
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

NATO Turning to Target China? Western Alliance Developing Plan For Multiple Simultaneous Conflicts

Military Watch:

NATO Turning to Target China? Western Alliance Developing Plan For Multiple Simultaneous Conflicts

German Eurofighter in East Asian Exercises

On February 14 a high ranking NATO source, cited by Bloomberg, warned that NATO members were preparing plans for the alliance to involve itself in multiple conflicts simultaneously - including conflicts beyond its traditional areas of responsibility. 

During meetings in Brussels on February 14-15 NATO Defence Ministers will sign a classified guidebook containing plans of action for "high intensity" conflicts and conflicts "beyond the area of responsibility" of the alliance, which will include requirements for NATO members’ military investments. 

Members will additionally be directed to redirect investments to the sectors seen as most important for collective security - whether it be tank forces or missile defences - to strengthen the military bloc’s collective warfighting capabilities. 

The report comes as NATO members have not only increasingly involved themselves in the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian War, whether by dispatching hundreds of Marines to the battlefield as in Britain’s case, or providing even larger personnel contributions through private military contractor groups as was done by Poland among others. 

As Western intervention in the conflict has continued to increase, NATO members have also expanded their military footprints in the East Asia aimed at China - most recently in the form of aerial warfare drills involving the U.S., Britain and Australia.

British Eurofighters at Recent Red Flag Exercises

Growing numbers of NATO members have referred to China as a security challenge in recent years, and as its rising military, economic and technological prowess threaten the centuries old world order based on Western primacy growing numbers have labelled it the leading threat. 

As by far the largest and most advanced economy outside the Western sphere of influence, analysts have long highlighted that China remains the Western Bloc’s primary long term target despite the current conflict with Russia. 

kt comments: In the final analysis, it's all about economic power - no Asian nation (except US ally Japan) is allowed to surpass a Western nation

It is thus expected that NATO will play a growing role in supporting efforts to ensure that the balance of power in East Asia continues to favour Western interests

Beyond targeting China, a second front of high intensity conflict for NATO outside its traditional area of operations could also refer to a war with one of the United States’ other two designated great power adversaries North Korea and Iran. 

Potential U.S. attacks on both countries have notably won significant support from across the Western world in the past. Both saw negotiating processes that were established in late and mid 2010s broken down under the Donald Trump administration, with no signs of restoration, while U.S. forces have repeatedly rehearsed for strikes on both countries - the former in partnership with South Korea and the latter alongside Israeli forces.


  1. "by dispatching hundreds of Marines to the battlefield as in Britain’s case, "
    Zero evidence to support this.
    Typical "Military Watch" bullshit.
    Only Idiots fall for this.

    What is true is that there are thousands of NATO military personnel involved in a very wide range of activities supporting Ukraine, but from outside Ukraine.

    There are no doubt CIA and MI6 , and contract personnel on the ground in Ukraine, but these are not uniformed servicemen.

    1. So mfer, what's yr understanding of assisting in bloodletting?

      Fanning fire while topping up with oil in a bloody fight AIN'T hostile interference in yr f*cked neuron, RIGHT?

      As it stands NOW, Russia is fighting singlehandedly with Yankee-led NATO which is comprising of 30 members!

    2. Russia INVADED Ukraine on February 24 2022, and has been continuously destroying civilian to targets in Ukraine.
      NATO is assisting Ukraine defend its sovereign territory.

    3. Causality!

      Or to yr simple f*cked mind - nothing comes from nothing.

      So, what initiated the Russia SPECIAL MILITARY OPERATION (INVADED ??)Ukraine on February 24 2022?

      Perhaps, to yr indoctrinated neurons the Russko bear is too bore that it needs some excitement to brighten it's daily routines.

      Civilian & /or military targets r been destroyed by both Ukrainian & Russian arm forces in warzones!

      & in a war, any destructions/killings would ONLY end when a compromise is reached. That compromise can ONLY arise when NO outside instigators can get involved as in the case of NATO assisting Ukraine to achieve it's military Eastward expansion in the name of defending Ukraine sovereign territory.

      Mfer, if that's not pouring oil on raging fire, WHAT r they?

      Ooop… yr demoNcratic upholding of freedom!

  2. South Korea's capital Seoul has 6,000 North Korean artillery guns within its range. On the very conservative rate of each gun firing 3 rounds per minute, within 1 hour North Korea has the capability fire 1,000,000 artillery shells to turn Seoul into a sea of flames.
    Estimated casualties in Seoul of such an attack by North Korea 1,000,000 dead and wounded.

    Who is the warmonger here ?

    Iran's openly given State objective for the destruction of the Israel.
    Since it is a physical impossibility for Iran to invade Israel, the objective of Iran's nuclear bomb program is obvious.

    Who is the warmonger here ?

  3. Wakakakaka…

    Why NKorea is arming to the teeth?

    Ooop… u never give that a thought! All yr mfering neurons r worrying about NK attacking SK. What about the other way round?

    Iran's openly given State objective for the destruction of the Israel. So too is IsraelZ's destruction to Iran!

    Moreover, the Zionist has nuclear warheads capability - no thanks to yr uncle Sam.

    U have NEVER a schooled in deterrence.

    Or deterrence only applies to yr choosing side!

    Indeed, mfer, WHO is the warmonger here ?
