
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Russia now has right to build military bases in eastern Ukraine, say treaties [ West: Taiwan OK, Donetsk & Lugansk People’s Republic No No No]


Russia now has right to build military bases in eastern Ukraine, say treaties

A man walks past a road sign in the town of Avdiivka, Donetsk region, located on the front-line with Russia backed separatists on February 21, 2022. — AFP pic

MOSCOW, Feb 22 — Russia has acquired the right to build military bases in Ukraine’s two breakaway regions under treaties signed by President Vladimir Putin with their separatist leaders.

Putin yesterday officially recognised the two breakaway regions — the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic — as independent statelets, defying Western warnings that such a step would be illegal and kill peace negotiations.

Under the two identical friendship treaties, submitted by Putin for ratification by parliament, Russia has the right to build bases in the separatist regions and they, on paper, can do the same in Russia.

The parties commit to defend each other and sign separate agreements on military cooperation and on recognition of each other’s borders.

The border issue is significant because the separatists claim parts of the two regions that are currently under the control of Ukraine. A Russian parliament member and former Donetsk political leader told Reuters last month that the separatists would look to Russia to help them wrest control of these areas.

The 31-point treaties also say Russia and the breakaway statelets will work to integrate their economies. Both of them are former industrial areas in need of massive support to rebuild after eight years of war with Ukrainian government forces.

The 10-year treaties are automatically renewable for further five-year periods unless one of the parties gives notice to withdraw. — Reuters


  1. Ktemoc is so childish in his support for Russia and China.

    Since when did any Western country recognise Taiwan as independent ? As Putin has done with the breakaway regions in Ukraine.

    Taiwan is NOT a breakaway region.
    The People's Republic of China has never controlled a single square inch of Taiwan for a single second.
    Taiwan did NOT arise from any Western sponsored insurgency.
    The PLA never managed to cross the Taiwan Straits.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      AGAIN, do game-fully in parading yr know-nothingness in geopolitics!

      But then, ain't that's all about that prevailing fart filling that well dwellers.

  2. For too long, the government of Russia has been criticized for not stopping the shelling of Donbass....year after year, after 2014. What held back Putin was the promise of Ukraine's " we believe in the Minsk Agreement". Well, it looks like they don't really !

    Ukraine has adamantly refused to implement the Minsk Agreement, continued to to kill civilians in Donbass and the West has done nothing to stop them.

    The funny thing is this : Now that Russia has recognized Donetsk and Luhansk, the very first words EU uttered was..." That's against the Minsk Agreement." ! Have they been sleeping during the 8 years when Ukraine stubbornly refused to implement the Minsk Agreement ? More like pretending to sleep and we know how difficult it is to wake up a person pretending to sleep, hehe

    [To date, almost 100 young adults/children died, with thousands of civilian adults having lost their lives in these 8 years of attacks by the Nazi elements of the Ukraine administration...even as we speak, children and women were being evacuated to safe houses, and in past years, refugees have fled to the Rostov-on-Don region of Russia]

    The Go-To guy with the best analysis and critical information now is Alexander M :

    Alex spoke in this video just prior to Putin's acceptance of Donbass' independence. But he certainly had factored in this probability and he outlined very realistically the consequences, with the West being affected the most.

  3. Germany just halt certification of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Dumb move...this is exactly what the Master wanted all along :)

    This German MP gave it straight from the shoulder, a most refreshing watch :

    1. The EU is going to face a VERY cold&expensive winter - aka Texas-style for the electricity heating bill!

  4. For those mfers who cry Xinjiang 'genocide' DO a soul search for the real happenstances in the eastern Ukraine regions!

    There many eastern Ukrainian having a long cultural ties with Russia - sharing same Orthodox Christianity, language.

    There r also many minority that reside in Donetsk Oblast. Mainly Greek & Hungarian descendents having live for century in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine.

    Many of them r facing atrocious inhumane treatments from the administration in Kyiv. Thus enforcing them to lamenting/looking for Russia protection when they were faring much much better ethnical rights!

    Hungarians in Ukraine, are the fifth largest national minority in the country. They are largely concentrated in the Zakarpattia Oblast.

    Since 2017, the eastern Ukrainian/Greeks/Hungarians face rapidly sopo deteriorations over the issue of Ukraine's education law. This education law makes Ukrainian the required language of primary education in state schools from grade five. This is a sort of purposeful policy, which besides narrowing the rights of all minorities, tries to portray the Hungarian minority as the enemy in Ukrainian public opinion.

    The situation since then has been ongoing in problem, as Hungary continues to block Ukraine's attempt to integrate within the EU and NATO over disputes on minority rights.

    Wakakaka… would u western demoNcratic acolytes ever read about such news?
