
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Apology to Vijay Kumar Murugavell

First, let me get this off my chest ;-)

I owe Vijay Kumar Murugavell an unreserved apology for an unwarranted chewing up of him for what was after all his satirical letter to Malaysiakini on the topic of the Eurocopter EC725 helicopter, which I had posted as the 3rd part of Billions - Anwar Ibrahim - Heli-bullsh*t.

I am not going to give bullsh*t excuses other than I should have read his letter more carefully than I did. I admit I zoomed in on just the few paragraphs of what I saw as nonsensical aircraft performances, and shot off from the hips, now realizing I shot my bloody foot instead when I lambasted poor Vijay – sorry mate!

Mind you, his “…flat screen TV's not to mention radar warning receivers, 20mm cannons, rocket launchers and machine-guns” weren’t too far off track as that’s what a Combat SAR heli would have – the flat screen TV being the ‘glass cockpit’ that pilots and aircraft engineers would be well familiar with.

I cannot deny I saw the ‘rear view mirrors’ which unfortunately I dismissed disdainfully as a description by a bloody ‘landlubber’ attempting to discuss nautical issues (the aircraft being a nautical craft of the air).

Okay folks, the laughs on poor red-faced kaytee, especially more so when I am a satirist myself, having written the following:

The Yum-Cha Chronicles:
Apology - A letter to the minister
(2) Bloggers - A letter to the ministry
(3) Drama queens & kings wanted
(4) May 13 Book - a letter to the minister
(5) Appreciation - a letter to the minister
(6) Goblok to Golek - a letter to the minister
(7) MGR-ish makeover - a letter to a minister
(8) Bahasa Mělayu - a letter to Yang Běrhormat
(9) 'Convincibility' - A letter to Yang Amat Berhormat

The Bigfoot Chronicles:
Encounter of the Furred Kind!
(2) Big Foot, Mak Yong & Bridges
(3) Parliament's Hantu - Ghost Buster Rejected!
(4) Bigfoot's Kow-Tim-Yee!

The KTemoc Carl Grimm* Children's and Household Tales:
(1) A Malaysian Fairy Tale - Princess & The Frog
(2) A Malaysian Fairy Tale (2) - Rumpelstiltskin

The Buah Cherry Tree Dialogues:
Beneath the buah cherry tree
(2) Beneath the buah cherry tree (2)
(3) Beneath the buah cherry tree (3)
(4) Beneath the buah cherry tree (4)
(5) Beneath the buah cherry tree (5)
(6) Beneath the buah cherry tree (6)
(7) Beneath the buah cherry tree (7)

As a manja sweetie taught me, just ‘un’-do what you shouldn’t do, therefore I:

(i) Un-criticize Vijay (through this full page apology)
(ii) Un-carpet bomb Malaysiakini (wakakaka)

Hey man, it’s good to eat humble pie once in a while – pass the bloody tomato sauce please - wakakakakakakakakakkakakaka!


  1. It takes a Real man to Admit his mistakes and for that I salute you!

    Take care bro and keep them funnies coming! :-)


    -Now which page of Webster was I on...-

  2. Psst. You're also supposed to resign from Ktemoc like that journalist couple of weeks ago. ;)

  3. That takes a real man with real balls to admit his mistakes, and for that I applaud you :D

    Btw, perhaps we should organise a seminar facilitated by your goodself to teach those UMNO goons a thing or two, huh?

    Good work!!

  4. I graciously accept your apology.

    I would also like to thank you for taking the time to consider my clarification on the matter.

    As Cicero quoted "It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others, and to forget his own."

    If parliamentarians could just be as magnanimous instead of refusing to concede on matters where they were wrong
    while those who are aggrieved offer clarifications instead of being defensive, precious time could be saved to discuss
    pressing issues productively.

    Best Regards
    Vijay Kumar Murugavell

  5. "Btw, perhaps we should organise a seminar facilitated by your goodself to teach those UMNO goons a thing or two, huh?"

    What da ya mean ? He IS an UMNO goon...masquerading as something else

  6. "...20mm cannons, rocket launchers and machine-guns...".

    I didnt know CSAR choppers are equipped with such armaments..shouldnt they be befitted with winch instead? Unless you're referring to the 2nd wingman that would act as a decoy and to clear potential enemy.

  7. Oh..correction, machine-guns wise, yes... rocket launchers on the other hand...for a cougar seems rather farnee. Maybe for a mil-mi lar...

  8. yeah you leave my brother alone meany!!!
