
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Unnecessary troubling question by Pahang Mufti


Ensure Covid-19 vaccines are halal, says Pahang Mufti

Mufti Abdul Rahman Osman says no Muslim will object if the Covid-19 vaccine is halal and has no forbidden items as per shariah law (AP pic)

PETALING JAYA: Pahang mufti Abdul Rahman Osman hopes the much spoken about Covid-19 vaccine will be halal to ensure peace of mind among Muslims.

He said while the utmost importance in Islamic law was to save lives, health authorities must ensure the vaccine was free from items deemed to be forbidden by the religion.

“We must ensure that it is halal. If there are no forbidden items in the vaccines, as per shariah laws, it should not harm anyone. If this is fulfilled, there will be no objections,” he told FMT.

Rahman was responding to comments by netizens on Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin’s social media account where they raised questions regarding the vaccine’s halal status.

Mufti Abdul Rahman Osman

Former deputy health minister Dr Lee Boon Chye said the halal concerns would be addressed by the health ministry, with advice from the National Fatwa Council.

“The ministry would first and foremost evaluate the vaccine in terms of efficacy and safety. It must be said in order to return to normal life, vaccines are the best way forward.”

Putrajaya had recently said it would make advance bookings for the vaccine through its participation in the Covid-19 Vaccine Global Access initiative, with an estimated cost of over RM3 billion.


kt notes:

Many medicine have alcoholic context so would theoretically be haram (forbidden) to Muslims. But fortunately for Muslims, Allah swt is MOST MERCIFUL and allows exceptions (told to me by Muslim friends aeons ago when I was working in KL, Kedah and Sabah-Sarawak, wakakaka).

If I remember, they said that: "He (Allah) has only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that on which any other name has been invoked besides that of Allah."

"But if one is forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits, then he is guiltless. For Allah is Most Forgiving and Most Merciful" - Surah al-Baqarah, V: 173.

Indeed, and no thanks to that Pahang Mufti. Podah.

That's right, the answer would be yes, it is permissible if (a) It is saving a life and (b) There is no available Halal alternative.

I wonder why the Pahang Mufti posed such a troubling question, troubling to devoted Muslims, where the exemption is well-known to many Muslims.

In the final analysis, it's not only a unnecessary troubling question but a useless one from a nasty eff-er.

Let us recall that in June 2016, the Pahang Mufti branded non-Muslim Malaysians as ‘kafir harbi’, unbelievers who can be killed if they are deemed enemies of Islam.

T'was reported Mufti Abdul Rahman used the expression in a statement he made on 23 June saying that Muslims would be committing a sin if they backed the Democratic Action Party (DAP), an opposition party that drew its supported mainly from Sino-Malaysians.

Apart from drawing shocked responses from Malaysia's church leaders, even the Chief Mufti of Perlis, Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, criticised the Pahang Mufti, saying that the term "kafir harbi" is reserved for non-Muslims who reject and oppose Islam, conspire with the enemies of Islam and have no peace agreement with Dar-al-Islam (land where a Muslim government rules and the Holy Law of Islam prevails).

"No religion will ask you to kill another person just like that, and that has never happened before. I very deeply regret this type of remark”.


  1. The Pahang mufti is the kind of muslim who gives non-muslims a good reason to think the worst of islam

  2. It is a valid requirement.
    No vaccine in existence produces 100% immunity.

    At a Whole Society level, Vaccination is effective when it produces Herd immunity.
    E.g. 70% of a population has 70% immunity generates a kind a wall against the spread of a disease.

    To get anywhere near 70% vaccination will definitely require the confidence and trust of a majority of the population.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      R u implying religious confidence and trust of a majority of the population?

      What happened if the majority r zombies?

    2. zombie with choice vs zombie with no choice mah.

    3. Wow!!!

      What an insight into zombies!

      A living dead can make choice!

      A super duper Formosa zombie, maybe?

      Quick, do a selling to yr dangdut pals. They have been searching high & low, within that petrified jelly, to overcome zombiecism.

      If those 台毒 zombies can really think, then the ketuanan narrative would be alive & well into 72 houris days for yr dangdut pals!

    4. yes they can, they did claim very happy in pew survey.

    5. Wow!!!

      Pew survey on Formosa katak!

    6. taiwanese response to pew is, i will give my vote to tsai. i want dpp, while what zombie can tick in pew is i am happy, i am very happy, i am not that happy.

      see the diff btw human n zombie?

    7. Did u dictate the pew questionnaire?

      How about those from BBC, CNN, WP etc etc?

      AGAIN, u r their referential?

      Know-nothing katak cloaking at the light bulb as if it's a moon!

      See the difference between zombified katak & Chinese?

    8. i guess base on fact, i know what question is allowed n not allowed in ccp land. so tell me can pew ask question that lead to taiwanese answer i wrote above?

      see the diff how pew conduct their survey question for people in free world n zombie in ccp land?

    9. Pew is foreign based & the questionnaire is specially designed to extract a set of desired response!

      Yet pew survey DIDN'T get what it's desired.

      This is based on FACT.

      Since u don't work for pew, yr opinion about "what question is allowed n not allowed in ccp land" is purely yours to fart about.

      BTW, show proof lah about pew ask question that lead to taiwanese answer that u wrote above lah.

      Perhaps pew has too much corporate pride to entertain a survey on a katak-ised Taiwan. No?

      Different indeed!

  3. Don't worry. Tunggu 6 bulan lagi mungkin boleh pakai vaksin Yahudi tampa was was....

    But for non-Muslims they can be vaccinated earlier, probably using Bullyland's vaccine which is of unknown origin or Pfizer's one using rDNA technology which some Islamic scholars (such as this Mufti) has qualms about.....

    Israel begins human trials on COVID-19 vaccine
    Source: Xinhua| 2020-11-01
    Editor: huaxia

    JERUSALEM, Nov. 1 (Xinhua) -- Israel began human trials of a COVID-19 vaccine on Sunday, Hadassah and Sheba Medical Centers said.

    In Sheba hospital, located in central Israel, a 26-year-old business student was injected with the novel "BriLife" vaccine created by the Israeli Institute of Biological Research (IIBR).

    Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who visited Sheba hospital on Sunday, said that "the true exit from the coronavirus crisis is in the development of vaccines. Therefore, this is a very important day, which gives a shot of encouragement."

    At the same time, another 34-year-old volunteer was vaccinated at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem.

    This month, about 80 more volunteers will be vaccinated at the two hospitals, with half receiving a vaccine and the others receiving a placebo vaccine.

    Then, over a period of three weeks, the researchers will test whether the volunteers vaccinated developed antibodies.

    The second phase, scheduled for December, will include safety tests to be conducted on 960 volunteers.

    In the third and final phase, in about six months, the effectiveness of the vaccine will be tested with the participation of up to 30,000 volunteers.

    IIBR, a governmental institute founded in 1952 and located in the central city of Ness Ziona, deals with applied research in the fields of biology, microbiology, medical chemistry, natural sciences and environmental sciences.

  4. Religious bigot of the worst kind.

    Kafir harbi only exist when a state follows a strict syaria law, unfortunately màlausial is not. So simply put there is no kafir harbi here. He should know this but then maybe he is so stupid his brain is full with toilet water.

    Look at his picture, is that a face of an intelligent person? I doubt it.
