
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Nazri sneered at Karpal Singh's wheelchair situation

Bernama reported that DPM Najib Tun Razak averred the disabled too can be assets to the nation.

But it seems that Minister in the PM’s Department, Mohd Nazri alias Mr Jantan must have disagreed.

During a parliamentary session, the DAP MPs sought clarification from Nazri regarding the direction of the country under the leadership of Prime Minister AAB. Lim Kit Siang raised the statement by AAB in Havana that he (AAB) had not lost control of his administration. Nazri ignored them completely.

Nazri continued talking about the Tsunami funds instead of answering the DAP’s questions. Karpal was angry at by his refusal to respond to parliamentary questions and urged Deputy Speaker Lim Si Cheng ‘to restrain the minister since he has gone crazy.’

An argument broke out between the DAP MPs and Nazri, whence at one stage Karpal Singh repeatedly called on the minister to sit down.

Nazri then retorted to a Karpal Singh who was confined to a wheelchair:
“You are just jealous because I am standing.”

Karpal has been using a wheelchair since an accident last year.

Fong Po Kuan (DAP-Batu Gajah) immediately demanded an apology from the minister. She said Nazri had not only hurt Karpal but all disabled peopled as well.

Later, outside the Monkey House, Karpal said Nazri’s remark on his inability to stand was in poor taste. He said that nobody should wish for another to be confined to a wheelchair.

Maybe Karpal should refer Minister Nazri to the DPM’s statement.

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