
Saturday, August 12, 2006

Dr Mahathir & Anwar Ibrahim at World Peace Forum

This is interesting!

It seems both Dr Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim have been invited to participate in a three-day World Peace Forum in Jakarta on Monday. They will join some 50 other religious leaders and political figures from 28 countries to discuss global injustices and world peace.

The Jakarta forum, with One Humanity, One Destiny, One Responsibility as the theme, seeks to achieve several objectives including to deepen the networks of dialogue among civilisations in order to promote tolerance and mutual respects and to explore ways by which different civilisations could better cooperate in spreading the voice of peace.

I find it interesting not for what you think, that two arch foes will be there together at the forum.

I think those two, Dr Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim, aren’t exactly the correct people to be promoting tolerance. But I am sure we can rely on Dr Mahathir to give it in spades to the USA and Israel. But don't expect too much from Anwar Ibrahim when it comes to criticising the good ole USA.

As for tolerance? When Anwar Ibrahim was acting PM of Malaysia around 10 years ago, he allowed if not actively supported a mob of UMNO in disrupting the Aptet II conference in Kuala Lumpur.

In an earlier posting Aptet II Disgrace - He who cannot be named! I wrote:

10 years ago, a group of young UMNO hoodlums brought shame to our nation by disrupting the closed-door [by invitation only] Aptet conference, the second of its kind that was held in KL to proposed a peaceful solution to the Indonesian militant oppression of East Timorese in Dili.

We wonder why those young thugs went about abusing our OWN citizens and OUR foreign guests, all for the benefit of an alien nation and at our national expense.

We regretted the unjustified detention of the conference participants by our Police who subjected them to Abu Ghraib-ish conditions.

Then, Dr Mahathir was away in Ghana. Malaysia's Mr 'Not Responsible' who was then acting PM said on Feb 2, 1997 (reported in the NST): “Our mission was to stop the conference and we did just that. We had no intention to be rough and violent with the conference participants. However, if my members were violent, it was not based on my instruction.”

Oh no, of course not!

(1) Malaysia's Mr 'Not Responsible'
(2)Malaysia's Mr 'I Don't Know'
(3)Malaysia's Mr 'I Was Surprised'
(4) Malaysia's Mr 'Forgetful'

1 comment:

  1. You have a good memory! Mucho gracias for using it to remind readers of your blog of the past misdeeds of duplicitous self-serving knaves. If people are not reminded of such matters from time to time then there is the danger that as time passes these wicked deeds will be forgotten and then the perpetrators will be free to indulge in their evil ways again and again.

    As for that "group of young UMNO hoodlums" as you called them, most sensible people can see them for what they are: a bunch of bullying, racist mental retards.
