed.
