
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

PATRIOT: ‘Pak Lebais’ should stop sinful acts, setting poor leadership example

PATRIOT: ‘Pak Lebais’ should stop sinful acts, setting poor leadership example

WHAT has gone terribly wrong with a number of Pak Lebais (religiously learned elders) of a Malay-Islamic political party in Malaysia in recent times?

What has made them do and say things that run contrary to the teachings of the Holy Quran and the example of Prophet Muhammad?

Are these Pak Lebais so ignorant about what has been taught to them? Are they thinking that those unlearned in religion are fools?

Have they – having being anointed as Pak Lebais – been taught to look down on others and do they therefore think they can say anything they like about another person? Does the venerated status of Pak Lebai give them the right to do that?

Over the last few months, several Pak Lebais in Malaysia have been summoned to court for fitnah (slander).

PATRIOT president Retired Brigadier General Datuk Mohamed Arshad Raji

Surely, they ought to know that slandering someone is a grievous crime in Islam. In fact, a number of Pak Lebais have lost their cases in court and have been ordered to pay hefty sums to the aggrieved persons.

Despite this, this unwarranted trend boldly and brazenly continues. Are they really God-fearing Pak Lebais or appointed individuals out to prove that their actions will be rewarded by God in the hereafter?

Many are puzzled about how such supposedly learned religious individuals dressed in Arabic outfits, including skullcaps denoting piety, can do and say something that a normal individual wouldn’t.

It appears that no amount of public admonishments and protests can teach these Pak Lebais to live up to what they ought to be – preachers who display exemplary character that their followers could emulate.

‘Dare-devils Pak Lebais’

The people can also see the actions of some Pak Lebais that are deemed to be extreme by universally accepted standards of moral, ethical and religious conduct.

These Pak Lebais can even publicly pronounce anyone of their own race and religion as kafir (non-believers). It would seem they can also decide who goes to heaven and who will be damned in hell.

It is unbelievable they take it upon themselves to make such judgements that strictly should fall within the realm of the almighty Creator.

Take the case of the election posters and banners in the recent past which claimed that voting for a certain political party would ensure voters a place in heaven. This has left many feeling incredulous; yet thousands of other gullible ethnic Malays, consciously or otherwise, believe what is written on such posters and banners.

The greed and craving for political power have resulted in the Malay-Islamic political party doing what is strictly forbidden in Islam although they must be aware that what they are doing is grossly wrong.

Obviously, this Malay religious political party does not understand the benefits and purpose of politics. On the contrary, they are using politics to achieve their insidious political ends.

In this regard, the National Patriots Association (PATRIOT) would like to publicly and formally appeal to all such Pak Lebais to stop their sinful acts for they not only have soiled the good name of their race but more seriously (allegedly) desecrated the religion of Islam.

They must repent.

Indoctrinating the minds of the children studying at tahfiz (religious schools) with their party’s insidious political agenda was rampant prior to the recent general election – and this too must be put to an end immediately.

To let the rot continue would go against the call of the King who expressed in Parliament that “plurality, unity and tolerance” cannot be trodden over but must become the building blocks of a greater Malaysia. – Feb 15, 2023

Retired Brigadier General Datuk Mohamed Arshad Raji is president of the National Patriots Association (PATRIOT).

1 comment:

  1. First, why the hesitation to just name the party which everyone knows is PAS. PAS does not deserve to be treated with gentleness.

    As has been pointed out, PAS has been committing more serious wrongs against their Allah eg saying those who vote for PAS will go to heaven. Where were people like the Perlis and Penang imams? Do they condone the claims of PAS? What about Jakim? What about the Sultans since they are the heads of the religion statewise?

    Second, PAS knows that they can get away with practically anything and be confident there will be no action taken against them.

    In summary, even when condemning the sinful acts of PAS, Patriot refrained from naming the party. Does it mean even Patriot dare not go toe to toe with PAS?
