
Sunday, August 13, 2006

Anwar Ibrahim - feet on 3 boats?

A couple of days ago I posted Ku Li's advice to Anwar Ibrahim where I referred to a Malaysiakini interview with Tengku Razaleigh (Ku Li).

Ku Li revealed that when Anwar Ibrahim visited him after the latter’s release from prison, he (Ku Li) had advised Anwar that if he still wants to be PM, he has to rejoin UMNO.

Ku Li also said words to the effect that alternatively Anwar could join PAS and reform it into a modern and more inclusive party than what it is today. Ku Li bluntly told Anwar that he (Anwar) won’t get very far with PKR, and to stop mucking around the loser party.

The following was what an extract of what I had posted:

Ku Li said: “I advised him if you want to get back to mainstream politics, or want to be prime minister, you should go back to UMNO. How? He has to work it out. I am not to advise him [on that]."

Ku Li told Anwar: "Your wife (Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail) only won because it was your (previous) seat in Permatang Pauh".
However, Ku Li told Malaysiakini he doubt whether Anwar will win if he (Anwar) were to stand again in Permatang Pauh - unless he stands on either PAS or UMNO ticket.

According to Ku Li, Anwar agreed to his advice.

Needless to say, it was an explosive confirmation of what virtually everyone has been suspecting since Anwar's release from prison - except for some poor dreamers in PKR - that Anwar hankers to return to UMNO. Reporters accosted Anwar after a meet-the-people session in Kuala Selangor yesterday. He was asked to comment on Ku Li’s advice to him, and implicitly his (Anwar’s) agreement to that advice.

This was what Anwar told them. He started off by saying the meeting (last year) was a courtesy call. He had sought Ku Li’s advice over his role in collaborating with Chinese-based DAP and PAS through Gagasan Rakyat during the late 80s.

He said: “I am of the opinion that the Malaysian public, through my many meetings with them, have the readiness and a new mindset in order to work together in a multi-cultural environment.”

What does that tell you, other than the typical politician's 'feel good' ambiguous utterance that basically evaded the confirmation most sought after?

Where was his response to Ku Li’s assertion that he agreed with his (Ku Li's) advice. Why don’t Anwar tell us whether he wants to rejoin UMNO or join PAS? Or, at least tell us he is staying for good in PRK!

arab dhow - wiki photo

There's an old Chinese saying about 'a man with each of his feet on a different boat', which means the bloke's keeping his options open till the last minute. It's a label that's sneered at, implying the bloke's neither sincere nor possesses committed loyalty, but rather, is opportunistic and self-serving.

What about a case of 3 boats then - a luxury liner, a dhow, and a rickety leaking mini sampan?


(1) Anwar Ibrahim on which boat?
(2) Bringing Anwar Ibrahim back to UMNO
(3) Anwar oh Anwar ...
(4) The 2009 Candidature of Anwar Ibrahim
(5) Anwar Ibrahim - 'Twixt Cup & Lip
(6) Anwar Ibrahim Fallen?
(7) Anwar Ibrahim - Silver Lining or Dark Cloud?
(8) Anwar Ibrahim - Lazarus of Politics?
(9) Anwar Ibrahim Loser Again?
(10) Anwar Ibrahim & Silky Court Intrigues

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