
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

His Ampu-ness the Raja Bodek of Penang

In an article in Malaysiakini ‘Opinions & Features’ column, DAP sec-gen Lim Guan Eng bemoaned the behaviour of UMNO’s leaders in bullying and humiliating Penang CM, Koh KT. The following is an extract of what Lim had written:

… Pak Lah, his deputy Najib Abdul Razak and Hishammuddin have also indulged in some Big Lie tactics of their own by refusing to condemn Umno Youth members who demonstrated with banners and humiliated Penang Chief Minister Dr Koh Tsu Koon to his face with slogans at an Umno event.

[…] - my underlining

Koh appeared to have capitulated by agreeing to Najib's suggestion for the powers of the Umno deputy chief minister to be strengthened to help marginalised Malays. This ignores the overwhelming mandate that Koh obtained in the last general election to be a chief minister with power and not one without power. Again no mention is made by Umno of their failure to honour their promise to rotate the position of the Sabah chief minister post amongst all ethnic groups.

Then I browsed around in Bernama and guess what I read? Here’s the report about Malaysia Raja Bodek:

Gerakan holds Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's leadership in high regard as he uses a very democratic approach and considers the views of all, said its deputy president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon.

He said the Prime Minister also adopted a consensus-based approach in determining the direction of the nation.

"He is also open to criticisms from Cabinet members and others who have differing views,"
he told a press conference after opening Brady Technology Sdn Bhd's new factory, here Tuesday.

Dr Koh said Abdullah's democratic style should not be misjudged as having lost control of his administration.

"In fact, this is what the people want, a more democratic government than an autocratic one. Abdullah's leadership in this respect is very clear to all," he said in commenting on the remarks made by Kota Baharu MP Datuk Zaid Ibrahim in Parliament last week that the Prime Minister had not brought about the changes he had promised after being in power for three years.

On Sunday, while in Havana, Cuba for the Non-Aligned Movement's summit, the Prime Minister stressed that he had not lost control of his administration of the country and that he had his own style of doing things.

Dr Koh, who is also Penang Chief Minister, said each Prime Minister had his own style of leadership and that Abdullah was no exception.

"With the total support of the component parties of the Barisan Nasional and the Cabinet, it is his right to administer the nation as he sees fit," he said, adding that it was unrealistic of people to expect changes to be made overnight.

Now, can you understand why Koh makes me sick. He is a sickening, shameless, sycophantic, servile, self-serving* clown, the court jester to UMNO's leaders.

* can you think of any more words starting with 's' to describe Koh?

He stumbled forward to defend Khairy Jalamuddin who had badmouthed him as the CM. He waved Hishamuddin’s keris as an ampu favour for the UMNO Youth leader even after the latter had demanded a rotation of the CM’s post amongst the BN component parties (meaning only UMNO). And once again, see how he has tripped and crashed disgracefully as he rushed forward to carry AAB’s you-know-what.

Does that explain why Penangites want to trade off Koh Tsu Koon!?


  1. Self respect and honour can take a back seat for Koh TK as long as he can take care of his 'nasi periuk' .

    Hmm........isn't this the attitude of MCA's ministers too ???

    What disgrace !!!!!

  2. more words beginning with "s"?
    How about the simple "stupid", "servile", "subservient",....?

  3. i think the fact that he has always had the image of mr nice guy, like AAB, and not forgetting he'd be leading gerakan soon that makes it only natural to keep a low profile until the transfer of power is over. but i like the fact that koh is still so far untainted in terms of corruption or abuse of power. most scandals associated with him are for trivial reasons anyway.
