
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Melayu Mudah Lupa Minus One

This post had been delayed for a number of days due to more pressing news.

Maybe Melayu tidak mudah lupa, well, at least for one of them, an UMNO supreme council member and the regional and rural development minister.

Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin said he has been embarrassed that the Malays (meaning those at the Kubang Pasu division) had rejected a prominent leader such as former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad in the recent Kubang Pasu Umno division delegates contest.

said: “I am embarrassed to face other races as the Malays did not have any respect nor give Tun (Mahathir) the space to be a delegate. He was willing to contest just to sit with other delegates at the annual general assembly, but his hope was shut out.”

Abdul Aziz also urged Umno leaders and members to cease and desist from making derogatory remarks (eg. like alluding to Dr M as an ‘ape’), that can hurt Mahathir’s feelings. He warned that the actions of certain party members in making such statements will only aggravate the situation.

He reminded UMNO members:
“Recently, many people have been speaking about Dr Mahathir’s shortcomings without realising the amount of contribution he has made to Umno and the nation as prime minister for 22 years.”

“I was once his political secretary and as far as I know, Tun (Mahathir) had never been combative towards Pak Lah (Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi). His (Mahathir’s) reprimands are not aimed at belittling Umno or the country.”

You’re too late, Abdul Aziz!

While one expects UMNO blokes like Mr Jantan alias Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz to ampu AAB by posing as the PM's personal Hatchet Man, one has been utterly disgusted that former so-call friends of Mahathir like Johari Baharom, personally picked by Mahathir to take over his Kubang Pasu position, and former Kedah Menteri Besar Osman Aroff, for whom Dr Mahathir had created a special post when Osman was ousted as the state MB, had deliberately badmouthed him severely.

But kudos to Abdul Aziz for having the guts to speak up. But I wonder whether he’ll continue to be a minister?

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